How long do I need to use HGH to see results



Years without the love of a woman: 5
Jan 22, 2022
I'm not on HGH yet but im looking into it for bone, muscle, frame, and facial development. How long would it take to see results with 10-20iu every other day. Im 16 years old and I turn 17 in December
8 months to a year. What's your bone age?
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I tried mk-677 , and I noticed it within a week. Had my hair and nails grow twice as fast. Skin cleared up and I had that nice skin glow that people talked about ( I also was skin maxing with carrots to get a slight tan , one big carrot a day ). Probiotics from keifier also get rid of acne far better then any acne cream would.

My skin quality also went up a lot in not only the face but the body. The old skin after a few weeks looked more shiny and glowy. And while I genetically have a youthful looks thanks to my parents, I felt I looked younger. I also had higher sex drive and the greatest benefit was the insane muscle recovery

You can go really damn hard at the gym going to failure in your sets and feel fully recovered the next day . You dont' have lingering fatigue and you can hit muscle groups frequently with high intensity. You will be disappointed with the significant muscle building effects, and especially the fat burning aspect ( I would argue its almost non existent, but some people say they notice less belly fat ).
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I'm not on HGH yet but im looking into it for bone, muscle, frame, and facial development. How long would it take to see results with 10-20iu every other day. Im 16 years old and I turn 17 in December
A few months, Eat alot of protein and dairy to get all the things you want and don't be a lazy fuck go outside and get some sun for atleast 4-5 hours with sunscreen you don't wanna be black as shit
A few months, Eat alot of protein and dairy to get all the things you want and don't be a lazy fuck go outside and get some sun for atleast 4-5 hours with sunscreen you don't wanna be black as shit
Or he could just supplemt vitamin d
Or he could just supplemt vitamin d
It's not the same and it takes longer, It's better to do it natural i used hgh before and im still using it and i was 5'5.5 and now i'm 5'10
how in the fuck can you teenagers afford that much gh?
I've had a job from a young age, and made some money off crypto, idk about others, probably parents gave them money
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how in the fuck can you teenagers afford that much gh?
im not planning to use that much, I just wanted a rough estimate. Realistically i'd probably use 6.5iu just for muscle and facial development gain, and maybe a bit of bone growth.
im not planning to use that much, I just wanted a rough estimate. Realistically i'd probably use 6.5iu just for muscle and facial development gain, and maybe a bit of bone growth.
What the fuck is your source bro
What the fuck is your source bro
I haven't bought any yet, Im just theorizing based off results of what other people my age got using HGH
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im not planning to use that much, I just wanted a rough estimate. Realistically i'd probably use 6.5iu just for muscle and facial development gain, and maybe a bit of bone growth.
don't even bother using hgh for bodybuilding if you're not going to use insulin as well
I haven't bought any yet, Im just theorizing based off results of what other people my age got using HGH
Nigga let me tell you something. I bought hgh when I was 13. I still haven’t used it :lul:
I've had a job from a young age, and made some money off crypto, idk about others, probably parents gave them money
Your country doesn't have the scammy prices like america, otherwise in america your hgh protocol would cost thousands of dollars and that's a low dose. Your dose would be in the. tens of thousands.
Nigga let me tell you something. I bought hgh when I was 13. I still haven’t used it :lul:
why? thats literally the best age to start using HGH
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why? thats literally the best age to start using HGH
Get this.. It’s cuz I couldn’t get a syringe.

And I found out it’s probably decayed by now as well :feelswhy:

I was so high inhib back then. I’ll do this a second time and get it right this time.
I tried mk-677 , and I noticed it within a week. Had my hair and nails grow twice as fast. Skin cleared up and I had that nice skin glow that people talked about ( I also was skin maxing with carrots to get a slight tan , one big carrot a day ). Probiotics from keifier also get rid of acne far better then any acne cream would.

My skin quality also went up a lot in not only the face but the body. The old skin after a few weeks looked more shiny and glowy. And while I genetically have a youthful looks thanks to my parents, I felt I looked younger. I also had higher sex drive and the greatest benefit was the insane muscle recovery

You can go really damn hard at the gym going to failure in your sets and feel fully recovered the next day . You dont' have lingering fatigue and you can hit muscle groups frequently with high intensity. You will be disappointed with the significant muscle building effects, and especially the fat burning aspect ( I would argue its almost non existent, but some people say they notice less belly fat ).
Meant to say you won't have much muscle building affect or fat burning. You won't gain any substantial muscle, and fat burning did not really see it.

mk-677 is a high increaser and doesn't do that much relative to pure hgh, so your results would likely be a lot more. Perhaps the dosage wasn't enough to reach the muscle building and fat burning stage, so you might be in better shape.
+1 for job. No idea why more teenagers here crying about muh cant afford surgery/roids/gh don’t apply for a retail/restaurant job. I made about 15k in 6 months working retail and tutoring on the side, while in school full time, and the retail job being beneficial for social skills, I worked with a bunch of JBs.

