How do ugly people find other ugly people attractive?

Deleted member 275

Deleted member 275

Sep 8, 2018
I think I have some sort of brain disease that makes my life impossible. I know a lot of ugly men that have ugly girlfriends, but I have no idea how they can find their girlfriends attractive.

Like sure, you are dating your subhuman looksmatch, but how the fuck can you even get your dick up and want to be with this woman???

My life is fucked atm. I am ugly, but I don't find ugly women attractive. So I am stuck getting eternally rejected by objectively attractive women?!
Last week I was at a club and some ugly chick was orbiting me and giving signals, but I kept ignoring her because I thought she was ugly. Towards the end of the evening after being rejected by 4 attractive women, I went home with the ugly chick and tried to have sex, but couldn't even get hard and was very stoic with a bit of mild discomfort about the whole thing. Like, I am not going to do this kind of shit again. It's not enjoyable.

I talk with my friends about the struggle of dating often and they show me some of their tindermatches and dates and I can't say they are attractive at all. I would rather stay single and sexless than settle for that.

How the fuck do you trick your brain into coping that ugly chicks are attractive so you can enjoy easily obtainable sex instead of getting constantly rejected ??!!?!?
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I think I have some sort of brain disease that makes my life impossible. I know a lot of ugly men that have ugly girlfriends, but I have no idea how they can find their girlfriends attractive.

Like sure, you are dating your subhuman looksmatch, but how the fuck can you even get your dick up and want to be with this woman???

My life is fucked atm. I am ugly, but I don't find ugly women attractive. So I am stuck getting eternally rejected by objectively attractive women?!
Last week I was at a club and some ugly chick was orbiting me and giving signals, but I kept ignoring her because I thought she was ugly. Towards the end of the evening after being rejected by 4 attractive women, I went home with the ugly chick and tried to have sex, but couldn't even get hard and was very stoic with a bit of mild discomfort about the whole thing. Like, I am not going to do this kind of shit again. It's not enjoyable.

I talk with my friends about the struggle of dating often and they show me some of their tindermatches and dates and I can't say they are attractive at all. I would rather stay single and sexless than settle for that.

How the fuck do you trick your brain into coping that ugly chicks are attractive so you can enjoy easily obtainable sex instead of getting constantly rejected ??!!?!?
Better than nothing they think
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Inb4 "dn rd." I read every word.
It either this or nothing for a ugly male bro. Stop colmplaining jfl
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after being blackpilled you don’t enjoy talking to men because you realise friendships are fake, and women because they don’t truly desire you anyway
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jfl im a khhv conversationless virgin and all i want is model tier gf or nothing jfl at how utterly deluded i am unironically
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jfl im a khhv conversationless virgin and all i want is model tier gf or nothing jfl how deluded i am unironically
You are not deluded, it's society that is deluded. I had friends of mine with ugly girlfriends straight up tell me they didn't like the look of a lingerie model and that she looks unpleasant and bitchy. And that they found their (ugly) girlfriends more attractive.

The amount of cope is unbelievable and I have no idea how they do it. Complete lack of intelligence? Drone-mind?
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i have same situation dude i want only hot foids while i'm not even averge
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same problem, we are low T, it's just that simple
No fap + no porn and then you will be saying that you don't like hot girls because they are unpleasant
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same problem, we are low T, it's just that simple
I had my t levels tested and they were top 10% lol. low T is cope.

Depression might have nuked my sexdrive though. Women rejecting me have made me asexual except for model tier women. Brutal.
You are not deluded, it's society that is deluded. I had friends of mine with ugly girlfriends straight up tell me they didn't like the look of a lingerie model and that she looks unpleasant and bitchy. And that they found their (ugly) girlfriends more attractive.

The amount of cope is unbelievable and I have no idea how they do it. Complete lack of intelligence? Drone-mind?
does he have cataracts?
Ugly men have to take what they get, same with ugly women.
jfl im a khhv conversationless virgin and all i want is model tier gf or nothing jfl at how utterly deluded i am unironically
its one thing to want, but some incels actually believe they're gonna fuck a virgin. JFL
I had my t levels tested and they were top 10% lol. low T is cope.

Depression might have nuked my sexdrive though. Women rejecting me have made me asexual except for model tier women. Brutal.
according to my doctors, T isn't as simple as measuring your T, other things play a role like TSH, prolactin, free T etc
its one thing to want, but some incels actually believe they're gonna fuck a virgin. JFL
jfl virgin model 18 yo gf with conservative values and a high iq. do they even exist?
its one thing to want, but some incels actually believe they're gonna fuck a virgin. JFL
It would only be fair. My first time was with my ex (slutty n-count) that complained about my sexual performance, even thought she knew I was a virgin. It was a terrible experience.

First time with a virgin sounds ideal.

And yeah, pump n dump old girls, but theres no way I will marry a girl that doesnt give me her prime. Terrible deal.
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according to my doctors, T isn't as simple as measuring your T, other things play a role like TSH, prolactin, free T etc
Well man not everyone has t problems, im fucking horny as shit 24/7, on an average day I picture me brutally pounding every 6/10 or above I see, its wild how high my libido is.
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Well man not everyone has t problems, im fucking horny as shit 24/7, on an average day I picture me brutally pounding every 6/10 or above I see, its wild how high my libido is.
high T would mean also being attracted to fatties
high T would mean also being attracted to fatties
would it though? high t just means your snuggle drive is higher, and that you're more motivated to procreate, but idk if it necessarily means youll be attracted to fucking landwhales.
would it though? high t just means your snuggle drive is higher, and that you're more motivated to procreate, but idk if it necessarily means youll be attracted to fucking landwhales.
What makes some guys not feeling attracted to subprime women then? I can't find any other explanation
Well, I fell in love with a PSL 4.5, being myself a 7.
When it happens, you see the girl how she's inside, and you're ignoring her looks, a bit like when you're drunk. But it lasts.
Very blue pilled, but true. I don't think women are feeling the same toward men, sadly. Contrary to what they say, they are the most superficial and most attached to the criteria of beauty.

She wouldn't have dated me if I were a 5.:feelsthink:
Legit question

My friends said something on the lines of "once she starts sucking you'll definitely get hard"

Still doubt that highly, I actually felt repulsed by imagining it
I wish I was them. They walk around with perma beer goggles
I'm ugly and I only want +5/10 foids.
I would fuck the shit out of an ugly women if she had big nice ass and/or tits

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