How important is face, height & pheno when it comes to making friends & trying to break into Chad & Stacys circles & getting invited to their parties?



Apr 4, 2024
I'm a 23yo that never went to college and want to find a way to break into a good circle (with Stacy's and Chads) but I'm finding it to be pretty difficult. Most of the Chad's I meet at bars either A. Dgaf ab what I have to say, B. Are cool and will approach girls with me but then ditch or ghost me later on when they see that I fumble LTBs in the two man (for context im a oily face skinnyfatcel with Chadlite bones), so they dont really consider me for future two mans and I cant really blame them.

But my main question here is that, Is your social life also on easy mode and you get invited to parties with stacys easily if you are Chad/Chadlite or HTN with good pheno (Med, Nordic, Atlantid, or Whitewashed Chadrone/Tyrone)? Has anybody here experienced this after ascension?
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Yeah obviously. Any aspect of a chad's life is on easy mode

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