How disgusting do you find BetaBuxxing?



Aug 29, 2019
"Success with women", is seen in 2 ways in society:
1. It's either a dude slaying alot of women. Or
2. a dude being married/LTR to a attractive woman (aka, above his looks league maybe. Often he provides for all).
Or both.

Dude 1, has success, because he is sized up for the exciting hot piece of ass fun role.
Dude 2, has success, because he is sized up for the BetaBuxx role (and can do that).

BlackPillers, often make no differentation between these 2 type of successes.
Now, leaving judgement aside for now.
To be succesfull at BetaBuxxing; looks matter plenty But Status and Money and lifestyle matter equally as looks.
To be succesfull at fucking plenty new/random women for free; looks matter extremly much like 75%-80%.

1. If you want to be the man that a woman choice with excitement, for being attractive/hot. Then the blackpill is nearly 100% right.
2. If you want to be, or are okay with, being the man a woman choice without much or any excitement, but with trying to be logical for achieveing a certain goal she has in her life (kids, being lazy stay at home wife, not having to work, cool lifestyle, safety feeling, wanting to financially divorce-rape a man so to get wealthy, etc..).
Then the blackpill is way less correct. Because then she will chose a man, with keeping in mind: money, status, and also more personality stuff.

I hate BetaBuxxing. And find it pretty disgusting. I can't see it as success either, like plenty/most people in society do.

I did it once, in my last LTR.To me, it lt like a form of degrading myself. Basically admitting to myself, that I gotta pay up to keep her around, because I'm inferior in essence. It's a sad thing.
Maybe most men should, or wil, at least once in their life BetaBuxx. To see how it is. l promised myself to only BetaBuxx for 1 exception maybe, whenit's for the raising/benifit of my own kid. Because sacrifise for my own kid, I could deal with better then for some lazy fully grown adult woman.

BetaBuxxing. This video always comes to my mind

How disgusting do you find BetaBuxxing? Or do you like it? Or..?
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2. If you want to be, or are okay with, being the man a woman choice without much or any excitement, but with trying to be logical for achieveing a certain goal she has in her life (kids, being lazy stay at home wife, not having to work, cool lifestyle, safety feeling, wanting to financially divorce-rape a man so to get wealthy, etc..).
Then the blackpill is way less correct. Because then she will chose a man, with keeping in mind: money, status, and also more personality stuff.
Most people here are quite young. Betabux relationships don't really exist yet below the age of 25yo so the only way to get girls is through looks, being attractive/hot.

Most girls I speak my own age (24yo) talk about having no interest in settling down untill at least their late twenties/early thirties. Untill then it's travelling, partying, being single, and a few short term relationships with hot guys. I don't know a single guy that is betabuxing my age.

Anyways I think it's disgusting and will never do it. If I can survive my horny teens+twenties with little to no sex and female companionship. I am sure I will survive my thirties lmao. My own father advised me against ever getting married aswell.

I will just go and chill with bro's.
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Most people here are quite young. Betabux relationships don't really exist yet below the age of 25yo so the only way to get girls is through looks, being attractive/hot.
Now I recall. In my case, the BetaBuxxing LTR I had, started when I was 27-28 years old and she also around that age.
So that also didn't happen in my younger years (I had no resources to betabuxx anyways when younger).
Thinking back (early 2000's). Younger women in my same age, back then. About 40%-50% was back then already letting an older dude betaBuxx on them, doing LTR with older dudes, whom I guess BetaBuxxed them. So that these women could move out of their parents home and do cool stuff. The other younger women whom didn't do that, had to life a more poor cheap(ish)student lifestyle.
Then the women bragged to the other single women whom didn't betabuxx, how they went on a cool holiday destination and shit like that. While the single women, went to something more low class.
imagine having kids with a woman 28+ and getting a higher chance of a genetically cursed son
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"Success with women", is seen in 2 ways in society:
1. It's either a dude slaying alot of women. Or
2. a dude being married/LTR to a attractive woman (aka, above his looks league maybe. Often he provides for all).
Or both.

Dude 1, has success, because he is sized up for the exciting hot piece of ass fun role.
Dude 2, has success, because he is sized up for the BetaBuxx role (and can do that).

BlackPillers, often make no differentation between these 2 type of successes.
Now, leaving judgement aside for now.
To be succesfull at BetaBuxxing; looks matter plenty But Status and Money and lifestyle matter equally as looks.
To be succesfull at fucking plenty new/random women for free; looks matter extremly much like 75%-80%.

1. If you want to be the man that a woman choice with excitement, for being attractive/hot. Then the blackpill is nearly 100% right.
2. If you want to be, or are okay with, being the man a woman choice without much or any excitement, but with trying to be logical for achieveing a certain goal she has in her life (kids, being lazy stay at home wife, not having to work, cool lifestyle, safety feeling, wanting to financially divorce-rape a man so to get wealthy, etc..).
Then the blackpill is way less correct. Because then she will chose a man, with keeping in mind: money, status, and also more personality stuff.

I hate BetaBuxxing. And find it pretty disgusting. I can't see it as success either, like plenty/most people in society do.

I did it once, in my last LTR.To me, it lt like a form of degrading myself. Basically admitting to myself, that I gotta pay up to keep her around, because I'm inferior in essence. It's a sad thing.
Maybe most men should, or wil, at least once in their life BetaBuxx. To see how it is. l promised myself to only BetaBuxx for 1 exception maybe, whenit's for the raising/benifit of my own kid. Because sacrifise for my own kid, I could deal with better then for some lazy fully grown adult woman.

BetaBuxxing. This video always comes to my mind

How disgusting do you find BetaBuxxing? Or do you like it? Or..?

Legit thread.

i hate betabuxing myself a lot.

There seems to be no way out of it unless you are chad.

This is why escortceling mogs imo. You directly get what you want without any other extra efforts like treating the girl properly and playing 'hard to get' and all the other cope stuff.
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I fucking despise betabuxxing.

BUT, I could cope with it, as long as I had the girl I eventually get to betabuxx, from her primedays. Lets say you take her V-card, and you are with her from her very early 20s or late teens, I could live with that. Like if she genuienly like you (bluepill vibes but i hope u get my point) and you genuienly like her.
However, I would never, I repeat never betabuxx for a woman who hit the wall, slept around in her 20s "living her best life". and now when she realizes she cant sleep with Chad anymore because he goes to the younger&hotter women, she realizes that HER best option now is to find a guy to marry and live off.

