How i can ascend? (13)



Feb 7, 2025
Almost 14, It is over? I am kinda new at this, i was fatter like very fat and i lose some weigth before, i know THAT i am kinda bloated rn and My skin is shiet but i just don't know what to do and i hate SEE ppl My age THAT looks so beautiful and i can't.
So can yall pls tell me what to do to not be a Sub 3


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  • So Sad
Reactions: EthiopianMaxxer, Lefor3Laser, Muttcel foid killer and 2 others
bro r u doing that face on purpose
if not, just don't even try
its over
  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: mtbsmasher, pubert123, EthiopianMaxxer and 4 others
its over i apologize greatly bro but yeah nothing u can rlly do
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Reactions: mtbsmasher, EthiopianMaxxer, tvorog and 2 others
It’s over
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Reactions: mtbsmasher, EthiopianMaxxer and Deleted member 27371
You have a reason to be here
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Reactions: mtbsmasher, EthiopianMaxxer, tvorog and 4 others
Almost 14, It is over? I am kinda new at this, i was fatter like very fat and i lose some weigth before, i know THAT i am kinda bloated rn and My skin is shiet but i just don't know what to do and i hate SEE ppl My age THAT looks so beautiful and i can't.
So can yall pls tell me what to do to not be a Sub 3
You look like a real truecel:lul::lul::lul::feelswhy::forcedsmile:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: mtbsmasher, pubert123, EthiopianMaxxer and 5 others
im sorry for you brother
  • +1
Reactions: mtbsmasher, EthiopianMaxxer, Deleted member 27371 and 2 others
hop on test at 16/17 if it wont help then trenbolone its the only thing that can help except surgeries
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: EthiopianMaxxer and Junak
hop on test at 16/17 if it wont help then trenbolone its the only thing that can help except surgeries
i dont think steroids are going to fix his face
  • So Sad
Reactions: Fillowskyy
let me introduce you to
  • JFL
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Reactions: EthiopianMaxxer, carotalinc, Deleted member 27371 and 2 others
Do u recomend me to starvemaxx??
dont. dont fuck up your hormones at a young age. eat as much as you want, eat healthy and eat much protein and foods like eggs which cause your testosterone levels to go up. I think with huge test and steroids at a later age you can ascend.
  • +1
Reactions: Whyiamsub3
Almost 14, It is over? I am kinda new at this, i was fatter like very fat and i lose some weigth before, i know THAT i am kinda bloated rn and My skin is shiet but i just don't know what to do and i hate SEE ppl My age THAT looks so beautiful and i can't.
So can yall pls tell me what to do to not be a Sub 3
go to a doctor see if u have some deficiencies or smth else

are u teeth normal?
is ur breathing fine?

your bone structure is underdeveloped

live healthy

some people also just developed very late, keep ur head up, try to be social
  • +1
Reactions: Fillowskyy
also, start working out and going to the gym if you havent already. and sleep a lot. how tall are yuo?
  • +1
Reactions: meathead
These replies are going to be on his school shooter documentary.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: scouvs, Matthew_Astro, EthiopianMaxxer and 4 others
go to a doctor see if u have some deficiencies or smth else

are u teeth normal?
is ur breathing fine?

your bone structure is underdeveloped

live healthy

some people also just developed very late, keep ur head up, try to be social
Tbh my teeth are just shit, very Bad form, and My breath is actually fine soo i think i am just underdeveloped, i Will try to eat less shit and do facial exercises
  • +1
Reactions: tvorog

Tbh my teeth are just shit, very Bad form, and My breath is actually fine soo i think i am just underdeveloped, i Will try to eat less shit and do facial exercises
get braces asap

go gym
eat healthy

facial exersices doessent work
Okay bro thanks so much, imma do allat, i keep the glasses? Or not
glasses are better then none tbh

keep ur heads up

i know it sucks my faces and looks also developped late
  • +1
Reactions: Whyiamsub3
also, start working out and going to the gym if you havent already. and sleep a lot. how tall are yuo?
I actually don't sleep these days i havent sleep on nigth, i am 1.69Cm tall, i don't sleep at nigth for lik 3 weeks too for a time like 2 months (on THAT time i just have sleep at day)
  • +1
Reactions: Whyiamsub3
just be confident bro! you got this i believe in you
you look like someone from a movie i cant remember which one
Almost 14, It is over? I am kinda new at this, i was fatter like very fat and i lose some weigth before, i know THAT i am kinda bloated rn and My skin is shiet but i just don't know what to do and i hate SEE ppl My age THAT looks so beautiful and i can't.
So can yall pls tell me what to do to not be a Sub 3
don’t listen to these guys it’s not over if you are that young but you won’t slay in highschool. lock tf in and testmaxx and moneymaxx (surgery could fs help when you turn 18) also money is just a huge halo even tho you might only be able to pull sum chopped bitches but eventually you can slay. never over bhai
Almost 14, It is over? I am kinda new at this, i was fatter like very fat and i lose some weigth before, i know THAT i am kinda bloated rn and My skin is shiet but i just don't know what to do and i hate SEE ppl My age THAT looks so beautiful and i can't.
So can yall pls tell me what to do to not be a Sub 3
If ur not tall rope tbh nothing is saving your face :blackpill:
its that indian guy from tiktok all over again
Your still young don't listen here is what I take from your images

1. Your resting face is bad, it looks like you're high or autistic. Fix your resting face so it's more sharp, aware... normal at minimum.
2. Your hair is like a bird nest, just greasy and over grown. It needs a flow, definitely start with a hair brush or find a haircut that suits you. Haircut won't fix you even with a fade but whatever you have is just awful and negative aura + weird.

3. Given your looks you won't get laid in HS so studymax and start lean maxing. Your best hopes are post HS so statusmaxx and leanmaxx are long term so start now. You know blackpill looks do matter and you know you look like shit mad goofy too, prevent yourself from getting bullied for now. Get a fucking haircut and wash your greasy hair.
  • +1
Reactions: Whyiamsub3
  • +1
Reactions: MonkeyDLuffy
Almost 14, It is over? I am kinda new at this, i was fatter like very fat and i lose some weigth before, i know THAT i am kinda bloated rn and My skin is shiet but i just don't know what to do and i hate SEE ppl My age THAT looks so beautiful and i can't.
So can yall pls tell me what to do to not be a Sub 3
over bro.
get jaw implants, rhino, lip lift, dude just reconstruct ur face
hard to give advice right now especially if u need some surgeries bcuz we need to see ur face mature first so wait until 18 to think about serious looksmaxxes and until then just do health maxxing
It's over, Rope or Cope. :feelswhy:
Almost 14, It is over? I am kinda new at this, i was fatter like very fat and i lose some weigth before, i know THAT i am kinda bloated rn and My skin is shiet but i just don't know what to do and i hate SEE ppl My age THAT looks so beautiful and i can't.
So can yall pls tell me what to do to not be a Sub 3
  • +1
Reactions: Matthew_Astro
get contacts/ eye surgery once you get older and also height maxx at a young age with hgh and ai to maximize height

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