How much of muscles can you actually get in first year of lifting?



Feb 1, 2020
I keep reading everywhere that you can gain around 20 to 25 pounds max in first year of lifting as a natty but Greg Doucette says that natty can only get 5-12 pounds of muscles in first year, furthermore he says that bulking is pointless since you will only gain 1 or 2 more pounds of muscle than a person who is eating at maintenance. Thoughts on this?

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Whatever doctor Greg says. Also you have to be very disciplined to get anywhere near those numbers. If you've never lifted you don't have that neural pathway developed and may struggle consistently lifting. But the payoff is worth it is you optimise noobie gains
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Whatever doctor Greg says. Also you have to be very disciplined to get anywhere near those numbers. If you've never lifted you don't have that neural pathway developed and may struggle consistently lifting. But the payoff is worth it is you optimise noobie gains
And how do you optimize noob gains? He says that there is only a slight muscle gain difference in cutting, bulking and maintaining. I would say that my lifts are pretty solid (6' 163 pounds 15% body fat) considering that i lift less than 4 months (never lifting before) and can already bench 150 pounds 5x5, OHP 90 pounds 4x8 and squat 220 pounds 4x10
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If you maxx your effort you can get 12 kg maxx
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And how do you optimize noob gains? He says that there is only a slight muscle gain difference in cutting, bulking and maintaining. I would say that my lifts are pretty solid (6' 163 pounds 15% body fat) considering that i lift less than 4 months (never lifting before) and can already bench 150 pounds 5x5, OHP 90 pounds 4x8 and squat 220 pounds 4x10

It's all the same.
I keep reading everywhere that you can gain around 20 to 25 pounds max in first year of lifting as a natty but Greg Doucette says that natty can only get 5-12 pounds of muscles in first year, furthermore he says that bulking is pointless since you will only gain 1 or 2 more pounds of muscle than a person who is eating at maintenance. Thoughts on this?
View attachment 456828

I see you’re fan of Razor Ramon (your avatar pic) The guy was the ultimate Chad wrestler. 6’5 with a great physique
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  • JFL
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I gained 16 kgs in one year and it wasnt much fat tbh
reminder that for every 5kgs of muscle you gain you also gain approx 0.9kg of blood
id say I gained at least a solid 8 kgs of muscle tbh.
Who fucking cares about weight just lift weights and try to do more everytime. It all depends on genetics anyway some gain more some gain shit
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Who fucking cares about weight just lift weights and try to do more everytime. It all depends on genetics anyway some gain more some gain shit
If you are natural a stronger muscle = a bigger muscle, no bro split pump and fluff bs that roiders use, getting strong on the big lifts is most important.
If you are natural a stronger muscle = a bigger muscle, no bro split pump and fluff bs that roiders use, getting strong on the big lifts is most important.
test, GH, tren or winny or ever sarms

please dont bother natty post puberty boyo
test, GH, tren or winny or ever sarms

please dont bother natty post puberty boyo
I just want to leanmaxx with muscle definition aka ottermode. That's achievable natty.
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ronnie was gaining 5-10 pounds a year, he said this in joe rogan podcast, but as a noobie i was gaining 1kg month each month but it wasnot pure muscle, i think 25 pounds muscle in 1 year is god tier genetics with discipline and consistency
Just listen to the Doc
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How much muscles can you gain in 10 years from now (Picked average number from each year):

Genetically gifted guys: 32.5lbs ( 14.7 Kg)
Skinny guys (most of us): 16lbs ( 7.2 Kg)

JFL at chad achieving everything in 3 years that i have gained ever :feelswhy:.
Bro split and pump and fluff work for anyone. You can get stronger within different rep ranges
Most bro splits hit muscle groups 1x per week the literature is out on this shit deal frequency is 2-3 times per week bybonly doin it once a week you leave gains on the table
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I gained 16 kgs in one year and it wasnt much fat tbh
reminder that for every 5kgs of muscle you gain you also gain approx 0.9kg of blood
id say I gained at least a solid 8 kgs of muscle tbh.

No way you gain blood volume from lifting. No fucking way. I will google this.
No way you gain blood volume from lifting. No fucking way. I will google this.
More muscle = more blood required to maintain it so your body churns out more blood its pretty simple?
No just more bpm/stronger heart.
Muscle need nutrients, glucose, oxygen etc.
More blood is needed to maintain it at a higher muscle mass %, muscles expend quite a lot of energy thats why more blood volume is needed.
I keep reading everywhere that you can gain around 20 to 25 pounds max in first year of lifting as a natty but Greg Doucette says that natty can only get 5-12 pounds of muscles in first year, furthermore he says that bulking is pointless since you will only gain 1 or 2 more pounds of muscle than a person who is eating at maintenance. Thoughts on this?
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black: 200 lbs
white: 10 lbs
asian: -15 lbs

hope this helps
  • JFL
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just lol at lifting natty.
If your scared of needles just do 3 sarms cycles and ur more or less at your genetic limit

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