Hoeflation has gotten so bad....

Part-Time Chad

Part-Time Chad

Jan 5, 2022
Every twat, no matter how ugly and disgusting, is so fucking arrogant and stuck up now, and they have absolutely no reason to be. It's like an epidemic of threes and fours thinking they're eights and nines. It's ridiculous. Who's lying to these conceited clowns? Social media cucks? This shit is unbelievable.

What's most enraging is how these ho bags are constantly acting all vigilant and paranoid towards all but the top 5% of men, avoiding eye contact with them, taking wide berths around their path, and getting all appalled whenever a sub-8 male accidentally turns his head in their direction for a nanosecond.
Nobody wants you, you bitchy baffoon. I don't know if you've heard about it, but you would have to pay me to suck my dick, and I would likely still reject the offer.

Where the fuck am I, in an episode of the Twilight Zone?? Never in my life have I seen so many average, and downright unattractive, holes being so overpriced, yet behaving so outrageously bad. I'm really jealous of Boomers and Silent generation men, who were able to hook up with vastly better looking, more feminine chicks, with way better personalities, for a fraction of the cost. I feel fucking cheated. It's like passing by a tawdry used car dealership, where the cheapest rundown models are priced at no less than $100,000. Meanwhile, Boomers and Silent gens were able to pick up luxurious Benzes and BMW's for just $20,000 (in today's dollars).

I can't see how this despicable nonsense can continue for long. Something has to give. This massive bubble has to pop. Part of me wishes WWIII would start already so we can clean this shit up, because it reeks to high heaven. Yeah, we may die, but, if we survive, we'll at least have a chance for a Great (conservative) Reset, at which time the price of foids can finally come way back down to its intrinsic value where it belongs. I'm tired of paying over $100K for a used Toyota Corolla in bad condition, that I don't want, and that I have to be on a long waiting list for.
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  • +1
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: reek, lowtiernormiechad, xuzky and 14 others
Based thread. The simps are the enablers, but men are simps by nature. Hypergamy has always existed, the cuckternet and jewish feminism amplified it to unsustainable levels. They will either end up cat ladies or betabuxx - neither are desirable outcomes. At the same time, some are content being in Chads harem as his 10th back-up.
  • +1
Reactions: watah, PrinceLuenLeoncur, futuregigamogger and 11 others
Based thread. The simps are the enablers, but men are simps by nature. Hypergamy has always existed, the cuckternet and jewish feminism amplified it to unsustainable levels. They will either end up cat ladies or betabuxx - neither are desirable outcomes. At the same time, some are content being in Chads harem as his 10th back-up.
In junior high, me and my friends used to virtually abuse ugly chicks, calling them names and mistreating them. Back then, you didn't have the pussy cartel that exists now, where all foids are equally overpriced because they have a pussy. The value of girls was much more stratified back then. It was similar to a Hindu caste system, where everyone knew their place in the hierarchy. What we have now with feminism is the untouchables acting like A-List celebrities. It's fucking ridiculous and enraging. I feel like walking up to these delusional cunts, slapping them upside the head, and telling them to knock it the fuck off.
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, gothmog6, Darkeningstar and 3 others
Every twat, no matter how ugly and disgusting, is so fucking arrogant and stuck up now, and they have absolutely no reason to be. It's like an epidemic of threes and fours thinking they're eights and nines. It's ridiculous. Who's lying to these conceited clowns? Social media cucks? This shit is unbelievable.

What's most enraging is how these ho bags are constantly acting all vigilant and paranoid towards all but the top 5% of men, avoiding eye contact with them, taking wide berths around their path, and getting all appalled whenever a sub-8 male accidentally turns his head in their direction for a nanosecond.
Nobody wants you, you bitchy baffoon. I don't know if you've heard about it, but you would have to pay me to suck my dick, and I would likely still reject the offer.

Where the fuck am I, in an episode of the Twilight Zone?? Never in my life have I seen so many average, and downright unattractive, holes being so overpriced, yet behaving so outrageously bad. I'm really jealous of Boomers and Silent generation men, who were able to hook up with vastly better looking, more feminine chicks, with way better personalities to boot, for a fraction of the price. I feel fucking cheated. It's like passing by a tawdry used car dealership, where the cheapest rundown models are priced at no less than $100,000. Meanwhile, Boomers and Silent gens were able to pick up luxurious Benzes and BMW's for just $20,000.

I can't see how this despicable nonsense can continue for long. Something has to give. This massive bubble has to pop. Part of me wishes WWIII would start already so we can clean this shit up, because it reeks to high heaven. Yeah, we may die, but, if we survive, we'll at least have a chance for a Great (conservative) Reset, at which time the price of foids can finally come way back down to its intrinsic value. I'm tired of paying over $100K for a used Toyota Corolla in bad condition, that I don't want, and that I have to be on a long waiting list for.
jews GIF
  • JFL
Reactions: rg1235, 2d v2 and SecularIslamist
In junior high, me and my friends used to virtually abuse ugly chicks, calling them names and mistreating them. Back then, you didn't have the pussy cartel that exists now, where all foids are equally overpriced because they have a pussy. The value of girls was much more stratified back then. It was similar to a Hindu caste system, where everyone knew their place in the hierarchy. What we have now with feminism is the untouchables acting like A-List celebrities. It's fucking ridiculous and enraging. I feel like walking up to these delusional cunts, slapping them upside the head, and telling them to knock it the fuck off.
Yes they need slapping up; there needs to be a counteracting movement to balance the scales. MGTOW, incels, blackpillers just accept their fate as it is. They seem to tacitly accept it and not change society (if anything themselves). Despite being aware of hoeflation the ideologies are centred around how the individual can navigate through it.

