How is the stuff we talk about normally here even seen as taboo controversial let alone out there ?



a proud brahmin
May 19, 2019
Every 1 here agrees beauty is objective but tell that to the average normie and they will play 60 mind games if an AI can create very attractive people like this guy then it isn't subjective let alone racial attractive faces are a symptoms of good genetics and proper environment how is this even debated?

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2how is the idea that good looking chads get the most matches and it's mainly there looks and genetic success that gave them there current status positions this is seen as taboo.

3 how the fuck is it demeaning or cruel to rate people's on a scale of 1 to 10 we do this with iq customer surveys anything else but when it comes to human beings people play games of smoke and mirrors to try and obscuate the real truth.

For what ever reason things we accept as common sense here is seen as taboo or strange to normies I mean they are all about self improvement and going to the gym and being masculine as a man but they don't say that if your usually getting rejected by women your either ugly or the women you want is better looking than you or she's uglier but more delusional and wants chads so you can't mate up with your looks level.

How is anything here even debated like I'm surprised people debate the premise of beauty even being objective it's something else really.

@Seth Walsh

You guys are probably the non autistic guys on here and you can probably read social situations so pls try to help me connect the dots here because the stuff we discuss here would get you banned censored or worse publicly ostricized any where out side of this forum and the black pill never spreads only delusional red pill copes does
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Because people like to believe they are beyond the realm of animals where genetics and looks are crucial.

Humans are subjective in choosing which truths to believe or not because of their ego, considering most people are cradled and told they can do anything during their formative years, trying to understand candid things on here goes against their entire agenda.
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Because people like to believe they are beyond the realm of animals where genetics and looks are crucial.

Humans are subjective in choosing which truths to believe or not because of their ego, considering most people are cradled and told they can do anything during their formative years, trying to understand candid things on here goes against their entire agenda.

Damn that's the other brutal truth about having aurism what seems common sense is seen as conterversial I mean most normies rate themselves 10
Because we got polluted by socialism for half a century. No, not everyone is equal nor has the same worth. And yes, the IMMENSE majority of that worth is determined by things that you 0 input on, at birth.
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Because we got polluted by socialism for half a century. No, not everyone is equal nor has the same worth. And yes, the IMMENSE majority of that worth is determined by things that you 0 input on, at birth.

This generation is filled with pussies tbqh
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This generation is filled with pussies tbqh

The cycle is leaning heavily on the left atm, with all the degeneracies associated with it. It will swing back eventually, environmantal emmigration will most likely help. It sukcs for us rn tho.
The cycle is leaning heavily on the left atm, with all the degeneracies associated with it. It will swing back eventually, environmantal emmigration will most likely help. It sukcs for us rn tho.

It's always been blue pilled tbqh
Every 1 here agrees beauty is objective but tell that to the average normie and they will play 60 mind games if an AI can create very attractive people like this guy then it isn't subjective let alone racial attractive faces are a symptoms of good genetics and proper environment how is this even debated?

View attachment 2310468

2how is the idea that good looking chads get the most matches and it's mainly there looks and genetic success that gave them there current status positions this is seen as taboo.

3 how the fuck is it demeaning or cruel to rate people's on a scale of 1 to 10 we do this with iq customer surveys anything else but when it comes to human beings people play games of smoke and mirrors to try and obscuate the real truth.

For what ever reason things we accept as common sense here is seen as taboo or strange to normies I mean they are all about self improvement and going to the gym and being masculine as a man but they don't say that if your usually getting rejected by women your either ugly or the women you want is better looking than you or she's uglier but more delusional and wants chads so you can't mate up with your looks level.

How is anything here even debated like I'm surprised people debate the premise of beauty even being objective it's something else really.

@Seth Walsh

You guys are probably the non autistic guys on here and you can probably read social situations so pls try to help me connect the dots here because the stuff we discuss here would get you banned censored or worse publicly ostricized any where out side of this forum and the black pill never spreads only delusional red pill copes does
Blackpill isn't real
The masses are controlled by the power elite through brainwashing and false expectations to multiply their power and wealth. Nothing new, is it?
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If everyone were good looking, then no one would feel shame talking about looks.

Now most of peoplea re ugly, if they talked about it, they would realize that they are just ugly and get blackpilled, sad and would start to think about roping. Better to stay ignorant and away this topic.
Get a gf it'll change your life
Not OP, but I have a girlfriend and that's where the blackpill and looksmaxxing is most usefull, the better you look the better she treats you. The better I take care of my hair, the more fat I lose, the more muscle I gain, the more turned on she is and the more shit I can get away with. Also works in the office, I am 32 and I don't looksmax to slay. It just works to improve all aspect of your life.

