Do you think trump will win? I thought he had a good chance at reelection before the corona shit.

All he had to do for a free reelection was just say wear a mask.
Do you think trump will win? I thought he had a good chance at reelection before the corona shit.

All he had to do for a free reelection was just say wear a mask.
0 chance tbh, Most young ppl are voting against him rather then not voting at all as they did in 2016. Most of the oldcels that voted for him in the first place prolly realized he doesnt do anything anyway.

check it out this ad, these guys are doing a great job at brainwashing ppl against trump and holy fck its working. The ads are very well done and just look at the comments. They literally fall for it
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0 chance tbh, Most young ppl are voting against him rather then not voting at all as they did in 2016. Most of the oldcels that voted for him in the first place prolly realized he doesnt do anything anyway.

check it out this ad, these guys are doing a great job at brainwashing ppl against trump and holy fck its working. The ads are very well done and just look at the comments. They literally fall for it

I see.
0 chance tbh, Most young ppl are voting against him rather then not voting at all as they did in 2016. Most of the oldcels that voted for him in the first place prolly realized he doesnt do anything anyway.

check it out this ad, these guys are doing a great job at brainwashing ppl against trump and holy fck its working. The ads are very well done and just look at the comments. They literally fall for it

Mail in voting will bring millennials and early gen Z into voting demographics. They’ll vote for Biden over trump in a margin of 80-20%. At worst, 65-35.

Youngcels will overpower the oldcels and Normie independents in their Middle Ages will take the bait and vote Biden after the media finish their smear job on trump.

Biden will win and the democrats will take the House of Representatives and senate for themselves. Mail in voting is literally everything. If it doesn’t happen, trump has a chance. If it happens, Biden will walk into the white house in a clean sweep. Demented beyond repair or not.

It was a good run, but the GOP are dead. I’m gonna make a thread on this
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep, Alexanderr and Britishlooksmaxxer
Politics is cope the media is run by 3 families they want to incite as much hatred on both sides by the other to keep them distracted and make them feels as thought their vote means something it doesn’t.
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Reactions: W0KESTMOTHF, Cleftcel, Deleted member 7173 and 6 others
Mail in voting will bring millennials and early gen Z into voting demographics. They’ll vote for Biden over trump in a margin of 80-20%. At worst, 65-35.

Youngcels will overpower the oldcels and Normie independents in their Middle Ages will take the bait and vote Biden after the media finish their smear job on trump.

Biden will win and the democrats will take the House of Representatives and senate for themselves. Mail in voting is literally everything. If it doesn’t happen, trump has a chance. If it happens, Biden will walk into the white house in a clean sweep. Demented beyond repair or not.

It was a good run, but the GOP are dead. I’m gonna make a thread on this
true. It just goes to show the power of political propaganda and what it does to those with young naive gullible minds. Trumps only hope are oldcels hence why you see him primarily reaching out to them in ads etc.

GOP is done for. Maybe Biden will make a fool of himself during the 4 yrs of his presidency which will pave way for Tucker Carlsn as a GOP candidate in the future.

I would rather want trump to win because hes not going to raise taxes unlike the dems want for bs like health care etc
Politics is cope the media is run by 3 families they want to incite as much hatred on both sides by the other to keep them distracted and make them feels as thought their vote means something it doesn’t.
Whoever controls the media, and whoever puts money into the pockets of politicians pretty much control the country sadly.
true. It just goes to show the power of political propaganda and what it does to those with young naive gullible minds. Trumps only hope are oldcels hence why you see him primarily reaching out to them in ads etc.

GOP is done for. Maybe Biden will make a fool of himself during the 4 yrs of his presidency which will pave way for Tucker Carlsn as a GOP candidate in the future.

I would rather want trump to win because hes not going to raise taxes unlike the dems want for bs like health care etc
Tucker Carlson? 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
If he wins ill believe that the Jew is control
  • +1
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Politics is cope the media is run by 3 families they want to incite as much hatred on both sides by the other to keep them distracted and make them feels as thought their vote means something it doesn’t.
this is actually true, democrat/republican it's all cope, they all end up pandering to the same corporations and lobbyists at the end of the day and their global policies end up being no different
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep, benchortable and Britishlooksmaxxer
If he wins ill believe that the Jew is control
If he loses I will believe that the Jew is in control
If he wins I will believe that the Jew is in control
  • JFL
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Reactions: Cleftcel, Chadeep, Alexanderr and 2 others
China is probably shocked and caging at the same time .... seeing how ppl can be manipulated in a capitalist democracy even better than they themselves do it.

Libtard Manipulation in the US mogs Chinese national propaganda to the moon and back
-comin from a canadian
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Reactions: Cleftcel and Blackout.xl
If he loses I will believe that the Jew is in control
If he wins I will believe that the Jew is in control
  • JFL
Reactions: Cleftcel, Chadeep and benchortable
I would be suprised if he won, but his second term would look extremely bad
i don't give a shit about politics tbh
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Biden is only marginally better than Hillary but anything is better than Trump
trump better win, or we legit lose worldwide.
(((they))) are pleased by this add
Biden is senile. Trump didn't even build the wall. Kanye is the only logical choice.
How is trump relatable to corona? Its blm and media that pretended it didnt exist am i wrong?
said corona would disappear when there was like ten people, said it would go away when there was like 50 people, told people that it would go away in the summer, refused to wear a mask in public because it was embarrasing etc.

Its his job as ap resident to set a good example, even if that shit happens in a democratic run state you still have to take credit for it and offer a solution instead of just ignoring it becuase the media will press it even harder.
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This is the last election that the Republicans have any chance of winning, soon demographics will ensure that the Democrats win every election on a local and national level
Mail in voting will bring millennials and early gen Z into voting demographics. They’ll vote for Biden over trump in a margin of 80-20%. At worst, 65-35.

Youngcels will overpower the oldcels and Normie independents in their Middle Ages will take the bait and vote Biden after the media finish their smear job on trump.

Biden will win and the democrats will take the House of Representatives and senate for themselves. Mail in voting is literally everything. If it doesn’t happen, trump has a chance. If it happens, Biden will walk into the white house in a clean sweep. Demented beyond repair or not.

It was a good run, but the GOP are dead. I’m gonna make a thread on this

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