How tf do I know if I look good?



Sep 7, 2024
I get compliments (like 3-5, generally 3 a month) from guys on the basis of my looks (on "sexiness" or face, not hairstyle or some stupid shit). I normally don't take compliments seriously, so I filter them into serious and casual compliments (and applying that filter, i get at least 2 serious ones every month).

Also guys in my school do not refrain from complimenting (as some people might think that guys do not compliment at all). And I talk to very few girls (I'm introverted and shy). Also some guys call me gay/zesty (probably due to the fact that I used to have a zesty accent and gestures and that I look more boyish than manly).

I often do not take a strong stance for myself and set my boundaries. Also I'm short.

These are all the negative signs:
I have been insulted on my looks and called ugly by some guys (could be jokingly or serious idk).
I do not get girls approaching me or trying to talk to me on their own, only ltbs and mtbs sometimes (when I do talk to a girl though, she does mostly seem interested to at least talk however).
Once I had shaved my arms for swimming and a girl called me gay for that.

Here are some positive signs from women I got:
A femcel once complimented me on my face (she came in the class and sat beside me and complimented me).
A girl (mtb-htb) once said that I looked better than my ltn-mtn friend when he asked her about who looked better.
I also got an obsessive femcel-ltb once (like extremely obsessive). Her friend (mtb) however said that "i was not good looking" to her (the obsessive girl).
My now female friend (mtb-htb) once said that I looked hot in a new uniform (this wasn't that serious, she has a habit of complimenting people)

One day I feel my looks are completely validated, and the other day I'm questioning myself

Am I htn by normal guy standards but ltn for htbs and stacylites? Please say something I am slowly losing my mind.
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It's over for you if you remember every compliment that youve gotten
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show your face so we can tell u retarded ass nigger
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if you're actually good looking you know it
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Reactions: rooman, Rea and PlayersGetPlayed
I get compliments (like 3-5, generally 3 a month) from guys on the basis of my looks (on "sexiness" or face, not hairstyle or some stupid shit). I normally don't take compliments seriously, so I filter them into serious and casual compliments (and applying that filter, i get at least 2 serious ones every month).

Also guys in my school do not refrain from complimenting (as some people might think that guys do not compliment at all). And I talk to very few girls (I'm introverted and shy). Also some guys call me gay/zesty (probably due to the fact that I used to have a zesty accent and gestures and that I look more boyish than manly).

I often do not take a strong stance for myself and set my boundaries. Also I'm short.

These are all the negative signs:
I have been insulted on my looks and called ugly by some guys (could be jokingly or serious idk).
I do not get girls approaching me or trying to talk to me on their own, only ltbs and mtbs sometimes (when I do talk to a girl though, she does mostly seem interested to at least talk however).
Once I had shaved my arms for swimming and a girl called me gay for that.

Here are some positive signs from women I got:
A femcel once complimented me on my face (she came in the class and sat beside me and complimented me).
A girl (mtb-htb) once said that I looked better than my ltn-mtn friend when he asked her about who looked better.
I also got an obsessive femcel-ltb once (like extremely obsessive). Her friend (mtb) however said that "i was not good looking" to her (the obsessive girl).
My now female friend (mtb-htb) once said that I looked hot in a new uniform (this wasn't that serious, she has a habit of complimenting people)

One day I feel my looks are completely validated, and the other day I'm questioning myself

