Hitler was HUNG


Deleted member 23391

7" dicklet 5'10" manlet
Oct 28, 2022
Don't believe the jewish media lies that he had a micropenis. You can see it bulging through his trousers in several of his early speeches. And no, it's not a gun because you can see the same thing in many different photos and it dangled and swung when he spoke. It would explain his confidence and willpower. If you knew you had a dick that big, you would feel unmoggable and your mental state would be limitless. This is another reason it's 8x6 or death: not just pleasing women in bed, but the mental/confidence benefits.

Hitler penis size


Adolf hitler
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BWC mogger of joos
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huge austrian cawk!
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I did nazi that coming. Dad joke shit innit @RR2XCUP
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It makes sense really because Hitler had signs of very high prenatal T. His brow ridge was massive and he had a huge chin and jaw although you can't really see it because his maxilla wasn't very projecting. Actually, other than his maxilla, he had amazing facial bone development in general.
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I don't think it's as big as you say, his pants are pulled up so high which makes you think it is way longer than it is but its starting point might not be as high as we would think because he is wearing his trousers higher.

I think the first and second photo are inconclusive but the gif is good however I think the problem is what I wrote above. Obv not micro or anything even close that's just stupid but I wouldn't blindly agree that its huge
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Not only can you see the impressive size of Hitler's penis through his jodhpurs (which he used to wear frequently during the Kampfzeit, i.e. the period in Germany after Hitler joined the DAP and before the triumph of the National Socialist struggle), but if you look at pictures of his hand, he had an extremely impressive 2D:4D ratio. As you should know, a longer ring finger in comparison to the index finger is a reliable predictor of prenatal androgen exposure, a critical component of adult penis size. In this picture of Hitler shaking the hand of Otto Skorzeny (the top elite special operations commando in the SS), you can see that not only does Hitler have a much longer ring finger than index finger, but his ring finger is almost the length of his middle finger:

 79974257 skorzeny hitler624x351
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It makes sense really because Hitler had signs of very high prenatal T. His brow ridge was massive and he had a huge chin and jaw although you can't really see it because his maxilla wasn't very projecting. Actually, other than his maxilla, he had amazing facial bone development in general.
Out of all due respect, STILL INCEL.
Out of all due respect, STILL INCEL.
Another Jewish media lie. Hitler had more sex than everyone on this forum had combined. The often repeated yarns about his homosexuality and celibacy with women were started by a literal kike, Lothar Machtan, who is endlessly cited in newspapers as their "historian" source despite his claims being contradicted by every surviving member of Hitler's inner circle and serious Hitler scholar before and since (not just David Irving or so-called "revisionists" , also William Shirer, John Toland, Anton Joachimsthaler, Brigite Hamann, and Ian Kershaw who is as mainstream as one could get.)

Between 1919-1933 (before Eva Braun had became his exclusive mistress by 1934) it is well-documented that Hitler indulged excessively in non-marital sexual relations with women, including his half-niece, other teenage girls and other guys' wives (in fairness, they were chasing Hitler, not the other way around.)
See Hermann Esser, "Neuer Tatsachenbericht: Der große Liebhaber Adolf Hitler" in Revue Die Welt Illustrierte nr. 31, 11 September 1949.
Half of it can be read at https://basedspace.world/index.php?threads/hitler-megathread-chadolf-edition.24/

1921 July: Hitler's opponents within the NSDAP compose and publish an anonymous pamphlet with a print run of 3,000 copies, titled "Adolf Hitler: Is He A Traitor", republished in The Muenchener Post newspaper.
In the leaflet which was drawn up by the dissident members of the Committee in July, 1921, this was one of the principal points of accusation against Hitler: 'If any member asks him how he lives and what was his former profession, he always becomes angry and excited. Up to now no answer has been supplied to these questions. So his conscience cannot be clear, especially as his excessive intercourse with ladies, to whom he often describes himself as the King of Munich, costs a great deal of money.' "
William L. Shirer. (1960). Chapter 2. "Birth of the Nazi Party." The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany.

1927 March-July: Hitler pumped and dumped a 17 year old girl in 1927; his opponents within the NSDAP found out about the affair (which wasn't illegal, but "ruining young girls for marriage" was considered immoral enough to be majorly scandalous) and attempted to blackmail him, unsuccessfully, because Hitler persuaded the girl to commit perjury and sign a sworn statement stating they were only friends.
Dr. Ida Arnold had been writing anonymous letters to the Nazi Party HQ, claiming she had personal knowledge that Hitler was “seducing young girls in Berchtesgaden.” Hitler told Helh that over 8 such letters had been received and he could not afford any political scandal. He told Hehl, “I love Mimi with my whole heart, please tell her this, but I have to remain distant from her for awhile.”

Mimi had to sign a sworn statement that she and Hitler were merely “friends." On May 10, 1930, Mimi Reiter married an Austrian hotel owner in Innsbruck. She admitted she "did not love him, but I was lonely.”

