How much of a difference does a few inches above average height really make?



Nov 22, 2022
Consider two HTNs, or chadlites, one is 5'11, and the other is 6'2/6'3
Both are fit, well dressed, attractive, basically without any significant flaws, and with a good looking face

How much of an advantage will the taller one have in day to day life and dating?

My logic is, that at some point you have to reach a reasonable point of saturation, I mean you can take the 80/20 rule, or 85/15 or whatever, but all women have sexual desires, and them all fucking 6'3 models is not realistic, IRL even a good looking face at any height is not common, add a fit physique and you're in the top %

So is the attention and the amount of options the taller guy exponentially higher than of the 5'11 guy? Or is it more linear?

Because at some point it's just a better choice for women to "settle" & have a better experience than just mindlessly throwing herself at the top chad

Or am I coping? Do all women mindlessly go for height & is height on men like a good figure is on a woman? Meaning it directly correlates to how "hot" they find a guy?
To girls a lot, guys don’t notice as much if ur 6´0 and ur friend is 6´2 u guys won’t really care but girls will see ur friend as more dominant
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To girls a lot, guys don’t notice as much if ur 6´0 and ur friend is 6´2 u guys won’t really care but girls will see ur friend as more dominant
I think men are possibly hung up on height more since we can sense the smallest differences more (easier to compare due to eye level) while for a woman most men will be taller anyway
+ I think men "size up" other men more, but from a fight/dominance standpoint
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Is it possible that strong height (6'3 and up) is a "fetishized" height for some smaller subset of women?
While for most they will care, but not in the same way as .me autists cream themselves and think being taller makes you a superior human being
every 4 inches is +0.5 PSL tbh.

so 6'3 HTN compared to 5'11 HTN. Is like comparing chadlite to HTN.
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every 4 inches is +0.5 PSL tbh.

so 6'3 HTN compared to 5'11 HTN. Is like comparing chadlite to HTN.
I'm not sure if you can generalize and put traits into equations like that, because for every woman every trait will have different worth
some women will never date a guy who isn't tall, some won't care but would never date a guy without a big dick, some will care about dick and physique over face, for some face will be literally everything etc etc..

on average, height is a coveted trait, and a fact is once you start dropping below a certain cutoff, it will become an incredibly big failo
I'm not sure if you can generalize and put traits into equations like that, because for every woman every trait will have different worth
some women will never date a guy who isn't tall, some won't care but would never date a guy without a big dick, some will care about dick and physique over face, for some face will be literally everything etc etc..

on average, height is a coveted trait, and a fact is once you start dropping below a certain cutoff, it will become an incredibly big failo
im talking about averages. ofc theres personal preferences but those exist even within a certain attribute.
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Alot, Height is the biggest halo there is
1-1.5 points /10
im talking about averages. ofc theres personal preferences but those exist even within a certain attribute.
right, but does it even make sense to "average out" the entire female population?

women are notorious for having "types", physically, socially and culturally - a "RTT maxxed slayer" is not going to appeal to homebody/bookwork type because she can choose from abundance of good looking men from her specific type anyway
women aren't like men, who are pretty much down to try to make it work with any type

no guy has universal appeal, there is no top 1%, not even in facial looks, maybe top 5%? there is variance

but my point is, that you only need to strongly appeal to a subset of the female population, and you'd still be able to get more than enough attention
if you appeal to 10%, that's still a massive amount of people

and do you even want to appeal to the largest % you possibly can? because that means that the compatibility % will be low once you eventually find one
trying to appeal to everybody seems like a scarcity mentality approach
6´2"/6´3" guy will have an advantage, but not a big one. 5´11" is still a solid height. I maintain that 6´1"-6´2" is the ideal male height in the West when it comes to attracting women. 5´11" is not too much below that. Now, if you just wanna intimidate other men and ogremax you need to go taller, though.
Is it possible that strong height (6'3 and up) is a "fetishized" height for some smaller subset of women?
While for most they will care, but not in the same way as .me autists cream themselves and think being taller makes you a superior human being
Obsessing over being tall is a "male gaze" thing, i.e. wanting to look scary to other men. Women actually don't usually want very tall men. 6´1"-6´2" is already maxed out height wise for most women. Basically, be comfortably above average and you're good.
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Obsessing over being tall is a "male gaze" thing, i.e. wanting to look scary to other men. Women actually don't usually want very tall men. 6´1"-6´2" is already maxed out height wise for most women. Basically, be comfortably above average and you're good.
right, that's exactly what I was wondering
we as men are keenly aware how each inch in height influences weight/strength and therefore fighting potential, and we are very sensitive to mogging or getting mogges

but for a woman, (almost) every guy is going to be taller & stronger than her - so the question is if they are looking at things from a sexual point of view, or a combat one

most women are submissive, and to comfortably life our their submissive fantasies the guy has to be bigger & stronger, but does it matter if he's 5'11 or 6'2?

I suppose it would matter if the woman herself is 5'9 or 5'10, but then the problem becomes that 6'2 guys without any flaws are extremely rare (even 5'11 ones are), and she also has to match personality wise with him

so what I'm getting at, if the difference between 5'11 and 6'1/6'2 will actually make a huge difference in actual real life dating experience
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above 6' is diminishing returns territory. still tallcels can have strong appeal to bitches who fetishize height but I'd hate to be in their shoes (i hate short subhuman women)
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5'11 htn = htn. 6'3 htn=chadlite smv
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There's also a huge difference in "perceived" height between 5'11 and 6'2/6'3 due to the numerical crossover from a 5 to a 6. This is reflected in social media and OLD apps too.
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There's also a huge difference in "perceived" height between 5'11 and 6'2/6'3 due to the numerical crossover from a 5 to a 6. This is reflected in social media and OLD apps too.
6' vs 6'2 is barely different i can notice it but iuts not to noticable when looking at others
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Thank Christ I'm 6'2
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its noticeable at 6'1
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