How Knajjd's Career Ended



Sep 28, 2019
Before his disappearance along with Jewserge, his career as an effective moderator came to a halt.

Take a look at the Incels wiki definition for him: "Knajjd is a 24 year old 5"2' cutecel from Turkey who is a moderator on He has been called 'detectivecel', as he is good at finding out users who are evading bans on the forum and females on Discord".

Knajjd's whole reputation as a "detectivecel" stemmed from one tool, the now defunct:
1648081996135 was the domain for a website that allowed you to view what other Discord servers a person used as long as they had indexed it recently while they were in it. The site was largely detested by redditfags and they fought to shut it down, " is a site that is scraping Discord servers for what emotes they have, what users are in them, and is consolidating that information onto their site".

As many may remember, knajjd used to be an Admin in the original Discord servers, users would be encouraged to join, and Knajjd would run through their servers with and try to find evidence of them being gay, female, or fakecels

He used the tool on me in vc while trying to act like he had eyes all over me, but I knew the servers he named were the exact ones indexed by for my account
The website domain eventually changed to "", but that was officially shut down too and their twitter went inactive

It was this tool and some aspie obsessiveness that built up his reputation as a so-called "detectivecel"
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  • JFL
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I love being incel. All this "doxing" retardation will never affact me

Exemptions for users who clearly violate site rules. I'm not against this "GripMaxxing" user, though I do find exemptions odd...





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This was deleted earlier - ...

Ironic how knajjd was trying to weed out homosexuals when he looks like a flaming lesbian girl with a eating disorder
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  • JFL
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FEB80FCC E0B7 498B 855C F30D4FD9C4CD
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The Lounge...

Comments from the same thread:


I have no dislike for the user above. I'm only including his post as an example.




"vile curry street shitter"? ... (I'm not PC)


(Posts Erased)
  • +1
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I have never been so flustered hearing someone speak as knajjd on discord vc. "He" sounds like a cute giggly girl tripping on acid. hot as fuck
  • +1
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Exemptions for users who clearly violate site rules. I'm not against this "GripMaxxing" user, though I do find exemptions odd...

The hypocrisy...!






Perpetual anger was very likely banned user CWCVille Gentrifier - The "mate" of JoeBruhcel.
  • +1
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(Deleted thread...)


The Incel Purge:

And of-course, the situation with @Vermilioncore , someone I have no problems with...

He was unbanned after apparently having several girlfriends...

(Deleted Threads)
Purge Victim #2: ugly_bastard_tanaka







Purge Victim #3: JoeBruhcel:





  • Cheating.PNG
    213.7 KB · Views: 0
Purge Victim #4: nice_try





Purge Victim #5: ERadicator





New Additions:


Ironic how knajjd was trying to weed out homosexuals when he looks like a flaming lesbian girl with a eating disorder
he'd slay if he was 5'10
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Purge Victim #6: iamsubhuman





"Shitposting"? ...


Purge Victim #7: beyond_repair


short attention span-cels beware: wall of text.

I can't bare to think about my "looks" level so I will skip that.

-Sexual inhibition: I never absorbed American norms re sexuality and individualism fast enough...that is, it's okay to have a girlfriend and ago against family judgement on certain questions and I've always retained those inhibitions *instinctively* till recently. I was cowardly and never questioned those instincts and thought everything would turn out alright and I wasted all teen and 20s prime which came before dating apps. All adults I knew encouraged this with an exception of an uncle who on vacation asked me why don't you get fucking laid, man?

-Fag face. I have fag face.

-Excessive shyness around sexuality. This is maybe related to point #1. This was what was *induced in me.* I wish I had an American mom who said to me "it's okay to masturbate, son" and BEFORE PUPERTY. Give your sons permission to seek and have sex as soon as 15. Now I understand why when a gal came over to watch movies with me at 19 -- rather suggestive movies -- she might've wanted some relationship. I had heard she was always asking about me too. I told a hick (said in the spirit of accuracy) co-worker of mine about her coming over and, looking at me with a sort of kindly-suppressing-urge-to-laugh look said man, if a girl came over to my house to watch movies with me, I'd have hit on her. He was just a few years older than me.

-Family (aside dad) were always lookists who never said things like ugly is an ugly word.

-Women of my ethnic background are also "imprinted" on me but I don't live near them and they're all conservative.

-A deep longing for the sort of love where there is a scene in which my lover and I make sex on a secluded grassy knoll, and there's only a shot of our hands passionately clasping to imply sex is happening as romantic music swells in the soundtrack. Oh Allah, will I ever have that heavenly experience?

-Being sure I could *easily get married* which is related to my culture. You know, when it's time the parents handle it etc. This is STILL the case. I suppose it can cause a little laziness.

-internet addiction, solitary hobbies...

So those are my *biases.*

But I'm also interested in the question of whether tolerated polygyny is screwing men. The data seems to say it is. This cultural development-- aside any personal interest I may have in it to excuse my own issues -- is a troll's wet dream: Awkward and embarrassing for various powerful factions of society -- feminists, men marrying post-wall toilets, the toilets themselves, anti-prostitution organizations, the religious right which must confront its outdated "chivalry" pose and stop looking away from the true nature of female sexuality, the liberals who are sensitive to foids' emotionalist tactics but see the imbalance in the sexual marketplace and the possible solutions that all must come at women's expense, and so on.

"The Marriage Markets" chapter in Robert Wright's "The Moral Animal" (1994), which I read around 2007, mentions that serial monogamy amounts to polygyny. That idea hit me like a bolt at the time . He had used Johnny Carson (tv show host) as an example of someone who engaged in serial marriages to young women and therefore dominated multiple women's fertility window, blocking some other men. I don't remember if I thought at the time could this sort of thing have increased since 94? but it was certainly behind my giddy reception of the idea at least sub-consciously. Then came the smart phone revolution that same year. The Carson form of polygeny is still here -- it's what wealthy men can do, but I think another form is happening too: Women delaying marriage and, before settling down, getting their "physical needs" met by a smaller pool of men -- cads, Don Juans, Lotharios...Chads. Amplified by the phone revolution, that's what is most connected to the rise of incels IMO.

There are other contributing factors like affirmative action for women, gov support for single-mothers, changes to the economy equalizing men and women's earnings...all of which enable women not to need to rely on Billy Bucks Beta. But the primary cause of inceldom in America, IMO, is women not being eager about marriage until when they have lost the glow of youthful fertility (the 5000 days as I call it) in their early 30s and, in the 16 years before, meeting their sexual needs through serial relationships, temp relationships, FWB arrangements, one night stands with a smaller pool of relatively more attractive men incentivized to date down in order to experience variety (see Coolidge Effect). Don't forget lesbianism!

Do the elites know? What do they expect the negatively impacted men to do? Wait around for post-wall used toilets? Can the Right weaponize inceldom? The social compact is broken. I liked @
@SentimentalCel 's phrase "the injustice of the effort differential." Beautiful.

What does it mean for male tolerance of roasties getting coddled in every way by society when it becomes clear to more and more men that the result of that coddling is...roasties in their most alluring years sharing attractive men?

Also, how is public policy fair in the U.S such that the government says "we will have sexual liberty enough so that roasties can be dominated by a smaller pool of cads during their best years...but we will not have sexual liberty such the male losers of this polygynous system can see a hooker?" The idea of "enforced monogamy" freaks out anti-incels. So does sex-work legalization, which would just be completing the Sexual Revolution. I say let the toilets and their Chads have Tinder. But let we losers of this system have Hookr.

The user above is fairly high-quality. The sort spoken of by "Komesarj"...


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being internet police is incel trait lol
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  • JFL
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Very interesting.

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