Hiring a third worldcel to work for me full time - How tf does contracting work??


Deleted member 26859

Greatest Blackpill Philosopher of Our Time
Feb 25, 2023
Hiring a third worldcel to work for me full time

so i researched and theres 3 options

1. create a company in third world country and hire them via that. however its a long process and u cant own 100% of the business a local needs to own 60% so its just a mess

2. geo companies. they own a company in hundreds of countries and will let u hire them via their company. but theyre ur employee in reality. but the cost seems too expensive. its saying like 600USD per month per employee just for fees for using them? like tf? the whole point of hiring third world is so u can just pay them 200usd per month

3. contractors.

market for the company. The remote contractor is not subject to your local employment laws. You are also not concerned with tax payments or other perks from a full-time employee. However, many foreign workers may not be willing to work under these conditions.##

Without an EOR, most U.S. companies choose to treat international employees as independent contractors. This can cause a host of problems for workers and businesses if they are not careful. People who work as contractors must generally be free from restrictions about when they work, how they receive payments, the rates they charge, and whether they can work for multiple companies. Workers who do not meet the definition of contractor may be considered employees under local jurisdictions.

Companies hiring remote workers may be inclined to hire the worker as a contractor rather than an employee. This does have its advantages, as the company only has to set up a contract, confirm work progress and send payment, and the worker takes care of their own taxes and contributions as they are self-employed. Some workers prefer this or are already set up this way, but many are not prepared to be independent.

The downsides to hiring contractors is that there is typically less control by the company and the worker may not feel as loyal or connected to the business. Moreover, the worker could be re-classified by authorities as an employee if they don’t meet self-employment criteria. This would mean payment by the company of back taxes, contributions and in some cases penalties for misclassification.

Basically with hiring them as a contractor u dont have to worry about any legal or taxes shit. U can just pay them

But the problem is,
"An independent contractor is usually hired on a non-exclusive basis to accomplish specific tasks based on a fixed salary or wages as mutually agreed. However, the contractor has the freedom to decide when and how they do their job. The employer is not required to withhold taxes on behalf of their contractor or offer them benefits. You can learn more about the differences between the employee and contractor classifications in Remote’s expert guide to understanding misclassification."

you cant tell them when to do their job, and u cant tell them how to do their job.

so thats like the polar opposite of what i want.

i suppose id have to say

"if you worked 9-5, 5 days per week for me, you'd earn $250.. but you can work whenever you want"

and "you could do the job like this... however you can do it however u want"

and the law says if u try make them like an employee u can get hefty fines and shit for fraud

but like wtf. is it strict? can i just tell them whatever? or do i have to be meticulous about what i say to them and how i command them?

also i should check how bad the fines are

also the next step is trying to find out how to actually hire someone as a contractor from third world. id imagine just posting on job boards in their country?
don't hire them. instead ask them to do you a favor, and for that favor you appreciate it so much u gave them some money.

not financial advice.
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  • JFL
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Lil bro wants a 3rd world slave.
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doubts you have money, experience, power to hire/lead someone when this is your 5 account here
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  • JFL
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Better to just rob a bank in Minecraft then hidemaxx with your money from the FBI in rural SEA
Are you talking about physical work or you want them to work online for you?
Then what the hell is the problem just tell them what to do and then send the money, wth u talking about contracting for? Send them on paypal or something
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Then what the hell is the problem just tell them what to do and then send the money, wth u talking about contracting for? Send them on paypal or something
idk dont you need a contract or something

u cant just get them to work 40 hours per week for months while not registered as an employee or contractor?
idk dont you need a contract or something

u cant just get them to work 40 hours per week for months while not registered as an employee or contractor?
I would rather pay them a result based salary. If you pay per hour they wont be motivated to do their best. I dont know about the laws but who is gonna know that you pay some indian guy 100$ a month?
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  • JFL
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An independent contractor is usually hired on a non-exclusive basis to accomplish specific tasks based on a fixed salary or wages as mutually agreed. However, the contractor has the freedom to decide when and how they do their job. The employer is not required to withhold taxes on behalf of their contractor or offer them benefits. You can learn more about the differences between the employee and contractor classifications in Remote’s expert guide to understanding misclassification."

you cant tell them when to do their job, and u cant tell them how to do their job.
I have been to multiple countries, heard of multiple companies, and I haven't seen workers have the freedom of not being told when and how their job should be done to the extent of your worry.

You're better off seeking formal legal advice, from your own country, and the one that you're intending to have people work for you - some might call this thread a brag.

Regarding to contracts, companies give me the impression of seeking as little bound as they can get away with, while protecting their business. I have heard of "temporary work terms" that can actually go on undefinitely. While it's true that you can "work when you want and how you want", not fulfilling general specific requirements of when and how you work will make said person unsuitable and will simply be used by the company until they can get someone else who is willing to work in line with the company's need.
A practical example I've seen:

4.2 psl Jorge sees the add job. Jorge technically can work when he wants, if he works today and not tomorrow you can't do anything. You cannot force him. If he takes an hour to do a 30 minutes job you cannot legally force him either. However, you're unhappy as from your perspective this person is unrealiable or lazy. Then the entity informs Jorge that they don't need him at the moment, as it's "temporary". Companies make sure they are on the legal grounds in which they can just behave this way. But in reality they're looking for someone else who wants to work in a way and at a time in which the company considers valuable.