I agree some part of the blackpill are overblown, especially hypergamy, but the core philosophy is rock solid and will make your life easier if you apply it. But I definitely agree with the essence of what you are saying, some mofo here take this shit way too far.

Every 1 here agrees beauty is objective but tell that to the average normie and they will play 60 mind games if an AI can create very attractive people like this guy then it isn't subjective let alone racial attractive faces are a symptoms of good genetics and proper environment how is this even debated?

View attachment 2310468

2how is the idea that good looking chads get the most matches and it's mainly there looks and genetic success that gave them there current status positions this is seen as taboo.

3 how the fuck is it demeaning or cruel to rate people's on a scale of 1 to 10 we do this with iq customer surveys anything else but when it comes to human beings people play games of smoke and mirrors to try and obscuate the real truth.

For what ever reason things we accept as common sense here is seen as taboo or strange to normies I mean they are all about self improvement and going to the gym and being masculine as a man but they don't say that if your usually getting rejected by women your either ugly or the women you want is better looking than you or she's uglier but more delusional and wants chads so you can't mate up with your looks level.

How is anything here even debated like I'm surprised people debate the premise of beauty even being objective it's something else really.

@Seth Walsh

You guys are probably the non autistic guys on here and you can probably read social situations so pls try to help me connect the dots here because the stuff we discuss here would get you banned censored or worse publicly ostricized any where out side of this forum and the black pill never spreads only delusional red pill copes does

I think its mostly western culture. Most other cultures will be blunt as fuck, especially Asians, they fat shame like mother fuckers(based).

Its probably the american dream concept extrapolated too far. At first it only meant having an economy which allows the common man to comfortably provide for his family. And now it somehow morphed to anyone having the ability/talent to pick themselves up by the bootstrap and getting everything they want out of life. So now we think everything is effort based and saying that anything is genetic goes against that philosophy. Its the same for intelligence. If you say Bill Gate got help from his Dad, got lucky and worked hard, people will agree with you.

But just mention the fact that he probably inherited a fat IQ score from his parents, which was 100% required for him the succeed and people will somehow attack you.

Lots of truth cannot be discussed in public anymore. Genetic determinism is one of them.
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Reactions: Seth Walsh and reptiles
Are you diagnosed autistic?
It's always been blue pilled tbqh

Sure, but peoples have never been that incentivised to gaslight others into accepting themselves, even tho they're subhumans. We'll never be able to get over out nature tho, which is something many peoples don't want to accept.
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Tbh none of the main tenants discussed here would be particularly controversial where I live, idk if it's a cultural thing, redpill/blackpill is just common sense that pretty much everyone besides coping loser types agree on (probably why blue pill is so rampant on places like Reddit), maybe not to quite as an extreme extent as this forum, but pretty much everyone in my social circle and beyond is aware that looks are the most important aspect for attraction, and looks are largely genetically determined, and it has been this way since I was a kid. Most people I know use a 1-10 rating as well.
Brainwashing. Because if men realised that women are only physically attracted to the top 5-10% of men (and the same men for every woman), then society as we know it would collapse. The media has to peddle the idea that women are capable of love in order to keep civilization ticking over.

There would be anarchy otherwise.
Brainwashing. Because if men realised that women are only physically attracted to the top 5-10% of men (and the same men for every woman), then society as we know it would collapse. The media has to peddle the idea that women are capable of love in order to keep civilization ticking over.

There would be anarchy otherwise.

Or society would stop pandering to women cause right now there is this strange lie that society is more unfair on women then men
Or society would stop pandering to women cause right now there is this strange lie that society is more unfair on women then men
It will be interesting to see how it progresses. Virtue signalling whores are debauched, yet they want free immigration. So their own actions are resulting in conservative men (mainly Muslims) coming into western countries - and when they become the majority force, they certainly will not be kowtowing to loose sluts. It may be interesting to see if dumbass foids pick up on this before it is too late for them. Probably not though.
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Tbh none of the main tenants discussed here would be particularly controversial where I live, idk if it's a cultural thing, redpill/blackpill is just common sense that pretty much everyone besides coping loser types agree on (probably why blue pill is so rampant on places like Reddit), maybe not to quite as an extreme extent as this forum, but pretty much everyone in my social circle and beyond is aware that looks are the most important aspect for attraction, and looks are largely genetically determined, and it has been this way since I was a kid. Most people I know use a 1-10 rating as well.
From which country/culture are you from? Genuinely curious, I would guess either South America or Asia?

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