How I Grew 3 Inches Over Predicted Height (With Autoimmune Condition)



Sep 30, 2023
•Dad ah (adult height)=5’9
•Mum ah=5’4
•My predicted ah=5’8
•My autoimmune condition= Crohn’s disease
•Current height=5’11

Estrogen causes the ossification of collagenous tissue in the epiphyseal growth plates. When estrogen reaches its peak, during adolescence, full bone maturation has essentially been completed (see here).

What this essentially means is that, once your estrogen levels peak, (granted, for a long enough period), your plates fuse and you will stop growing.

IGF-1 & Growth Hormone
Both IGF-1 (insulin growth factor 1) and gh (growth hormone) are both crucial for actually growing vertically (see here).

How Can this Info Help Us? (Conclusion)
This essentially means that, through the inhibition of the aromatase enzyme (the enzym which converts test to estrogen), and the super physiological enhancement of both gh and igf-1, you can not only prolong your growth period, but also increase the rate at which you grow.

Aromatase Inhibitors (ai’s)
With the aim of inhibiting aromatase enzyme, there is only one drug category which should come to mind, that being ai’s (aromatase inhibitors). This is fundamental to any success for increasing height. I recommend either letrozole or anastrazol as an option. As for dosages, 1mg anastrazol 1/2 days (every day ideally if no negative sides and good on money), for letrozole, 2.5mg every 2 days. Everyone responds differently of course, so adjust dosage to your liking.

Growth Stimulant
Everyone is under the assumption that more expensive= better when it comes to this, however, they couldn’t be further from the truth. Hgh is highly profitable, hence it is used to treat idiopathic short stature. This leaves many under the impression that hgh is the superior drug for treating idiopathic short stature however, I don’t believe this to be true at all. Mk-677 (ibutamoren) is superior to hgh in many aspects.
1. Mk-677 increases igf-1 to a greater degree than hgh making it more efficacious in terms of increasing height
2. No risk of infection or other injection related complications
3. Infinitely less expensive than hgh
4. Doesn’t require special storage
5. Less time consuming than hgh
6. Legal to buy and posses without script

So not only is it more effective than hgh at increasing height, but it makes life infinitely easier.

Without a doubt I can say, mk-677 should be used as your growth stimulant. (see here for mk-677 being used in idiopathic short stature)

For mk-677 I do a strict protocol of 2 days on 1 day off. This is in order to allow my insulin to drop for a day, helping reduce risk of insulin resistance. I also take 1 week breaks every so often to help reset my tolerance. And give my body a rest. I initially started off with 12.5 mg, progressing every week by 0.5mg-1mg, this again to lessen risk of insulin resistance. I progressed until I saw negative side effects, that being an andrenergic state which prevented me from sleeping. I peaked at 17.5mg, this was my sweet spot. This protocol (credit to Connor Murphy @NattyPlusProtocl on YouTube) dictates you use the highest side effect free dose possible. I took my mk-677 in the morning to help increase my appetite for gymcelling but you can take it at night which is probably ideal.

I took 1mg Anastrazol 1/2 to days non stop until I couldn’t physically bare the pain (check “My Experience” for reason).

•Apple cider vinegar
•Vitamin D3
•Omega 3
•Vitamin a

Highly Important Info: Eat in a big surplus, there is a correlation between height and weight for a reason and with no risk of high estrogen from overeating, this has to be implemented.

Side Note: Along side this, I lived a healthy live style, which you should do the same to further mitigate risk of insulin resistance.

As I was gymcelling, I thought to take mk-677, purely to increase my appetite and increase sleep, so I bought some and the appetite increase was heaven. I found it super hard to put on weight as a result of my medical condition and this changed everything. I started gym at about 54kg, and got to 68kg within the span of about 10 months. I was eating 4-5k calories a day. This was at around age 16.

