High IQ women have lower standards.



Aug 28, 2023
As the post says, a lot of the time high IQ women have ,,lower” in theoretic way standards.
Let me explain, from dumb to normal IQ ltb’s to stacies they all want the same thing from a man:
He has to be rich, tall and attractive (not saying this is wrong and some have only one or two of those as a standard, for me it’s simply because they think they’re unique and don’t realise their flaws opposing normal IQ males.
How many fat/ugly women you see making thirst traps on tik tok not realising nobody gives a fuck about them? A LOT
How many men? Nearly impossible to find lol, ofc for us the ,,tik tok pretty boy’s” are mtn’s but their appeal carries them.
I got off track, how is it that high IQ women have higher standards:
Well, since most of you incels don’t talk to women I’ve done the job for you and I gotta say two things:
1. Experience from talking to foids varies on their intelligence.
2. Foids with average IQ or below are impossible to talk to because they are on children level or think they are shit.
A common trait in these ,,women” are them thinking they can seduce a top 1% man.
A lot of girls said ,,Jude Bellingham is going to be my husband” or ,,Gavi, Zalewski is going to be my husband” not realising they are mtb’s at best.
I got off track jfl.
High IQ women see you as a person not as a tool to achieve something with you, they have very different understanding of love than dumb foids.
They care about your interests, about what you have to say, are open to discuss without saying ,,I think it’s right so it’s right” and know how attractive they are.
They know that if they are normal foids they have no chance of dating a htn rich tall footballer.
And they actually are more loyal since they see you as a person and not as a tool.
Thing to notice in ,,women’s fantasies” is that now, there is a tik tok trend going AND EVERY SINGLE WOMAN HAS THE SAME GOAL: MARRY RICH, DON’T WORK, DRINK OVERPRICED DRINKS.
Yeah, sorry for a lot of thinking here so I got off topic sometimes but that is what I’m thinking about right now, htn’s check what I’ve said and you’ll see I’m right.
Thanks for reading.
We’re all gonna make it.
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  • JFL
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So where are these high IQ foids and how can i talk with them? btw if you aren't high IQ yourself i'm guessing it's over.
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all women want a man who is smarter than them even high iq foids
So where are these high IQ foids and how can i talk with them? btw if you aren't high IQ yourself i'm guessing it's over.
Well, it’s not easy to locate them cause foids mask their intelligence a lot of the time.
There isn’t a one case on ,,you will find smart girls in the library” cause a lot of these book reading chicks are dumb asses who read love stories about chad that is Mafia boss:lul:.
You will know when you will talk to one but you have to do it 1 on 1.
Also it’s not over if you aren’t high IQ, foids don’t realise how smarter they are from their concureniton and don’t think High IQ is a looksmax.
all women want a man who is smarter than them even high iq foids
You’re wrong and right at the same time.
Form my experience while women love a smarter man you have to make them feel smart too or they will get complexes from your intelligence :lul:.
And the difference can’t be collosal high IQ org user can’t be with some average IQ Becky or both of them are not gonna be happy.
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Well, it’s not easy to locate them cause foids mask their intelligence a lot of the time.
There isn’t a one case on ,,you will find smart girls in the library” cause a lot of these book reading chicks are dumb asses who read love stories about chad that is Mafia boss:lul:.
You will know when you will talk to one but you have to do it 1 on 1.
Also it’s not over if you aren’t high IQ, foids don’t realise how smarter they are from their concureniton and don’t think High IQ is a looksmax.
But that's the issue, average guy can't just talk to 100 foids until he finally finds a high IQ one, how do you determine they're high IQ before you initiate conversation? there must be some telltale signs subtle or otherwise that you ucan use to determine roughly a foids intellect level.
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all women want a man who is smarter than them even high iq foids
That's because they want a man who is competent and so he has to be high IQ or at the very least higher IQ than them, what foid wants to marry a guy who is dumber than them and incompetent? none
You’re wrong and right at the same time.
Form my experience while women love a smarter man you have to make them feel smart too or they will get complexes from your intelligence :lul:.
And the difference can’t be collosal high IQ org user can’t be with some average IQ Becky or both of them are not gonna be happy.
Most couples are IQmatched tbh, maybe 5 points difference at best.
  • Hmm...
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But that's the issue, average guy can't just talk to 100 foids until he finally finds a high IQ one, how do you determine they're high IQ before you initiate conversation? there must be some telltale signs subtle or otherwise that you ucan use to determine roughly a foids intellect level.
education level maybe? not necessarily true there are some hard workin foids who have average iq and managed to get into good unis but i'm assuming there is a correlation between good unis and iq levels