Am I htn by normal guy standards but ltn for htbs and stacylites? Please say something I am slowly losing my mind.
DNR post face and we'll tell you
I don't remember every, just the ones from girls.
Then that means you remember every compliment :lul: Niggas never compliment they just hate. Only pedos and cucks compliment other niggas just to appear more NT
Then that means you remember every compliment :lul: Niggas never compliment they just hate. Only pedos and cucks compliment other niggas just to appear more NT
I have been complimented by htns and chadlites.
Or maybe just a distorted image of themselves that like 70% of people have nowadays
because of abused dog syndrome. 100% chance they got dumped by a becky thinking she is a stacy and owns the world
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because of abused dog syndrome. 100% chance they got dumped by a becky thinking she is a stacy and owns the world
he never had a gf in his life, actually. maybe hes just dysmorphic because hes non NT
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because of abused dog syndrome. 100% chance they got dumped by a becky thinking she is a stacy and owns the world
body dysmorphia is a reflection of your younger self...which means they were actually subhuman when young so its true to an extent
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because of abused dog syndrome. 100% chance they got dumped by a becky thinking she is a stacy and owns the world
Never dumped, only dated my current female friend as a situationship once. But am very obssesed with beauty and breakdown without validation.
body dysmorphia is a reflection of your younger self...which means they were actually subhuman when young so its true to an extent
I looked like subhuman shit 2.5 years back but was delusional thinking I am attractive/ didn't care about looks back then.
body dysmorphia is a reflection of your younger self...which means they were actually subhuman when young so its true to an extent
mehh. i have bdd and its more about over analyzing your face and obsessing over very little flaws that arent even visible. i spent 2 months worrying about how one half of my upper lip was lower than the other, but everyone i asked told me that wasnt true.
I looked like subhuman shit 2.5 years back but was delusional thinking I am attractive/ didn't care about looks back then.
you think you are delusional....but its true look at your 6months old pics you would look subhuman compared to now body dysmorphia is the truth our brain keeps on adapting to our looks and tell you "cope more nigger"
You sound like how most guys think. You are avg at best. If you are HTN you know it. If you are doubting it, you are average.
you think you are delusional....but its true look at your 6months old pics you would look subhuman compared to now body dysmorphia is the truth our brain keeps on adapting to our looks and tell you "cope more nigger"
Would you say I'm htn judging from my experiences? Also, if yes, what is wrong with me?
Would you say I'm htn judging from my experiences? Also, if yes, what is wrong with me?
you have the exact scenario like me before being truly blackpilled i also used to say i was HTN lmao...i've accepted the fact that i'm high ltn to mid mtn......110% you are in the same category
Would you say I'm htn judging from my experiences? Also, if yes, what is wrong with me?
also dont let those bluepill copes get to your mind....muh bdd muh small flaw........EVERY flaw affects you and separates you from chad
you have the exact scenario like me before being truly blackpilled i also used to say i was HTN lmao...i've accepted the fact that i'm high ltn to mid mtn......110% you are in the same category
thanks for clearing my mind at last
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Literally what even is this post. Or just look in the mirror... jfl
Real istg some ppl overcomplicate it. If u look in the mirror and u objectively look good then u look good, no need to go further than that. If u avg or ugly u know when u look in the mirror.
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Real istg some ppl overcomplicate it. If u look in the mirror and u objectively look good then u look good, no need to go further than that. If u avg or ugly u know when u look in the mirror.
A person may be delusional ltn thinking they're chadlite or a strong htn with BDD might think he's ltn
A person may be delusional ltn thinking they're chadlite or a strong htn with BDD might think he's ltn
Yh but istg u can only be so delusional right. Like those fat girls on tiktok who are like im a 10 know deep down when they look in the mirror they ugly asf. Its the simple truth, like you can legit look in the mirror and everyone knows generally what looks tier they are. Even the ltn who is delusional and says he is a chadlite I refuse to believe he really thinks that TRULY deep down lol.
Yh but istg u can only be so delusional right. Like those fat girls on tiktok who are like im a 10 know deep down when they look in the mirror they ugly asf. Its the simple truth, like you can legit look in the mirror and everyone knows generally what looks tier they are. Even the ltn who is delusional and says he is a chadlite I refuse to believe he really thinks that TRULY deep down lol.
Nah they do. I myself was subhuman once and thought of myself as chadlite in the mirror lol.
Nah they do. I myself was subhuman once and thought of myself as chadlite in the mirror lol.
No shot my nigga LOL. Do they actually look in the mirror and genuinly think they are on line with Delon and Gandy in looks? Genuine curious now about psychology behind this.
I get compliments (like 3-5, generally 3 a month) from guys on the basis of my looks (on "sexiness" or face, not hairstyle or some stupid shit). I normally don't take compliments seriously, so I filter them into serious and casual compliments (and applying that filter, i get at least 2 serious ones every month).

Also guys in my school do not refrain from complimenting (as some people might think that guys do not compliment at all). And I talk to very few girls (I'm introverted and shy). Also some guys call me gay/zesty (probably due to the fact that I used to have a zesty accent and gestures and that I look more boyish than manly).

I often do not take a strong stance for myself and set my boundaries. Also I'm short.

These are all the negative signs:
I have been insulted on my looks and called ugly by some guys (could be jokingly or serious idk).
I do not get girls approaching me or trying to talk to me on their own, only ltbs and mtbs sometimes (when I do talk to a girl though, she does mostly seem interested to at least talk however).
Once I had shaved my arms for swimming and a girl called me gay for that.

Here are some positive signs from women I got:
A femcel once complimented me on my face (she came in the class and sat beside me and complimented me).
A girl (mtb-htb) once said that I looked better than my ltn-mtn friend when he asked her about who looked better.
I also got an obsessive femcel-ltb once (like extremely obsessive). Her friend (mtb) however said that "i was not good looking" to her (the obsessive girl).
My now female friend (mtb-htb) once said that I looked hot in a new uniform (this wasn't that serious, she has a habit of complimenting people)

One day I feel my looks are completely validated, and the other day I'm questioning myself

Am I htn by normal guy standards but ltn for htbs and stacylites? Please say something I am slowly losing my mind.
where is the photo?

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