How do you intend to live when you become a legit oldcell (over 45) and your looks faded away ?

6'4 looksmaxxxer

6'4 looksmaxxxer

Ascension or death
Sep 18, 2019
I think by that time we'd stop giving a fuck about looks tbh and even sex all together and we should be raising kids and having our own families and shit that's why i intend to get married to a muslim conservative girl in my mid 30s
Be moneymaxxed, escortcel-->continue fucking hot early 20s girls.

Considering I am still young, my outlook on life will probably still change but no reason to think that far ahead yet tbh.
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Money is the greatest cope when your looks fade
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  • JFL
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I am sure when i reach my mid 40s i'll only focus on family and money making
Building a 6 or 7 figure business tends to take at least a decade so don't start too late.
sugar daddy for college girls is the only way
  • JFL
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Being married to a good muslim girl and have preferably male kids and do my best to raise them right so they become chads
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sugar daddy for college girls is the only way
But wouldn't you feel depressed/lost in life if you don't have a family and kids by that age ?
Being married to a good muslim girl and have preferably male kids and do my best to raise them right so they become chads
Literally what i am gonna do
I’ll cope with my Nintendo Switch 4DS, PlayStation 8 and jojolion binge watching sessions
  • JFL
Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Would want kids and a wife long before that age. My sons will be 12-13 years old by then.
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Never had the desire for kids or a family, plus Im very introverted so I could never maintain living with another person or let alone have kids, I need to be alone most the time or I get stressed, but thats just me specifically, I am outside the norm for sure
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breed and wageslave
no difference from my prime. I'm 24 right now and still an ugly brown short virgin
Rot with my NEETbux like I'm doing now.
no need to worry because life after 30 doesn't exist :feelsyay:

fast life best life
I will eat bread, and drive car then
Would want kids and a wife long before that age. My sons will be 12-13 years old by then.
same. I want to have kids and a wife. But if I'm not married by 30, I'm fucked. Got 6 years left
i will rot in the family orchard drinking cider and making the pigs happy with apple cores
Cope with singularity
Top Fade, I have one right now.

Dreads are optimal but I have a professional job so they are not an option.

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