How neil strauss got so many bitches??

the next o'pry

the next o'pry

MM’s makes MM’s
Oct 14, 2019
If you don’t know who he is, it’s the guy that wrote this book

this guy was a legit subhuman 5’5 And balding

Do you guys know if this guy was hiring bitches to make fake pick ups or any controversy this guy had??
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview, Pumanator, thecel and 2 others
Ofc, he hired them bro. No women would naturally be attracted to him.
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neil strauss and pulling bitches don't go together. It's like women and common sense
  • JFL
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview, Deleted member 1100, Deleted member 5683 and 1 other person
neil strauss and pulling bitches don't go together. It's like women and common sense
He’s one of the most famous puas out there even make that best seller
Ofc, he hired them bro. No women would naturally be attracted to him.
Bro i need some proof to show to my bluepilled father
  • JFL
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He's a liar like all pua's
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview, Jagged0, Deleted member 1100 and 3 others
Just delusional
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Reactions: the next o'pry
If you don’t know who he is, it’s the guy that wrote this book
I was back then alive and into pua after some point, from 2006-2010 orso. probs shorter.
this guy was a legit subhuman 5’5 And balding
he did improve his looks. when startiing to "game"
Beforehand he looked like the right:

Do you guys know if this guy was hiring bitches to make fake pick ups or any controversy this guy had??
That didn't happen back then much or any. Infield pickup videos, were not a thing back then. Because no youtube, shitty quality cameras and audio, plus very expensive to have such devices.

My opinion.
1. Looks matter most in general. He improved his looks. But he was still low tier normie. he went from a 25%/100% guy to 45%/100% type of guy. in looks. Had he stayed 25%, pretty much game over.
2. Status and Money matter also. Status more then money. He had good status. But when looking 25%/100% guy, status will not do the trick unless gigafamous. But at 40%-45% percentile looks, it does help alot. Also he multi-millionaire.
3. Game as in: Conversation skills, extreverted behaviour display, being proactive, not talking like a loser/simp, talking like someone that has a life and options, chatting up 100's of girls (numbers game), haveing a social circle with also females in it where you part/hang with, etc.. All these factors, "called game" maybe, do matter and help. And he probably maxxed these out fully.

That's "all" that he needed, to get women way out of his own looks league.
But it's not "just", or easy to get that. He basically: semi famous, knows alot of famous people, statusmaxxed, multi-millionaire, and probably interesting stories and very good convo skills. Not easy at all to have all these things. Most don't "even" have 1 of these.

The woman he married. She mogged him in looks, back and forward by alot.

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He didn't. We don't have any proof that he slayed. The response by Jessica Alba is scripted
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theres no way that female-voiced, norwooded, scrawny, short, jew nosed, ugly, downwardgrown cuck has any women genuinely attracted to him, he's betabuxxing
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  • JFL
Reactions: Ethniframementalcel, Deleted member 21620 and the next o'pry
I was back then alive and into pua after some point, from 2006-2010 orso. probs shorter.
he did improve his looks. when startiing to "game"
Beforehand he looked like the right:

That didn't happen back then much or any. Infield pickup videos, were not a thing back then. Because no youtube, shitty quality cameras and audio, plus very expensive to have such devices.

My opinion.
1. Looks matter most in general. He improved his looks. But he was still low tier normie. he went from a 25%/100% guy to 45%/100% type of guy. in looks. Had he stayed 25%, pretty much game over.
2. Status and Money matter also. Status more then money. He had good status. But when looking 25%/100% guy, status will not do the trick unless gigafamous. But at 40%-45% percentile looks, it does help alot. Also he multi-millionaire.
3. Game as in: Conversation skills, extreverted behaviour display, being proactive, not talking like a loser/simp, talking like someone that has a life and options, chatting up 100's of girls (numbers game), haveing a social circle with also females in it where you part/hang with, etc.. All these factors, "called game" maybe, do matter and help. And he probably maxxed these out fully.

That's "all" that he needed, to get women way out of his own looks league.
But it's not "just", or easy to get that. He basically: semi famous, knows alot of famous people, statusmaxxed, multi-millionaire, and probably interesting stories and very good convo skills. Not easy at all to have all these things. Most don't "even" have 1 of these.

The woman he married. She mogged him in looks, back and forward by alot.

