How to actually get girls / blackpill disproven.



Don't DM me "How do I start" ima ignore you
May 13, 2022
This is going to be a "success thread" that ive learned.
This is how I bagged a fairly attractive girl (7/10) a couple years ago as a 2/10 (not joking, I had a genetic deformity)
The blackpill is true, but it only gives you more room to mess around and be straight forward. For this reason I DONT use dating apps, im just not good looking enough and im short.

Lets get straight into it. THE EAISEST WAY TO GET ANY GIRL..... is threw warm approach. If guys and girls are in the same area talking everyday, they are gonna be succin and fu*kin. Ive seen this work a million times with bums, ugly guys, awkward guys, annoying guys, you get the point.
Now there is one thing that makes this hard. #1: HOW TF DO YOU GET IN A WARM ENVIORNMENT WITH GIRLS

#1 :
This is kind of a catch 22. Because to meet more girls and hang out with more girls, you need atleast one girl friend who has girl friends. And if your like me, with no girls ever in his life / friend groups. Finding this girl is the hardest part.

So how do you do it? I have no idea, but heres what worked for me.
2 options :
#1 Easiest is find a friend who is social and has girls friends
#2 Meet a girl at a location​

1st one is self-explanatory, and so far I dont have much of an answer for #2, my solution is get into a female dominated hobby. Like tennis (which is legit and fun)
But i dont have a good answer and no dude actually wants to go to a yoga class. Most girls in this generation are on their phones all day or out with friends, so good luck and update me if you have any cool places to go or things to try that are fun but girl dominated. Seriously comment, im looking for some

Tips :

Atleast be 90% sure she likes you before you ask to date or do whatever
Get in a group where theres more girls than guys!
Be somewhat good looking bare minimum be hygienic, good style, smell good, etc.
Have some admirable traits & skills
Have a bright future (optional with this method lol but still a plus)
If youve joined somone elses friend group, make sure your better than her potential dating candidates. There are probably some guys in the group that she would never date. Make sure those men respect and admire you. Then the girl is yours.

If theres something you can take away from this thread, the warm environment is everything. (and can save your incel dating life)

BelatedImportantArmadillo max 1mb
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only works if NT

so won't work for 80% of forum ;)
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Nigga how do we get these friends? We’ve already fucked up on step one.
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go to pilates classes in ur college gym, one of my foid friends dragged me there and got a warm intro to the president of a top sorority on campus who told her to rush

did not fuck either but fun anecdote
shes cucking you while you type in incel servers
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Nigga how do we get these friends? We’ve already fucked up on step one.
Hardest part, if your out of highschool. Im not an expert but what I would do is, go to one location frequently and meet the people there. The actual steps I would take is. Go to a small gym where theres not alot of people, make sure there lots of people your age going. Workout there, talk to ppl, ask for a spot make friends, ask to hang out with them outside of the gym, make your experience super fun, offer to pay for a meal. Bam you just made a friend. Ask if they play any video games, find out what they do when they arnt at the gym, do that activity with them
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go to pilates classes in ur college gym, one of my foid friends dragged me there and got a warm intro to the president of a top sorority on campus who told her to rush

did not fuck either but fun anecdote
but that seems so boring. Id like to find something I actually enjoy. thanks for the anecdote. i think ill end up trying it out anyways just cuz you said so
shes cucking you while you type in incel servers
probably true tbh. things didnt end well. for a bunch of reasons, i think my looks was a big one tho
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go to pilates classes in ur college gym, one of my foid friends dragged me there and got a warm intro to the president of a top sorority on campus who told her to rush

did not fuck either but fun anecdote
just looked it up, i thought pilates was like yoga? its cardo? i might do this! running also seems legit for finding girls.
Dude I don't even care about girls. I just want to walk in a room and feel like the main character
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Reactions: Mr. President, poopoohead, theRiderEffect and 7 others
Dude I don't even care about girls. I just want to walk in a room and feel like the main character

Wtf @WanderingBurro ? you already are the main character sir
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This is going to be a "success thread" that ive learned.
This is how I bagged a fairly attractive girl (7/10) a couple years ago as a 2/10 (not joking, I had a genetic deformity)
View attachment 2270947
The blackpill is true, but it only gives you more room to mess around and be straight forward. For this reason I DONT use dating apps, im just not good looking enough and im short.