It really is a big difference, if you marry a girl when she is young, she has many options and "chooses" you.
If you marry a woman who hit the wall already, she knows that she should marry somenoe ASAP because she is losing it. So she doesnt even necesarily like you and want the best for you, she just sees you as the best option.

When you think about it tho, for the other "young" pals on this site, how many of the fathers to your friends are actually just straight betabuxxes? It isnt talked about usually, but chances are that the majority of the fathers to the people u went to class with are actually betabuxxers

(my definition of betabuxxing isnt that u have to buy her everything like a slut, but in a more casual way) (not saying that is less bad, but I am refering to the "normie betabuxx" which you see all over the world. "stay home moms" etc

clip you linked is brutal btw, i hope he left her asap
edit: he did not :oops:
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Low iq thread because you cant chose blackpill or not,blackpill is always there
i hate betabuxing myself a lot.

There seems to be no way out of it unless you are chad.
I feel the same about both. With locationmaxxing, maybe being for some white normie dudes an escape option, to become a Chad in certain location.
This is why escortceling mogs imo. You directly get what you want without any other extra efforts like treating the girl properly and playing 'hard to get' and all the other cope stuff.
I agree. The only added things though, that a BetaBuxxer gets. That an escort user doesn't get.

1. some betabuuxxers fool themselfes into believing she loves them for whom they are or something. And thus they get a false sense of female validation, from it.
2. Validation by society. When I BetaBuxxed in my last LTR. I got validation, or extra status or something. Family treated me more interesting. At gatherings, I got more attention from other women, and compliments and shit. And also dudes, gave me more respect, because I had a woman with me that was my looksmatch (or maybe a bit above me).
I noticed this especially after my LTR ended, and I satyed single for some time and didn't date. I got plenty less respect, validation and attention. It fealt like people started to see me as a loser, whom can't get a chick. I still dislike those people, whom did that to me back then.

I fucking despise betabuxxing.

BUT, I could cope with it, as long as I had the girl I eventually get to betabuxx, from her primedays. Lets say you take her V-card, and you are with her from her very early 20s or late teens, I could live with that. Like if she genuienly like you (bluepill vibes but i hope u get my point) and you genuienly like her.
However, I would never, I repeat never betabuxx for a woman who hit the wall, slept around in her 20s "living her best life". and now when she realizes she cant sleep with Chad anymore because he goes to the younger&hotter women, she realizes that HER best option now is to find a guy to marry and live off.
It really is a big difference, if you marry a girl when she is young, she has many options and "chooses" you.
I get that way of thinking or you. And I can agree to a good extend. Getting a woman in her prime, softens the pain that comes with BetaBuxxing, I agree.
Maybe that's a common differnece in opinion among the manosphere:
1. blue pilled. BetaBuxxing a "fertility wall hitting" woman, is seen as okay or cool.
2. red pilled. BetaBuxxing a prime years woman, is seen as okay or cool.
3. black pilled. BetaBuxxing is never cool, it's slaying or over.
4. Mgtow. BetaBuxxing and slaying is both not cool, but slaying is then the least bad option.

Most blabla pilled dudes, are often way to rigid in their approach to this matter. Seeing their pill, as the go to way, for men in all ages, and location, and classes in the world. While It highly depends on a man his age, and position, and even location (in the world) what is do-able, imo..

When you think about it tho, for the other "young" pals on this site, how many of the fathers to your friends are actually just straight betabuxxes? It isnt talked about usually, but chances are that the majority of the fathers to the people u went to class with are actually betabuxxers
I agree. And even alot of dudes nowadays, step up, for the child of another man. That's imo, next level bad for such a man. Especially when that dude, doesn't have his own kids (yet).

clip you linked is brutal btw, i hope he left her asap
he won't though. Unless he found a new woman, to betaBuxx for. Or if he went the escort route. Otherwise he might exoerience long dry spells, or he must have such high stats or fame (i dunno) that women will hookup with him, for hopefully gaining some fame or status themselfes.
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There is not even betabuxx in school or university
Betabuxing isn't technically bad. Even chads does it. As a man it's never wrong to financially support a woman and raising a family. It has been like this for ages. But the problem arises when the foundation of the relationship is solely based upon your providing ability. Hence a certain looks threshold is to be crossed if not you will be seen as a disposable ATM machine.
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a girl sees a guy as either one of the 2 things
1- a guy who makes her arroused
2- a guy who is a paycheck
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There is not even betabuxx in school or university
Depends on location in the world, likely. And economic/money that a woman or her family has, or doesn't have.
Most West countries, girls/women have parents that provide them with good money/ifestyle or simps that give them money for free.

In more poor locations. That's not an option for young women. So, it's either: be poor and the pains that come with being poor, or find a beta-buxx and be more comfortable. (obviously she is very tempted, and likel;y will when young and later maybe also, bang Chads on the side).

Betabuxing isn't technically bad. Even chads does it.
Neither is technically bad imo also. There is no morality in this, from my stance point. Just "strategies" or ways for a man (and woman) on how to navgate getting sex and relationships. I don't see any need for morality in that. As in: it's good or it's bad.
It largely depends on how, it makes a dude feel.
For me BetaBuxxing feels bad. It softens it a little or significantly, when the woman is young/prime years and better looking then me, and she doesn't have/earn much.
It, BetaBuxxing, softens it alot for me also, when it's for the support/benifit of my own child/kad. And the child still needs alot care and attention, probably like the first 5-6 years, then children become over time a bit more self reliant, and sufficient.I dislike supporting a woman, if it isn't for so she can put attention on my/our children.
As a man it's never wrong to financially support a woman and raising a family. It has been like this for ages. But the problem arises when the foundation of the relationship is solely based upon your providing ability. Hence a certain looks threshold is to be crossed if not you will be seen as a disposable ATM machine.
I don't see support of woman and support of child, as 1 thing/unit. Like you describe it. For me the support of her, is only for as much as it affect my/our child. I don't care about supporting her, beyond waht is needed for her to be able (have the circumstances) to do a good job at being a mother.

Also, I at least, take into account. The recent change (since 1960). That women demanded, and got, equal chances in the job/carreer/etc.. market. Women claiming, to be able to take care of themselfes. Which is the norm, in West world. So, that also makes me think there is in the West no reason anymore to support a woman her ass, with the only exception of child-baring period and the first 5 years orso after birth of the child. After age 5, the child is locked in school most of the time, anyways.
a girl sees a guy as either one of the 2 things
1- a guy who makes her arroused
2- a guy who is a paycheck
Or Both!