Mimi remembered, “In 1928 and 1929 Wolf wrote me some more letters and cards [all of which still exist]. He sent me a beautiful wedding present and a silver goblet with his engraved name on it. I still loved him passionately and my marriage was unhappy from the start.”

Then the death of Hitler’s niece, Geli Raubal, changed everything for both Hitler and for Mimi Reiter. Geli Raubal died on September 19, 1931. In early October, 1931, a man that Mimi recognized was standing in front of her at the hotel she ran in Innsbruck.

“My name is Hess,” the man with the prominent eyebrows told her. “Herr Hitler sent me. He wants to know if you are happy.”

Mimi looked at him and said immediately, “No!” Hess asked her what message he should convey to Hitler.

Mimi said, “Tell him that I am extremely happy that he sent you to ask me this question. Tell him that I would love to see him again.”

Mimi remembers: “My heart was in my throat when Hess drove away. He had handed me Hitler’s private telephone number to his apartment. Naturally this stirred up all my old memories of Wolf. My husband and I were already separated and our marriage had been very short and miserably unhappy. All I wanted at that moment was to see Wolf again.”
Gunter Peis. “Hitlers unbekannte Geliebte: Ein Bericht von Gunter Peis,” in Stern nr. 24, 13 June 1959, pp. 28-34.
The above is quoted from a slightly abridged English translation: https://adolfhitler33.wordpress.com/2016/01/24/hitlers-lover-maria-reiter/

Also interviews with Albert Speer, Eva Braun's surviving sisters Ilse and Gretl, Hitler's housekeeper Anni Winter, his bodyguard Heinz Linge and the memoirs of his secretary Christa Schroeder all testify to his heterosexuality and conventional sex life. Too lazy to link them all here though.

Here's a secondary source, Turkish-American journalist Nerin E. Gun who interviewed Eva Braun's sister Gretl as research for his book Eva Braun: Hitler's Mistress (Meredith Press, 1968), pp.67-69 exerpted below.
Hitler and women
Two suicide attempts within 14 months. Two women in their first youth who wished to kill themselves for this man [Hitler] or because of this man . And these were not the only ones so deeply affected by Hitler. The famous surgeon Prof. Ferdinand Sauerbruch described how some of his women patients invoked Hitler's name before submitting to an operation. I have heard that mothers breathed "Heil Hitler" immediately after giving birth and insisted that the baby be shown a portrait of the Führer. Other women are said to have murmured "Heil Hitler" at the peak of sexual satisfaction, and this I can well believe. Did not Balzac tell of the wife who used to cross herself before yielding to her husband's embraces ? In my student days, I knew a girl who used to hide a photograph of Hitler under the sheets while she made love, and I remember another who had a swastika tattooed on her navel. Hitler's chauffeur Maurice told me that very often girls in their teens threw themselves under his car in the hope of getting injured and being subsequently comforted by him. Others presented themselves at Berchtesgaden, often almost naked under their light coats or their BDM (young Nazi girls) uniforms, bent on offering their virginity to the Führer. Others tore open the front of their blouses when he passed. Some women seriously proposed reestablishing the droit du seigneur at the time of their marriage. And then, of course, there were the mountains of love letters that Hitler received constantly, the erotic gifts, some of which were in extremely bad taste, and above all, the embroidered cushions that were continually arriving at the Berghof.

How can such fascination for this man be explained, especially since Hitler had not yet acquired the exalted position of Chancellor of the Reich and was being ridiculed, insulted, and vilified in the German press, and at times even tracked down as a criminal by the government police? Physically he was not attractive. He was no John F. Kennedy in looks. He was often badly dressed and it seems strange that a woman should let herself be addressed by a man who brandished a whip made of hippopotamus skin (or was it the tail?) and who was always accompanied by a bodyguard of two armed bullies when he invited a lady to his table in the Grössenwahn in Schwabing.

However, in private Hitler did not have the manners of a Räuberhauptmann or gang leader, as his enemies affirmed and as Bertold Brecht characterized him in a widely diffused satire. He was in fact extremely gallant with women, always gave them precedence, never sat down in their presence, bowed to them with nineteenth-century deference, and kissed their hands on the slightest pretext. His voice changed in their presence, its gutturalness being replaced by a mellifluous quality . He spoke to them with the warmth that characterizes Austrians, with the faint accent and vocabulary of a bon vivant that impress the Prussians so much. Every woman to whom he spoke was convinced that he placed her, and her alone, on a pedestal and that the Führer's exclusive aim was to please her. Many women , on finding themselves confronted by this charmer instead of by the churlish character they had expected, were filled at first with speechless amazement and then with intense delight.

