Hollow cheeks are one of, if not the most important facial feature for men.



Mentalcel Supreme™ with Cheese
Aug 10, 2018
Hollow/sunken in cheeks provide a MASSIVE Halo effect and draw attention from other facial flaws a person might have, the Halo effect is equivalent to having light eyes as an ethnic.

And before everyone here thinks they have sunken in cheeks and are a slayer, I'm not talking about cheeks that are just sunken in, the cheeks need to have a prominent shadow projected over them caused by their cheekbones to qualify for the Halo effect, otherwise you'll just look average.
O'pry is an example of hollow cheeks that fail to provide the HALO effect.

Ideally your cheeks should look like this:
so mewing + insanely low bf + nike bateman stubble (not needed but why not bae)
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but they are very aesthetic yes
196706 004 08C31B01
Has this. What's your secret bro??
Has he though?
I've seen his pics and they didn't look like actual hollow cheeks.

aesthetic is all that matters.
Yeah I think so. I'd put pics in here but idk of he'd be okay w it
Has this. What's your secret bro??

Yh I have them. Its just high cheeks bones and mewing. When you mew, you dont use your cheeks to swallow, but your throat muscles. Hence, your cheek muscles atrophy because they're not used. My cheeks are like 0.5cm thick ??
Yh I have them. Its just high cheeks bones and mewing. When you mew, you dont use your cheeks to swallow, but your throat muscles. Hence, your cheek muscles atrophy because they're not used. My cheeks are like 0.5cm thick ??
I've noticed a little bit of hallowness. But I am at a higher bf because bulking so leanness would.help more. But yeah I figured mewing was the reason
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I've noticed a little bit of hallowness. But I am at a higher bf because bulking so leanness would.help more. But yeah I figured mewing was the reason

I cant wait to get to like 10-22% bf and see what my cheeks look like then
Really? That's approaching fatass territory. Can u see ur abs at all?

Yeah he's on his phone probably

Yh I meant 10-12% lol.

I can see the first set of abs and I guess the 2nd set
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That's like 14-15 I think I'm getting there too. R u bulking?

Yh my cycle in Jan is gonna be a bulk prolly with a cut at the end-bit
Meant cut this summer

i'd start cutting now tbh, get nice and lean for summer. Im ur already kinda big, cut for a bit, then you can start bulking again
i'd start cutting now tbh, get nice and lean for summer. Im ur already kinda big, cut for a bit, then you can start bulking again
Nah man I'm gonna keep bulking I'm still small af
i'd start cutting now tbh, get nice and lean for summer. Im ur already kinda big, cut for a bit, then you can start bulking again
Nah man I'm gonna keep bulking I'm still small af

Ideally your cheeks should look like this:


The guy on top pic look healthy, and bottom pic look like AIDS patient.
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As long as your zygos are decent and you’re a low bf you’ll have them.
The hollowness/shadowing is determined by your cheekbones size and position, and also I think how underdeveloped your cheek muscles are (ie when you practice proper tongue swallowing, they should atrophy due to lack of use?)

My shadow takes up virtually all of my cheek and looks like stubble shadow. Most GL models I see with hollow checks seem to have the shadowing a lot lower, in a very aesthetic diagonal line. I think mine is neanderthal rather than GL. It's almost as if the none shadowed parts of my face are in the shape of a bare skull. Photo cropped and dimmed for disguise...


What's scary is, you see where the top line of the shadow suddenly curves back down? I'm getting a line there, an actual crease. And its feeding into my natural dimples in order to make two mega-dimples. I honestly think that in about 15 years time I'm gonna have the craggiest face imaginable and it's kind of scary. I'm gonna look like Peter Cushing and will probably get parts in horror movies ?
Mine look retarded bruh cope
The illusion of hollow cheeks (such as the models you posted) involves the jaw and upper cheekbones also. If you don't have the wide jaw angle flaring at the the bottom or wide, high-set cheekbones, then you won't have this appearance.
I personally think my hollow cheeks make me unattractive since they make me look sickly.
I think opry cheeks actually give him a huge halo tho. Imagine him without the dimples.

How are mine? They have concavity but I lack lateral zygo projection.


They range from lookisng like this


To looking like this depending on lighting conditions. Both pics are at similar levels of bloat I think
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meanwhile surgeons offer old men to get filler in that region bc with age you loss fat and volume in that region

ngl not 100% convinced

slayers like prime channing never had impressive hollow checks i think
Hollow cheeks are just a byproduct of a forward grown maxilla and good tongue posture throughout your life. So in other words good facial developement is the most important feature for men.
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Can you still get them if your maxilla is recessed?
Hollow cheeks are just a byproduct of a forward grown maxilla and good tongue posture throughout your life. So in other words good facial developement is the most important feature for men.

I have hollow cheeks but not what you'd describe as a forward grown maxilla, and I never had good tongue posture growing up (mouth breather). Cheekbones are a requirement for hollow cheeks, and I'm living proof that you can have large, lateral & forward prominent cheekbones after having been a mouth breather and developing a diminished lower third. People go nuts claiming that one facial trait goes hand in hand with another but you can always find a ton of examples which break the rules.

Look at Richard Ashcroft (as a younger man here). Very hollow cheeks and prominent cheekbones. But mediocre forward development and a long, narrow face.

Richard Ashcroft 3 695x371
Hollow/sunken in cheeks provide a MASSIVE Halo effect and draw attention from other facial flaws a person might have, the Halo effect is equivalent to having light eyes as an ethnic.

And before everyone here thinks they have sunken in cheeks and are a slayer, I'm not talking about cheeks that are just sunken in, the cheeks need to have a prominent shadow projected over them caused by their cheekbones to qualify for the Halo effect, otherwise you'll just look average.
O'pry is an example of hollow cheeks that fail to provide the HALO effect.

Ideally your cheeks should look like this:
kortajarena looks like shit. never understood his appeal

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