how did my jaw manage to become more recessed.



Apr 8, 2024
IMG 9459
IMG 9460
specifically talking about my lower jaw. Could braces and elastics fix this? these couple MM kinda fucked my face a bit and i’m unsure how HGH caused this.
specifically talking about my lower jaw. Could braces and elastics fix this? these couple MM kinda fucked my face a bit and i’m unsure how HGH caused this.
why the fuck are you surprised hgh caused ur jaw to grow

i hope u realise ur face never stops growing even when u finish puberty
why the fuck are you surprised hgh caused ur jaw to grow

i hope u realise ur face never stops growing even when u finish puberty
it didn’t make my jaw grow. it recessed my face…? the left pic is before right is after
Why do you keep fuckin yapping abt your failed use of hormones that you shouldn't have been taking just accept that you are a moron and get some surgery.
yeah but it doesn’t make sense anyways, how did my lower jaw become more recessed? and it’s hard not to yap to find solutions and vent sometimes because my treatment IRL has drastically changed tbh. lookism is real
Over for bro
not much of a difference. You’re probably jutting less which makes you look more recessed. You can’t become more recessed unless you have some disease that’s dissolving your bones, which you clearly don’t.
not much of a difference. You’re probably jutting less which makes you look more recessed. You can’t become more recessed unless you have some disease that’s dissolving your bones, which you clearly don’t.
i used hgh and it gave me downward growth caused midface to lengthen and gave me a class 2 overbite so yeah it did
i used hgh and it gave me downward growth caused midface to lengthen and gave me a class 2 overbite so yeah it did
There’s other variables that are to blame. Because due to androgen sensitivity, your mandible should grow far more than your midface with elevated gh levels. Growth of the mandible is a common side effect of hgh supplementation. Clearly something stopped your mandible from growing while your midface grew. Probably shit genetics and general shit oral posture leading to downward growth. The growth hormone just accentuated the underlying issues you already have, it didn’t cause them.
There’s other variables that are to blame. Because due to androgen sensitivity, your mandible should grow far more than your midface with elevated gh levels. Growth of the mandible is a common side effect of hgh supplementation. Clearly something stopped your mandible from growing while your midface grew. Probably shit genetics and general shit oral posture leading to downward growth. The growth hormone just accentuated the underlying issues you already have, it didn’t cause them.
it still caused a worse facial structure and made my face more recessed. class 1 Mal to a class two deep bite. idek what to do tbh. should i run GH or gh peptides/mk677 again to see if it grows mt mandible. kinda a lost cause here. i’m just way more uglier now. giving up tbh. at least maybe all the extra downward bone growth could look good if my mandible can grow too
it still caused a worse facial structure and made my face more recessed. class 1 Mal to a class two deep bite. idek what to do tbh. should i run GH or gh peptides/mk677 again to see if it grows mt mandible. kinda a lost cause here. i’m just way more uglier now. giving up tbh. at least maybe all the extra downward bone growth could look good if my mandible can grow too
Just jutmax and you’ll be fine
damn I hope your insurance covers surgery then
i just don’t understand how downward growth and midface vertical growth leads to a more recessed jaw. how does that even work. can you explain it? for example my midface lengthend and my actual nasal bridge also lengthens which is downward or vertical growth, but how does it recess my jaw.
i just don’t understand how downward growth and midface vertical growth leads to a more recessed jaw. how does that even work. can you explain it? for example my midface lengthend and my actual nasal bridge also lengthens which is downward or vertical growth, but how does it recess my jaw.
If everything grows except for your mandible, your mandible will be proportionally smaller compared to the rest, even though it stays the same size. If it really got measurably smaller then you might have some degenerative disease eating away at your bones.
If everything grows except for your mandible, your mandible will be proportionally smaller compared to the rest, even though it stays the same size. If it really got measurably smaller then you might have some degenerative disease eating away at your bones.
I see, so basically BSSO could fix me? Or could I just spam test and hope it grows
If everything grows except for your mandible, your mandible will be proportionally smaller compared to the rest, even though it stays the same size. If it really got measurably smaller then you might have some degenerative disease eating away at your bones.
but honestly i’m even more confused. Acromegaly usually doesn’t even grow anything longer, doesn’t elongate anything. So the fact it gave me downward growth is weird to begin with. maybe i have weird receptors idk. i might try testosterone. maybe i have low test or something idk.
This is an upwards swing you became less recessed
so vertical growth is downwards growth?
in most cases yes. it’s explained in depth on the orthotropics youtube channel, they have good diagrams explaining it in some videos. downswing is where instead of your maxilla growing forwards, it grows at a downwards angle, leading to a more elongated face.
in most cases yes. it’s explained in depth on the orthotropics youtube channel, they have good diagrams explaining it in some videos. downswing is where instead of your maxilla growing forwards, it grows at a downwards angle, leading to a more elongated face.
so everything grew more downwards except for my mandible. how the heck does that work.
don’t stress bro, if it bothers you that much just get surgery
so i’m guessing yk the difference now that i said there is no jutting
in most cases yes. it’s explained in depth on the orthotropics youtube channel, they have good diagrams explaining it in some videos. downswing is where instead of your maxilla growing forwards, it grows at a downwards angle, leading to a more elongated face.
gonna blast testosterone and hgh and pray it grows my jaw
so i’m guessing yk the difference now that i said there is no jutting
i don’t really see the difference man, just looks like the camera angle to me
i don’t really see the difference man, just looks like the camera angle to me
okay well so you know, the angle is the same relative to the ear, just the entire cranial skull changed its rotation and growth.
that you think there’s a difference rather than it just being due to the camera angle/jutting.
i’ll prolly get better pics hold on

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