Hormonal dysregulation symptoms in oldcels are all connected



depressed subhuman autistic hiinhib oldcel midget
Nov 9, 2020
So there are lots of bad things happening after you reach the senility cutoff age at 25.

- loss of energy
- loss of libido
- loss of muscle mass
- osteoporosis
- norwooding
- diabetes
- skin aging, wrinkles
- cancer

The main thing that always bugged me is the apparent contradiction between the expected action of androgens. If androgens make you bald, then why do we start balding when our androgen levels drop? There must be some deeper mystery behind that.

It looks like one change in the level of hormones causes a dysregulation cascade that affects every other hormone. Look at this.

-DHEA level drops after 25. DHEA is the precursor of testosterone, estrogen and DHT. Also, DHEA has estrogenic activity on its own. DHEA / Cortisol level is what matters in stress response. The derivative DHEA-S is an excitatory neurosteroid that makes you more awake and aggresive.
- Cortisol level rises. This, plus drop in DHEA causes long term changes like loss of muscle mass, increase in fat tissue, increased skin aging and immunosuppression. (There are voices however that say immunosuppression is good and cortisol saves us from too much inflammation.) Fat tissue contains aromatase that converts test to estrogen.
- Testosterone level drops. This causes loss of libido and muscle mass. Testosterone converts to DHT, which coverts to inhibitory neurosteroids that give you patience and resilience. Without test and DHT you become a pussy.
- Estrogen level drops. (But E / T ratio increases.) This causes drop of SHBG which causes increase in free testosterone and free DHT. This might be the reason of balding, despite lower levels of test overall. Lower estrogen causes infertility and osteoporosis. High E to T ratio is known as the "shutdown" after roiding and it's a permanent state unless one takes care to reverse it with antiestrogens.
- There is some link between diabetes and steroids. It's a known fact that being fat worsens diabetes symptoms and type 2 diabetes can be cured almost completely by cutting. DHEA is known to reverse diabetes. Estrogen produced by fat tissue must extert some influence on the liver. Metformin, the diabetes drug is known to cure polycystic ovary syndrome in women, which is caused by too much free DHT and might be the women's parallel of norwooding.
- Insulin, growth hormone and prolactin belong to the same family. HGH is something that gives us muscle mass (but too much causes acromegaly). Insulin regulates sugar economy; in type 2 diabetes cells become insensitive to insulin which causes increased glucose generation in the liver, that in turn causes obesity. - Prolactin in men causes loss of libido and it's the main factor behind the refractory period, when you can't make your dick stand after cumming. Prolactin also antagonises dopamine, which is the main neurotransmitter responsible for the feeling of motivation and energy.
- Finally, the thyroid. Underactive thyroid enables fat to accumulate. Also, low TSH causes osteoporosis. Taking thyroid hormones increases SHBG without increase of estrogen. Hypothyroidism is associated with norwooding, possibly through the SHBG link.

It looks to me that there are at least 2 states of homeostasis, one "healthy" and one "sick", that are self-sustaining. In the "healthy" state DHEA is up, cortisol is low, test is up, DHT is up, SHBG is up, estrogen is low, thyroid is up, prolactin is low, HGH is up, insulin works, bodyfat is low. In the "sick" state the opposite is true.

I've personally taken DHEA and I can confirm that it improves libido, energy and helps to maintain weight, but it also causes norwooding, without some anti-shedding agent. Since taking DHEA and finasteride at the same time is retarted, I recommend topilutamide / Eucapil. One of derivatives of DHEA is 7-keto-DHEA which is an anticortisol.

I can confirm that cabergoline increases libido, especially in conjunction with androgens.

I've also taken adrenosterone, which is a precursor to 11-keto-testosterone and 11-keto-DHEA, that do not convert to estrogen. The conversion of adrenosterone to 11-keto-T inhibits conversion of cortisone to cortisol, so it is a good anticortisol too.

I want to see what happens when I take metformin and T3. Metformin cures POS, so it might cure balding, since the underlying reasons are similar. T3 increases SHBG and burns fat which decreases estrogen, and that gives you benefits of high SHBG without high E, and also high total androgens together with low free androgens.

TLDR: take DHEA, adrenosterone, cabergoline, metformin and T3.
  • +1
Reactions: Gaia262, LastHopeForNorman, potentialhabit1 and 3 others
would this stack shutdown me?
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i'm 41 i've only had arthritis but i'm fine
"A decline in testosterone levels as men grow older is likely the result -- not the cause -- of deteriorating general health, say Australian scientists, whose new study finds that age, in itself, has no effect on testosterone level in healthy older men."

  • +1
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"A decline in testosterone levels as men grow older is likely the result -- not the cause -- of deteriorating general health, say Australian scientists, whose new study finds that age, in itself, has no effect on testosterone level in healthy older men."

This. Nearly optimal hormonal health is maintainable well into 40s and further if you know what you're doing. None of the things OP lists are innate to aging. People just get comfortable with their lives when they get their careers on track and children on the way. They work in office and come home to watch TV. Meanwhile as a child you biked to school every day and played basketball after school and so on.
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Yeah, but for those who don't have a good hormonal profile, there's still an option.
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by skin aging what do you mean?
by skin aging what do you mean?

