How do you slavcels cope?



Mar 16, 2019
In Kiev in the Summer, Heaven is literally a place on earth. The amount of attractive women is incredible..all wearinh tiht shorts, summer dresses, skirts, cute t-shirts .. And i am wondering what happened in my own country's genetic history.. There must have been a disaster right?

I can just about cope being an incel 33yo in the UK because quite frankly most of the women are fat and.or/ugly. The attractive British women are simply unattainable unless you're a 9/10 Chad or social circumstances have been kind to you.

Slavcels, how do you cope? At my age i would have ended it a long time ago,
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Do they look like this?

I'm in pain every time I leave the house in the summer. The amount of beautiful young girls wearing tight revealing clothes is unbearable these days. I'm like the air to them - I don't exist
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I'm in pain every time I leave the house in the summer. The amount of beautiful young girls wearing tight revealing clothes is unbearable these days. I'm like the air to them - I don't exist
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I cope by rarely leaving house
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I barely go out, and when i do i try not to pay any attention to women.
My standards are low. I can’t afford high standards in a small town.
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Over for me.
Slav girls are gold diggers
How do baldcels cope?
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On the flipside of the coin, i've seen hot girls with some distinctly average looking men.

Bald guys, recessed chin guys, manlets..

Seen it all here... tbh.
I hate It.Women here are beutiful and I feel like an ugly ogre,since none of them want me.
I hate It.Women here are beutiful and I feel like an ugly ogre,since none of them want me.

I don't believe that..

Unless you're hidious i think all men can get cuties in the East of Europe. Girls here seem to value guys for their man value... rather than their chad-looks value like in the West.

Lack of social welfare money is probably the biggest factor in this "anomaly"
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I don't believe that..

Unless you're hidious i think all men can get cuties in the East of Europe. Girls here seem to value guys for their man value... rather than their chad-looks value like in the West.

Lack of social welfare money is probably the biggest factor in this "anomaly"
I'm facially low T,girls here hate that.
tfw slavcel but ended up in africa JFL.

my ancestors done fucked up.
In some slavic countries women are unattainable unless you're a 7/10+
Wait rly?


it depresses that if i were just born in a european country i'd be living my life now but ended up in some african shithole with ugly ethnics everywhere.

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