HISTORY: What is st Valentine’s Day



Crusader ghazi jihadi mujahideen, YESHUA ACKBAR
Sep 19, 2021

HAPPY SAINT VALENTINES, well if your Anglican or Lutheran protescuck :lul::lul::lul:.

Happy All Saints’ Day to the Roman Catholics
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St valentine pray for us Saint, give us Christian’s the strength to die for our faith and spread the religion so the heathens and apostates see the truth of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and may we all celebrate the Lord in paradise forever with our Lord our God amen

🙏 ☦️✝️
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@Jason Voorhees @PsychoH @LancasteR learn your history

@buddhistking are you celebrating it? Go tell your mother happy valanetine show respects to her beliefs. This is true love the love one shows for their family and friends not this vapid corruption of the day where secular normies use it for fornication
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St valentine pray for us Saint, give us Christian’s the strength to die for our faith and spread the religion so the heathens and apostates see the truth of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and may we all celebrate the Lord in paradise forever with our Lord our God amen

🙏 ☦️✝️
Your literally praying to a dead man
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Your literally praying to a dead man
Just like your Quran says a man in paradise is t dead they are alive :love:

Sura 2:154 Never say that those martyred in the cause of Allah are dead—in fact, they are alive! But you do not perceive it.

The prophets prayed to “dead” men and God loves his followers so much that he gives them the ability to pray for us in heaven because the prayer of a holy man is more powerful than that of an sinner
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Just like your Quran says a man in paradise is t dead they are alive :love:

Sura 2:154 Never say that those martyred in the cause of Allah are dead—in fact, they are alive! But you do not perceive it.

The prophets prayed to “dead” men and God loves his followers so much that he gives them the ability to pray for us in heaven because the prayer of a holy man is more powerful than that of an sinner
They are alive but you cannot pray to them, your making it sound like your directly addressing them rather than mediating it thru God
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fuck valentines day and fuck my shitty incel life
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@2025cel I am aware but he didn't provide any specific verses to back his claim up
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They are alive but you cannot pray to them, your making it sound like your directly addressing them rather than mediating it thru God
Muslims pray to Mohammed in their five daily prayers in their Tashahud
IMG 2209

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I mogged him with my other reply

Protestcucks are the same they are also against saint veneration because they are heretics why deny the 7th ecumenical council and like Mohammedens and modern rabbinical jews are all heathen pagan iconoclasts
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Jewish Corporations earning the bank today from Normie consoomerism
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Your praying to Allah swt on behalf of Muhammed saw
Lmfao… no you literally speak to him read the fucking Quote “peace be upon you oh prophet”

Your literally speaking too him.

Your religion is filled with inconsistencies it’s fuckin hilarious this is why I call evangelicals Muslims with the Bible you fuckers are different sides of the same coin fucking cringe race u lot are
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Lmfao… no you literally speak to him read the fucking Quote “peace be upon you oh prophet”

Your literally speaking too him.

Your religion is filled with inconsistencies it’s fuckin hilarious this is why I call evangelicals Muslims with the Bible you fuckers are different sides of the same coin fucking cringe race u lot are
Your mediating it through Allah swt
My problem is that your asking St valentine to pray for you which is ridiculous
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Your mediating it through Allah swt
My problem is that your asking St valentine to pray for you which is ridiculous
All prayer is mediated by God so what’s your point? The only reason saints have this power is due to god granting it to them in his mercy nothing more nothing less

Also fyi prayer doesn’t == worship jsut thought id let this be known now tbh prayer mean to ask, so we ask the saints to pray for us. Adoration and worship is to god and god alone but prayer as in asking the saints who are alive with God to pray for us isn’t shirk

Now you pray to the saints for god gave the saints the ability to hear our prayers and for the saints to pray for us (speak to god) on our behalf

This is all done via gods power and his permission he WANTS us to ask our patron saints and holy mother to pray for us as intercession and from there god does his miracles and answers us

Now you don’t have to do this evangelises and most protescucks don’t practice saint veneration and yet god stilll answers them but their prayers are obviously going to be less successful due to us appostollic christians using a wider tool set invoking the saints to intercede for us means they get to beg god for us
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every holiday is pagan accept the facts
Coming from the guy who fell for the “Roman church made Islam” meme yeah I’m not shocked you think that
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All prayer is mediated by God so what’s your point? The only reason saints have this power is due to god granting it to them in his mercy nothing more nothing less

Also fyi prayer doesn’t == worship jsut thought id let this be known now tbh prayer mean to ask, so we ask the saints to pray for us. Adoration and worship is to god and god alone but prayer as in asking the saints who are alive with God to pray for us isn’t shirk

