How do normies get along so well and why can't I get along with them?



Certified KHHV
Jun 1, 2024
They can make friends in an instant almost, I just saw one talk to someone else who he didn't know casually and next thing yk they're talking about modifying bikes and shit, and so many of them are literally below a subhuman like me, they're extremely unattractive but still get far in their social life, how do they do it, and how do I do it?, each time I speak to a normie it's always bizarre and I can't see it going farther than small talk, I'm not gay but I would like to be in a friend social circle even if it is full of normies, anyway what do I do and how do I make other humans to be more comfortable around me?
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They can make friends in an instant almost, I just saw one talk to someone else who he didn't know casually and next thing yk they're talking about modifying bikes and shit, and so many of them are literally below a subhuman like me, they're extremely unattractive but still get far in their social life, how do they do it, and how do I do it?, each time I speak to a normie it's always bizarre and I can't see it going farther than small talk, I'm not gay but I would like to be in a friend social circle even if it is full of normies, anyway what do I do and how do I make other humans to be more comfortable around me?
They easily recognize each other and have things in common, if you don't get along with them, it means they don't consider you one of them, probably because you are low in looks, status, money, etc.
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They easily recognize each other and have things in common, if you don't get along with them, it means they don't consider you one of them, probably because you are low in looks, status, money, etc.
A lot of them literally look worse than me 👺, but yea I'm broke so that may be an issue
  • Hmm...
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--they do things other than masturbate and worry about looks, so they have things to talk about
--they're okay with their place in the social hierarchy, so aren't defensive and neurotic
--more self absorbed, so they will babble about whatever is in their head without worrying if it's interesting or not

most normies are annoying af to listen to irl tbh, but they won't stfu
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  • JFL
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You are perceived not neurotypical subconsciously, usually either you learn to mask and mimic for observation of others' behaviors, or you don't care. It does not help overthinking during a social interaction
A lot of them literally look worse than me 👺, but yea I'm broke so that may be an issue
What about your height, frame, facial dimorphism, voice, etc.
If you're tall, robust, have a manly high-T face, and a deep voice you will be respected by other men even if you're ugly, but if you're short, scrawny, look low-T, have an undeveloped, neotenous face, a squeaky voice, etc, it's pretty unlikely you'll get any respect from them...
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--they do things other than masturbate and worry about looks, so they have things to talk about
--they're okay with their place in the social hierarchy, so aren't defensive and neurotic
--more self absorbed, so they will babble about whatever is in their head without worrying if it's interesting or not

most normies are annoying af to listen to irl tbh, but they won't stfu
Replicating them for me at this current moment is only possible if I drop the blackpill, and that won't happen, I must know how to fit in like Patrick Bateman
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What about your height, frame, facial dimorphism, voice, etc.
If you're tall, robust, have a manly high-T face, and a deep voice you will be respected by other men even if you're ugly, but if you're short, scrawny, look low-T, have an undeveloped, neotenous face, a squeaky voice, etc, it's pretty unlikely you'll get any respect from them...
5'9, I'm not scrawny looking since I wear tight shirts usually, have a decent voice, biggest problem is that I lag in irl conversation and I don't relate to most of them at all
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Replicating them for me at this current moment is only possible if I drop the blackpill, and that won't happen, I must know how to fit in like Patrick Bateman
develop a personality and confidence

talking with normies gets you nothing in life btw
  • Ugh..
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Replicating them for me at this current moment is only possible if I drop the blackpill, and that won't happen, I must know how to fit in like Patrick Bateman
Lol, his father owned the company, that's how he actually fitted in, the rest is crap, at his level status and money is what's important.
5'9, I'm not scrawny looking since I wear tight shirts usually, have a decent voice, biggest problem is that I lag in irl conversation and I don't relate to most of them at all
If you don't relate, why do you even want to fit in, why not find some people you actually like?
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Mkhzee
develop a personality and confidence

talking with normies gets you nothing in life btw
I already know it gets me nothing, but atleast I don't want my parents or my family to think I'm a complete loser jfl, gonna need some irl interaction pretty often
Lol, his father owned the company, that's how he actually fitted in, the rest is crap, at his level status and money is what's important.

If you don't relate, why do you even want to fit in, why not find some people you actually like?
Because there are none, no one I know is as blackpilled and autistic as myself, it would be a dream if someone was, just hanging around with that dude knowing were both in the same situation would be lifefuel, however those people do not exist and even if they do we're probably never gonna get on a comfortable level, I did have a great friend at one point who was almost like me but idk where he is now, hopefully doing good.
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There’s a lot of neuroticism and drama in normie friend groups, but even that’s something I miss because it made life that much more involved. I faked NT and pulled it off and found out that a lot of normies aren’t that NT either.
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They can make friends in an instant almost, I just saw one talk to someone else who he didn't know casually and next thing yk they're talking about modifying bikes and shit, and so many of them are literally below a subhuman like me, they're extremely unattractive but still get far in their social life, how do they do it, and how do I do it?, each time I speak to a normie it's always bizarre and I can't see it going farther than small talk, I'm not gay but I would like to be in a friend social circle even if it is full of normies, anyway what do I do and how do I make other humans to be more comfortable around me?
The blackpill fried your brain to the point where "being normal" is not a realistic thing anymore tbh:forcedsmile:
You either look or act unlikeable. Really simple.
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They easily recognize each other and have things in common, if you don't get along with them, it means they don't consider you one of them, probably because you are low in looks, status, money, etc.
screenshot and saved this post.

It makes sense what you say, status can be faked, appearance of wealth can also be faked to an extent. I feel like soft maxing with clothing+haircut+tatoos already creates the image of a NT guy with a life.
What about your height, frame, facial dimorphism, voice, etc.
If you're tall, robust, have a manly high-T face, and a deep voice you will be respected by other men even if you're ugly, but if you're short, scrawny, look low-T, have an undeveloped, neotenous face, a squeaky voice, etc, it's pretty unlikely you'll get any respect from them...
brutal thats me.
NT is pretty much all I can think about

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