Depending on the legal grounds in which you want to move/have move and the size of your activities you can go as simple as what people have proposed, paypal/ e wallet, or whatever. You'd need to find a way for people to trust you and that you trust them so nobody is deceived. However if you knew that you would have to give answers to a regulation entity regarding how your company is getting its job done then this is not the answer.
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I live in a third world country and have developer friends who work without a contract, and even worse they get payed with a delay.

If you are able to get someone to promote the job your offering in the country you want it would be easier, just explain them how things will work and that's it.
Rules on third world shitholes barely exist.
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I met an old friend at the bar the other night. He is from a rich as fuck family and he had this indian worker with him who works on his online business.
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I have been to multiple countries, heard of multiple companies, and I haven't seen workers have the freedom of not being told when and how their job should be done to the extent of your worry.

You're better off seeking formal legal advice, from your own country, and the one that you're intending to have people work for you - some might call this thread a brag.

Regarding to contracts, companies give me the impression of seeking as little bound as they can get away with, while protecting their business. I have heard of "temporary work terms" that can actually go on undefinitely. While it's true that you can "work when you want and how you want", not fulfilling general specific requirements of when and how you work will make said person unsuitable and will simply be used by the company until they can get someone else who is willing to work in line with the company's need.
A practical example I've seen:

4.2 psl Jorge sees the add job. Jorge technically can work when he wants, if he works today and not tomorrow you can't do anything. You cannot force him. If he takes an hour to do a 30 minutes job you cannot legally force him either. However, you're unhappy as from your perspective this person is unrealiable or lazy. Then the entity informs Jorge that they don't need him at the moment, as it's "temporary". Companies make sure they are on the legal grounds in which they can just behave this way. But in reality they're looking for someone else who wants to work in a way and at a time in which the company considers valuable.

Depending on the legal grounds in which you want to move/have move and the size of your activities you can go as simple as what people have proposed, paypal/ e wallet, or whatever. You'd need to find a way for people to trust you and that you trust them so nobody is deceived. However if you knew that you would have to give answers to a regulation entity regarding how your company is getting its job done then this is not the answer.
brocel i still just dont fucking get it. i even just had a consultation with a lawyer and IT STILL DOESNT MAKE FUCKING SENSE

how the fuck am i meant to give them instructions and a schedule on how to do the job. if im not allowed to do that otherwise it will cause misclassification of an employee?!?!?
While it's true that you can "work when you want and how you want", not fulfilling general specific requirements of when and how you work will make said person unsuitable and will simply be used by the company until they can get someone else who is willing to work in line with the company's need
but if they can work how and when they want, putting a "general specific requirement" is literally requiring them to not work how and when they want!??!?! which literally is breaking the law?!?! i just dont fucking get it man pls can u explain to me
brocel i still just dont fucking get it. i even just had a consultation with a lawyer and IT STILL DOESNT MAKE FUCKING SENSE

how the fuck am i meant to give them instructions and a schedule on how to do the job. if im not allowed to do that otherwise it will cause misclassification of an employee?!?!?
you LARP as another friendly contractor or a client (not real people) whom is showing how to do the job
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you LARP as another friendly contractor or a client (not real people) whom is showing how to do the job
very smart man, thank you for this

how did u know that?
brocel i still just dont fucking get it. i even just had a consultation with a lawyer and IT STILL DOESNT MAKE FUCKING SENSE

how the fuck am i meant to give them instructions and a schedule on how to do the job. if im not allowed to do that otherwise it will cause misclassification of an employee?!?!?

but if they can work how and when they want, putting a "general specific requirement" is literally requiring them to not work how and when they want!??!?! which literally is breaking the law?!?! i just dont fucking get it man pls can u explain to me
@RAITEIII did u have any idea the answer to this brocel?
you LARP as another friendly contractor or a client (not real people) whom is showing how to do the job

If he were to do this, the larp has to be fully off licence because from what he says his company is not legally established to funcion as an intermediary (client---- OP business--- 3rd worldcel) and isn't paying taxes from any supposed "client's payment"/contractor's - at this point I'm guessing he's entering gray legal grounds, so it's worth to keep caution! It's good as long as none discovers or reports anything

@Ai Impact perhaps you can larp a fake "employee" of yours that will give them training of what they do. Technically, the person u wanna hire does not work for your "employee" so it could be a potential work around.

I still feel like the way you portray "they cant be told how and when to work" isnt exactly accurate. They will have goals to meet, if they do not, they will be replaced.

I am confused as to why you had a consultation with a lawyer but still remain with doubts. Can you share what he explained to you? He knows how many people you want to hire, the exact nature of your company, US legal matters...

will this person have the same type of job? Or it will change from time to time? If so then more terms might be needed.

For me that I worked in those conditions in the past I can understand it. I could not work if I wanted to. And I could not be told to do things I didn't want to do JFL. But at the same time I know that I have to do at a schedule and have to do certain things a certain way, or else I'd be disposable... it's an unwritten law ngl. Did the lawyer clarify how you will lay off employers that are no longer needed? I.e dont work how u want
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