Hot middle eastern milf psycologist Shames men dating younger women BONE CHILLING.



Jun 17, 2019
Her video is basically bullshit, young women who are 22 are not attracted to 35-40 year old because most of those men are not physically attractive, She then tries to link daddy issues with that mating dynamic. Then goes on to say men would see that younger women as hes children thats stupid wdf would i see another random women who i have no family ties to as my children. This is nothing more then a female mating tactic to shame men into seeing younger legal adult women as children, so as these women age they have better options of getting men. Megan good is 41 years old guess what most 41 year old women will not look even half as good as her or be able to sexually attractive decent looking men who around ages 22-25. draya micchele below is 38 years old.

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All minorites with British accents should be killed
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Her video is basically bullshit, young women who are 22 are not attracted to 35-40 year old because most of those men are not physically attractive, She then tries to link daddy issues with that mating dynamic. Then goes on to say men would see that younger women as hes children thats stupid wdf would i see another random women who i have no family ties to as my children. This is nothing more then a female mating tactic to shame men into seeing younger legal adult women as children, so as these women age they have better options of getting men. Megan good is 41 years old guess what most 41 year old women will not look even half as good as her or be able to sexually attractive decent looking men who around ages 22-25. draya micchele below is 38 years old.

The real reason is that men want a better looking foid with lower mileage
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Insane comments about the video


1 day ago (edited)
@aetank_yyteawu3436 no one said it is not transactional. Yes both sets of women only want established men. But men who are established don’t typically go younger because they cannot relate to those women. It is a different generation and different world they grew up in. That is why you find some of the most high value men choosing older women only- like Jeff Bezos and King Charles. Beauty and youth is common to them. Only low value men have the mentality that youth is enough in a woman. It is not. Life experience is important for those men. They want companionship and women who will understand them. These men can also hire endless help for their caregiving. So they choose these women only for those women.When it comes to other older men (who are not that well off), there is no shortage of them looking for a hospice care wife. Older men who marry younger soon get left behind because those women will go with younger and more virile men after they get what they want from the older man. They will not have the mindset to take care of him after they enjoy the money or have children. That is why men outnumber women in old people homes. These are men who are somewhat well off. But men who are average and older can never attract younger women. Younger women who prioritise money and compromise on partner looks aren’t looking for average old men. They only look for much more successful men.
She's a jewish agent paid to brainwash young minds.
Personally: more people go after roasties = more jbs for me.
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When will incels understand these women talk about this solely for attention. They are always dating chad or betabuxer
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They also push for higher AoCs.
  • So Sad
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I want to rape her and re-trigger her daddy issues that she has learned how to bury deep with therapy.
i will dominate legal teen ass until im 40
Why can't these whores understand that there is zero power dynamic or any other suconscious reason for men preferring younger women. They are straight up just more attractive. Fuckin coping hags.
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Reactions: Saggitarian and Michael Myers
Why can't these whores understand that there is zero power dynamic or any other suconscious reason for men preferring younger women. They are straight up just more attractive. Fuckin coping hags.
its a mating tactic women use to turn it into a moral thing with shaming in hopes society will get on board and said men as they age will not go after younger women to give older women more mating options. Ive even heard some women upset their mother/grand mothers saying that their invisble to older men.
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Reactions: Saggitarian and Shieda_Kayn
she's hot and smart

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