How the FUCK do I leanmaxx


Deleted member 5927

I want to remove skinnyfat physique.

At the same time I don't want to become a TERA lanklet because I already am called lanky as fuck by normies due to my natural ectomorph frame as a taller individual.

So IF POSSIBLE, ideally I would like to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time capitalizing on noob gains in the gym, but some of you are saying just go full auchwitzmaxx and don't even hit the gym but just do cardio.

Even to do cardio I have to go to the gym and do stairstepping machines.

Tell me what to do. Eat at a deficit whilst maintaining my protein intakes to maintain muscle and just keep hitting the gym?
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Don’t eat
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I want to remove skinnyfat physique.

At the same time I don't want to become a TERA lanklet because I already am called lanky as fuck by normies due to my natural ectomorph frame as a taller individual.

So IF POSSIBLE, ideally I would like to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time capitalizing on noob gains in the gym, but some of you are saying just go full auchwitzmaxx and don't even hit the gym but just do cardio.

Even to do cardio I have to go to the gym and do stairstepping machines.

Tell me what to do. Eat at a deficit whilst maintaining my protein intakes to maintain muscle and just keep hitting the gym?
Gymmax while doing intermittent fasting . Eat High protein low carb meals in tight eating window like 18-4. 18 hours without eating , you drink only a lot of water then you have 4 hours to eat . CUT ALL SUGAR No soda, no sweets Sugar make you bloated
Place your eating window close to workout time and you are set.:redpill:
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starve yourself for 3 months until you're bed ridden
  • JFL
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Lift weights and eat high fibre (also known as high volume). Don’t obsess with protein.
You have three options.

1: Eat one meal a day and make sure the meal is big and tastes good so you're satisfied. It can be whatever you want. Drink lots of black coffee throughout the day to help you handle it. Also obviously water. (I do this)

2: Eat ketogenic diet. This is also a further leanmaxxing tool because it gets rid of sodium bloat, plus water bloat, plus general weight bloat. Keto is the leanmaxx 👑. Combine keto and omad for serious leanmaxxing for special occasions.

3: Count your calories. Buy a scale and just count everything you eat. Calculate the amount of calories you have to intake to lose weight without having to exercise and there you go.

Bonus tips is to do sprints.

Good luck.
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: Deleted member 6423 and LastHopeForNorman
You can do cardio and lift weights at the same time, retard.You can also do cardio OUTSIDE the gym wtf
  • Hmm...
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Calorie deficit. I'm eating rice krispies, chipotle and ice cream and getting leaner by the day. I'm 11lbs down.
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Try intermittent fasting, I’m doing it right now as well.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6997
Eat less theorem
take mk 677 to lose fat and build muscle faster while hitting the gym
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7785
I want to remove skinnyfat physique.

At the same time I don't want to become a TERA lanklet because I already am called lanky as fuck by normies due to my natural ectomorph frame as a taller individual.

So IF POSSIBLE, ideally I would like to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time capitalizing on noob gains in the gym, but some of you are saying just go full auchwitzmaxx and don't even hit the gym but just do cardio.

Even to do cardio I have to go to the gym and do stairstepping machines.

Tell me what to do. Eat at a deficit whilst maintaining my protein intakes to maintain muscle and just keep hitting the gym?
Do not auchwitmaxx unless you goal is to repel every woman.
The more muscles you have the higher your basic metabolic rate is = you burn more calories by just existing. So lift weights and eat just enough that you keep growing.
Do not auchwitmaxx unless you goal is to repel every woman.
The more muscles you have the higher your basic metabolic rate is = you burn more calories by just existing. So lift weights and eat just enough that you keep growing.
I'm eating at a slight deficit right now (300 calories below maintenance) whilst also eating tons of protein (I count the calories of those) and working out. Will I still build muscle because I'm a noob in the gym, even though I'm technically cutting?
Gymmax while doing intermittent fasting . Eat High protein low carb meals in tight eating window like 18-4. 18 hours without eating , you drink only a lot of water then you have 4 hours to eat . CUT ALL SUGAR No soda, no sweets Sugar make you bloated
Place your eating window close to workout time and you are set.:redpill:
legit you can lean bulk on this and then cut by fasting while supplementing protein and gymcelling so you dont loose muscle
  • +1
Reactions: LastHopeForNorman
I'm eating at a slight deficit right now (300 calories below maintenance) whilst also eating tons of protein (I count the calories of those) and working out. Will I still build muscle because I'm a noob in the gym, even though I'm technically cutting?
Probably as newbies gain from almost anything but I never tried it myself.
I'm eating at a slight deficit right now (300 calories below maintenance) whilst also eating tons of protein (I count the calories of those) and working out. Will I still build muscle because I'm a noob in the gym, even though I'm technically cutting?
Yes, it’ll be slower than if u were at maintainance cals. But u can still make decent noobie gains.
At 6’4 you won’t be putting on muscle any time soon. It’ll take into your mid to late 20s before muscle starts sticking to you ded srs
This is a brutal pill few will swallow
At 6’4 you won’t be putting on muscle any time soon. It’ll take into your mid to late 20s before muscle starts sticking to you ded srs
This is a brutal pill few will swallow
Oh my god are you srs why am I even hitting the gym
I want to remove skinnyfat physique.

At the same time I don't want to become a TERA lanklet because I already am called lanky as fuck by normies due to my natural ectomorph frame as a taller individual.

So IF POSSIBLE, ideally I would like to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time capitalizing on noob gains in the gym, but some of you are saying just go full auchwitzmaxx and don't even hit the gym but just do cardio.

Even to do cardio I have to go to the gym and do stairstepping machines.

Tell me what to do. Eat at a deficit whilst maintaining my protein intakes to maintain muscle and just keep hitting the gym?


(1) Eat and drink protein
(2) limit your carb intake to no more than 150g of carbs
(3) carbs can only be bananas, steel cut oats, sweet potato or quinoa
(4) weight lift 5x a week
(5) do HITT cardio 3x a week
(6) Take clenbuterol if you can find it for 2-3 weeks to get shredded (but dont drink alcohol while taking it)

If you can't do that - then you don't deserve to be ripped
Oh my god are you srs why am I even hitting the gym
how old r u? I'm 6'3, started lifting at 16, I'm 19 now and pretty buffed out. You just gotta be really fuckin patient when ur tall
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I'm eating at a slight deficit right now (300 calories below maintenance) whilst also eating tons of protein (I count the calories of those) and working out. Will I still build muscle because I'm a noob in the gym, even though I'm technically cutting?
Yes, keep doing that
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Reactions: Deleted member 11143
I highly recommend looking into the keto diet, my friend used it to lose skinny fat, he was eating lots of protein and hitting in the gym so he lost the fat and gained muscle, took around 3 months
There’s no special way to do it, literally just estimate your calories and don’t go over a certain amount. Eat smaller portions too.

I’ve lost like 45 lbs in a 4 month span without much effort.

(1) Eat and drink protein
(2) limit your carb intake to no more than 150g of carbs
(3) carbs can only be bananas, steel cut oats, sweet potato or quinoa
(4) weight lift 5x a week
(5) do HITT cardio 3x a week
(6) Take clenbuterol if you can find it for 2-3 weeks to get shredded (but dont drink alcohol while taking it)

If you can't do that - then you don't deserve to be ripped
I can get clenbuterol. But will it fuck me up? What does it do?

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