Undoubtedly he had a mysterious hypnotic power which acted upon all those who approached him , whether generals, diplomats, politicians , children encountered in the street , or servants." I felt myself melt in his presence," Ilse Braun [older sister of Eva Hitler] says. " I would have done anything for him," affirms his secretary Traudl Junge. Yet today , both find him grotesque . All his secretaries declare that he never reproved them , was always patient and readily dictated a phrase again if they had not understood it immediately. He always called them "my child" or "my beauty" and never started the day without complimenting them on their dresses or hairstyles. He took a kindly interest in their private lives and often spoke to them like a father.

He claimed to be uninfluenced by women . "No woman has ever ventured to give me political advice," he boasted. He also said on one occasion "A woman's strategy consists in being very good at first, in order to capture the man's confidence, then in pulling on the reins, and finally in grasping these reins so firmly that the man has to dance according to her desires."

He affected a timidity that women attributed to his his inexperience or rather to his periods of inactivity in the field of love . In reality " Hitler was not timid in sex , " according to Eva's [younger] sister Gretl Braun , who must have good grounds for saying this and for adding , " Still waters run deep . "
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this nigga dissected and stared at photos of hitler's cock
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holy fuark what a mogger thank God my grandfather served in Waffen-SS.

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Fuhrer was a 1000 ng/dl horny beast he was perfect.

I am ready to kill for Hitler.
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holy fuark what a mogger thank God my grandfather served in Waffen-SS.

Your grandfather was a great man. If he's still alive, tell him I would like to thank him personally for his service.
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Your grandfather was a great man. If he's still alive, tell him I would like to thank him personally for his service.

He was executed.

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fuck jews. hitler mogs those cucks
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Giga low IQ retard sign: judging someone's dick size by "bulge" or lack thereof
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Another Jewish media lie. Hitler had more sex than everyone on this forum had combined. The often repeated yarns about his homosexuality and celibacy with women were started by a literal kike, Lothar Machtan, who is endlessly cited in newspapers as their "historian" source despite his claims being contradicted by every surviving member of Hitler's inner circle and serious Hitler scholar before and since (not just David Irving or so-called "revisionists" , also William Shirer, John Toland, Anton Joachimsthaler, Brigite Hamann, and Ian Kershaw who is as mainstream as one could get.)

Between 1919-1933 (before Eva Braun had became his exclusive mistress by 1934) it is well-documented that Hitler indulged excessively in non-marital sexual relations with women, including his half-niece, other teenage girls and other guys' wives (in fairness, they were chasing Hitler, not the other way around.)
See Hermann Esser, "Neuer Tatsachenbericht: Der große Liebhaber Adolf Hitler" in Revue Die Welt Illustrierte nr. 31, 11 September 1949.
Half of it can be read at https://basedspace.world/index.php?threads/hitler-megathread-chadolf-edition.24/

1921 July: Hitler's opponents within the NSDAP compose and publish an anonymous pamphlet with a print run of 3,000 copies, titled "Adolf Hitler: Is He A Traitor", republished in The Muenchener Post newspaper.

William L. Shirer. (1960). Chapter 2. "Birth of the Nazi Party." The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany.

1927 March-July: Hitler pumped and dumped a 17 year old girl in 1927; his opponents within the NSDAP found out about the affair (which wasn't illegal, but "ruining young girls for marriage" was considered immoral enough to be majorly scandalous) and attempted to blackmail him, unsuccessfully, because Hitler persuaded the girl to commit perjury and sign a sworn statement stating they were only friends.

Gunter Peis. “Hitlers unbekannte Geliebte: Ein Bericht von Gunter Peis,” in Stern nr. 24, 13 June 1959, pp. 28-34.
The above is quoted from a slightly abridged English translation: https://adolfhitler33.wordpress.com/2016/01/24/hitlers-lover-maria-reiter/

Also interviews with Albert Speer, Eva Braun's surviving sisters Ilse and Gretl, Hitler's housekeeper Anni Winter, his bodyguard Heinz Linge and the memoirs of his secretary Christa Schroeder all testify to his heterosexuality and conventional sex life. Too lazy to link them all here though.

Here's a secondary source, Turkish-American journalist Nerin E. Gun who interviewed Eva Braun's sister Gretl as research for his book Eva Braun: Hitler's Mistress (Meredith Press, 1968), pp.67-69 exerpted below.
yes those are Tales. tales from solomon temple's basement
It makes sense really because Hitler had signs of very high prenatal T. His brow ridge was massive and he had a huge chin and jaw although you can't really see it because his maxilla wasn't very projecting. Actually, other than his maxilla, he had amazing facial bone development in general.
Mogged by Mussolini
It makes sense really because Hitler had signs of very high prenatal T. His brow ridge was massive and he had a huge chin and jaw although you can't really see it because his maxilla wasn't very projecting. Actually, other than his maxilla, he had amazing facial bone development in general.
Hitler was a subhuman with klinefelters
Adolf Hitler
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BBB (Big Bavarian Bratwurst)

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