But if she s arroused by a dude. His paycheck, is a great bonus for her; and will make him overall more attractive then other dudes that also get her arroused.
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Speaking of betabuxxing. Obviously the rules, regulations and whatnot differ for each country. But how fucked do you get financially if you get married? (Generally speaking in NA / Europe. Assuming you signed a prenup?

One thing I've been considering lately as an oldcel + baldcel is doing marriage game, betabuxx game, and foreign wife game. If I get a wife in from the third world who lives in a shit tier village without any money whatsoever. How fucked can I end up getting finanically if I bring her over to Europe/NA ?

Sounds pretty good if your losses aren't too bad? How big are the losses if she divorce you, and what if you divorce her? Could you theoretically just get a wife every 3-4 years or so, if she starts to refuse sex or whatever?

As far as citizenship goes. She wouldn't even be able to get that, or would she? In most of Europe and USA (I guess) you have to live in the country for 7+ years minimum lol. But no clue if the visa you get from marraige is permanent residency (but not full citizenship) or something?

One thing I've heard, but correct me if I'm wrong on this. But if you divorce her or she divorce you, and she can't provide for herself, then you have to provide for her (for certain amounts of months/years)? You have to pay her rent, get her a new place, etc? So at this point she isn't even living with you anymore, and you still have to provide.... If that's the case then this is not an option tbh. Too big risk I'd say. But is this the case?

Btw, my finances is sufficient to provide for myself and her (she doesn't have to work. She could just clean my place or whatever). I'd still have some money left over to send to her family or whatever (to keep her happy xd), but not much more than that tbh.

Is this an option? Or not really? Do you guys know of any other options that allows you to just straight up hack the dating game like this? Any suggestions? (I don't care about money, all I want is sex multiple times a day minimum. Idc if she works or not). I can't afford an in-house hooker btw. I can only afford living expenses for me and my "wife"
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Speaking of betabuxxing. Obviously the rules, regulations and whatnot differ for each country. But how fucked do you get financially if you get married? (Generally speaking in NA / Europe. Assuming you signed a prenup?

One thing I've been considering lately as an oldcel + baldcel is doing marriage game, betabuxx game, and foreign wife game. If I get a wife in from the third world who lives in a shit tier village without any money whatsoever. How fucked can I end up getting finanically if I bring her over to Europe/NA ?

Sounds pretty good if your losses aren't too bad? How big are the losses if she divorce you, and what if you divorce her? Could you theoretically just get a wife every 3-4 years or so, if she starts to refuse sex or whatever?

As far as citizenship goes. She wouldn't even be able to get that, or would she? In most of Europe and USA (I guess) you have to live in the country for 7+ years minimum lol. But no clue if the visa you get from marraige is permanent residency (but not full citizenship) or something?

One thing I've heard, but correct me if I'm wrong on this. But if you divorce her or she divorce you, and she can't provide for herself, then you have to provide for her (for certain amounts of months/years)? You have to pay her rent, get her a new place, etc? So at this point she isn't even living with you anymore, and you still have to provide.... If that's the case then this is not an option tbh. Too big risk I'd say. But is this the case?

Btw, my finances is sufficient to provide for myself and her (she doesn't have to work. She could just clean my place or whatever). I'd still have some money left over to send to her family or whatever (to keep her happy xd), but not much more than that tbh.

Is this an option? Or not really? Do you guys know of any other options that allows you to just straight up hack the dating game like this? Any suggestions? (I don't care about money, all I want is sex multiple times a day minimum. Idc if she works or not). I can't afford an in-house hooker btw. I can only afford living expenses for me and my "wife"
Get tall hot Russian wife have Chad offspring give life purpose raising baby chad
I agree. The only added things though, that a BetaBuxxer gets. That an escort user doesn't get.

1. some betabuuxxers fool themselfes into believing she loves them for whom they are or something. And thus they get a false sense of female validation, from it.
2. Validation by society. When I BetaBuxxed in my last LTR. I got validation, or extra status or something. Family treated me more interesting. At gatherings, I got more attention from other women, and compliments and shit. And also dudes, gave me more respect, because I had a woman with me that was my looksmatch (or maybe a bit above me).
I noticed this especially after my LTR ended, and I satyed single for some time and didn't date. I got plenty less respect, validation and attention. It fealt like people started to see me as a loser, whom can't get a chick. I still dislike those people, whom did that to me back then.
Yes that is 100% true.

But personally I am ready to compromise status and validation, for instant sex. It depends really on what you want.
Get tall hot Russian wife have Chad offspring give life purpose raising baby chad

Yup, I have two "friends" in their 40-50's who have done this. And another one who got a colombian. I'm not even remotely close to that age yet, but marraige game, and foreign wife game seems legit as fuck. It's actually possible to get a girl way younger, and way out of your league.

Granted. The guys I know who did it, did it in around 2010-2013 or so. They're still together today btw. I think things have changed quite a bit nowadays. eg, if you look at Thailand or whatever, they simply just have way more money nowadays, girls aren't so desperate, they have a way higher quality of life than what they used to have, etc. Marriage and foreign wife game have basically become way less effective.

So no clue how well this would work in 2020 and beyond.
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Obviously the rules, regulations and whatnot differ for each country.
All your questions, highly depend on the exact country you life in, on NA/West-Europe?etc..

General advice. Do as much as possible, to leave the state/government out of it.
Ideally life in a country with good laws. And have an escape plan, PRE-PLANNED! If you get fucked over by the government.

That's why it's often morr legit. To go life in those shithole countries. They have mch better laws, and you can likely escape back home, if they fuck you over.

In general.
Most West nations have fucked up, divorce laws for men. Even with pre-nups, they can be tossed out. Plenty MGTOW places, have great infor and axamples on how fucked up it is, maybe most mgtow got divorce-raped.
The laws, and the judges/court. Are all setup and designed, to please the woman. I think they call it, a gyncocentric approach. So everything will be explained, and twisted, in the benifit of the woman.
S, hige alimony. And even, child supprt often isn't child support, but just hidden alimony. I mean, rich dudes paying like $10.000 monthly in child support si a fucking joke. It's just hidden alimony.
She can lie that you abused her, or the child. And you lose your house, and what not more. I even heard, lawyer suggesting women to just make false accuations because then she will have a huge advantage.

or you miss $600 in child support payments due to haveing less income because of whatever reason, and they trow you in jail. But only for the man/father. If the woman doesn't pay any for support of her/their child that doesn't matter:

But how fucked do you get financially if you get married? (Generally speaking in NA / Europe. Assuming you signed a prenup?
Alot fo risks, in most countries. Even prenups work pretty bad, regularly.
You can also get fucked over, on so called "child support".
I would not marry.

