How much time did it took you to go from 30/40% bodyfat to 12% bodyfat



May 5, 2020
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Nigga if you are actually 30-40% bf how the fuck do you even get there????? Fucking repulsive tbh.
You are gonna likely have stretch marks after cutting expect it to take 1 year minimum.
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6 months i managed to cut from 35 to 19
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1800 then 1500 after quarantine find ur own maintanence and your own range and pace you want to go at watch greg doucette on yt he has good information on dieting
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1800 then 1500 after quarantine find ur own maintanence and your own range and pace you want to go at watch greg doucette on yt he has good information on dieting
i like Dr. Greg but he is kind of a "cash in" YTer. just makes current events videos that are 10:01 long like jason blaha does.
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1800 then 1500 after quarantine find ur own maintanence and your own range and pace you want to go at watch greg doucette on yt he has good information on dieting
Good job, Champ. Keep it up.
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I was never at over 20%
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You can do it in a year. Less/more depending on how commited you are. I would advise doing it slower to reduce stretchmarks. Normies have made good guides for this. Tbh just go on Reddit.
You can do CICO, it's sustainable and lets you keep the diet you have so you can slowly alter it and get used to a new diet. You could also do something more extreme like Keto or intermittent fasting.
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Adderall from the doctor
Bonus is to cycle SARMs or roids during thisa
1700 calories a day, 40% 30% 30% macros
Two workouts a day, one cardio (Short) and one weight lift

9 Weeks. Crazy transformation
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Took me 3 years more or less. But this is from knowing next to nothing about anything fitness-related and having just barely enough confidence to follow through with a pre-planned diet. It fucking sucks thinking you're this beefy endomorph dude, because every brainlet thinks all fatass guys are endomorphs with robust skeletons and you don't know any better because your skeleton is hidden behind lard, then you diet down far lower than you originally thought you'd had to because what's actually behind the great blubbery mounds is a thin-wristed hardgainer.
I'm at ~28% rn (disgusting ik) but that's down from 32% a couple months ago when I got my body fat scale

hopefully I can hit the 15-20% range by the end of the year
Adderall from the doctor
Bonus is to cycle SARMs or roids during thisa
1700 calories a day, 40% 30% 30% macros
Two workouts a day, one cardio (Short) and one weight lift

9 Weeks. Crazy transformation

Just fuck up your thyroid and get adrenal fatigue theory.
eat 1k cals per day

1kg carrots for beta car0toid maxxxxxxxxx

5 liter water
How did you do it?

How did you do it?
When you do your weekly shopping BUY NO SNACKS absolutely no snacks should be inside your house at any time because YOU WILL eat them 100% you cannot control yourself not to eat it it's impossible.
Buy loads of low calorie dense foods that you enjoy, eg if you like carrots buy a lot of those, go for sugar free options if you cannot control yourself buying snacks and definitely dont buy carbohydrate snacks since they are so addictive.
Cardio or gym helps, it allows you to eat a bit more which will make you be able to keep more to your diet.
Don't eat takeaways.
Don't give up, this is the most important one, I failed many weeks at a time but I managed to continue losing weight because once the week I failed was over on to the next week I was back on it, also if you fail then you shouldn't punish yourself on the next day, just do what you were supposed to normally do, punishing yourself causes problems and makes you more likely to give up.
Weigh yourself every day or at least every week. If you don't see the scale move down don't lose motivation, sometimes it can take two weeks for the scale to show your progress, it might stay constant for 1 week for me and then drop 1 kilo and stay constant again. Also don't take creatine, it can mess up with your motivation since it will increase the number on the scale and you don't know how much of that is water.
Also I like to look at myself in the mirror for motivation, I become better looking visibly every two weeks and it keeps me motivated to keep going. Once again the most important one is to not give up.
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When you do your weekly shopping BUY NO SNACKS absolutely no snacks should be inside your house at any time because YOU WILL eat them 100% you cannot control yourself not to eat it it's impossible.
Buy loads of low calorie dense foods that you enjoy, eg if you like carrots buy a lot of those, go for sugar free options if you cannot control yourself buying snacks and definitely dont buy carbohydrate snacks since they are so addictive.
Cardio or gym helps, it allows you to eat a bit more which will make you be able to keep more to your diet.
Don't eat takeaways.
Don't give up, this is the most important one, I failed many weeks at a time but I managed to continue losing weight because once the week I failed was over on to the next week I was back on it, also if you fail then you shouldn't punish yourself on the next day, just do what you were supposed to normally do, punishing yourself causes problems and makes you more likely to give up.
Weigh yourself every day or at least every week. If you don't see the scale move down don't lose motivation, sometimes it can take two weeks for the scale to show your progress, it might stay constant for 1 week for me and then drop 1 kilo and stay constant again. Also don't take creatine, it can mess up with your motivation since it will increase the number on the scale and you don't know how much of that is water.
Also I like to look at myself in the mirror for motivation, I become better looking visibly every two weeks and it keeps me motivated to keep going. Once again the most important one is to not give up.
I have a tendency to binge but now I only really binge once and then start again! So I can relate
What was your weight before and after?
I have a tendency to binge but now I only really binge once and then start again! So I can relate
What was your weight before and after?
5'8.5 weight was 92-94 now it's 76 but I have to reach 70 for hollow cheeks and to fully ascend. I've been doing it for 6 months so it might take alot longer for you but I guess you can lose it at a faster rate than me, I have a slow metabolism and I've done fuck all since quarantine.
Oh yh some more advice, on days that you do fail and go over what your limit is, I stop myself going too far like I will go to 2600 calories and I will stop myself going even further even though my original limit was 1800, I won't go to 4000, I won't say "fuck it I already past it I might as well go all out"
also don't take clen or dnp jfl
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5'8.5 weight was 92-94 now it's 76 but I have to reach 70 for hollow cheeks and to fully ascend. I've been doing it for 6 months so it might take alot longer for you but I guess you can lose it at a faster rate than me, I have a slow metabolism and I've done fuck all since quarantine.
Oh yh some more advice, on days that you do fail and go over what your limit is, I stop myself going too far like I will go to 2600 calories and I will stop myself going even further even though my original limit was 1800, I won't go to 4000, I won't say "fuck it I already past it I might as well go all out"
also don't take clen or dnp jfl
I am impressed, where do you see the weight loss? I found it starts with my arms first but I guess it depends on the person
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I am impressed, where do you see the weight loss? I found it starts with my arms first but I guess it depends on the person
Everywhere evenly, didnt really notice much on my face until two months in though
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