How did you feel when you swallowed the black pill?



Jan 21, 2019
First it was depressing tbh. However, life became much more easier after I picked myself up again. Ngl I feel like the all-knowing God. Ironically I became more confident than ever b4. I know that personality is just a meme. I've been on therapy for three years now for social anxiety. There's absolutely no need for that anymore. Thanks guys : )
Why are you on medication for anxiety? Thats for retarded white girls who pretend to have anxiety for attention
I was blackpilled since i was 8years old honestly. School years are easyest way to get blackpilled since kids and some teachers are vary nonchalant about the way they behave towards you and what your place is.
Bluepilled fuckers say that it all goes away when "people grow up", but it doesn't it really doesn't, stuff just changes name...
  • It's not bullying, it's "workplace mobbing"
  • It's not school, it's office building
  • It's not teacher, it's manager
  • It's not school shrink, it's human resources
  • It's not principal, it's CEO
Okay im oversimplifying, but people and power structures don't just change because they got older...
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Why are you on medication for anxiety?
I have never been on meds for anxiety. I've not been socially anxious after being blackpilled. I'm about to ask my psychiatrist tho, because I've heard they feel godly.

I was blackpilled since i was 8years old honestly
I don't want to say lucky you, but damn I wish I had your knowledge when growing up. Were you short?
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Blackpill is the BDD pill.
I have never been on meds for anxiety. I've not been socially anxious after being blackpilled. I'm about to ask my psychiatrist tho, because I've heard they feel godly.

I don't want to say lucky you, but damn I wish I had your knowledge when growing up. Were you short?
Not really, some where btw short and normal, but i was skinny AF like super fucking skinny, eyesight damaged since birth so had to wear glasses, deformed teeth and speech impedement couldn't pronounce R wich sounded super wierd in my language hence they nicknamed me retard even though my IQ was fine and had rebellious personality as in i usually did what ever i wanted and i didn't like sports, so was instantly ostracized and it all snowballed from there.
Not really, some where btw short and normal
This is why I think height is underestimated even in blackpilled communities. Tall boys don't get bullied even if they were objectively sub 4 psl (except fat and tall, but that's mostly behind the back). The superior height commands respect. No wonder the presidential candidates are getting taller each election.
This is why I think height is underestimated even in blackpilled communities. Tall boys don't get bullied even if they were objectively sub 4 psl (except fat and tall, but that's mostly behind the back). The superior height commands respect. No wonder the presidential candidates are getting taller each election.
Not necessarily, person who i can't speak of because of the rules got bullied in school because they were tall, ppl hurled insults like giant/giraffe/etc and was getting beaten up, they were also wary skinny. So i think it's more complicated.
Mildly depressed
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bullied in school because they were tall
Would you mind to tell me how tall? I suspect he had some mental problems and that's why he was an easy target for the compensating bullies.
Would you mind to tell me how tall? I suspect he had some mental problems and that's why he was an easy target for the compensating bullies.
ATM 192cm tall, but was pretty tall in school afaik.
About mental thing, can't talk about that because of rules, but some bulletpoints that i can say are rebellious personality, broken home dad left the country, poor af...
I felt freed,because now I know what to do
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ATM 192cm tall
I won't believe his height was the reason for bullying. He had to be a weak and bullied for something else. Bullies stop once they are beaten up in a fight and the taller guy should have the advantage. I remember wrestling on my school yard and it was impossible for shorter boys to take me down even when they teamed up.
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This is why I think height is underestimated even in blackpilled communities. Tall boys don't get bullied even if they were objectively sub 4 psl (except fat and tall, but that's mostly behind the back). The superior height commands respect. No wonder the presidential candidates are getting taller each election.

I was biggest truecel you could ever imagine (except height/frame) growing up. Aspie, fat, stuttering, video games 24/7, no friends, hates socialising, math nerd of the school, i even bullied/laughed at others for being stupid (i was confident in my own retarded kind of way), just overall 0 social awareness etc. Literal social outcast, yet I was never physically bullied and people always talked with respect to me cause of my height and frame(i was at least foot taller than avg. always, im 201cm now). From a certain PoV it was even detrimental cause it let me get away with so much shit being so fucking autistic, otherwise maybe I would've come gained awareness about myself sooner and start working on NT/inhibition sooner
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I won't believe his height was the reason for bullying. He had to be a weak and bullied for something else. Bullies stop once they are beaten up in a fight and the taller guy should have the advantage. I remember wrestling on my school yard and it was impossible for shorter boys to take me down even when they teamed up.
Ye was small frame and weak, one time was in fight and the bully was laughing when he fought/tried to punch back, so i guess you could call it laughably weak.
It caused me to waste 8 months rotting on, making a total of 26,000 posts (including posts on my alt accounts)
It caused me to waste 8 months rotting on, making a total of 26,000 posts (including posts on my alt accounts)
larpcel storycel cel in the cel of the cels
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larpcel storycel cel in the cel of the cels
Screen Shot 2018 12 07 at 95835 PM
Screenshot 2019 02 05 08 19 002
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Ye was small frame and weak, one time was in fight and the bully was laughing when he fought/tried to punch back, so i guess you could call it laughably weak.
>not into sports theory
Voluntarily weak.
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7D8B6EFD 8FF9 4DFD AB56 B2F04E043A40
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I had to learn the blackpill through the hard way sadly. Being fat has made everyone judge me and be invisible to everyone.
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did @VST just destroy looks theory???

chad getting no pussy what's happening
Looks determine the attraction level. We live in materialistic and physical real world, it requires some movement of the atoms to get smth in the end.
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Looks determines the attraction level. We live in materialistic and physical real world, it requires some movement of the atoms to get smth in the end.
Mentalcel Supreme
did @VST just destroy looks theory???

chad getting no pussy what's happening
He's told me before that he rarely goes outside, same as me kinda I like my HQ
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