Holy shit imagine you turn into a chad



Time flies.
Jun 7, 2024
Lets say you have a magical power to turn into a chad.

You are still the same mentally.
ofc as time passes and you expose yourself to female interaction things improve but can the incel scar ever go away?
the awkwardness and insecurity combined with 0 experience :feelswhy:?
Some people had relationships since 15 im almost 25.
  • JFL
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holy shit your the peak definition of whats wrong with this website
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  • JFL
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If you're username is accurate that is easily possible for you
I'm a poorcel
  • JFL
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If you're username is accurate that is easily possible for you
I'm a poorcel
My username is a parody about the super rich billionaire incels like jeff bezos

inceldom <==> richceldom

no money for your face boyo
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the awkwardness and insecurity combined with 0 experience :feelswhy:?
Doesn't matter if ur Chad, you'll adjust in no time anyways.

Personally though if I was Chad I'd bully the fuck out of people that bother me in the slightest. What are they gonna do? I fucking mog them.
  • JFL
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its easier to state what's right first and then assume rest is wrong
IMAGINE you turn into a chad big emphasis on imagine, your already installing the idea into your mind that there is a version of you out there that you cant reach maybe its because of all of the built-up insecurities that you've gain taking advice from this shitty site filled with people suffering from the same problem
Imagine cyber bullying some random fat chick and when her piggy ass wants to roast you back she can't because ur fucking CHAD and then the little piglet foid will cry herself to sleep or kill herself instead. Amazing.
Social skills are learnt jfl, unless you've been touched on your privates by your uncle when you were 7 you can learn them niggas really think they are traumatised because they didnt get any pussy
  • JFL
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No face for your personality, no pussy for you cock, no ass for your height. If Chad you can be the biggest autist in the world and be a literal Minecraft nerd with 8 hours a day in playtime since age of 3 to 25 and you would still have Stacey on your thigh while digging for diamonds
  • JFL
Reactions: Suns9999
Lets say you have a magical power to turn into a chad.

You are still the same mentally.
ofc as time passes and you expose yourself to female interaction things improve but can the incel scar ever go away?
the awkwardness and insecurity combined with 0 experience :feelswhy:?
Some people had relationships since 15 im almost 25.
Some even younger than 15 brutal AF I know
  • +1
Okay bruh

If you wanna make it so, abused dog syndrome can become a self fulfilling prophecy
Okay bruh

If you wanna make it so, abused dog syndrome can become a self fulfilling prophecy
99% of everything here is speculative anyway so I'm just speculating how easy/hard it would be to escape the "abused" dog syndrome.
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abused dog pill JFL
It would get tiring quick
Foids are obsessive and needy when they really like you
  • JFL
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even from the grave ? :feelsmega:
Yeah, when they die eventually, I'd mog them in the afterlife. Chads go to heaven and murderers go to hell. I'd still mog. No losing if ur Chad. Period.
  • JFL
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It would get tiring quick
Foids are obsessive and needy when they really like you
Just cheat on her and do it with the next foid, and the next foid, and the next foid. You may get bored with eating cheeseburgers everyday, but when you're Chad it's a free all-you-can-eat buffet everyday. Eat to your fill.
  • Hmm...
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Just cheat on her and do it with the next foid, and the next foid, and the next foid. You may get bored with eating cheeseburgers everyday, but when you're Chad it's a free all-you-can-eat buffet everyday. Eat to your fill.
Yeah but you forgot foids are jealous and vindictive and would slash your tires if she found out
Yeah but you forgot foids are jealous and vindictive and would slash your tires if she found out
ONS then. Wouldn't it be fun seeing foids get jealous over you though? And if you're Chad it wouldn't be hard to just talk her into opening the relationship on your end and closed on hers anyways. This has happened before with subchads, should be ez for Chad.
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ONS then. Wouldn't it be fun seeing foids get jealous over you though? And if you're Chad it wouldn't be hard to just talk her into opening the relationship on your end and closed on hers anyways. This has happened before with subchads, should be ez for Chad.
I guess but foids rarely do sex for nothing in return
And she would try to LTR the chad hard
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I guess but foids rarely do sex for nothing in return
And she would try to LTR the chad hard
Dude sex with Chad would be a reward in itself she doesn't need anything in return. And like I said, if she wants to LTR so bad, she would open the relationship on Chad's end as long as she can keep him.

Btw when I say Chad I mean peak physical appearance. So 6'5, 22" bidelt untrained, 6.5-7 psl, etc. A specimen foids would rather die than to let go of.
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Yeah but chad usually ghosts her after sex
Bruh the thread says imagine if ur chad, so YOU'RE the Chad here. So up to you what you'd do. All I'm saying is, slaying as Chad wouldn't get tiring.
Bruh the thread says imagine if ur chad, so YOU'RE the Chad here. So up to you what you'd do. All I'm saying is, slaying as Chad wouldn't get tiring.
all im saying is Chads live on famous celebrity mode
Up to you if you enjoy that type of attention on you all the time
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Reactions: iblamechico and RICHCELDOM
all im saying is Chads live on famous celebrity mode
Up to you if you enjoy all that attention on you all the time
You could definitely live low-key, unless you mean attention as in being the center of attention in every room you're in then that's a given if you're Chad, you should expect that. Wouldn't be a problem for me tbh.
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