How do I get to 15% bf?

Deleted member 3583

Deleted member 3583

The Square // ethnics mog // ethnics on MT2 crew
Oct 19, 2019
I asked my gymcel homie and it turns out I'm 25% bf with a decent amount of muscle underneath the fat (good shoulders with my shoulder width being bigger than my waist). I used to be fat af with no muscles at all last year so I decided to start hitting the gym. I am now less fat and have a decent amount of muscle and strength. My bench 1RM used to be 35kg when I first started but now I bench 90 at 5 reps (poverty bench maybe because I'm 6"5 with long arms). I ate ~ 2400 calories pretty consistently with ~ 175g protein. So I am now in the predicament of being 25% bf with some muscle. I don't really regret lifting weights instead of cardio maxxing because my genetics store fat largely around the waist area, and my waist to shoulder ratio would definitely be 1:1 or worse. I am 17 years old btw. When people see pictures of me from last year they tell me that my face looks a decent amount different. However, for the last few months, the fat loss seems to have halted, in fact I think I've gained some fat. How can I get to 15%-17% bf by the summer of 2020? I am wasting my prime years being fat, no IOIs from girls whatsoever. Summer 2020 is when I will be at university, I need to slay there or it is beyond over for me. What do you suggest i do?
I've tried eating less and doing cardio but I swear I look worse when doing this, I lose muscle instead of fat, ultimately making me look more fat.
I weight 106kg at 6"5 for reference
@6'4 looksmaxxxer @FatmanO
Cut the carbs. Keto or carnivore.
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Cut the carbs
I tried that, feels like complete SHIT. My gyno sparked up when doing that (read something about cortisol release when lifting without carbs).
I cannot lift on low carbs, it's too difficult (no strength)
No carbs is probably the best diet, but I'm so dependent on carbs at this point that I probably would be ultimately better staying on carbs
mb try intermittent fasting ?
I tried that, feels like complete SHIT. My gyno sparked up when doing that (read something about cortisol release when lifting without carbs).
I cannot lift on low carbs, it's too difficult (no strength)
No carbs is probably the best diet, but I'm so dependent on carbs at this point that I probably would be ultimately better staying on carbs
keto flu doesnt last forever, only a few days.
cut carbs learn to have willpower.

cut sugar, alcohol, any substances in your diet that bloat you, drink more water.
I tried that, feels like complete SHIT. My gyno sparked up when doing that (read something about cortisol release when lifting without carbs).
I cannot lift on low carbs, it's too difficult (no strength)
No carbs is probably the best diet, but I'm so dependent on carbs at this point that I probably would be ultimately better staying on carbs
It took me a long time to get adapted and be as strong at the gym. It is what is is. Start early - finish early. I lift on zero carbs diet and in fasted mode.
keto flu doesnt last forever, only a few days.
cut carbs learn to have willpower.

cut sugar, alcohol, any substances in your diet that bloat you, drink more water.
Cut carbs = lose all muscle mass and become skinny fat
Ngl didn’t read but I got you buddy boyo.

For 1 week track every little that goes into your mouth. Don’t consciously diet , just go ahout ur normal life. From there start evaluating stuff you don’t really need to eat. Snacks , candies , sauces, creamers, drinks etc can add up a lot and you can start fat loss by cutting those out. After a while you can ramp up your fat loss even more by replacing your bread/pasta/calorie dense carbs with veggies. Now after that shit gets really hard, you will need to cut back on ur MAIN dishes and even need to do an IF eating pattern. All in all this a very sustainable method to losing fat. The moment u start restricting too much RIGHT AWAY is the moment you fails
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Enough Protein intake, should keep up the muscle mass. Right?
No, body needs energy to maintain the muscle / gain it I'm pretty sure @cocainecowboy
@FatmanO reply motherfucker, you leanmaxxed
Can you eat veggies on keto? If u cant them micronutrient deficiency will happen.

Tbh the best macro split imo is protein being the highest (more protein = higher BMR . Thermodynamic effect of food). But i don’t seem how u can make fats your highest priority, they aren’t very filling compared to SLOW DIGESTING carbs.