One thing I've been considering lately as an oldcel + baldcel is doing marriage game, betabuxx game, and foreign wife game. If I get a wife in from the third world who lives in a shit tier village without any money whatsoever. How fucked can I end up getting finanically if I bring her over to Europe/NA ?
The risky factor imo is a bit.
The taking her over, to your place.

WHy can you BetaBuxx a hot woman in a shithole??
Because you are the few richer/well off dudes. Because there is maybe a high femeale/male ratio. Because, etc.. (reasons)..
So you got advanatges, due to that location situations where that woman lives. And when you take her out of that location and bring to your country, all advanatges that you specifcally had. You will lose (most of not all of them). Because in your country, there are other dudes that are just as well of and looking like you (whom might also want your woman, so she can jump to them), and there ismaybe a fuckedup ale/female ratio. And maybe most women in your country look like slob piggs, so she is like top-tier value in your country (and can thsu upgrade).
The big flaw in that plan, is imo. Taking her to you location.
You gotta go live there. And you will remain having the upper hand. The only reason you have the upper hand in those lactions; IS because of the location. So why, change the location? You fuck up all your advanatges.

As far as all these 'what er the rules questions" goes. You gotta know them all for the locations that matter for your situation. PLus, how they are practically used. And you gotta plan stuff well. And you hav to realise also, laws/rules change or can change, so they might become worse (assume that) over time maybe.

This video on this matter, has imo legit points and pointers.
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Beta Bux isn't something every guy can do. You still need a certain level of looks to pull it off. I have a good job and I'm in the top 10% in income in my country and no women wants me to provide for them.
Beta Bux isn't something every guy can do. You still need a certain level of looks to pull it off. I have a good job and I'm in the top 10% in income in my country and no women wants me to provide for them.
I agree. You need to be normie range in face, at minimum likely.
And you can't be a manlet.

Although with money, as a white western dude at least. There ar some last options, to go location maxxing.
Don't be that fool though, that takes a woman from that "shithole" to his country. That's a risk. In my opinion. Although most dudes do it that way, and maybe get like a good 5-10 years run out if that maxximum f they are lucky. And then she probably to a large extend changed into a Westernised female, with said demands and expectations and treatment.

Like this fool, plans to do. And on top of that, he used a scam service, where women go to for getting a man to take them out of there.
His market value shot up, because of locationmaxxing. But he will lose that value, pretty soon, after he took her to his o\home country andshe has citizenship.
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Beta Bux isn't something every guy can do. You still need a certain level of looks to pull it off. I have a good job and I'm in the top 10% in income in my country and no women wants me to provide for them.

That's why you do the foreign wife stuff. In your own home country you don't stand a chance, unless you betabuxx a fat, ugly slob. If you go abroad you can actually get a hot, young wife. I know guys who've done it. Granted. This is quite a few years ago.

All your questions, highly depend on the exact country you life in, on NA/West-Europe?etc..

General advice. Do as much as possible, to leave the state/government out of it.
Ideally life in a country with good laws. And have an escape plan, PRE-PLANNED! If you get fucked over by the government.

That's why it's often morr legit. To go life in those shithole countries. They have mch better laws, and you can likely escape back home, if they fuck you over.

In general.
Most West nations have fucked up, divorce laws for men. Even with pre-nups, they can be tossed out. Plenty MGTOW places, have great infor and axamples on how fucked up it is, maybe most mgtow got divorce-raped.
The laws, and the judges/court. Are all setup and designed, to please the woman. I think they call it, a gyncocentric approach. So everything will be explained, and twisted, in the benifit of the woman.
S, hige alimony. And even, child supprt often isn't child support, but just hidden alimony. I mean, rich dudes paying like $10.000 monthly in child support si a fucking joke. It's just hidden alimony.
She can lie that you abused her, or the child. And you lose your house, and what not more. I even heard, lawyer suggesting women to just make false accuations because then she will have a huge advantage.

or you miss $600 in child support payments due to haveing less income because of whatever reason, and they trow you in jail. But only for the man/father. If the woman doesn't pay any for support of her/their child that doesn't matter:

Alot fo risks, in most countries. Even prenups work pretty bad, regularly.
You can also get fucked over, on so called "child support".
I would not marry.

The risky factor imo is a bit.
The taking her over, to your place.

WHy can you BetaBuxx a hot woman in a shithole??
Because you are the few richer/well off dudes. Because there is maybe a high femeale/male ratio. Because, etc.. (reasons)..
So you got advanatges, due to that location situations where that woman lives. And when you take her out of that location and bring to your country, all advanatges that you specifcally had. You will lose (most of not all of them). Because in your country, there are other dudes that are just as well of and looking like you (whom might also want your woman, so she can jump to them), and there ismaybe a fuckedup ale/female ratio. And maybe most women in your country look like slob piggs, so she is like top-tier value in your country (and can thsu upgrade).
The big flaw in that plan, is imo. Taking her to you location.
You gotta go live there. And you will remain having the upper hand. The only reason you have the upper hand in those lactions; IS because of the location. So why, change the location? You fuck up all your advanatges.

As far as all these 'what er the rules questions" goes. You gotta know them all for the locations that matter for your situation. PLus, how they are practically used. And you gotta plan stuff well. And you hav to realise also, laws/rules change or can change, so they might become worse (assume that) over time maybe.

This video on this matter, has imo legit points and pointers.

Damn, that sucks. Honestly, ideally I'd live in their country, you're right. The only problem is that I don't make my money 100% remotely. If I did I'd move ASAP. No question about it.

To start a new life in a shithole country is not gonna be easy. Would probably even struggle to get a work visa, struggle with language barriers (when it comes to work), etc and even if I did get it, I'd make shit money. So that option doesn't become worth it anymore.

I feel like if you bring her to your country, you also "provide" more to the relationship. You provide her the oppotunity of a new life, new opportunties, better life etc. You provide the opportunity of a citizenship. That's not the case if I stay in her country. So in that sense, I would be less of a "steal" and would get lower quality women.

I also wouldn't "delay" my career progression, which is something I would do if I were to move country. So this is basically the only option, but yeah idk.

