How long does it take usually to get down to 10% body fat?



T-1000 Frame Mogger
Mar 28, 2022
Does it take 6-10 months with only diet and cardio (no lifting) to reach 10% body fat ?

Less than a yr
Completely retarded.

If you don't lift you're only going to look like a little girl at 10% with no muscles.

Even natty lifters look DYEL in clothes at 10% bodyfat, let alone the average schmuck.

Plus, muscles burn calories even when resting thus making leanmaxxing faster.

We don't know your starting base so no idea of how long it might take, send pictures.
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How the fuck are we supposed to know if we dont know ur percentage
Completely retarded.

If you don't lift you're only going to look like a little girl at 10% with no muscles.

Even natty lifters look DYEL in clothes at 10% bodyfat, let alone the average schmuck.

Plus, muscles burn calories even when resting thus making leanmaxxing faster.

We don't know your starting base so no idea of how long it might take, send pictures.
What would u estimate my bodyfat?
Normies guess me 20
Completely retarded.

If you don't lift you're only going to look like a little girl at 10% with no muscles.

Even natty lifters look DYEL in clothes at 10% bodyfat, let alone the average schmuck.

Plus, muscles burn calories even when resting thus making leanmaxxing faster.

We don't know your starting base so no idea of how long it might take, send pictures.
lean is life

if you're in ur prime years don't waste time being fat for a bulk

unless u have to get surgery to get smv anyway
3-5 months. Anything more ur a pathetic binge eating subhuman
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3-5 months. Anything more ur a pathetic binge eating subhuman
Ain't that easy.

Once you reach 15% it becomes increasingly more difficult to drop each percent of bodyfat.

I'm currently at 12% and I can't get below that unless I starve myself.Not worth the effort, I stopped when I had no libido and no boners.
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Ain't that easy.

Once you reach 15% it becomes increasingly more difficult to drop each percent of bodyfat.

I'm currently at 12% and I can't get below that unless I starve myself.Not worth the effort, I stopped when I had no libido and no boners.
Personally never been below 12% ever so yeah I can’t really say.

How many cals u eat?
its 2023 and niggas still think they can lose fat without lifting.
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Took me about half a year to go from 15% to 10%.
I also used Clenbuterol during this period.

As I have only slightly above average self control, I can't adhere to a strict diet 24/7 and have to break routine once in a while.

I have never been sub 10% body fat because it is too hard to maintain and get to.

Obese people truly don't understand how gigantic the wall in front of them is if they ever want to get lean.
Leaning down to sixpack levels from having a beer gut could easily take 2, 3, 4+ years of eating at a daily caloric deficit.
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Reactions: boss8055 and VenatorLuparius
Took me about half a year to go from 15% to 10%.
I also used Clenbuterol during this period.

As I have only slightly above average self control, I can't adhere to a strict diet 24/7 and have to break routine once in a while.

I have never been sub 10% body fat because it is too hard to maintain and get to.

Obese people truly don't understand how gigantic the wall in front of them is if they ever want to get lean.
Leaning down to sixpack levels from having a beer gut could easily take 2, 3, 4+ years of eating at a daily caloric deficit.
10% bodyfat and below is PSL autistic meme : very few people can get there and at what cost ?

I fucking crashed my libido trying to get there.

I'm not competing or anything else. 12% is sustainable and more than good enough : six packs with veins visible without flexing and good muscle defintion, good facial definition. The vast majority of people is around 20% or above.
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Took me about half a year to go from 15% to 10%.
I also used Clenbuterol during this period.

As I have only slightly above average self control, I can't adhere to a strict diet 24/7 and have to break routine once in a while.

I have never been sub 10% body fat because it is too hard to maintain and get to.

Obese people truly don't understand how gigantic the wall in front of them is if they ever want to get lean.
Leaning down to sixpack levels from having a beer gut could easily take 2, 3, 4+ years of eating at a daily caloric deficit.
lol 2 years is insane 1 year max
however long you want , depends howm bad you want it 1month to 1year and a half
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