A couple weeks into my mk-677 , I discovered the interaction between estrogen and growth plates, leading me to order anastrazol. I started with 1mg 1/2 days every day non stop. Everything was fine until I started to flare up (I have Crohn’s disease). Estrogen helps manage inflammation and mine was inhibited which likely made things worse. I was in complete agony, and could barely eat but I just felt I couldn’t stop the anastrazol and had to push through the pain, in order to keep my growth plates open. I had stopped the mk677 but felt an obligation to continue the anastrazol.

It eventually got bad to the point where I couldn’t go to school, and had to change medication. I had to take a break when the pain got to bad, this break lasted around a 2-3 months and may have sealed my fate as a 5’11 manlet. In total I went from 68 kg, all the way down to 54kg in the span of 3 months, and my appetite is still shut down (I currently eat less than 2k kcal daily).

After the inflammation returned to normal, I started taking the rest of my anastrazol at 0.5mg 1/2 days for the past month and have now switched to 2.5mg letrozole 1/2 days. I also re-upped on mk-677. This is my method of coping with being a manlet, I have no clue wether this protocol will work at this stage (17 and 8 months). I’m probably going to go back to gymcelling soon but I’ve been neetmaxxing for a while now and need to catch up an entire year of school.
  • +1
Reactions: mathis and LegitUser
good larp. i didnt grow while on hgh . you are larping. larp.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: mathis, Gaygymmaxx, Clavicular and 5 others
you likely grew naturally
  • +1
Reactions: mathis
you likely grew naturally
I likely didn’t. My team of doctors and endocrinologists said they predicted my height to be 5’8. On top of that, inflammation inhibits growth. This means my growth was likely further inhibited by my medical condition.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: wastedspermcel
I would bet that you grew naturally.
My parents are roughly the same height as yours, and I grew to about 5'11 currently at 20, and I'm still somehow growing (grew an inch in the last 12 months). Plus my diet has always been terrible and my sleep wasn't great.
The least I would say, is that if you didn't have your disease, you would've been 5'11-6ft anyways.
•Dad ah (adult height)=5’9
•Mum ah=5’4
•My predicted ah=5’8
•My autoimmune condition= Crohn’s disease
•Current height=5’11

Estrogen causes the ossification of collagenous tissue in the epiphyseal growth plates. When estrogen reaches its peak, during adolescence, full bone maturation has essentially been completed (see here).

What this essentially means is that, once your estrogen levels peak, (granted, for a long enough period), your plates fuse and you will stop growing.

IGF-1 & Growth Hormone
Both IGF-1 (insulin growth factor 1) and gh (growth hormone) are both crucial for actually growing vertically (see here).

How Can this Info Help Us? (Conclusion)
This essentially means that, through the inhibition of the aromatase enzyme (the enzym which converts test to estrogen), and the super physiological enhancement of both gh and igf-1, you can not only prolong your growth period, but also increase the rate at which you grow.

Aromatase Inhibitors (ai’s)
With the aim of inhibiting aromatase enzyme, there is only one drug category which should come to mind, that being ai’s (aromatase inhibitors). This is fundamental to any success for increasing height. I recommend either letrozole or anastrazol as an option. As for dosages, 1mg anastrazol 1/2 days (every day ideally if no negative sides and good on money), for letrozole, 2.5mg every 2 days. Everyone responds differently of course, so adjust dosage to your liking.

Growth Stimulant
Everyone is under the assumption that more expensive= better when it comes to this, however, they couldn’t be further from the truth. Hgh is highly profitable, hence it is used to treat idiopathic short stature. This leaves many under the impression that hgh is the superior drug for treating idiopathic short stature however, I don’t believe this to be true at all. Mk-677 (ibutamoren) is superior to hgh in many aspects.
1. Mk-677 increases igf-1 to a greater degree than hgh making it more efficacious in terms of increasing height
2. No risk of infection or other injection related complications
3. Infinitely less expensive than hgh
4. Doesn’t require special storage
5. Less time consuming than hgh
6. Legal to buy and posses without script

So not only is it more effective than hgh at increasing height, but it makes life infinitely easier.

