How bad is a 1.11 midface ratio? GTFIH!!!!!

Deleted member 3202

Deleted member 3202

Sep 17, 2019
How is the facepuller going?
To the Mods: This will be my last thread I will contact you later on to have my account closed down/banned, came to help now I am done here. Please take this as an application to permanently ban @cocainecowboy after the attempted suicideof @LondonVillie to which I hold him responsible within the realms of this forum due to his actions days before the incident and explain below and to set precedence for future events.

In hospital after trying to kill myself | - Mens Self-Improvement Forum
Not that anyone cares but it never began for me... I want to die to rid me of this pain I call life

To @cocainecowboy You are a text book abusive asshole that has no worth in the real world, so have found a forum of downtrodden people that will accept you. You have no real desire to assist anyone, you just want to break someone's self esteem down so they chase your validation and join your harem of followers to feed your ego. A classic push pull technique of being a cunt followed by moments of being nice to re earn your place. You then follow to justify your abuse with facts based on your pre-concieved notions of the world, supported by your harem of followers that need your validation and find it easier to accept abuse then fight against it. You don't live rent free in my head. Hopefully people see you for what you are as you crawl back.

Evidence 1: Outlines your abuse of someone who was clearly mentally ill cutting himself and you being aware of this. You kept attacking him and mocking him "mentally weak loser"
Evidence 2: Outlines His poor self esteem of referring to himself as "subhuman"
Evidence 3: Outlines your continuing assault to break down his self esteem to nothing even with a history of self harming.
Evident 3.5: Is a verbal assault that shows you never wanted him to help him you just wanted to break him.
Evidence 4: Outlines collective bullying of you trying to turn everyone on the thread against him
Evidence 5: Outlines you taunting and be proud of what you said with no remorse
Evidence 6: After your temporary ban. Here is you understanding he was mentally ill. You tried to be the victim to gain support and diffuse the blame to others and to justify your actions. Contrary to what you said you did want him dead indirectly as seen in evidence 1 and 3.5.

Overall the shear focus, malice and severity of what you said was a catalyst for his suicide attempt a few days later.

To the general forum: To those that support and help others, share ideas and try improve themselves, you have my respect. To the rest , most of you are autists who have no desire to improve yourselves, but live to tear each other down to give yourselves some meaning and self-worth. It goes to show we are all tyrants in the waiting you are just waiting for your turn to be one. You have a space on the internet to collect and share ideas and grow together with people in the exact same situation as you. Yet this is how you behave, seen as joke to anyone looking in. Most of you will never "ascend" but I am happy with that as you are exactly where you deserve to be. Until you can behave as human you do not deserve to treated as one. Stay away from the good life and pollute here instead.

@LondonVillie : I really am sorry for what happened, I did report what was said to you to the mods. Hopefully if you see this post you know you had someone on your side. I enjoyed talking to you and hope the advice I gave you to improve yourself was helpful. Just remember there are people on this forum who want the best for you and hope you can move on from here and grow with positive people, I hope you seek mental support , improve yourself and find peace. (Picture 8).
Morgan david gandy london 02 800
David Gandy 678x380
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Its great ratio, compact face.
Anything 0.9-1.1 is good
1.11 is acceptable and still great.
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Its great ratio, compact face.
Anything 0.9-1.1 is good
1.11 is acceptable and still great.
Phew, for some reason when I stand back and look at the mirror my midface looks long (And when I take pictures). I probably just suck at judging myself, lol. Oh wait, it's 1.116 typo. :/
Its great ratio, compact face.
Anything 0.9-1.1 is good
1.11 is acceptable and still great.
By the way, what was that thing @Dicklet.4.3 just posted here? Something about a member attempting to commit suicide?
Phew, for some reason when I stand back and look at the mirror my midface looks long (And when I take pictures). I probably just suck at judging myself, lol. Oh wait, it's 1.116 typo. :/

By the way, what was that thing @Dicklet.4.3 just posted here? Something about a member attempting to commit suicide?
i found some old picture from 2017 where i was standing next to 6 other people and i had shortest face, but this forum gave me autism and when i look at mirror sometimes i feel like its longish too, dont care too much, if ur ratio is above 1.0 then its fine.