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No, body needs energy to maintain the muscle / gain it I'm pretty sure @cocainecowboy
@FatmanO reply motherfucker, you leanmaxxed

Listen UP BOYO

Bodybuilders keep their lean muscle by using steroids while CUTTING

If you CUT weight naturally whether thru cutting calories ( ANY CALORIES ) you will lose muscle, the only way to burn FAT is to cut calorie intake

FASTING reduces insulin sensitivity making burning fat easier than just cutting calories BUT you will still lose muscle

GAIN WEIGHT = Fat and muscle

LOSE WEIGHT = Fat and muscle

The only way to lose weight AND keep muscle is to take steroids
Listen UP BOYO

Bodybuilders keep their lean muscle by using steroids while CUTTING

If you CUT weight naturally whether thru cutting calories ( ANY CALORIES ) you will lose muscle, the only way to burn FAT is to cut calorie intake

FASTING reduces insulin sensitivity making burning fat easier than just cutting calories BUT you will still lose muscle

GAIN WEIGHT = Fat and muscle

LOSE WEIGHT = Fat and muscle

The only way to lose weight AND keep muscle is to take steroids
I know I can't keep all of the muscle ofc, but I need to lose the minimum amount required
I know I can't keep all of the muscle ofc, but I need to lose the minimum amount required

Then lift weights and reduce calorie intake thru fasting or counting calories
Aight bro but reducing calories from 2400 at 6"5 is frowned up I'm pretty sure

Ok bro I just know when I went two days without eating so 0 calories for 48 hours my jawline was looking sharp and IOIs were recieved everytime I left the house

If you can find a way to reduce fat and get chiseled features without reducing calories let me know boyo I would really love to hear it
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Ok bro I just know when I went two days without eating so 0 calories for 48 hours my jawline was looking sharp and IOIs were recieved everytime I left the house

If you can find a way to reduce fat and get chiseled features without reducing calories let me know boyo I would really love to hear it
You just went delirious bro, no IOIs
Eat less calories than you burn. Simple as that. There is no mystery
Eat less calories than you burn. Simple as that. There is no mystery
Not as simple when you consider hormones, muscle mass (and the fact that it is metabolic material) and the need to raise your metabolic rate if it's sluggish
You just went delirious bro, no IOIs

Hmm bro I'm 5'11 and at low bodyfat I get good amount of attention to women, you need to figure out how to fix your face if no girls are checking for you at 6'5

I have seen a guy who is 6'6 in gym with a face that was disgusting to look at, he had no chin, grey mop hair, big nose, tiny eyes, acne, wore glasses, and he still had a cute gf with him
Not as simple when you consider hormones, muscle mass (and the fact that it is metabolic material) and the need to raise your metabolic rate if it's sluggish

then stay bloated
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then stay bloated

LOL height is wasted on tallfags

Manlet > Get plastic surgery, take steroids, martial arts max, fashion max, money max, go overseas, still no gf

Tallfag > Hey I'm 6'5 but I cant lose weight without stop eating delicious food, I think I will be just be fat forever and have to settle for a fat chick :, (
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  • JFL
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then stay bloated
That I won't my friend
LOL height is wasted on tallfags

Manlet > Get plastic surgery, take steroids, martial arts max, fashion max, money max, go overseas, still no gf

Tallfag > Hey I'm 6'5 but I cant lose weight without stop eating delicious food, I think I will be just be fat forever and have to settle for a fat chick :, (
Blue pilled if you think that tallfag fatcel will get a fat chick
Hmm bro I'm 5'11 and at low bodyfat I get good amount of attention to women, you need to figure out how to fix your face if no girls are checking for you at 6'5

I have seen a guy who is 6'6 in gym with a face that was disgusting to look at, he had no chin, grey mop hair, big nose, tiny eyes, acne, wore glasses, and he still had a cute gf with him
My face is OK, it's just bf bro. Plus, I'm 6"5 and wide-shouldered so I'm not really approachable as females are intimidated by me
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Up the cardio. Low carbs high protein high fats high volule training.
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