Without a doubt I can say, mk-677 should be used as your growth stimulant. (see here for mk-677 being used in idiopathic short stature)

For mk-677 I do a strict protocol of 2 days on 1 day off. This is in order to allow my insulin to drop for a day, helping reduce risk of insulin resistance. I also take 1 week breaks every so often to help reset my tolerance. And give my body a rest. I initially started off with 12.5 mg, progressing every week by 0.5mg-1mg, this again to lessen risk of insulin resistance. I progressed until I saw negative side effects, that being an andrenergic state which prevented me from sleeping. I peaked at 17.5mg, this was my sweet spot. This protocol (credit to Connor Murphy @NattyPlusProtocl on YouTube) dictates you use the highest side effect free dose possible. I took my mk-677 in the morning to help increase my appetite for gymcelling but you can take it at night which is probably ideal.

I took 1mg Anastrazol 1/2 to days non stop until I couldn’t physically bare the pain (check “My Experience” for reason).

•Apple cider vinegar
•Vitamin D3
•Omega 3
•Vitamin a

Highly Important Info: Eat in a big surplus, there is a correlation between height and weight for a reason and with no risk of high estrogen from overeating, this has to be implemented.

Side Note: Along side this, I lived a healthy live style, which you should do the same to further mitigate risk of insulin resistance.

As I was gymcelling, I thought to take mk-677, purely to increase my appetite and increase sleep, so I bought some and the appetite increase was heaven. I found it super hard to put on weight as a result of my medical condition and this changed everything. I started gym at about 54kg, and got to 68kg within the span of about 10 months. I was eating 4-5k calories a day. This was at around age 16.

A couple weeks into my mk-677 , I discovered the interaction between estrogen and growth plates, leading me to order anastrazol. I started with 1mg 1/2 days every day non stop. Everything was fine until I started to flare up (I have Crohn’s disease). Estrogen helps manage inflammation and mine was inhibited which likely made things worse. I was in complete agony, and could barely eat but I just felt I couldn’t stop the anastrazol and had to push through the pain, in order to keep my growth plates open. I had stopped the mk677 but felt an obligation to continue the anastrazol.

It eventually got bad to the point where I couldn’t go to school, and had to change medication. I had to take a break when the pain got to bad, this break lasted around a 2-3 months and may have sealed my fate as a 5’11 manlet. In total I went from 68 kg, all the way down to 54kg in the span of 3 months, and my appetite is still shut down (I currently eat less than 2k kcal daily).

After the inflammation returned to normal, I started taking the rest of my anastrazol at 0.5mg 1/2 days for the past month and have now switched to 2.5mg letrozole 1/2 days. I also re-upped on mk-677. This is my method of coping with being a manlet, I have no clue wether this protocol will work at this stage (17 and 8 months). I’m probably going to go back to gymcelling soon but I’ve been neetmaxxing for a while now and need to catch up an entire year of school.
there’s no way this nigga just said mk677 increases igf1 more than hgh 😭😭😭😭
  • +1
Reactions: mathis
no you didn’t grow. I promise you mk677 did not do shit. It doesn’t do anything. It really doesn’t just stop
Cope. You didn't grow an inch from that shit, natural growth.
•Dad ah (adult height)=5’9
•Mum ah=5’4
•My predicted ah=5’8
•My autoimmune condition= Crohn’s disease
•Current height=5’11

Estrogen causes the ossification of collagenous tissue in the epiphyseal growth plates. When estrogen reaches its peak, during adolescence, full bone maturation has essentially been completed (see here).

What this essentially means is that, once your estrogen levels peak, (granted, for a long enough period), your plates fuse and you will stop growing.