this post is about one guy who tried to kill himself because of unknown reason, on the start most people including me (i have to apologise) started blaming @cocainecowboy for that, but then this fat fuck showed his real face, he was just sick dumb for whom the hardest task in the life is stop eating like pig and losing few kilograms, he needs psychiatrist, no blackpill forums.
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i found some old picture from 2017 where i was standing next to 6 other people and i had shortest face, but this forum gave me autism and when i look at mirror sometimes i feel like its longish too, dont care too much, if ur ratio is above 1.0 then its fine.

this post is about one guy who tried to kill himself because of unknown reason, on the start most people including me (i have to apologise) started blaming @cocainecowboy for that, but then this fat fuck showed his real face, he was just sick dumb for whom the hardest task in the life is stop eating like pig and losing few kilograms, he needs psychiatrist, no blackpill forums.
Oh, I feel bad for him, what's the users name?
Pitbull tier midface ratio.
  • JFL
Reactions: toolateforme
Oh, I feel bad for him lol, what's the users name?
i dont think feeling bad for him is something good
i mean on the start i felt bad because im kinda soft hearted but then he revealed his real self and i can say that he is just idiot
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Reactions: IWantToMax and Deleted member 3202
i dont think feeling bad for him is something good
i mean on the start i felt bad because im kinda soft hearted but then he revealed his real self and i can say that he is just idiot
Why was everyone blaming @cocainecowboy though?
Where r u from? uk here
US, living in Memphis.
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because it's trendy to hate me cuz im a controversial user
Why would you be controversial? From what I've read you seem to be a good enough poster.
Why would you be controversial? From what I've read you seem to be a good enough poster.
because i act like a dick often
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mine is 0.9
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yes it's kinda short,i wish i had a more taller lower third
Do you have a short philtrum (too short is what I mean)? If so, couldn't you just stretch it out?
You're a casual
well partly because im at 90% warning and 75% of the mods hate me and are just waiting for the moment to ban me

my first 1000 posts were pretty rad
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yes philtrum is short

how ?
I don't know, maybe just grab it and pull, it'd probably mess something up though. But if you're 0.9 then I wouldn't worry about it too much.
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well partly because im at 90% warning and 75% of the mods hate me and are just waiting for the moment to ban me

my first 1000 posts were pretty rad
I get Chad halo so I have the mods on a leash
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Anyone got examples of a 1.1 midface?
well partly because im at 90% warning and 75% of the mods hate me and are just waiting for the moment to ban me

my first 1000 posts were pretty rad
Oh I remember you now, you responded on one of my first posts, I asked some stupid question (I forget now of course) but you told me to never say sorry and it's helped me a lot, thanks man.
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Reactions: IWantToMax and Deleted member 2486
well partly because im at 90% warning and 75% of the mods hate me and are just waiting for the moment to ban me

my first 1000 posts were pretty rad
I am at third accountalready
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I get Chad halo so I have the mods on a leash
i think they used to like me, but aftre all the anti-surgery propaganda and even directly calling out some of the bs of some of the things mod said, it's no more

i said some really fucked up shit in my first 1-2k posts, the only reason i didnt get permad was the halo from my other acc
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Mine is anywhere from 0.92 to 0.95. Not sure how bad that is
Really? From when I saw your pics last yours looked higher than that, lol.
higher you mean below 0.9 or more than 0.9 closer to 1.0?
@AleksVs maybe I ran the calculation wrong so to not get exact results. What would you say my ratio is (below I’ve attached a random video of me)

@AleksVs maybe I ran the calculation wrong so to not get exact results. What would you say my ratio is (below I’ve attached a random video of me)

I can't really calculate it by just looking at it, but it's good, you could use a mm of philtrum imo though.
@AleksVs maybe I ran the calculation wrong so to not get exact results. What would you say my ratio is (below I’ve attached a random video of me)

Did you have any work on your eyes?
I can't really calculate it by just looking at it, but it's good, you could use a mm of philtrum imo though.

Did you have any work on your eyes?

I haven’t had any work on my face yet.
well partly because im at 90% warning and 75% of the mods hate me and are just waiting for the moment to ban me

my first 1000 posts were pretty rad
This stupid forum is bullshit man, tell me your insta in case you get banned
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This stupid forum is bullshit man, tell me your insta in case you get banned
i dont use it, but dw. im not gonna get banned, still got my unban shot left if it happens
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i dont use it, but dw. im not gonna get banned, still got my unban shot left if it happens
Kk, so many good kids left, I'd probably never see them in my life again.
Everyone is passing by, I cant even attain girl in my life.
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wtf is a midface ratio
seems retarded tbh
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