Wrinkles, scars, nonuniform coloration, collagenmin, photodamage. Cortisol is known to worsen it, as it impedes regeneration.
  • +1
Reactions: Gaia262
So there are lots of bad things happening after you reach the senility cutoff age at 25.

- loss of energy
- loss of libido
- loss of muscle mass
- osteoporosis
- norwooding
- diabetes
- skin aging, wrinkles
- cancer

The main thing that always bugged me is the apparent contradiction between the expected action of androgens. If androgens make you bald, then why do we start balding when our androgen levels drop? There must be some deeper mystery behind that.

It looks like one change in the level of hormones causes a dysregulation cascade that affects every other hormone. Look at this.

-DHEA level drops after 25. DHEA is the precursor of testosterone, estrogen and DHT. Also, DHEA has estrogenic activity on its own. DHEA / Cortisol level is what matters in stress response. The derivative DHEA-S is an excitatory neurosteroid that makes you more awake and aggresive.
- Cortisol level rises. This, plus drop in DHEA causes long term changes like loss of muscle mass, increase in fat tissue, increased skin aging and immunosuppression. (There are voices however that say immunosuppression is good and cortisol saves us from too much inflammation.) Fat tissue contains aromatase that converts test to estrogen.
- Testosterone level drops. This causes loss of libido and muscle mass. Testosterone converts to DHT, which coverts to inhibitory neurosteroids that give you patience and resilience. Without test and DHT you become a pussy.
- Estrogen level drops. (But E / T ratio increases.) This causes drop of SHBG which causes increase in free testosterone and free DHT. This might be the reason of balding, despite lower levels of test overall. Lower estrogen causes infertility and osteoporosis. High E to T ratio is known as the "shutdown" after roiding and it's a permanent state unless one takes care to reverse it with antiestrogens.
- There is some link between diabetes and steroids. It's a known fact that being fat worsens diabetes symptoms and type 2 diabetes can be cured almost completely by cutting. DHEA is known to reverse diabetes. Estrogen produced by fat tissue must extert some influence on the liver. Metformin, the diabetes drug is known to cure polycystic ovary syndrome in women, which is caused by too much free DHT and might be the women's parallel of norwooding.
- Insulin, growth hormone and prolactin belong to the same family. HGH is something that gives us muscle mass (but too much causes acromegaly). Insulin regulates sugar economy; in type 2 diabetes cells become insensitive to insulin which causes increased glucose generation in the liver, that in turn causes obesity. - Prolactin in men causes loss of libido and it's the main factor behind the refractory period, when you can't make your dick stand after cumming. Prolactin also antagonises dopamine, which is the main neurotransmitter responsible for the feeling of motivation and energy.
- Finally, the thyroid. Underactive thyroid enables fat to accumulate. Also, low TSH causes osteoporosis. Taking thyroid hormones increases SHBG without increase of estrogen. Hypothyroidism is associated with norwooding, possibly through the SHBG link.

It looks to me that there are at least 2 states of homeostasis, one "healthy" and one "sick", that are self-sustaining. In the "healthy" state DHEA is up, cortisol is low, test is up, DHT is up, SHBG is up, estrogen is low, thyroid is up, prolactin is low, HGH is up, insulin works, bodyfat is low. In the "sick" state the opposite is true.

I've personally taken DHEA and I can confirm that it improves libido, energy and helps to maintain weight, but it also causes norwooding, without some anti-shedding agent. Since taking DHEA and finasteride at the same time is retarted, I recommend topilutamide / Eucapil. One of derivatives of DHEA is 7-keto-DHEA which is an anticortisol.

I can confirm that cabergoline increases libido, especially in conjunction with androgens.

I've also taken adrenosterone, which is a precursor to 11-keto-testosterone and 11-keto-DHEA, that do not convert to estrogen. The conversion of adrenosterone to 11-keto-T inhibits conversion of cortisone to cortisol, so it is a good anticortisol too.

I want to see what happens when I take metformin and T3. Metformin cures POS, so it might cure balding, since the underlying reasons are similar. T3 increases SHBG and burns fat which decreases estrogen, and that gives you benefits of high SHBG without high E, and also high total androgens together with low free androgens.

TLDR: take DHEA, adrenosterone, cabergoline, metformin and T3.
You're in the right track OP. Good post.
"A decline in testosterone levels as men grow older is likely the result -- not the cause -- of deteriorating general health, say Australian scientists, whose new study finds that age, in itself, has no effect on testosterone level in healthy older men."

Testosterone is pretty protective for lungs and heart if I remember
  • +1
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It looks to me that there are at least 2 states of homeostasis, one "healthy" and one "sick", that are self-sustaining. In the "healthy" state DHEA is up, cortisol is low, test is up, DHT is up, SHBG is up, estrogen is low, thyroid is up, prolactin is low, HGH is up, insulin works, bodyfat is low. In the "sick" state the opposite is true.
this is exactly what ive been thinking, and I believe is also the reason some do not recover from steroid use, or why some who take fin get PFS.

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