IGF-1 & Growth Hormone
Both IGF-1 (insulin growth factor 1) and gh (growth hormone) are both crucial for actually growing vertically (see here).

How Can this Info Help Us? (Conclusion)
This essentially means that, through the inhibition of the aromatase enzyme (the enzym which converts test to estrogen), and the super physiological enhancement of both gh and igf-1, you can not only prolong your growth period, but also increase the rate at which you grow.

Aromatase Inhibitors (ai’s)
With the aim of inhibiting aromatase enzyme, there is only one drug category which should come to mind, that being ai’s (aromatase inhibitors). This is fundamental to any success for increasing height. I recommend either letrozole or anastrazol as an option. As for dosages, 1mg anastrazol 1/2 days (every day ideally if no negative sides and good on money), for letrozole, 2.5mg every 2 days. Everyone responds differently of course, so adjust dosage to your liking.

Growth Stimulant
Everyone is under the assumption that more expensive= better when it comes to this, however, they couldn’t be further from the truth. Hgh is highly profitable, hence it is used to treat idiopathic short stature. This leaves many under the impression that hgh is the superior drug for treating idiopathic short stature however, I don’t believe this to be true at all. Mk-677 (ibutamoren) is superior to hgh in many aspects.
1. Mk-677 increases igf-1 to a greater degree than hgh making it more efficacious in terms of increasing height
2. No risk of infection or other injection related complications
3. Infinitely less expensive than hgh
4. Doesn’t require special storage
5. Less time consuming than hgh
6. Legal to buy and posses without script

So not only is it more effective than hgh at increasing height, but it makes life infinitely easier.

Without a doubt I can say, mk-677 should be used as your growth stimulant. (see here for mk-677 being used in idiopathic short stature)

For mk-677 I do a strict protocol of 2 days on 1 day off. This is in order to allow my insulin to drop for a day, helping reduce risk of insulin resistance. I also take 1 week breaks every so often to help reset my tolerance. And give my body a rest. I initially started off with 12.5 mg, progressing every week by 0.5mg-1mg, this again to lessen risk of insulin resistance. I progressed until I saw negative side effects, that being an andrenergic state which prevented me from sleeping. I peaked at 17.5mg, this was my sweet spot. This protocol (credit to Connor Murphy @NattyPlusProtocl on YouTube) dictates you use the highest side effect free dose possible. I took my mk-677 in the morning to help increase my appetite for gymcelling but you can take it at night which is probably ideal.

I took 1mg Anastrazol 1/2 to days non stop until I couldn’t physically bare the pain (check “My Experience” for reason).

•Apple cider vinegar
•Vitamin D3
•Omega 3
•Vitamin a

Highly Important Info: Eat in a big surplus, there is a correlation between height and weight for a reason and with no risk of high estrogen from overeating, this has to be implemented.

Side Note: Along side this, I lived a healthy live style, which you should do the same to further mitigate risk of insulin resistance.

As I was gymcelling, I thought to take mk-677, purely to increase my appetite and increase sleep, so I bought some and the appetite increase was heaven. I found it super hard to put on weight as a result of my medical condition and this changed everything. I started gym at about 54kg, and got to 68kg within the span of about 10 months. I was eating 4-5k calories a day. This was at around age 16.

A couple weeks into my mk-677 , I discovered the interaction between estrogen and growth plates, leading me to order anastrazol. I started with 1mg 1/2 days every day non stop. Everything was fine until I started to flare up (I have Crohn’s disease). Estrogen helps manage inflammation and mine was inhibited which likely made things worse. I was in complete agony, and could barely eat but I just felt I couldn’t stop the anastrazol and had to push through the pain, in order to keep my growth plates open. I had stopped the mk677 but felt an obligation to continue the anastrazol.

It eventually got bad to the point where I couldn’t go to school, and had to change medication. I had to take a break when the pain got to bad, this break lasted around a 2-3 months and may have sealed my fate as a 5’11 manlet. In total I went from 68 kg, all the way down to 54kg in the span of 3 months, and my appetite is still shut down (I currently eat less than 2k kcal daily).

