How the FUCK do I talk to girls?



Aug 11, 2018
I speak to girls on a daily basis during college, but I feel like I'm only just "that guy" to them.
I feel subhuman at times when a girl is sat right next to me, and she has to look at my face. I just can't speak properly or it comes out slurred. I can only speak to ugly girls correctly, but not any other ones.

I need tips to talk to them not like a friend, but someone I wanna just do a ONS with. Assume I am 5-6 face PSL.

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Not Nibba, but I do know where you're coming from. What worked for me was to humanize them as much as possible. Criticize their hair, makeup, clothing, personality, literally anything that you can look down at them for.
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Not Nibba, but I do know where you're coming from. What worked for me was to humanize them as much as possible. Criticize their hair, makeup, clothing, personality, literally anything that you can look down at them for.

Fuck dude there are some cute looking chicks who are fine with talking to me but I can't bring myself to criticize them. Basically i can't run that jerk/asshole game. But you basically want me to view them normally?
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Yeah I mean I talk like I wanna be friends but they think it's more because I'm handsome.

As for you, use physical escalation...tease them. For example if there's a short girl you like and become friendly with joke about her height and maybe like tap her head or something to tease her a bit

I guess my advice is just to loosen up and not put too much stock into conversations. If you come across as autistic oh well you got a whole campus of girls to talk to so just don't sweat it. Some girls think it's cute when you can't speak right or act autistic tbh
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Fuck dude there are some cute looking chicks who are fine with talking to me but I can't bring myself to criticize them. Basically i can't run that jerk/asshole game. But you basically want me to view them normally?

Sorry dude, I don't mean out loud. In your head
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Fuck dude there are some cute looking chicks who are fine with talking to me but I can't bring myself to criticize them. Basically i can't run that jerk/asshole game. But you basically want me to view them normally?
He means in your mind criticize them to make yourself calmer
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Yeah I mean I talk like I wanna be friends but they think it's more because I'm handsome.

As for you, use physical escalation...tease them. For example if there's a short girl you like and become friendly with joke about her height and maybe like tap her head or something to tease her a bit

I guess my advice is just to loosen up and not put too much stock into conversations. If you come across as autistic oh well you got a whole campus of girls to talk to so just don't sweat it. Some girls think it's cute when you can't speak right or act autistic tbh

Wait, I just read your signature. You still use lifts FR?
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Yeah I mean I talk like I wanna be friends but they think it's more because I'm handsome.

As for you, use physical escalation...tease them. For example if there's a short girl you like and become friendly with joke about her height and maybe like tap her head or something to tease her a bit

I guess my advice is just to loosen up and not put too much stock into conversations. If you come across as autistic oh well you got a whole campus of girls to talk to so just don't sweat it. Some girls think it's cute when you can't speak right or act autistic tbh

Alright that helps. I just think I'm too ugly to tease them or play around shit like that. How about when it comes to actually getting them to come out w/ you stuff like that
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Does she know?
Yeah she thinks it's stupid but endearing idk. She adores me so nothing I do is really wrong to an extent in her eyes so to speak
Alright that helps. I just think I'm too ugly to tease them or play around shit like that. How about when it comes to actually getting them to come out w/ you stuff like that
Yeah I was the same way until a while ago. I was so used to being ugly that I didn't realize I was handsome and could get away with a lot of shit but just try it and if they are rude just tell them to lighten up. But as far as going out just be like "hey I got invited to [club/bar] if you wanna come along" if she says yes say "aight cool lemme get you on snap and lmk when you're free". When she hits you up just take charge and be like "sounds good I'll pick you up at [certain time]"
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If you say hi and girls start giggling then you've made it.
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Then I've already made it work.

Yeah she thinks it's stupid but endearing idk. She adores me so nothing I do is really wrong to an extent in her eyes so to speak

Yeah I was the same way until a while ago. I was so used to being ugly that I didn't realize I was handsome and could get away with a lot of shit but just try it and if they are rude just tell them to lighten up. But as far as going out just be like "hey I got invited to [club/bar] if you wanna come along" if she says yes say "aight cool lemme get you on snap and lmk when you're free". When she hits you up just take charge and be like "sounds good I'll pick you up at [certain time]"

I've gotten multiple girl's snapchats and numbers but maybe they though it was a friend basis kind of thing? I give up after I get them because I have no idea what to do next. Bruh how did your gf confess to you, was it after you took her out and shit or did she approach you
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Nibba manlet confirmed. If you're not 6'5"+, it's OVER
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Then I've already made it work.

I've gotten multiple girl's snapchats and numbers but maybe they though it was a friend basis kind of thing? I give up after I get them because I have no idea what to do next. Bruh how did your gf confess to you, was it after you took her out and shit or did she approach you
Don't count on it being as friends unless you only want it to be friends. if you push the boundaries then you'll see if it's just friends or not, which is good for you: win win. You've got nothing to lose and I don't wanna sound like a PUA fag but look up escalation and other pua stuff. Might help a lot but knowing how to talk to girls and knowing how to escalate are the biggest things. I didnt even understand how to do it till I got to be gl (confidence needs to be there).

My girl and I got set up by her friend cuz she needed a date to prom and all the males in her town are subhuman or faggot pieces of shit. I'm a good guy, humble, and am a die hard Catholic so they figured we were a good match. She thought I was cute after seeing my pics that her friend showed her and I just treated her well and was romantic and shit. It took under a month for her to fall in love with me. Took each other's virginity and never looking back tbh. I fully intend to marry this woman. That being said you can't treat these college thots like I treated her. You gotta be kind of a douche/cool to do it. They don't want a gentleman like prime virgin church girls tbh and they most certainly don't fall in love like church girls
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Nibba manlet confirmed. If you're not 6'5"+, it's OVER

5'11 last time i checked
Don't count on it being as friends unless you only want it to be friends. if you push the boundaries then you'll see if it's just friends or not, which is good for you: win win. You've got nothing to lose and I don't wanna sound like a PUA fag but look up escalation and other pua stuff. Might help a lot but knowing how to talk to girls and knowing how to escalate are the biggest things. I didnt even understand how to do it till I got to be gl (confidence needs to be there).

