how do I fix my reputation at school?



Mar 16, 2024
For context I go to a selective entry public school (you take a test to get in), I'm 6'1 and white (idk my facial rating but I'd estimate MTN) but the issue is I'm highly non NT :feelswhy:

(brutal NTpill incoming)

My social circle is pretty unfortunate as well. I'm pretty oblivious to people's opinions outside of my friends and school dramas that happen but I'm pretty sure that people think me and my friends are weird. At least they agree I'm the mogger of the friend group.

It definitely doesn't help that when I was in my first year at school I hung out with the LGBTQs :forcedsmile: I've distanced myself from that though. There's a lot of them in my school and although people don't like them no one outright bullies them.

Another issue is that there's more guys than foids at my school (cause of the entry test, proof foids are low IQ :lul:). So they're even more hypergamous, some girls got asked out like 10 times and rejected all of them, my white LTN friend asked out a LTB gook and got brutally rejected.

And a foid in my school is spreading a rumour I like her (kinda true but not really :forcedsmile:) So I'm stressing a bit about that.

There's also a 5'10 chinese guy who says some bullshit when I'm not even doing anything. Like I'm just in line to buy food and he just taps my shoulder and says some bs. I want to beat him to death but his friends will help him.

Chads of .org please give advice on how to fix my social status
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Cabt change initial reputation and opinion of you,unless its very drastic

Your fate is settled
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Do something that will make you famous, like stealing the sports mascot or a statue from a rival school...
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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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6'1 and white
And ur complaining
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yes i am nonNTcel so what do i do to fix it
Start bullying people and your social status will rise. If anyone you bully challenges you then beat them up. If you’re already decent looking and go to the gym then use dark triad to go up the social ranks over other men
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I already go the gym but I started really skinny so I just look normal now. Also how much should I bully people, cause I already make fun of a 5'2 dalit but I guess I need to go after higher status targets than than (obviously not higher status than me though)
I already go the gym but I started really skinny so I just look normal now. Also how much should I bully people, cause I already make fun of a 5'2 dalit but I guess I need to go after higher status targets than than (obviously not higher status than me though)
Just gradually start bully people from slightly higher social ranks than what you are currently bullying. Ig don’t bully too hard so that they don’t get teachers involved or they make it their life goal to get revenge, just do like teasing and making fun of them.

In school, the social hierarchy is who bullies who. The chads bully pretty much everyone and the subhumans don’t bully anyone
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Start bullying people and your social status will rise. If anyone you bully challenges you then beat them up. If you’re already decent looking and go to the gym then use dark triad to go up the social ranks over other men
Does this work in college?
test masteron anavar gh and you will become low inhib mogger and change your reputation without even noticing
i'm thinking about oxandrolone
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Just gradually start bully people from slightly higher social ranks than what you are currently bullying. Ig don’t bully too hard so that they don’t get teachers involved or they make it their life goal to get revenge, just do like teasing and making fun of them.

In school, the social hierarchy is who bullies who. The chads bully pretty much everyone and the subhumans don’t bully anyone
That’s not true, bullying is wrong. I am 6’1 and have visible abs at 180lbs at 17, yet I choose not to pick on the weak. Strong guys are humble
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Start bullying people and your social status will rise. If anyone you bully challenges you then beat them up. If you’re already decent looking and go to the gym then use dark triad to go up the social ranks over other men
fuck you mean use dark triad :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
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Does this work in college?
No. After secondary school/high school, people don’t directly bully as much because it is less socially acceptable, especially at work since people can use HR to get you fired for it.

That’s not true, bullying is wrong. I am 6’1 and have visible abs at 180lbs at 17, yet I choose not to pick on the weak. Strong guys are humble
Good for you, if you’re happy where you are in the social hierarchy then don’t bully. Bullying is a natural way to show social dominance over other men and to motivate others to conform and improve. As long as you aren’t taking it too far it is fine.

fuck you mean use dark triad :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Keep learning about the world and you’ll see that dark triad isn’t cope
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No. After secondary school/high school, people don’t directly bully as much because it is less socially acceptable, especially at work since people can use HR to get you fired for it.

Good for you, if you’re happy where you are in the social hierarchy then don’t bully. Bullying is a natural way to show social dominance over other men and to motivate others to conform and improve. As long as you aren’t taking it too far it is fine.

Keep learning about the world and you’ll see that dark triad isn’t cope
your rep at school is predetermined in the womb
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honestly just try hanging round with popular ppl if u can and if not just move schools at that point jfl
Not much................ :feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:

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