Lets get straight into it. THE EAISEST WAY TO GET ANY GIRL..... is threw warm approach. If guys and girls are in the same area talking everyday, they are gonna be succin and fu*kin. Ive seen this work a million times with bums, ugly guys, awkward guys, annoying guys, you get the point.
Now there is one thing that makes this hard. #1: HOW TF DO YOU GET IN A WARM ENVIORNMENT WITH GIRLS

#1 :
This is kind of a catch 22. Because to meet more girls and hang out with more girls, you need atleast one girl friend who has girl friends. And if your like me, with no girls ever in his life / friend groups. Finding this girl is the hardest part.

So how do you do it? I have no idea, but heres what worked for me.
2 options :
#1 Easiest is find a friend who is social and has girls friends
#2 Meet a girl at a location​

1st one is self-explanatory, and so far I dont have much of an answer for #2, my solution is get into a female dominated hobby. Like tennis (which is legit and fun)
But i dont have a good answer and no dude actually wants to go to a yoga class. Most girls in this generation are on their phones all day or out with friends, so good luck and update me if you have any cool places to go or things to try that are fun but girl dominated. Seriously comment, im looking for some

Tips :

Atleast be 90% sure she likes you before you ask to date or do whatever
Get in a group where theres more girls than guys!
Be somewhat good looking bare minimum be hygienic, good style, smell good, etc.
Have some admirable traits & skills
Have a bright future (optional with this method lol but still a plus)
If youve joined somone elses friend group, make sure your better than her potential dating candidates. There are probably some guys in the group that she would never date. Make sure those men respect and admire you. Then the girl is yours.

If theres something you can take away from this thread, the warm environment is everything. (and can save your incel dating life)

View attachment 2270948

Bro your thread is real. I did and saw this many time and it's work. But 0.1% of this forum will apply this, blackpill fryed all their hope
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Dude I don't even care about girls. I just want to walk in a room and feel like the main character
Get jacked, make millions, get hella status, then youll prob feel like the main character
Get jacked, make millions, get hella status, then youll prob feel like the main character
The moment no one knows who I am I'd be a nobody. Looking good gives you a social halo without lifting a finger
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Nah once your in the friend group, you dont need to be NT
Not sure if you guys are joking when you say NT / Non NT, but it’s over if Non NT you’ll be nothing more than the jestermaxxer and the weirdo
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Not sure if you guys are joking when you say NT / Non NT, but it’s over if Non NT you’ll be nothing more than the jestermaxxer and the weirdo
If were talkin super NT its over. but there are plenty of slighly weird NT people that can pull
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Op arent you the 5'5 17 yo guy asking if you should take HGH
Couple years ago is a key word. What I’ve seen more is your tennis crush fucking chad from tinder she has nothing in common with.
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Couple years ago is a key word. What I’ve seen more is your tennis crush fucking chad from tinder she has nothing in common with.
yeah, social media is probably the reason were all incels. although any decent looking girl who isnt a hoe isnt using tinder. tinder is for subhumans and hoes. which is why this still works 7 times out of 10
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Op arent you the 5'5 17 yo guy asking if you should take HGH
Nah, i tried it for months, it was too late. that was about a year ago. im not 17
Nah, i tried it for months, it was too late. that was about a year ago. im not 17
Are u 18 now ? I was in same situation as u i was literally 5'5 but i had subhuman posture with stretches etc i became 5 8 , 5 10 with lifts
This is how I bagged a fairly attractive girl (7/10)​
probably a good thread but, I can guarantee that girl is not a 7/10, everyone here overrates the girls they get while underrating girls that get sent
This is going to be a "success thread" that ive learned.
This is how I bagged a fairly attractive girl (7/10) a couple years ago as a 2/10 (not joking, I had a genetic deformity)
View attachment 2270947
The blackpill is true, but it only gives you more room to mess around and be straight forward. For this reason I DONT use dating apps, im just not good looking enough and im short.

Lets get straight into it. THE EAISEST WAY TO GET ANY GIRL..... is threw warm approach. If guys and girls are in the same area talking everyday, they are gonna be succin and fu*kin. Ive seen this work a million times with bums, ugly guys, awkward guys, annoying guys, you get the point.
Now there is one thing that makes this hard. #1: HOW TF DO YOU GET IN A WARM ENVIORNMENT WITH GIRLS

#1 :
This is kind of a catch 22. Because to meet more girls and hang out with more girls, you need atleast one girl friend who has girl friends. And if your like me, with no girls ever in his life / friend groups. Finding this girl is the hardest part.