Regarding kids. Don't think I'd want them. That reduces how much I'd get fucked over, no? But then you have the problem with the girl getting bored. Have nothing to do. All she's doing is sitting at home, cleaning, cooking food, baking cakes and shit. Watching some TV. Providing sex 3 times a day. That surely would get boring, and she'd probably eventually cheat, or leave (since no kids).
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  • +1
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That's why you do the foreign wife stuff. In your own home country you don't stand a chance, unless you betabuxx a fat, ugly slob. If you go abroad you can actually get a hot, young wife. I know guys who've done it. Granted. This is quite a few years ago.
I agree.
Legit, for Chad/Stacy kid maxxing. At least you increase the probability.
Most nromie men wehere I life. Have to reproduce with women of questionable gentics. resulting in inferior genetically offspring, generally speaking. It's realy realy difficult for a nromie man in the West, to beta-buxx his way to a Stacy. He needs to be very rich. Otherwise, more likely, Stacy will only want looksmatched, and can get looksmatched Chad men or better looking then her.

Damn, that sucks. Honestly, ideally I'd live in their country, you're right. The only problem is that I don't make my money 100% remotely. If I did I'd move ASAP. No question about it.
It's not an easy route, to go life there. But imo, the best way.
Also remember. You need to earn alot less, for same lifestyle. The thing is, you should aimto try to not to earn much of the money locally. But ideally, you still earn money in that Western nation you come from. But that you can do the work abroad. Or being a freelancer, doing freelance things. And maybe a couple of times per year, going back home to do the meetings that need face-to-face.
becoming awage slave in a shithole is a bad plan. Only wage slave through a West company might be legit.

To start a new life in a shithole country is not gonna be easy.
struggle with language barriers (when it comes to work), etc and even if I did get it, I'd make shit money. So that option doesn't become worth it anymore.
Work/job wise, I agree. Unless your specific language, is rare, and you can get a job just based on your native languge skill.
Would probably even struggle to get a work visa,
Shitholes, you can often just buy/bribe what you need. If you have money, you can buy privilidges you don't have in your local nation.

I feel like if you bring her to your country, you also "provide" more to the relationship. You provide her the oppotunity of a new life, new opportunties, better life etc. You provide the opportunity of a citizenship. That's not the case if I stay in her country. So in that sense, I would be less of a "steal" and would get lower quality women.
Maybe true.
To add. You can likely only get a good 5-10 years max. run out of it, often. So staying in that shithole, youhave a better chance imo long-term. Whereas moving her to your nation,is more short-term successfull. But more risk long term.
I know a street where I visit a customer of mine. There life like 5-10 Thai women in that street, whom all divorced their white husbands pretty soon after getting citizenship (5 years). And now all or most, are just collecting wellfare, and i think husstle a bit of help from men with haveing relationships.
I also know a philipino woman, she divorced her husband after like 10 years orso. Maybe less, I forget.

So it's maybe okday to take such a woman to your country. But don't expect much more then 5 years, or at least plan for the situation that it will "only" be a 5 year run.

I also wouldn't "delay" my career progression, which is something I would do if I were to move country. So this is basically the only option, but yeah idk.

Regarding kids. Don't think I'd want them. That reduces how much I'd get fucked over, no? But then you have the problem with the girl getting bored. Have nothing to do. All she's doing is sitting at home, cleaning, cooking food, baking cakes and shit. Watching some TV. Providing sex 3 times a day. That surely would get boring, and she'd probably eventually cheat, or leave (since no kids).
If you don't want kids. Then it's different. Most women want kids. So she will leave your ass, if you don't give her a kid.
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Maybe true.
To add. You can likely only get a good 5-10 years max. run out of it, often. So staying in that shithole, youhave a better chance imo long-term. Whereas moving her to your nation,is more short-term successfull. But more risk long term.
I know a street where I visit a customer of mine. There life like 5-10 Thai women in that street, whom all divorced their white husbands pretty soon after getting citizenship (5 years). And now all or most, are just collecting wellfare, and i think husstle a bit of help from men with haveing relationships.
I also know a philipino woman, she divorced her husband after like 10 years orso. Maybe less, I forget.

So it's maybe okday to take such a woman to your country. But don't expect much more then 5 years, or at least plan for the situation that it will "only" be a 5 year run.

If you don't want kids. Then it's different. Most women want kids. So she will leave your ass, if you don't give her a kid.

See, that's the thing. Do I even need more than 5 years? What I've realized is that most things doesn't even last anyways. Just do 5 years, get your heartbroke, and do it again. The only real issue is if you get crushed financially or not.I don't care about anything else. If you don't, I don't necessarily see why a more short term thing is that negative. All I want is companionship, affection and sex on demand (from a hot girl). That's it.

Another thing about bringing them to your home country, is that they also have options. If you live in Europe, college is free. You could send her to college (although, I don't think I'd want this. Rumours would star, peer pressure, she'd befriend people and they'd wonder what the fuck she's doing with an old man). She'd be way more likely to cheat etc. But if she cheats, and you divorce her because of that, do you still take massive losses financially?

Another option. So some thai girls told me this. (In regards to the question why they citizenshipmaxx). They said that in western europe, they can work for 1 hour, and they make just as much as they make for an entire day here in Thailand. So they just get a random low tier minimum wage cleaning job, and they make bank compared to what they did before. And since the guy provide housing, food etc, she pocket all the money she makes herself, could send money to her family etc.

Something I saw from a youtube video, not sure how true it is. But he said that asians are basically slaves to their family. Family comes first no matter what. He said that it's so cringe to see these 30 year old women being completely controlled by their parents. The thing about Asia from what I can tell is that the guys who live in the shithole places, don't have a pension. Getting a kid is sort of their pension. They get a kid, send them to school, pay for their school, pay for tutoring, and the more they "pay" and help, the more they expect to get in return on that investment. So the kid is basically their pension. Which is why the parents basically control their lives.

That's why when you talk to a lot of these thai, filipinos, and even chinese (if they don't live in a city). Family comes first no matter what.It's also why a lot of thai women are bar girls, freelancers (sexworkers) etc. They wanna help and pay their family.

If they move ot another country, they can do the same by just working a low tier job. Obviously it makes no sense to do this if you're already a sexworker, but some of the more normal girls might think this is way more moral way of making money, and helping their parents. So they decide to start a new life in another country for better opportunities and more money.