just try seducing harvard staceys jfl

on a side note i don't think there is a sign that a foid is high iq but there are definitely signs that she's dumb I've spoken to some girls that you realize are sub 90 iq within 5 mins of convo
But that's the issue, average guy can't just talk to 100 foids until he finally finds a high IQ one, how do you determine they're high IQ before you initiate conversation? there must be some telltale signs subtle or otherwise that you ucan use to determine roughly a foids intellect level.
That’s good question but there really is no big tell.
Let me explain my thinking.
Everything a foid ,,could do” to make her high IQ:
Be good at school/maths etc.
Have hobbies
Not be too overshared on social media
Not be left wing :lul:
EVERYTHING I mentioned I met dumb foids doing and smart ones, not a single tell.
For me, just talk to them and you’ll find out very quickly.
And a man can talk to 100 foids but a man must be at least mtn and working in big company/school.
You’re wrong and right at the same time.
Form my experience while women love a smarter man you have to make them feel smart too or they will get complexes from your intelligence :lul:.
And the difference can’t be collosal high IQ org user can’t be with some average IQ Becky or both of them are not gonna be happy.
maybe if you try to make it obvious that you are smarter
but if you are lowkey about it she will notice and actually like it
they just want to turn they brain off and let you handle everything jfl
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That’s good question but there really is no big tell.
Let me explain my thinking.
Everything a foid ,,could do” to make her high IQ:
Be good at school/maths etc.
Have hobbies
Not be too overshared on social media
Not be left wing :lul:
EVERYTHING I mentioned I met dumb foids doing and smart ones, not a single tell.
For me, just talk to them and you’ll find out very quickly.
And a man can talk to 100 foids but a man must be at least mtn and working in big company/school.
The problem with foids is that the high IQ ones almost always have issues and are not good long term partners imo. An average intelligence nice/kind foid will be an infinitely better partner than some high IQ knowitall.
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The problem with foids is that the high IQ ones almost always have issues and are not good long term partners imo. An average intelligence nice/kind foid will be an infinitely better partner than some high IQ knowitall.
I absolutely agree, I had a privilege of dating high IQ htb (mom was a model) with big tits and big ass that was 185 cm tall at 13 :lul:.
I was 160 cm tall I think at the time (now like 176 cm tall) and was worse looking than now and now I am htn.
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its actually the opposite high iq women are way more selective/blackpilled
  • JFL
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High IQ women means a prestigious job, and those girls NEVER date down career/income wise. So yeah maybe she will go for money and status more instead of face and height
Lmao this is the biggest delusion ever.
Higher Iq chicks are way more slective. You might be focusing on those outlier girls who go full hoe mode even though htey are smarter + career oriented.

Not the norm.
Dumb chicks are easy as hell to fuck.
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Also its the "smarter" girls who end up single and childless at 40 meanwhile "dumber" chicks are married with kids in their 20s
Lmao this is the biggest delusion ever.
Higher Iq chicks are way more slective. You might be focusing on those outlier girls who go full hoe mode even though htey are smarter + career oriented.

Not the norm.
Dumb chicks are easy as hell to fuck.
Jfl, fucking and being in relationship is two different things, and maybe for fucking high iq chicks are more selective.
High IQ women means a prestigious job, and those girls NEVER date down career/income wise. So yeah maybe she will go for money and status more instead of face and height
High IQ doesn’t mean prestigious job, Met female lawyers and wondered if they got the job by sucking dick by how dumb they are.
And I never said ,,date down” i said that they know their worth more and don’t have the insane modern standards
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