IIRC he was already a semi famous sports journo before all of this went down
He basically gave a journo-style expose of the pickup industry at that point in time and backwards engineered it, released a book and profited
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Just remember this face has gotten laid more than this entire forum combined

  • +1
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets
If you don’t know who he is, it’s the guy that wrote this book
View attachment 611921

this guy was a legit subhuman 5’5 And balding

Do you guys know if this guy was hiring bitches to make fake pick ups or any controversy this guy had??

coping mental-cels won't accept it and rather rot and go through painful surgeries to go from 4 to 5 psl, telling themselves that will make them ascend

when i applied the stuff in the book, as a facially slightly above average guy with the same twink body as Strauss, it improved my results considerably and got plenty of hot hook-ups from it

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  • +1
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets and the next o'pry
redpill him!!

I knew a legit fat fuck pajeet 5'7" darkskin cringe accent curry with bodycount of 1 (arranged wife) who read his book, changed his life, and got divorced and since then has slayed nearly 100 foids in 20 countries and quite a few HTB as well.

He has girls on rotation, and once even met a Priyanka lite on a plane and fucked her in the toilet.

Not making any of this up. He was bottom 5% looks to begin, ended up as still bottom 35% looks, yet he had so many girls better than him
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  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: It'snotover, Ethniframementalcel, ExtraBones and 3 others
I knew a legit fat fuck pajeet 5'7" darkskin cringe accent curry with bodycount of 1 (arranged wife) who read his book, changed his life, and got divorced and since then has slayed nearly 100 foids in 20 countries and quite a few HTB as well.

He has girls on rotation, and once even met a Priyanka lite on a plane and fucked her in the toilet.

Not making any of this up. He was bottom 5% looks to begin, ended up as still bottom 35% looks, yet he had so many girls better than him
Is this your Bengali curry pua friend Bhai? Crazy haha however nowadays in UK I feel it's no way near as possible
Maybe other countries
I knew a legit fat fuck pajeet 5'7" darkskin cringe accent curry with bodycount of 1 (arranged wife) who read his book, changed his life, and got divorced and since then has slayed nearly 100 foids in 20 countries and quite a few HTB as well.

He has girls on rotation, and once even met a Priyanka lite on a plane and fucked her in the toilet.

Not making any of this up. He was bottom 5% looks to begin, ended up as still bottom 35% looks, yet he had so many girls better than him
So his book is legit?
hes a larper
Is this your Bengali curry pua friend Bhai? Crazy haha however nowadays in UK I feel it's no way near as possible
Maybe other countries
He was doing this 2016-18
  • +1
Reactions: Chadethnic101
So his book is legit?
Seemed like BS when I read it, honestly it's just

Eat right
Neg women

So I was equally amazed when I saw my friend putting it into action, in normal bars in London and European cities and it working.

Weirdly enough a few days ago I was in a bar on my own and couple of liberal white girls were on a table near me and one came over and said aren't you going to come over and introduce urself, anyway got talking and ended up explaining blackpill (cos I have a tattoo of blackpill on my arm) and they also said it's 5% about looks, it really is all about ur confidence jfl
  • +1
Reactions: Chadethnic101
In UK? Or like Goa?
Abroad like Goa, India , sea etc it's very possible defo

Mirin him though haha
Mainly in London, also Paris, Switzerland, Berlin, Italy and little bit in goa and Thailand.

He tried in Colombia but was with a tall chadlite so didn't do well, plus he was fat then, but he still fucked a couple of above average Latinas
  • +1
Reactions: Chadethnic101
I knew a legit fat fuck pajeet 5'7" darkskin cringe accent curry with bodycount of 1 (arranged wife) who read his book, changed his life, and got divorced and since then has slayed nearly 100 foids in 20 countries and quite a few HTB as well.

He has girls on rotation, and once even met a Priyanka lite on a plane and fucked her in the toilet.

Not making any of this up. He was bottom 5% looks to begin, ended up as still bottom 35% looks, yet he had so many girls better than him
So he is just NT?
Dude ı am so scared to approach women.

Fucking religion and my family bluepilled me and made me stay away from women.
Seemed like BS when I read it, honestly it's just

Eat right
Neg women

So I was equally amazed when I saw my friend putting it into action, in normal bars in London and European cities and it working.

Weirdly enough a few days ago I was in a bar on my own and couple of liberal white girls were on a table near me and one came over and said aren't you going to come over and introduce urself, anyway got talking and ended up explaining blackpill (cos I have a tattoo of blackpill on my arm) and they also said it's 5% about looks, it really is all about ur confidence jfl
Wow this would never happen to me cuz I have non NT face

Maybe I should stop eating at resturaunt with my headphones in? Were you looking at your phone while eating? I usually do that when at resturaunt
Dude ı am so scared to approach women.