This alone gives you a lot of leverage, when trying to find a partner abroad, and bringing her to your home country. Which is why you can get someone way younger and way hotter.
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See, that's the thing. Do I even need more than 5 years?
That's a legit question. Even with kids, 5 years might be okay-ish. Child his/her mental basis, is develped by that time largely already anyways. If you don't want kids, then it doesn't matter.
The thing is though. You gotta plan not to run the risk, and option, of get financially (divorce) raped after that. I have seen dudes finances being ruined for many years if not some for decades.

But if she cheats, and you divorce her because of that, do you still take massive losses financially?
Check local laws. But marrying, makes little sense imo. Because marriage = giving the governemnt/state/society some power over you. So check Laws and pratical execution of: possessions distrubution after divorce, and future paymenst you have to make (alimony). Have a lawyer, and don't cheap out, on getting allthe info you need. Can't be a lazy or cheap, on this matter of marriage. I have seen so many, lazy and cheapchakes dudes, get fucked because of that. It has got to be fully planned and covered, no shortcuts on this.
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  • +1
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That's a legit question. Even with kids, 5 years might be okay-ish. Child his/her mental basis, is develped by that time largely already anyways. If you don't want kids, then it doesn't matter.

Without kids, 5 years is more than enough imo. But it's also probably reduces your odds of scoring a high quality partner, if you're really forward about not wanting kids from the start. And if you lead her on, and at the 1 year mark or whatever say you don't want to, then she divorce you immediately.

Check local laws. But marrying, makes little sense imo. Because marriage = giving the governemnt/state/society some power over you. So check Laws and pratical execution of: possessions distrubution after divorce, and future paymenst you have to make (alimony). Have a lawyer, and don't cheap out, on getting allthe info you need. Can't be a lazy or cheap, on this matter of marriage. I have seen so many, lazy and cheapchakes dudes, get fucked because of that. It has got to be fully planned and covered, no shortcuts on this.

Yeah, my biggest fair is getting raped financially. It's my only worry. I actually wouldn't even worry that much about getting cheated on tbh, as long as she's still providing me sex daily.

Honestly another thing I've considered to just completely hack the dating game (althought a bit immoral, and not sure how practical). Is to vacation in these countries for a month or two each year. Then meet 3-4 solid girls. Lead them on. Say that I want to marry them. But before I go through with marriage, I want to "test them out". Obviously I never end up marrrying.

So what I do is that I sponsor tourist visas. Write a guarantee (you have to write a guarantee if they don't have money, otherwise no chance of getting a visa). The guarantee basically just says that you're responsible for her, have to provide for her, and you have to prove that you're capable of doing so. You also have to provide date of return (flight) when she's leaving.

These visas last for 3 months (I think)? After the period, send her right back home, and then just ghost and block. Rinse repeat. Since you got 3-4 girls from that vaciation you basically have a girl 24/7/365. And they're trying to impress you and win you over. Easy daily lays multiple times a day.

I don't know if this is possible though, and how practical it is. Or even how expensive it is, or if you can get fucked over financially, etc.
She will chose a man, with keeping in mind: money, status, and also more personality stuff.
You guys have a major problem to address personality in a realistic way and I wonder if its the fact of being incel that maybe don't let some see it.

Is it that you've never been with someone but as soon as they open their mouth you know you only want a one night thing, a friend with benefits, but never a serious thing?

The only person who's gonna stay with u no matter what you're like is someone who is either quite desperate (an incel), someone you mog, or someone who just wants your money. If we go out of that range you discover that there's people who look as good as the specific individual but actually can have a better time or get along with.

Anyway this theory does not really apply to most blackpilled individuals as the way you find the blackpill is by being incel and living a life of rejections where you're mentally ill in some form, unfortunately if that's someone's case personality does matter.

Done with my rant for now.
Idk what happened with society jfl
Today being a female pornstar is a respectable job and tons of dudes wanna marry you
Cucked as fuck
  • +1
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Without kids, 5 years is more than enough imo. But it's also probably reduces your odds of scoring a high quality partner, if you're really forward about not wanting kids from the start. And if you lead her on, and at the 1 year mark or whatever say you don't want to, then she divorce you immediately.

Yeah, my biggest fair is getting raped financially. It's my only worry. I actually wouldn't even worry that much about getting cheated on tbh, as long as she's still providing me sex daily.

Honestly another thing I've considered to just completely hack the dating game (althought a bit immoral, and not sure how practical). Is to vacation in these countries for a month or two each year. Then meet 3-4 solid girls. Lead them on. Say that I want to marry them. But before I go through with marriage, I want to "test them out". Obviously I never end up marrrying.

So what I do is that I sponsor tourist visas. Write a guarantee (you have to write a guarantee if they don't have money, otherwise no chance of getting a visa). The guarantee basically just says that you're responsible for her, have to provide for her, and you have to prove that you're capable of doing so. You also have to provide date of return (flight) when she's leaving.

These visas last for 3 months (I think)? After the period, send her right back home, and then just ghost and block. Rinse repeat. Since you got 3-4 girls from that vaciation you basically have a girl 24/7/365. And they're trying to impress you and win you over. Easy daily lays multiple times a day.

I don't know if this is possible though, and how practical it is. Or even how expensive it is, or if you can get fucked over financially, etc.
Okay. you can come up with your plans, and ways to protect yourself. I have no opinion about your ideas on how to go about it. Can't cop other likely, you have to figure t out yourself, what laws and stuff are exactly. On what risk you wanna take, and what risks not.
  • +1
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You guys clearly see this too much as black and white

Yes, betabuxxing itself while you are below average or just average for a much better looking woman is disgusting because you will both see it clear as a day which are the dynamics of the relationship.

But if you are letโ€™s say 5.5-6 PSL AND have money this Will just allow you to date more higher-quality high-class girl compared to guys with no money, yes looks are still the most important thing while choosing a partner but if a Stacy can choose between a hot guy with who she can travel, going to fancy restaurants and just having fun all the time without worrying about the money and a super hot MM-like guy but who is living with his mom and working at a gas station part time and barely has enough money to buy hear a meal at most then for sure sheโ€™d rather go with the one who can also provide not necessarily expensive stuff but cool experiences.

Also just having money itself kinda enables you to meet more women who are also if not rich at least comfortable.

At the end of the day, money is important guys, better focus on this aspect of the life too meanwhile you improve your looks.
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Argue with taban for $1000 per hour
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite
You guys clearly see this too much as black and white

Yes, betabuxxing itself while you are below average or just average for a much better looking woman is disgusting because you will both see it clear as a day which are the dynamics of the relationship.