Simply put, men needs standards. I don't see this happening. Even chads with seemingly good access to women will date down multiple women to satisfy his needs.
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I never disliked Jews, but I'm beginning to see more and more that they're troublemakers that destabilize indigenous cultures wherever they establish themselves.

Now that I think about it, they probably invented feminism too, given that Judaism is a matriarchal religion.
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur and Debetro
In junior high, me and my friends used to virtually abuse ugly chicks, calling them names and mistreating them. Back then, you didn't have the pussy cartel that exists now, where all foids are equally overpriced because they have a pussy. The value of girls was much more stratified back then. It was similar to a Hindu caste system, where everyone knew their place in the hierarchy. What we have now with feminism is the untouchables acting like A-List celebrities. It's fucking ridiculous and enraging. I feel like walking up to these delusional cunts, slapping them upside the head, and telling them to knock it the fuck off.
@Jason Voorhees SC/ST takes CS in IIT Bombay while Brahmins get Metallurgy in Dhanbad
  • JFL
Reactions: reek
Yes they need slapping up; there needs to be a counteracting movement to balance the scales. MGTOW, incels, blackpillers just accept their fate as it is. They seem to tacitly accept it and not change society (if anything themselves). Despite being aware of hoeflation the ideologies are centred around how the individual can navigate through it.

Simply put, men needs standards. I don't see this happening. Even chads with seemingly good access to women will date down multiple women to satisfy his needs.
There needs to be some kind of cultural revolution in the wake of a global conflict. This way, we can FORCE foids to abide by natural law again. Yes, they need to be forced and have their rights taken away, because, ever since they were granted rights (without the corresponding responsibilities that men have), western societies have precipitously declined. It's been a disaster; a failed experiment. I think we've had enough. We're sick of this charade. Play time is over.
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Reactions: SecularIslamist

C'mon, this thread deserves more discussion than that. Hoeflation is the whole reason why you guys are here in the first place, desperately trying to keep up with these hypergamous holes.
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Reactions: Darkeningstar, Ken and SecularIslamist

C'mon, this thread deserves more discussion than that. Hoeflation is the whole reason why you guys are here in the first place, desperately trying to keep up with these hypergamous holes.
Shitposts are the way to go.
That being said, I think this is Staceylite btw

  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, rg1235, Moggkrates and 2 others
Based asf ngl, social media normalizes hoe culture more and more everyday and ltbs feel like they can just go off doing that shit
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Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, gothmog6, Darkeningstar and 2 others
Shitposts are the way to go.
Yeah, I've noticed that. This is why post count is SO misleading. Someone can have 10,000 shitposts, and be regarded as higher status than a "greycel" with 49 incredible posts that are long, complex and insightful.
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Reactions: rg1235, SecularIslamist, Debetro and 1 other person
Yeah, I've noticed that. This is why post count is SO misleading. Someone can have 10,000 shitposts, and be regarded as higher status than a "greycel" with 49 incredible posts that are long, complex and insightful.
Do you think if Hegel came to write in here he would have a following? It would probably be full of "dnr," "kys," or have few responses. I don't blame this attitude, however, this is how it works.
  • JFL
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Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, Moggkrates, SecularIslamist and 3 others
That being said, I think this is Staceylite btw

View attachment 3004320
Yeah, and I would wager my left testicle that she has a correspondingly terrible personality, full of arrogance, conceit, and breathtaking hypergamy. She's basically a used Ford Focus, with a broken fender, cracked windshield, and torn vinyl seats selling for a whopping $103,000. Amazing world we're living in.
  • +1
Reactions: rg1235 and Part-Time Chad
My fifth-grade teacher was a feminist Jewess. Horrible person, always rewarding the females and scumbags in the class, and spitting on the good boys. Her contempt was very obvious. I wish that she had died in a horrific car accident, before she had a chance to mess us up.
  • +1
Reactions: rg1235 and Debetro
My fifth-grade teacher was a feminist Jewess. Horrible person, always rewarding the females and scumbags in the class, and spitting on the good boys. Her contempt was very obvious. I wish that she had died in a horrific car accident, before she had a chance to mess us up.


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Do you think if Hegel came to write in here he would have a following? It would probably be full of "dnr," "kys," or have few responses. I don't blame this attitude, however, this is how it works.
Tbh Hegel wrote like a complete retard. I don't think even 5% of his readers understand what he's talking about.
Tbh Hegel wrote like a complete retard. I don't think even 5% of his readers understand what he's talking about.
Idk who "Hegal" was. Was he incoherent, like Napoleon DeGeso (don't tell me you don't know him).
Idk who "Hegal" was. Was he incoherent, like Napoleon DeGeso (don't tell me you don't know him).
I don't know him. Hegel was a philosopher. A lot of his works underpinned Marxist philosophy.
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Reactions: Part-Time Chad
Bump I bookmarked this essay and will use as copypasta elsewhere.
  • +1
Reactions: Part-Time Chad
Based thread. The simps are the enablers, but men are simps by nature. Hypergamy has always existed, the cuckternet and jewish feminism amplified it to unsustainable levels. They will either end up cat ladies or betabuxx - neither are desirable outcomes. At the same time, some are content being in Chads harem as his 10th back-up.
We must all buy 3rd world wives
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Reactions: SecularIslamist

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