My girl and I got set up by her friend cuz she needed a date to prom and all the males in her town are subhuman or faggot pieces of shit. I'm a good guy, humble, and am a die hard Catholic so they figured we were a good match. She thought I was cute after seeing my pics that her friend showed her and I just treated her well and was romantic and shit. It took under a month for her to fall in love with me. Took each other's virginity and never looking back tbh. I fully intend to marry this woman. That being said you can't treat these college thots like I treated her. You gotta be kind of a douche/cool to do it. They don't want a gentleman like prime virgin church girls tbh and they most certainly don't fall in love like church girls

What a beautiful story brah. I'll look up the PUA shit but some of it is COPE. Thing is I don't know what is.
May Jesus accept you into Heaven brudda
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5'11 last time i checked

What a beautiful story brah. I'll look up the PUA shit but some of it is COPE. Thing is I don't know what is.
May Jesus accept you into Heaven brudda
Thanks for the kind words man. If you're ever in doubt pm me screenshots or summaries of the convo and I'll help out.

Escalation is the only legit thing tbh but the girl will have to be into you already, so it's a good way to test to see if she is or not.

Are you religious?
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Just be low inhib, are you in highschool or something? If you are in uni and asking this question, it's probably over...Some shit you have to start in HS or early in your life, otherwise you are gonna be that creep guy that people make fun off.
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Thanks for the kind words man. If you're ever in doubt pm me screenshots or summaries of the convo and I'll help out.

Escalation is the only legit thing tbh but the girl will have to be into you already, so it's a good way to test to see if she is or not.

Are you religious?

I am religious yeah. I try my best to pray, but sometimes it do be like that. Although my mom is a bit crazy with religion. I'm not a Catholic though, although since I'm studying Philoshophy and Religion I know quite a bit.

In summary, what is escalation and how would you do it
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I am religious yeah. I try my best to pray, but sometimes it do be like that. Although my mom is a bit crazy with religion. I'm not a Catholic though, although since I'm studying Philoshophy and Religion I know quite a bit.

In summary, what is escalation and how would you do it
I see brah

Escalation is basically starting with small touching (handshake, fist bump, etc) then progression to more intimate (lightly touching shoulder or mid back) then keep going (lower back, waist, holding hands) and then to (dancing on each other, hugs, kissing) then to full blown sex etc. But this doesn't happen all at once slow and let her get to know you
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I see brah

Escalation is basically starting with small touching (handshake, fist bump, etc) then progression to more intimate (lightly touching shoulder or mid back) then keep going (lower back, waist, holding hands) and then to (dancing on each other, hugs, kissing) then to full blown sex etc. But this doesn't happen all at once slow and let her get to know you

And does this make sure a girl doesn't "friendzone" you?
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And does this make sure a girl doesn't "friendzone" you?
Pretty much guarantees it if you push the boundaries far enough and they seem into it. If she seems uncomfortable back off a bit. A lot of women (especially thots) won't give you much verbal indication to stop unless they have a boyfriend. After you've known her a few days and are starting to chat ask if she has a boyfriend or listen for signs in the conversation
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if tey dont talk to you, its over
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Pretty much guarantees it if you push the boundaries far enough and they seem into it. If she seems uncomfortable back off a bit. A lot of women (especially thots) won't give you much verbal indication to stop unless they have a boyfriend. After you've known her a few days and are starting to chat ask if she has a boyfriend or listen for signs in the conversation

Alright man I appreciate the advice. One last problem though, you obviously found a girl who was experiencing shit for the first time. The girls around me aren't like that, and shit they probs got a guy talking to them everyday. Idk if I can compete man
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Alright man I appreciate the advice. One last problem though, you obviously found a girl who was experiencing shit for the first time. The girls around me aren't like that, and shit they probs got a guy talking to them everyday. Idk if I can compete man
Right I get that feeling but that's what being single is all about. It's a competition man you gotta be on that shit 24/7. If she responds to your escalation she is

1. A thot
2. Wants to go further with you and all the other guys she's talking to are friends or guys that haven't gotten as far

Either is a win win. If she's a thot she will fuck you even if she fucked other dudes.
If she's the second thing, then you've already made it and just gotta play it cool and not take it too seriously. Do this with multiple chicks (pretend you already have a girlfriend and have regular sex; makes you not give a fuck if one of the girls doesn't work ya know?)
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Right I get that feeling but that's what being single is all about. It's a competition man you gotta be on that shit 24/7. If she responds to your escalation she is

1. A thot
2. Wants to go further with you and all the other guys she's talking to are friends or guys that haven't gotten as far

Either is a win win. If she's a thot she will fuck you even if she fucked other dudes.
If she's the second thing, then you've already made it and just gotta play it cool and not take it too seriously. Do this with multiple chicks (pretend you already have a girlfriend and have regular sex; makes you not give a fuck if one of the girls doesn't work ya know?)

You're a savior man, I should've asked this shit on Monday. I just need to gain the confidence to this and think of her as just soneone I can throw away.
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You're a savior man, I should've asked this shit on Monday. I just need to gain the confidence to this and think of her as just soneone I can throw away.
Thanks brah. That's why I'm here. Trying to save fellow ascended beasts and keep everyone happy. You're gonna make it brah
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