How do I stop being an incel


Deleted member 20399

Ugliest man alive
Jun 30, 2022
Any tips and tricks you guys have would be greatly appreciated
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don't be involuntary celibate
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dont have 31k posts
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Lower your standards and court a chubby chick. Pretend like you're in love with her. It won't improve the situation long term though, so you'd have to keep pretending and only have sex with low tier women.
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Have you tried having better genes?
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There's no light at the end of the tunnel son
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Fix your negative energy and confidence!
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore and Saint Casanova
Any tips and tricks you guys have would be greatly appreciated
You need to develop metacognition through practice. This is the ability to look at and analyze your thoughts and actions as you think and do them.

Don't worry if it slows you down, it will be worth it.

For every thought, and every action you do, think, does this thought move me towards my goal? And does this action move me towards my goal?

Let's take an example, your post history is full of them:

Why the fuck did my parents think it was a good idea to reproduce?​

My mother’s selfishness mixed with my father’s anger and negativity, not to mention their subpar looks…. Not a good combo. I should’ve been aborted, it would’ve done them and the world as a whole a favour.

You created the above thread. When this thought occurred in your head, you should of asked yourself, does this thought move me closer to my goal of ascending or not.

The answer would have been no, so you should have let go of the thought. You should not have created a thread about it.

or take this thread:

You can’t make this shit up​

The place I was planning on tripping tomorrow has literally just shut for some sort of construction work. The universe is against me.

As soon as this thought popped into your head, you should have asked yourself, does this thought serve me, and help me ascend or not.

Is making this thread, the highest ROI activity and thought pattern, I could possible do to ascend me? Is the thought "The universe is against me" the most useful thought pattern that will help me succeed?

I can tell you it's not. 90% of your thoughts are not serving you, they wasting mental cognition that could have been useful to you.

This is why you MUST have Metacognition. over-time you can develop new thought patterns that will move you in the direction you want to go in.

One of those thought patterns should be, to break large problems down into smaller problems.

So instead of asking yourself, "How do I stop being incel?" you take on a sub-problem, such as "How can I improve my looks?"

But again, this is too broad. You need to keep chunking problems into smaller problems, until they are solvable, and when you solve enough tiny easy problems, your whole life improves, you ascend, become rich, etc.

So instead of "How can I improve my looks?" You break it down into subproblems, the first being "What are my Falios?".

You can't improve your looks if you can't determine your failios. You could ask the retards on this website, or you can collect a bunch of images of guys that girls simp for, and then compare those images to you, and ask yourself, what's different?

Once you have this list, You take each one, and figure out how to change it. You google surgeries, treatments, and frauds, and you use your brain to focus on the problem. You are smart, you can do this.

Like Height for example: You come up with a list like, height surgery, lifts, move to a country/state/location with a shorter average population. Then each of those is a problem that you need to break down into sub-problems and so on, until it's all solved, and you are fully looksmaxed.

then when that's not enough, you move down the list, and repeate the process for status maxing, voicemaxing, vibemaxing, stylemaxing, gamemaxing, socialcirclemaxing, NTmaxing, and so on.

None of this guarantees success but it moves you closer to the goal, than indulging in feel good self defeatist thinking. Excuses comfort the weak, because you can value yourself for having "tried really hard" and shift the blame to the world.

"I did my part. I tried really hard. It's the world's fault". This pattern of thinking is comforting, because it allows you to value yourself for trying really hard, but it is not helpful or completely true.

Causes are never one thing in reality, they are always multi-factor. The world contributes some causes, and your actions contribute other causes, and together those result in outcomes. You can't directly change the world's causes, so it never serves you to focus any cognition on what's outside your control. The only thing that serves you is focusing on what is inside your control.

Asking for advice on this website gives you the illusion of moving towards your goals, or having put in effort. It makes you feel good on a deep level as in, "I'm good I tried", but it's wasted time. You would have gotten MUCH farther, much faster, solving the problems yourself.

The ONLY reason I use this website is as a way to clarify my own thoughts. As a kind of life-less dummy you explain your problems too, and through the act of explaining them, you yourself solve them. I wouldn't in a million years expect anyone here to give me good, or scientifically valid advice, and certainly wouldn't rely on it.
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