But if you are letโ€™s say 5.5-6 PSL AND have money this Will just allow you to date more higher-quality high-class girl compared to guys with no money, yes looks are still the most important thing while choosing a partner but if a Stacy can choose between a hot guy with who she can travel, going to fancy restaurants and just having fun all the time without worrying about the money and a super hot MM-like guy but who is living with his mom and working at a gas station part time and barely has enough money to buy hear a meal at most then for sure sheโ€™d rather go with the one who can also provide not necessarily expensive stuff but cool experiences.

Also just having money itself kinda enables you to meet more women who are also if not rich at least comfortable.

At the end of the day, money is important guys, better focus on this aspect of the life too meanwhile you improve your looks.
Legit addings.

For just random sex though, maybe above stuff you added means little or limited. Maybe some.
But for when wanting longer term relationships, then 100% legit.

Also, depends on the age of the woman. Often. I guestimate.
Being broke, a 18 year old woman might be prety cool with that.
Being broke, a 26 year old woman might totally not be cool with that
  • +1
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You guys clearly see this too much as black and white

Yes, betabuxxing itself while you are below average or just average for a much better looking woman is disgusting because you will both see it clear as a day which are the dynamics of the relationship.

But if you are letโ€™s say 5.5-6 PSL AND have money this Will just allow you to date more higher-quality high-class girl compared to guys with no money, yes looks are still the most important thing while choosing a partner but if a Stacy can choose between a hot guy with who she can travel, going to fancy restaurants and just having fun all the time without worrying about the money and a super hot MM-like guy but who is living with his mom and working at a gas station part time and barely has enough money to buy hear a meal at most then for sure sheโ€™d rather go with the one who can also provide not necessarily expensive stuff but cool experiences.

Also just having money itself kinda enables you to meet more women who are also if not rich at least comfortable.

At the end of the day, money is important guys, better focus on this aspect of the life too meanwhile you improve your looks.
But here's the trick: whatever your looks are like, there's someone out there at that level but with money. There's someone out there at that level but with personality, so if you're compared to those two other guys who look at your level, you always lose.
  • +1
Reactions: OBE
You guys clearly see this too much as black and white

Yes, betabuxxing itself while you are below average or just average for a much better looking woman is disgusting because you will both see it clear as a day which are the dynamics of the relationship.

But if you are letโ€™s say 5.5-6 PSL AND have money this Will just allow you to date more higher-quality high-class girl compared to guys with no money, yes looks are still the most important thing while choosing a partner but if a Stacy can choose between a hot guy with who she can travel, going to fancy restaurants and just having fun all the time without worrying about the money and a super hot MM-like guy but who is living with his mom and working at a gas station part time and barely has enough money to buy hear a meal at most then for sure sheโ€™d rather go with the one who can also provide not necessarily expensive stuff but cool experiences.

Also just having money itself kinda enables you to meet more women who are also if not rich at least comfortable.

At the end of the day, money is important guys, better focus on this aspect of the life too meanwhile you improve your looks.
It has always been like this. Even in a hunter gatherer society an alpha will always get cucked by a resourceful beta. Even from an evolutionary standpoint it makes sense. No matter how strong the genetics of the parents are we all start as a weak frail child. So if there is no security, shelter and nutrition the offspring will not survive. So it's obvious from the female perspectives they will go for the higher status male because it ensures the survival of the offspring more. So even in today's society status will mog looks most of the time.
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  • JFL
  • +1
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But here's the trick: whatever your looks are like, there's someone out there at that level but with money. There's someone out there at that level but with personality, so if you're compared to those two other guys who look at your level, you always lose.

Yes and no, true of course there are people who are multimillionaires and have like 7 PSL looks, tho here it comes in play proximity and just the social circle where you find yourself, in just normal surroundings and cities it's not always that easy to find such individuals so I don't think girls delude themselves thinking "Oh yeah he's hot and has money but I can find someone who's really hotter and with a lot more money if I can just wait for that someone" in the same logic you could say you can find also a much hotter girl who will like you with lesser looks and money.

Still both matters, I say looks really matters the most compared to all others until a certain threshold.

But yeah if you are good looking + have money then you are good and have lots of possibilities for ONS or LTRs, whatever you prefer.
  • +1
Reactions: eduardkoopman
I always found it disgusting even before the blackpill. My dad strongly advised me to โ€œfocus on study and career so when I hit 30 women would line up to marry meโ€. I always felt thereโ€™s something wrong with such ideas ngl.
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โ€œfocus on study and career so when I hit 30 women would line up to marry meโ€.

  • So Sad
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I always found it disgusting even before the blackpill. My dad strongly advised me to โ€œfocus on study and career so when I hit 30 women would line up to marry meโ€. I always felt thereโ€™s something wrong with such ideas ngl.


Yeah but wouldn't you just tell your kids the same? Do you really want your kids to be red and black pilled? To me it seems like it doesn't matter. If I blue pill him he'll atleast take his career seriously. Isn't that the most important thing coming from a parenting perspective? You don't wanna sit there having to provide for your 30 year old kid because he didn't give a fuck about anything.
  • +1
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Yeah but wouldn't you just tell your kids the same? Do you really want your kids to be red and black pilled? To me it seems like it doesn't matter. If I blue pill him he'll atleast take his career seriously. Isn't that the most important thing coming from a parenting perspective? You don't wanna sit there having to provide for your 30 year old kid because he didn't give a fuck about anything.
no my son will be the first psl 8 i will impregante an atlantid stacy
  • JFL
Reactions: eduardkoopman
Yeah but wouldn't you just tell your kids the same? Do you really want your kids to be red and black pilled? To me it seems like it doesn't matter. If I blue pill him he'll atleast take his career seriously. Isn't that the most important thing coming from a parenting perspective? You don't wanna sit there having to provide for your 30 year old kid because he didn't give a fuck about anything.
Telling him education and career are important in life is one thing, saying that he should wait till his 30s for some used up hoes to come to him because he can provide is another.
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Beta Bux isn't something every guy can do. You still need a certain level of looks to pull it off. I have a good job and I'm in the top 10% in income in my country and no women wants me to provide for them.
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Yes and no, true of course there are people who are multimillionaires and have like 7 PSL looks, tho here it comes in play proximity and just the social circle where you find yourself, in just normal surroundings and cities it's not always that easy to find such individuals so I don't think girls delude themselves thinking "Oh yeah he's hot and has money but I can find someone who's really hotter and with a lot more money if I can just wait for that someone" in the same logic you could say you can find also a much hotter girl who will like you with lesser looks and money.