Now you pray to the saints for god gave the saints the ability to hear our prayers and for the saints to pray for us (speak to god) on our behalf

This is all done via gods power and his permission he WANTS us to ask our patron saints and holy mother to pray for us as intercession and from there god does his miracles and answers us

Now you don’t have to do this evangelises and most protescucks don’t practice saint veneration and yet god stilll answers them but their prayers are obviously going to be less successful due to us appostollic christians using a wider tool set invoking the saints to intercede for us means they get to beg god for us
Why must you pray via the saints? Does your God not have a personal relationship with you?
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Coming from the guy who fell for the “Roman church made Islam” meme yeah I’m not shocked you think that
the jesuits did and they control the vatican. if you can't understand that all our days and holidays come from pagan gods and ceremonies then you're the problem
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the jesuits did and they control the vatican. if you can't understand that all our days and holidays come from pagan gods and ceremonies then you're the problem
Idc im not Roman Catholic :lul::lul::lul: u won’t defend them not the Jesuit’s your both fucking heretics

Christmas has been celebrated since the 3rd century. Easter was since the 1st but the day was finalised in the 1st council
Of nicea

St valanetines day was jsut a general saints day for Roman Catholics but when Protestants decided to go MGTOW they created their own tradition on the 14th making it about st valentine instead

Even all hallows eve is a day for Saint remembrance that protcucks fucking corrupted again into a secular holiday in typical protcuck fashion they couldn’t even leave Christmas as holy

None of this is from paganism :lul:

The joke is if you use google you’ll find out that all of this was before pagans that’s the joke. Pagans copied Christian’s :lul::lul::lul::lul:
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Idc im not Roman Catholic :lul::lul::lul: u won’t defend them not the Jesuit’s your both fucking heretics

Christmas has been celebrated since the 3rd century. Easter was since the 1st but the day was finalised in the 1st council
Of nicea

St valanetines day was jsut a general saints day for Roman Catholics but when Protestants decided to go MGTOW they created their own tradition on the 14th making it about st valentine instead

None of this is from paganism :lul:
literally all of it is from paganism, easter bunnies, giving presents, even the date 25th has nothing to do with jesus' birth it's the celebration of yule/saturnalia.
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literally all of it is from paganism, easter bunnies, giving presents, even the date 25th has nothing to do with jesus' birth it's the celebration of yule/saturnalia.
Did you not read my comment?

The holiday itself isn’t pagan in origin but protesCUCKs in their filthy list for removing the sanctity of everything secularised the holiday by adding stupid shit like Easter bunnies etc.

Saturnalia is from the 22-23rd December. Christianity is 25 from the 9 months after April when Jesus was predicted to be born. Ofc this is using the Gregorian Callander my church still does it on 6th January.

Also if you google once again the celebration of Christmas on the 25th was a thing well before the Yultide pagans decided to make a festival close to it to COMPETE with Christmas

These are all google searches away I dunno why idiots like you insist on spouting rubbish that can easily be refuted by using google
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Why must you pray via the saints? Does your God not have a personal relationship with you?
We do have a personal relationship with our god, unlike you a Muslim our god demonstrated that by becoming man yours didn’t our god can enter into creation and speak to us he doesn’t need Gabriel to speak for him, he has spoken to the saints in their life and they were blessed so much that they achieved Theosis and worked alongside god according to gods will they did his will on earth. The saints are closer to God than us and they pray for us they ask god to have mercy on us and they ask god to aid us nothing wrong with that at all the ancient Israelites did the same thing :lul::lul::lul: something Modern jews Evanglicals and Mohammedens seem to not even realise then get upset when we say we are the ONLY HEIRS OF ABRAHAM AND THE ONLY ONES WHO WORSHIP THR GOD OF ABRAHAM

Praying to saints is simply nothing more than intercession and respects like respexting a dead relative. We speak to god much more and once again unlike Muslims we don’t have to do vain repetition of repeating ayats we can speak to him in a normal conversation whenever and however we want unlike your 5 daily prayers at allotted times
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Did you not read my comment?

The holiday itself isn’t pagan in origin but protesCUCKs in their filthy list for removing the sanctity of everything secularised the holiday by adding stupid shit like Easter bunnies etc.

Saturnalia is from the 22-23rd December. Christianity is 25 from the 9 months after April when Jesus was predicted to be born. Ofc this is using the Gregorian Callander my church still does it on 6th January.

Also if you google once again the celebration of Christmas on the 25th was a thing well before the Yultide pagans decided to make a festival close to it to COMPETE with Christmas

These are all google searches away I dunno why idiots like you insist on spouting rubbish that can easily be refuted by using google
saturnalia is from 17th-25th. easter comes from the god of fertility named: ‘Ostara’, ‘Eastre’ or ‘Eostre’. jesus definetly wasnt born in winter it would be in spring.