Obviously if you’re in some 3rd world shithole (ie the UK where min wage is 5$ for teens)—its triple that in california—this doesn’t apply to you

If you don’t have to pay rent or food/insurance etc it’s super easy to save $$.
Fr, I grinded for months missing out on social circle maxxing and not spending a penny on clothes
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I tried mk-677 , and I noticed it within a week. Had my hair and nails grow twice as fast. Skin cleared up and I had that nice skin glow that people talked about ( I also was skin maxing with carrots to get a slight tan , one big carrot a day ). Probiotics from keifier also get rid of acne far better then any acne cream would.

My skin quality also went up a lot in not only the face but the body. The old skin after a few weeks looked more shiny and glowy. And while I genetically have a youthful looks thanks to my parents, I felt I looked younger. I also had higher sex drive and the greatest benefit was the insane muscle recovery

You can go really damn hard at the gym going to failure in your sets and feel fully recovered the next day . You dont' have lingering fatigue and you can hit muscle groups frequently with high intensity. You will be disappointed with the significant muscle building effects, and especially the fat burning aspect ( I would argue its almost non existent, but some people say they notice less belly fat ).
did you inject mk 677 or take pills
I tried mk-677 , and I noticed it within a week. Had my hair and nails grow twice as fast. Skin cleared up and I had that nice skin glow that people talked about ( I also was skin maxing with carrots to get a slight tan , one big carrot a day ). Probiotics from keifier also get rid of acne far better then any acne cream would.

My skin quality also went up a lot in not only the face but the body. The old skin after a few weeks looked more shiny and glowy. And while I genetically have a youthful looks thanks to my parents, I felt I looked younger. I also had higher sex drive and the greatest benefit was the insane muscle recovery

You can go really damn hard at the gym going to failure in your sets and feel fully recovered the next day . You dont' have lingering fatigue and you can hit muscle groups frequently with high intensity. You will be disappointed with the significant muscle building effects, and especially the fat burning aspect ( I would argue its almost non existent, but some people say they notice less belly fat ).
MK didn’t make you go bald? I want to do MK 677 with MT2 but worry I’ll either fuck up my skin or go bald idk
MK didn’t make you go bald? I want to do MK 677 with MT2 but worry I’ll either fuck up my skin or go bald idk
Mk-677 won't make you go bald :ROFLMAO:, its the exact opposite. When I did rad 140 It fucked up the hair horribly, literally everytime I ran my fingers through my head in the shower, hair kept coming out. It was fucked seeing that many hairs on the shower.I also am not prone to hair loss genetically. So it was telling sign. MK-677 simultaneously with rad 140 however fixed my hair.
Mk-677 won't make you go bald :ROFLMAO:, its the exact opposite. When I did rad 140 It fucked up the hair horribly, literally everytime I ran my fingers through my head in the shower, hair kept coming out. It was fucked seeing that many hairs on the shower.I also am not prone to hair loss genetically. So it was telling sign. MK-677 simultaneously with rad 140 however fixed my hair.
So mk677 grow back my Norwood 8?:feelswhy:
So mk677 grow back my Norwood 8?:feelswhy:
It will help , but you have to take other anti balding stuff such as dutasteride,finasteride , as well as consider topical minoxidil for certain difficult bald spots.
It will help , but you have to take other anti balding stuff such as dutasteride,finasteride , as well as consider topical minoxidil for certain difficult bald spots.
Thanks I will try. Final question I got to take pct or something after my mk 677 cycle or will my test not get obliterated?
Thanks I will try. Final question I got to take pct or something after my mk 677 cycle or will my test not get obliterated?
mk-677 isn't really a sarm. Doesn't affect your test levels much but clomid/hch would boost your natty test levels and if you dont want to juice up but get the benefits of high test levels that a chad would normally have then its worth a shot.
mk-677 isn't really a sarm. Doesn't affect your test levels much but clomid/hch would boost your natty test levels and if you dont want to juice up but get the benefits of high test levels that a chad would normally have then its worth a shot.
Nah I just didn’t know if I could take 20mg mk 677 for 2 months and have any side effects after it? I have like 600 free test or something which is probably low but I’m fine with that
Nah I just didn’t know if I could take 20mg mk 677 for 2 months and have any side effects after it? I have like 600 free test or something which is probably low but I’m fine with that
Doesn't hurt to do pct. 600 free test is actually pretty good, especially these days. 200-300 is common these days, and it will go lower.Sperm counts are also decreasing. Their saying by 2060 most men will be infertile at the rate we are decreasing.
Doesn't hurt to do pct. 600 free test is actually pretty good, especially these days. 200-300 is common these days, and it will go lower.Sperm counts are also decreasing. Their saying by 2060 most men will be infertile at the rate we are decreasing.
😂 wow. But mk benefitted hair growth and skin? I have skin redness so hopefully doesn’t make that worse. Also want to micro needles soon
😂 wow. But mk benefitted hair growth and skin? I have skin redness so hopefully doesn’t make that worse. Also want to micro needles soon
Yea that was one of the biggest benefits besides muscle recovery. Your hair and nails grows at twice the speed. Your hair coloring also improves a lot. Its also more thick.

Microneedling Could be done in combination with micro needling for a youthmax cycle.
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