How did you find about looksmaxing or this forum?



Here's the deal
Apr 10, 2020
My story is kinda funny
It was random, I was searching for Adriana Lima pics online and found the forum, started reading all the posts and thought everyone here was crazy for like 2 or 3 days and then I was hooked on the schizophrenia too
  • JFL
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and now you been here 4 years
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Reactions: perpetuallytired
you probably done seen a lot over 4 years though

what was the craziest era in your experience?
you probably done seen a lot over 4 years though

what was the craziest era in your experience?
During COVID it was the best time the best users, this forum actually died in 2021
It's not even 10% of what it used to be
  • +1
Reactions: Earth Dollar
During COVID it was the best time the best users, this forum actually died in 2021
It's not even 10% of what it used to be
that's crazy though

and I thought 2022 to mid 2023 was wild
redpill > blackpill > > .org
that's crazy though

and I thought 2022 to mid 2023 was wild
I'm thinking about something here
Guy's nowadays do things people would do back then, and they probably don't even know why they do
The whole "culture" of this site was created in 2019(I suppose)/2020...
I would say lookism has a part of the looksmaxing culture but it was very different from looksmax, I didn't like lookism people there were super aggressive and most guys there were older
And there was also women there iirc
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I invented looksmaxxing. I got a rhino and chin implant in 2002 when I was 18. I did jaw clenching exercises even before that, which I came up with myself.
I invented looksmaxxing. I got a rhino and chin implant in 2002 when I was 18. I did jaw clenching exercises even before that, which I came up with myself.
How old are you
I looked up sites similar to
This website came up
So I decided to join
it was something to do with height, then i saw the replies to threads and realized how hilariously unhinged the forum is
Stumbled upon faceandlms channel
Was introduced to the blackpill by wheat waffles lmao
  • So Sad
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Blackgymax Video 💀
  • JFL
Reactions: Entschuldigung
My story is kinda funny
It was random, I was searching for Adriana Lima pics online and found the forum, started reading all the posts and thought everyone here was crazy for like 2 or 3 days and then I was hooked on the schizophrenia too
My story is kinda funny
It was random, I was searching for Adriana Lima pics online and found the forum, started reading all the posts and thought everyone here was crazy for like 2 or 3 days and then I was hooked on the schizophrenia too
I was searching for Lachowski and O'Pry pics, it was many years ago
how was it?
u just clenched?
Yeah, I had a big rubber retainer from when I had braces and I'd clench on that. I'd also jut my lower jaw and clench while doing that. I'm sure neither of these did anything. It was just my desperate attempt to get a jaw. I was a birdcel. This dude in one of my classes literally called me "the bird." Also, early black pill - that dude was a huge sperg, not popular at all, and had no friends, but one of the hottest girls in the school had a crush on him because he was good looking, and he probably fucked her, or he fucked it up, but he still could have.
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wheatwaffles showed me blackpill when he first uploaded in 21 then found the forum thru an og looksmaxxing server where .org threads were posted, this is my 4th acc kek its hard to leave this shit
I'm sure neither of these did anything. It was just my desperate attempt to get a jaw.
tbh i’m sure you made it a bit wider at minimum, even if nothing else, from massaters.

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