Still both matters, I say looks really matters the most compared to all others until a certain threshold.

But yeah if you are good looking + have money then you are good and have lots of possibilities for ONS or LTRs, whatever you prefer.
In my comment I specified "whatever your looks are like". Whether you're 3/4/5... PSL it still applies. If you're average, there's someone out there average but with better personality/ or with money. You'd end up being a mate of a lower quality compared to those people.
But here's the trick: whatever your looks are like, there's someone out there at that level but with money. There's someone out there at that level but with personality, so if you're compared to those two other guys who look at your level, you always lose.
Mathematically, it doesn't add up. imo.

It's not possible that the top 5% of men, end up with 100% of the women. Unless each dude in the top 5% , has a harem/rotation of 20 women. And then the bottom 95% of men have nothing/0.

"Those who start dating soon after meeting end up with mates who are about as attractive as they are "
"One explanation for this pattern in pairing comes from a competition-based perspective. An individualโ€™s success in the mating โ€œmarketโ€ is limited by his or her own desirability. People who are physically attractive tend to be seen as very desirable and are, therefore, better able to win over highly desirable partners themselves."
It has always been like this. Even in a hunter gatherer society an alpha will always get cucked by a resourceful beta. Even from an evolutionary standpoint it makes sense. No matter how strong the genetics of the parents are we all start as a weak frail child. So if there is no security, shelter and nutrition the offspring will not survive. So it's obvious from the female perspectives they will go for the higher status male because it ensures the survival of the offspring more. So even in today's society status will mog looks most of the time.
Status, is legit.
To add, and to not forget. Status, comes from being seen highly by other people. And when you are good looking, you will be given or gain status easily. Whereas when you are ugly looking, it's hard to gain status, to get success and achieve the things you want when it needs help of people. And likewise for a normie.
Check for examplr, how easy success/status is gained or given on things that have nothing to do with looks, when good looking: You get ahead more esaily, get co-operation, get help, get etc.. Which helps to gain success and gain status.
And good looks, is in it's essense already status also.

A good exmaple, on how you can more easily gain status/success. Based on looks factor.

Don't forget. Looks goed futher, then just dtaing. It affects everything almost.

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  • +1
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I don't like it but it's the only choice for gallons and gallons of men
In 5 years, betabuxing will be the only option
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"Success with women", is seen in 2 ways in society:
1. It's either a dude slaying alot of women. Or
2. a dude being married/LTR to a attractive woman (aka, above his looks league maybe. Often he provides for all).
Or both.

Dude 1, has success, because he is sized up for the exciting hot piece of ass fun role.
Dude 2, has success, because he is sized up for the BetaBuxx role (and can do that).

BlackPillers, often make no differentation between these 2 type of successes.
Now, leaving judgement aside for now.
To be succesfull at BetaBuxxing; looks matter plenty But Status and Money and lifestyle matter equally as looks.
To be succesfull at fucking plenty new/random women for free; looks matter extremly much like 75%-80%.

1. If you want to be the man that a woman choice with excitement, for being attractive/hot. Then the blackpill is nearly 100% right.
2. If you want to be, or are okay with, being the man a woman choice without much or any excitement, but with trying to be logical for achieveing a certain goal she has in her life (kids, being lazy stay at home wife, not having to work, cool lifestyle, safety feeling, wanting to financially divorce-rape a man so to get wealthy, etc..).
Then the blackpill is way less correct. Because then she will chose a man, with keeping in mind: money, status, and also more personality stuff.

I hate BetaBuxxing. And find it pretty disgusting. I can't see it as success either, like plenty/most people in society do.

I did it once, in my last LTR.To me, it lt like a form of degrading myself. Basically admitting to myself, that I gotta pay up to keep her around, because I'm inferior in essence. It's a sad thing.
Maybe most men should, or wil, at least once in their life BetaBuxx. To see how it is. l promised myself to only BetaBuxx for 1 exception maybe, whenit's for the raising/benifit of my own kid. Because sacrifise for my own kid, I could deal with better then for some lazy fully grown adult woman.

BetaBuxxing. This video always comes to my mind

How disgusting do you find BetaBuxxing? Or do you like it? Or..?

Being an incel > betabuxxing, cuckoldry, ltr with a whore, simping
In 5 years, betabuxing will be the only option
In 6 years this guy will have to betabux asian landwhale in order to get sex once a month
Tumblr o87ipn6TJK1v3lb4bo1 500
  • JFL
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I feel the same about both. With locationmaxxing, maybe being for some white normie dudes an escape option, to become a Chad in certain location.

I agree. The only added things though, that a BetaBuxxer gets. That an escort user doesn't get.

1. some betabuuxxers fool themselfes into believing she loves them for whom they are or something. And thus they get a false sense of female validation, from it.
2. Validation by society. When I BetaBuxxed in my last LTR. I got validation, or extra status or something. Family treated me more interesting. At gatherings, I got more attention from other women, and compliments and shit. And also dudes, gave me more respect, because I had a woman with me that was my looksmatch (or maybe a bit above me).
I noticed this especially after my LTR ended, and I satyed single for some time and didn't date. I got plenty less respect, validation and attention. It fealt like people started to see me as a loser, whom can't get a chick. I still dislike those people, whom did that to me back then.

I get that way of thinking or you. And I can agree to a good extend. Getting a woman in her prime, softens the pain that comes with BetaBuxxing, I agree.
Maybe that's a common differnece in opinion among the manosphere:
1. blue pilled. BetaBuxxing a "fertility wall hitting" woman, is seen as okay or cool.
2. red pilled. BetaBuxxing a prime years woman, is seen as okay or cool.
3. black pilled. BetaBuxxing is never cool, it's slaying or over.
4. Mgtow. BetaBuxxing and slaying is both not cool, but slaying is then the least bad option.

Most blabla pilled dudes, are often way to rigid in their approach to this matter. Seeing their pill, as the go to way, for men in all ages, and location, and classes in the world. While It highly depends on a man his age, and position, and even location (in the world) what is do-able, imo..

I agree. And even alot of dudes nowadays, step up, for the child of another man. That's imo, next level bad for such a man. Especially when that dude, doesn't have his own kids (yet).

he won't though. Unless he found a new woman, to betaBuxx for. Or if he went the escort route. Otherwise he might exoerience long dry spells, or he must have such high stats or fame (i dunno) that women will hookup with him, for hopefully gaining some fame or status themselfes.
Everyone I know knows that I betabuxx but they respect me because the girls are so hot
females are shallow garbage either way....

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