So how do you do it? I have no idea, but heres what worked for me.
2 options :
#1 Easiest is find a friend who is social and has girls friends
#2 Meet a girl at a location​

1st one is self-explanatory, and so far I dont have much of an answer for #2, my solution is get into a female dominated hobby. Like tennis (which is legit and fun)
But i dont have a good answer and no dude actually wants to go to a yoga class. Most girls in this generation are on their phones all day or out with friends, so good luck and update me if you have any cool places to go or things to try that are fun but girl dominated. Seriously comment, im looking for some

Tips :

Atleast be 90% sure she likes you before you ask to date or do whatever
Get in a group where theres more girls than guys!
Be somewhat good looking bare minimum be hygienic, good style, smell good, etc.
Have some admirable traits & skills
Have a bright future (optional with this method lol but still a plus)
If youve joined somone elses friend group, make sure your better than her potential dating candidates. There are probably some guys in the group that she would never date. Make sure those men respect and admire you. Then the girl is yours.

If theres something you can take away from this thread, the warm environment is everything. (and can save your incel dating life)

View attachment 2270948
Good thread, and ideas.

But this is, you words fall on deaf ears :feelsrope:

Anyways, while you can get a girl with any level of looks, the better looking you are, the more leverage it will give you in the relationship.

Be good-looking, and she will be on her tiptoes trying to please you. :chad:
Be average, and you will have to negotiate everything with her. :incel:
Be ugly, and prepare to endure the hell of her "wants" and "needs", where she could easily drop you at her whim. :feelsrope:
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Dude I don't even care about girls. I just want to walk in a room and feel like the main character
Sir burro, it has come to our knowledge that we have found a dungeon of cunny, shall we embark?
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Badminton is also usually 80% woman dominated.
And I agree with you if your not GL enough or not photogenic enough for OLD this is one of the best solutions + You have a WAY higher chance to get a good GF for which you would need to be super lucky on OLD.
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Are u 18 now ? I was in same situation as u i was literally 5'5 but i had subhuman posture with stretches etc i became 5 8 , 5 10 with lifts
Yeah, but my posture is fine, its just over. Im not a big fan of lifts. Infact I hate then and I tend to wear shoes with little to no height boost
  • +1
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Badminton is also usually 80% woman dominated.
And I agree with you if your not GL enough or not photogenic enough for OLD this is one of the best solutions + You have a WAY higher chance to get a good GF for which you would need to be super lucky on OLD.
Isnt that for older women? I never see anyone play it where im from
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probably a good thread but, I can guarantee that girl is not a 7/10, everyone here overrates the girls they get while underrating girls that get sent
Nah i promise you she was. and i got the 2/10 being with a 7/10 treatment. Im not over inflating her to say I can pull or somthing cuz ik its over for me and im not coping
  • Hmm...
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Isnt that for older women? I never see anyone play it where im from
Boy in my small Hometown there is an entire section in our sportsclub for it most are below 30.
+ only a couple dudes which are looksmined to the Mumbai sewers good for mogging them If I dont emberass myself in Badminton I guess lol.

Im gonna join them pretty surely this year :love:
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Nah i promise you she was. and i got the 2/10 being with a 7/10 treatment. Im not over inflating her to say I can pull or somthing cuz ik its over for me and im not coping



I doubt it
This is going to be a "success thread" that ive learned.
This is how I bagged a fairly attractive girl (7/10) a couple years ago as a 2/10 (not joking, I had a genetic deformity)
View attachment 2270947
The blackpill is true, but it only gives you more room to mess around and be straight forward. For this reason I DONT use dating apps, im just not good looking enough and im short.

Lets get straight into it. THE EAISEST WAY TO GET ANY GIRL..... is threw warm approach. If guys and girls are in the same area talking everyday, they are gonna be succin and fu*kin. Ive seen this work a million times with bums, ugly guys, awkward guys, annoying guys, you get the point.
Now there is one thing that makes this hard. #1: HOW TF DO YOU GET IN A WARM ENVIORNMENT WITH GIRLS

#1 :
This is kind of a catch 22. