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Deleted member 4804

El fatso
Jan 18, 2020
Just fucking lol. Read it, read every single sentence. This is the biggest blackpill. Islam predicted doomsday with all their signs and guess what, all the fking signs are actually in our society now ( some are still quiet far but im actually impressed at how much of giga blackpill i just found
Here is the best sign that sent me a shiver down my spine

(Doomsday will not come until a person says, “I wish it were I in this grave.”) ( its over, rope, i wish i was dead etc)

"Public morals will deteriorate, and living by the religion will be as difficult as holding fire in the palm of the hand." ( catholics getting shamed because they dislike gays, ouighurs getting sent in concentration camp for being muslim, atheism rising)

Doomsday will not come until a man satisfies his sexual need with another man and a woman satisfies her sexual need with another woman ( self explanatory, cucks becoming gay, lesbians sucking each other cuz no chad availabe )

Doomsday will not come until the time when siblings follow different religions ( ethnics marrying white women, half christian half islam cucks)

and much more, altough some are super vague, i cannot believe my eyes at all of this based shit. What the actual fuck
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A sign of doomsday that convinced me there is no god but allah and muhammad is his messenger:

  1. Women will increase in number and men will decrease in number so much so that fifty women will be looked after by one man.[note 14]

it's fucking over
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A sign of doomsday that convinced me there is no god but allah and muhammad is his messenger:

  1. Women will increase in number and men will decrease in number so much so that fifty women will be looked after by one man.[note 14]

it's fucking over
Holy fking shit
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Im waiting for the copers here. Even me cant cope when a literal aspie from the african desert predicted our society 1k year later :feelstrash:
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I like you but dnrd
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All of the Abrahamic texts saw modern degeneracy coming from light years away
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All of the Abrahamic texts saw modern degeneracy coming from light years away

Got some texts from the bible bro ? I love studying abrahamic religions
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Ahh i see that the based departement isnt here today
what other signs should be looked out for you think?
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what other signs should be looked out for you think?
Idk man, tbh i never heard of all this shit and i just discovered while reading an article, am still reading and studying the whole minor signs rn
Idk man, tbh i never heard of all this shit and i just discovered while reading an article, am still reading and studying the whole minor signs rn
i've heard of the end times for like the past decade tbh

not to say it isn't happening, but it might not be "just around the corner". maybe a few more decades tbh
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These are not prophecies jfl, its quite logical a traditional society will think that these will be signs in the end days jfl. Christianity and Judaism have similar sayings how times like this will come. All these signs are very broad and mainstream, all trad societes had end time signs featuring moral decay
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Keeping a dog will be more attractive than raising a child.)( women who do not want to breed, dogpill)

Doomsday will not come before evil people dominate the world.)(chad,jews)

The rich will be revered for their wealth. Fornication will spread. The number of illegitimate children will increase. The old will not be respected, nor will the young be shown mercy. Wolves will be in sheep’s clothing(self explanatory)

Loan sharking and charging and paying interest will be practiced publicly( banks)
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Aren't you a Jew?
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waiting for the trumpet to start blowing honestly
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This is kinda retarded, the issue with prophecies is these things have always been happening (even when he said it). The only reason Muhammad knew to say these things were that they were already happening. Like the Bible for example says the moon will turn red when Jesus comes back. But the moon already does turn red. It would be actually helpful if he said the moon would turn blue, something that has never happened before. The same with these prophecies. Gays and lesbians have always existed, there has always been suicidal people (in foxes book of marytrs a young Christian boy goes and hangs himself and that was written in 1611), there has always been siblings that believe different things.
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These are not prophecies jfl, its quite logical a traditional society will think that these will be signs in the end days jfl. Christianity and Judaism have similar sayings how times like this will come. All these signs are very broad and mainstream, all trad societes had end time signs featuring moral decay
Even if it is mainly degeneracy, some things are quite precise, a little bit too much
(Doomsday will not come as long as there is a Muslim on earth who says Allah.) [Muslim]

JUST LOL AT THIS, this effectively makes doomsday never happen because it's theoretically impossible for there to be no people saying Allah, what the hell
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(Doomsday will not come as long as there is a Muslim on earth who says Allah.) [Muslim]

JUST LOL AT THIS, this effectively makes doomsday never happen because it's theoretically impossible for there to be no people saying Allah, what the hell
Dw bro ethnics keep us from doomsday :lul:

On a serious note, it might refer to the overall faith of muslims. Altough u might think that muslims are gaining followers, it just became some kind of boasting, no one actually prays 5 times a day, ethnics raping and drinking etc.
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you don't think that happened various times throughout history? " The end of times will come Men will have sex with men and women will have sex with women" this always has happened for thousands of years. JFL. Sex outside marriage, gay relations have always been here. A good example is the greek and roman empire, gay relationships were so common pre-Constantine and there were even sex houses. So why do you think the end of days is coming now?
you don't think that happened various times throughout history? " The end of times will come Men will have sex with men and women will have sex with women" this always has happened for thousands of years. JFL. Sex outside marriage, gay relations have always been here. A good example is the greek and roman empire, gay relationships were so common pre-Constantine and there were even sex houses. So why do you think the end of days is coming now?
Just take one sign out of 200 theory
Dw bro ethnics keep us from doomsday :lul:

On a serious note, it might refer to the overall faith of muslims. Altough u might think that muslims are gaining followers, it just became some kind of boasting, no one actually prays 5 times a day, ethnics raping and drinking etc.
There are other hadiths for that, but this one specifically says a muslim mentioning Allah, there will always be at least one person on earth who is muslim jfl this is outright impossible
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Just take one sign out of 200 theory
Im just refuting the signs you listed, not the other 200. I'll refute them all if you will post them.
Wait for the 3rd Jewish temple to be rebuilt.
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Im just refuting the signs you listed, not the other 200. I'll refute them all if you will post them.
U refuted one sign, im waiting for the others atleast
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Hol up, some of the signs legit don't make sense jfl, there is one that says doomsday will not comw until there is no muslim om earth for 100 years but when you look at the major signs, one of those signs is sun rising from the west, and it signals the closing of the door for repentance. But how can repentance even exist at that point when there is no muslims any longer, Allah only accepts Islam so it definitely doesn't make sense how you could still repent before the sun coming from the west
  • Woah
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Just fucking lol. Read it, read every single sentence. This is the biggest blackpill. Islam predicted doomsday with all their signs and guess what, all the fking signs are actually in our society now ( some are still quiet far but im actually impressed at how much of giga blackpill i just found
Here is the best sign that sent me a shiver down my spine

(Doomsday will not come until a person says, “I wish it were I in this grave.”) ( its over, rope, i wish i was dead etc)

"Public morals will deteriorate, and living by the religion will be as difficult as holding fire in the palm of the hand." ( catholics getting shamed because they dislike gays, ouighurs getting sent in concentration camp for being muslim, atheism rising)

Doomsday will not come until a man satisfies his sexual need with another man and a woman satisfies her sexual need with another woman ( self explanatory, cucks becoming gay, lesbians sucking each other cuz no chad availabe )

Doomsday will not come until the time when siblings follow different religions ( ethnics marrying white women, half christian half islam cucks)

and much more, altough some are super vague, i cannot believe my eyes at all of this based shit. What the actual fuck
Women should not have the right to choose who to mate and breed with. That decision should be made for them by rational men of intelligence. If women continue to have rights, they will only hinder the advancement of the human race by breeding with degenerate men and creating stupid, degenerate offspring. This will cause humanity to become even more depraved with each generation. Women have more power in human society than they deserve, all because of sex. There is no creature more evil and depraved than the human female. Women are like a plague. They don't deserve to have any rights. Their wickedness must be contained in order to prevent future generations from failing to degeneracy. Women are vicious, evil, barbaric animals and they need to be treated as such.

Prove me wrong.
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Hol up, some of the signs legit don't make sense jfl, there is one that says doomsday will not comw until there is no muslim om earth for 100 years but when you look at the major signs, one of those signs is sun rising from the west, and it signals the closing of the door for repentance. But how can repentance even exist at that point when there is no muslims any longer, Allah only accepts Islam so it definitely doesn't make sense how you could still repent before the sun coming from the west
Repentance doesnt necessarily means islam, i heard somewhere that allah accepts whoever he judges worthy, also there is some signs that are either too vague or plain impossible
Repentance doesnt necessarily means islam, i heard somewhere that allah accepts whoever he judges worthy, also there is some signs that are either too vague or plain impossible
Well yeah this basically either contradicts the hadith/Quran or it means that people from other religions are also accepted to paradise as long as they have morals
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Wait, actually non muslims can't enter heaven, proof is how Muhammads uncle went to hell simply for not being muslim even tho he was a good person and helped Muhammad. Jfl basically the first point is right that the Hadiths contradict themselves
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Wait, actually non muslims can't enter heaven, proof is how Muhammads uncle went to hell simply for not being muslim even tho he was a good person and helped Muhammad. Jfl basically the first point is right that the Hadiths contradict themselves
U can also enter hell and go to heaven afterwards for ur wrongdoing, i didnt read this hadith so i cant say shit
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U can also enter hell and go to heaven afterwards for ur wrongdoing, i didnt read this hadith so i cant say shit
Thats if you are muslim only
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Give the sources bro
It's in the Hadiths, it says how muslims that are weighted too much by their sins will fall of the bring on the way to Heaven and drop in hell but will be quickly saved by angels and brought up in Heaven and be cleaned with new skin and will rejoice, but angels won't save unbelievers
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Damn son, these religions are blackpiller af

Mogd jew and jewabity
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