Historically Europe was always known as a barbarian, backward, violent and overall not a nice place to live

Pneuma Palingenesis

Pneuma Palingenesis

The true spirit will always prevail over the flesh
Sep 16, 2024
It has only changed recently (18/19th century), before that Europe was considered one of the worst civilized places to live. Excluding certain regions of southern europe (Iberia, Italia, Hellada and Anatolia) the rest was extremely rough and for most of history Europeans were wallowing in poverty, experiencing constant wars and no prosperity whatsoever. Compared to regions of Asia such as middle east, India, China, Indonesia and regions of north africa and certain regions of americas before the age of columbus, Europe was truly a bleak place full of misery, despair and devoid of any hope and sun. Freezing weather and short vegetative period led to European cuisine to be mostly meat based, primitive and barbarian in its essense. "European religion" (which twisted version of Christianity is) also is devoid of any deep spiritual knowledge and was used by shadow Roman Empire (Vatica) to rule over people with iron fist. Nowdays we live in exceptional times when europe is considered to be a peak of civilization, but as other civilizations that were left behind start catching up to Europe (especially China and India) it will become apparent that european superiority was all but faceade. Europe doesnt have bright future whatsoever, as its prosperity was built upon enslavement, conquest, expansion and imperial type economy (one region stealing resources from the others). China was always prosperous without needing to conquer new lands and enslaving their people, the same goes with india and countries like Persia, Egypt and south east asia.

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DNR, Europe is gay
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DNR, Europe is gay

keep coping fellow ethniccel whites are gods

and before muh iq map muh east asia cope iq=/= intellectual ability:ogre::ogre::ogre::ogre::ogre::ogre:

id say the only ethnic nation to match whites in intellect are japanese ricemen, but they are the only exception
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keep coping fellow ethniccel whites are gods
I'm white european and Europe is a degenerate society that should be torched to the ground.
The avarage ethnic is at least 5 times more based then the avarage european.
Just 2 days ago I saw the houthis in Yemen baned foids from going to school and forced them back into the home, holy fucking based eurocucks could never, our civilization is dying because we let our foids get so hypergamous that most young men are now incel, we can't even replace ourselves demographically. This is no civilization worth anything.
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I'm white european and Europe is a degenerate society that should be torched to the ground.
The avarage ethnic is at least 5 times more based then the avarage european.
Just 2 days ago I saw the houtihes in Yemen baned foids from going to school and forced them back into the home, holy fucking based eurocucks could never, our civilization is dying because we let our foids get so hypergamous that most young men are now incel, we can't even replace ourselves demographically. This is no civilization worth anything.
cycles.... things change with time
I'm white european and Europe is a degenerate society that should be torched to the ground.
The avarage ethnic is at least 5 times more based then the avarage european.
Just 2 days ago I saw the houtihes in Yemen baned foids from going to school and forced them back into the home, holy fucking based eurocucks could never, our civilization is dying because we let our foids get so hypergamous that most young men are now incel, we can't even replace ourselves demographically. This is no civilization worth anything.
What matters in your lifetime is that you save yourself and help things improve. These macro things will take generations to change
I'm white european and Europe is a degenerate society that should be torched to the ground.
The avarage ethnic is at least 5 times more based then the avarage european.
Just 2 days ago I saw the houthis in Yemen baned foids from going to school and forced them back into the home, holy fucking based eurocucks could never, our civilization is dying because we let our foids get so hypergamous that most young men are now incel, we can't even replace ourselves demographically. This is no civilization worth anything.
save your blood*(if you want to have kids etc, go to asia if you think thats the only way)
What matters in your lifetime is that you save yourself and help things improve. These macro things will take generations to change
I'l geomax out of this hellhole as soon as I get my masters degree done, fuck this shit man working all my life to get treated like dogshit by white LTB's, thank God for JBW it's my only cope at this point.
I'm white european and Europe is a degenerate society that should be torched to the ground.
The avarage ethnic is at least 5 times more based then the avarage european.
Just 2 days ago I saw the houthis in Yemen baned foids from going to school and forced them back into the home, holy fucking based eurocucks could never, our civilization is dying because we let our foids get so hypergamous that most young men are now incel, we can't even replace ourselves demographically. This is no civilization worth anything.
true actually if based aliens invaded earth tomorrow, iqmogging and techmogging whites, no one will give a shit about europe anymore,sad but true :ogre::ogre::ogre::ogre::ogre::ogre::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn:

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