Is Yule older than Christmas?

Although commonly associated with Christmas, the celebration of Yule goes back much further, having originated in Scandinavia thousands of years ago

the reason i brought up yule is because the name for christmas in scandinavian languages is jul.

my point is that our days and ceremonies come from pagan gods and ceremonies even some of the traditions.
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We do have a personal relationship with our god, unlike you a Muslim our god demonstrated that by becoming man yours didn’t our god can enter into creation and speak to us he doesn’t need Gabriel to speak for him, he has spoken to the saints in their life and they were blessed so much that they achieved Theosis and worked alongside god according to gods will they did his will on earth.

Praying to saints is simply nothing more than intercession and respects like respexting a dead relative. We speak to god much more and once again unlike Muslims we don’t have to do vain repetition of repeating ayats we can speak to him in a normal conversation whenever and however we want unlike your 5 daily prayers at allotted times
That is a whole another thing
Praying to a saint then asking that saint to tell God is far more wrong than praying to God and asking him to send peace to a dead person. What you mentioned about respecting a dead relative is far more close to the latter.
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That is a whole another thing
Praying to a saint then asking that saint to tell God is far more wrong than praying to God and asking him to send peace to a dead person. What you mentioned about respecting a dead relative is far more close to the latter.
Intercession (Tawassul): Some Muslims believe that, with Allahs permission, the Prophet Muhammad can intercede on their behalf. In this practice, a believer might mention or invoke the Prophets name as a way of seeking his intercession with Allah. However, this is not considered worship of the Prophet; rather, it is an appeal to his high status and his closeness to Allah.

Those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

And you don’t have to pray to saints it’s a choice and a sign of respect that up to you if you don’t wanna do it then you don’t have to lmfao :lul::lul::lul: And no it’s not wrong it’s the saint asking god to have mercy for you, saints in heaven are purified and perfect because god perfects them, humans are sinners and therefore our prayers are less impactful due to our evil, asking saints on our behalf increases the likelihood that he will listen to our hearts that’s all. But you can also pray to him directly it’s up to you as I said, I’d much rather use my whole toolkit than one part of it like some idiot

I’ll continue asking my saints to pray for us the same way the prophets asked and the same way the ancient Israelites like Joshua and king David did. Ima follow the prophets you can follow your false religion
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Intercession (Tawassul): Some Muslims believe that, with Allahs permission, the Prophet Muhammad can intercede on their behalf. In this practice, a believer might mention or invoke the Prophets name as a way of seeking his intercession with Allah. However, this is not considered worship of the Prophet; rather, it is an appeal to his high status and his closeness to Allah.

Those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

And you don’t have to pray to saints it’s a choice and a sign of respect that up to you if you don’t wanna do it then you don’t have to lmfao :lul::lul::lul: And no it’s not wrong it’s the saint asking god to have mercy for you, saints in heaven are purified and perfect because god perfects them, humans are sinners and therefore our prayers are less impactful due to our evil, asking saints on our behalf increases the likelihood that he will listen to our hearts that’s all. But you can also pray to him directly it’s up to you as I said, I’d much rather use my whole toolkit than one part of it like some idiot
2. I was not criticizing Christianity rather i was criticizing your prayer
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2. I was not criticizing Christianity rather i was criticizing your prayer
That’s criticising my religion and the prophets. So yes I’m correcting you and pointing out Muslims have similar concepts and do smaller things even if it’s not to the same degree.

I don’t care about iconoclasts nor about idiots who can’t tell the difference between saintly veneration and worship lol. You niggas are insaine and would call even MOSES and SOLOMON idolaters for praying before the Ark of the Covenant and praying in a temple decorated with images of angels and statues of cherubs :lul::lul::lul:

This is how false your cult is this is why I despise Islam Protestantism and modern rabbinical Judaism, they larp like they follow the prophets and worship God but the reality is they don’t
That’s criticising my religion and the prophets. So yes I’m correcting you and pointing out Muslims have similar concepts and do smaller things even if it’s not to the same degree.

I don’t care about iconoclasts nor about idiots who can’t tell the difference between saintly veneration and worship lol. You niggas are insaine and would call even MOSES and SOLOMON idolaters for praying before the Ark of the Covenant and praying in a temple decorated with images of angels and statues of cherubs :lul::lul::lul:

This is how false your cult is this is why I despise Islam Protestantism and modern rabbinical Judaism, they larp like they follow the prophets and worship God but the reality is they don’t
I was criticizing your prayer your own personal thing but you criticize something in my religion that I don't do and act as if we are both guilty / innocent of the greviance

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