After the inflammation returned to normal, I started taking the rest of my anastrazol at 0.5mg 1/2 days for the past month and have now switched to 2.5mg letrozole 1/2 days. I also re-upped on mk-677. This is my method of coping with being a manlet, I have no clue wether this protocol will work at this stage (17 and 8 months). I’m probably going to go back to gymcelling soon but I’ve been neetmaxxing for a while now and need to catch up an entire year of school.
no u didnt
  • +1
Reactions: mathis
no you didn’t grow. I promise you mk677 did not do shit. It doesn’t do anything. It really doesn’t just stop
You’re so fucking moronic. I literally linked a study for it being used in people with idiopathic short stature. Mk-677 increases igf-1 by 1.5x-2x, this is at a standard dosage of 25mg a day this is pretty much identical to a standard dose of hgh.
MK-677 25 mg was expected to increase serum IGF-1 levels in adults by 50 to 95%”-,and%206%20and%20month%2012.
Where as HGH is only about 50%-70% increase in igf-1 at a standard dose
Last edited:
5'4 mom and 5'9" dad, your predicted height range is 5'6" to 6'1", nice larp
  • +1
Reactions: mathis and erectiledisaster
Cope. You didn't grow an inch from that shit, natural growth.
Are you telling me, I surpassed both my parents height, despite my height being inhibited by chronic inflammation, and both my endocrinologists and specialist predicting my height to be 5’8. Did you even read you retard bitch.
5'4 mom and 5'9" dad, your predicted height range is 5'6" to 6'1", nice larp
What with the inhibition of my growth through inflammation? My condition literally inhibits growth and both my endocrinologist and specialist concluded my predicted ah to be 5’8
I would bet that you grew naturally.
My parents are roughly the same height as yours, and I grew to about 5'11 currently at 20, and I'm still somehow growing (grew an inch in the last 12 months). Plus my diet has always been terrible and my sleep wasn't great.
The least I would say, is that if you didn't have your disease, you would've been 5'11-6ft anyways.
Bro please read. I have an autoimmune condition which inhibits growth, also both my specialist and endocrinologist predicted me to be 5’8
You’re so fucking moronic. I literally linked a study for it being used in people with idiopathic short stature. Mk-677 increases igf-1 by 1.5x-2x, this is at a standard dosage of 25mg a day this is pretty much identical to a standard dose of hgh.
MK-677 25 mg was expected to increase serum IGF-1 levels in adults by 50 to 95%”-,and%206%20and%20month%2012.
Where as HGH is only about 50%-70% increase in igf-1 at a standard dose
nigga. listen. i cannot argue with a fucking retard. I just can’t. You’re a fucking dumbass. Seriously. Please don’t ever quote a study again.
i hate you btw you act so smug telling me to “gain wisdom from the shit that happened to me” when ur ass blasted for 2 years 15ius a day and the same shit i did and MORE and nothing happened does life hate me?
  • JFL
Reactions: Gaygymmaxx
i hate you btw you act so smug telling me to “gain wisdom from the shit that happened to me” when ur ass blasted for 2 years 15ius a day and the same shit i did and MORE and nothing happened does life hate me?
Idk nigga my face is chadlite so I can cope

It was too late for us to grow 🤣
I had the bones already and ethnic medium skin with blue eyes, exotic pheno

Not really
So basically hgh didn’t do shit to you. Yet it morphed my entire fucking pheno. Holy fuck. Yk your posts were what made me want to keep doing it when you said you got an inch in 2 years. Now just to hear you didn’t even grow if i would have known that 7 months ago I would have stopped immediately because me and you had similar situations. Now knowing this all after it makes me want to kilo myself even more. that you never even grew and the shit and measurements from 1 year ago you made are all cap

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