Fucking religion and my family bluepilled me and made me stay away from women.
Been rejected for sure 500+ times. Maybe even 700+ times.
I chatted up alot of random women, back in muh pua days.

I knew a legit fat fuck pajeet 5'7" darkskin cringe accent curry with bodycount of 1 (arranged wife) who read his book, changed his life, and got divorced and since then has slayed nearly 100 foids in 20 countries and quite a few HTB as well.

He has girls on rotation, and once even met a Priyanka lite on a plane and fucked her in the toilet.

Not making any of this up. He was bottom 5% looks to begin, ended up as still bottom 35% looks, yet he had so many girls better than him
PUA's always lied about their laycounts. I recall. I don't trust anything they say. Guys in general actually, when it comes to this.

Good thing about PUA.
You learn how to talk with randoms. You develop a good sense, of the different stages in the process of dating. You develop a decent sense, for when a woman ir ready or not ready for it. You develop better sense, of when a woman likes you or doesn't like you sexually/romantically. You are more familiar and experienced with the dating process and stages, so you do less dumb shit.

The HARD thing about chatting up randoms.
The rejections, the women making it cringe, the treatments of outcast. And how to keep a decent sense of self esteem and well being about yourself; after 5 women in row responded to your talking efforts asif you are worthless dirt.
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  • +1
Reactions: the next o'pry and Chinacurry
So he is just NT?
To chat up alot of random women; is MORE than just being NT.
Most regular guys, do not chat up random women much. Maybe only a few times per year, will the regular NT guy do that.
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Reactions: Ethniframementalcel, the next o'pry and Wallenberg
How did you stop caring?
I never stopped caring. But I managed to cope with it, I guess.
Obviously self esteem, takes some hitts. But, my self esteem sense, always recovered back to baseline. An occasional "succes", prositive feedback, helps to erase previous rejections. But like 10 rejections in a row, remains hard.
What's your advice to a new starter?
First learn to be social and small talk with randoms in general. So just make small talks, I guess. That should help. Also gives one a sense, of what type of reactions people have.
Very country dependant. In some countries it's normal to small talk randoms, in some countries, every is autistic about it.
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I knew a legit fat fuck pajeet 5'7" darkskin cringe accent curry with bodycount of 1 (arranged wife) who read his book, changed his life, and got divorced and since then has slayed nearly 100 foids in 20 countries and quite a few HTB as well.

He has girls on rotation, and once even met a Priyanka lite on a plane and fucked her in the toilet.

Not making any of this up. He was bottom 5% looks to begin, ended up as still bottom 35% looks, yet he had so many girls better than him
what was his secret/x-factor to his success?? what did he do really well?
what was his secret/x-factor to his success?? what did he do really well?
Tbh from what I saw it was these

Went from 35% to 16% bodyfat by joining a gym, stopped eating domino's, maçcas, and curry food, started eating beef, chicken, salmon.

Dressed a bit 'out there', no more primark pole shirts and sports direct joggers, got into Zara and particularly All saints. Also started wearing a weird hat like olly murs. He also went to expensive barber and got a beard too.

He would just believe he was the shit, like any bar he went to he would just b go approach the HTBs without hesitation and start talking to them, and in a way that said they had to prove they were good enough for him, it was pretty amazing to observe.

Btw his hit rate was not amazing, but he approached a lot, and with insane confidence
  • +1
Reactions: Ethniframementalcel
Tbh from what I saw it was these

Went from 35% to 16% bodyfat by joining a gym, stopped eating domino's, maçcas, and curry food, started eating beef, chicken, salmon.

Dressed a bit 'out there', no more primark pole shirts and sports direct joggers, got into Zara and particularly All saints. Also started wearing a weird hat like olly murs. He also went to expensive barber and got a beard too.

He would just believe he was the shit, like any bar he went to he would just b go approach the HTBs without hesitation and start talking to them, and in a way that said they had to prove they were good enough for him, it was pretty amazing to observe.

Btw his hit rate was not amazing, but he approached a lot, and with insane confidence

damn bro. Mirin that curry ascension ngl

honestly I know it's :redpill::bluepill::redpill::bluepill::redpill: but the confidence and NT pill is really hitting hard these days ngl
damn bro. Mirin that curry ascension ngl

honestly I know it's :redpill::bluepill::redpill::bluepill::redpill: but the confidence and NT pill is really hitting hard these days ngl
Few weeks ago my ex (high bf, high bodycount) told me it's all about confidence too.

Also met a guy from Iraq, pretty GL to be fair, but crazy confident, who is slaying amazing Thai girls and hippy western liberal girls.
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