How straight your teeth are naturally is how mentally healthy you are


Deleted member 5522

dont be jealous asshole
Feb 28, 2020
Humans and normies are naturally meant to have somewhat straight teeth. Normies teeth are normally terrible due to the lack of brain development and slave morality leading to them having worse teeth. Of course their parents spend many wealth on fixing this defect but the other defects can never be hidden. Most normies I have met have been pro main stream ideas. Why? Because of their lack of brain development. Many of them are fattys or alcoholics especially later in life. Many people will disagree with this concept because the brainwash goes so deep but all you have to do is look around you and you will see that normies are completely not mentally with it. Needing braces are a sign of mental illness. "But I had braces and im not brain washed". You lack to self awareness to realize thats all and you yourself are a normie.
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How many people wear braces. Atleast what i have seen many dont
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How many people wear braces. Atleast what i have seen many dont
You can tell by looking at them before they have them or by how unnatural their teeth and jaw look after having such a thing done. You can't beat nature.
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shit thread and dumb theory
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Humans and normies are naturally meant to have somewhat straight teeth. Normies teeth are normally terrible due to the lack of brain development and slave morality leading to them having worse teeth. Of course their parents spend many wealth on fixing this defect but the other defects can never be hidden. Most normies I have met have been pro main stream ideas. Why? Because of their lack of brain development. Many of them are fattys or alcoholics especially later in life. Many people will disagree with this concept because the brainwash goes so deep but all you have to do is look around you and you will see that normies are completely not mentally with it. Needing braces are a sign of mental illness. "But I had braces and im not brain washed". You lack to self awareness to realize thats all and you yourself are a normie.
Shitthread Shitthread Shitthread Shitthread Shitthread
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Good topic. Something like ~50% of ppl here in the netherlands have had braces at some point in their youth. Shows mental illness is truly rampant.
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Good topic. Something like ~50% of ppl here in the netherlands have had braces at some point in their youth. Shows mental illness is truly rampant.
Indeed, inperfect teeth is a sign of an imperfect brain. A normal functioning human being will never develop bad teeth.
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teeth are supposed to be straight as fuck, not somewhat straight, like every other mammal. like this:
8e9833e2 d15a 4f3c 85e4 4b57175c9bed w1600 r13333333333333333 fpx54 fpy25

this obviously has nothing to do with brain development.
  • JFL
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I almost failed English and my teeth are straight
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teeth are supposed to be straight as fuck, not somewhat straight, like every other mammal. like this:
View attachment 456190
this obviously has nothing to do with brain development.
Actions that lead to unstraight teeth involve an imperfect brain. IQ is another topic all together. I can assure you mentally he is better than 99% of normie dip shits.
Actions that lead to unstraight teeth involve an imperfect brain. IQ is another topic all together. I can assure you mentally he is better than 99% of normie dip shits.
so what causes bad brain development then
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Very inaccurate
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so what causes bad brain development then
Who fucking knows, mothers eating a shitty diet and drinking, having kids older, shit in the water. For example down syndrome only occurs in modern metropolis because its such a rare condition but not in this degenerate society. A bad developed brain can be "smarter" than a well developed brain if the iq difference is good enough in intellect. In being happy? NO. An imperfect brain = rope.
never read so much bullshit ever
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Who fucking knows, mothers eating a shitty diet and drinking, having kids older, shit in the water. For example down syndrome only occurs in modern metropolis because its such a rare condition but not in this degenerate society. A bad developed brain can be "smarter" than a well developed brain if the iq difference is good enough in intellect. In being happy? NO. An imperfect brain = rope.
ever heard of oral posture? that (together with a tough diet) is what leads to a well developed skull and also to perfectly straight teeth like the high t motherfucker i showed before. a well developed skull allows to pump more air through your body. because of this more oxygen gets to the brain which allows your brain to work better. so straight teeth do actually have somewhat of a correlation with intelligence/mental health or whatever. what made you think of this?
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ever heard of oral posture? that (together with a tough diet) is what leads to a well developed skull and also to perfectly straight teeth like the high t motherfucker i showed before. a well developed skull allows to pump more air through your body. because of this more oxygen gets to the brain which allows your brain to work better. so straight teeth do actually have somewhat of a correlation with intelligence/mental health or whatever. what made you think of this?
High iq tbh, you often see tribesmen who don't have modern problems high on life in terms of happiness. I believe depression could be caused by modern problems.
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Imagine getting angry at everyone who disagrees. Clearly a sign of great mental stability
Imagine being a filthy sub human lol, shoo shoo disgusting creature.
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At least I admit to myself that I am one and can deal with it
If you were getting laid you would not care about what my autistic ass is saying on looksmax because you would be high on life. Since you are not getting laid by the looks of things you have bigger things to worry about.
If you were getting laid you would not care about what my autistic ass is saying on looksmax because you would be high on life. Since you are not getting laid by the looks of things you have bigger things to worry about.
I truly have bigger things to worry about than getting laid but at least I am taking care of them. I just browse this site for entertainment or when I'm bored. Like right now
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I truly have bigger things to worry about than getting laid but at least I am taking care of them. I just browse this site for entertainment or when I'm bored. Like right now
Bigger things to worry about than getting laid? WHAT
All of my classmates who scored 90% constantly and went to iits were all buckteeth overbitecels with narrow faces and glasses.
  • JFL
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All of my classmates who scored 90% constantly and went to iits were all buckteeth overbitecels with narrow faces and glasses.
Insightful but I have noticed Chads and Stacy's matched the stereotypical nerd these days unfortunately.
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Bigger things to worry about than getting laid? WHAT
Yes, there are actually much more important things than putting my dick inside a vagina. Crazy, right?
  • JFL
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Insightful but I have noticed Chads and Stacy's matched the stereotypical nerd these days unfortunately.
They're not nerds. They're normies by behaviour but facially low tier normies with heights 5'7-6'2
Chads and stacies i see irl are behaviour vise normies with normal ass interests like watching normal films, popular tv shows and having normal social life. But the difference is chads get approached alot
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Questionable theory tbph. Troll post ofcourse.

Either way, most ppls teeth are crooked, even after braces treatment (a few years later the teeth start rotating/moving again). Mainly because of shitty faggot body posture normies have nowadays, bad tongue posture in idle, wrong tongue posture when swallowing, not exercising to keep facial muscles, neck muscles etc. in shape so that they can hold everything up- that leads to facial asymmetry/melting of facial bones down due to gravity and lack of muscle+tongue support.

Tbh nerds- if you want to maintain straight teeth, you need to exercisemaxx, mewmaxx and posturemaxx.

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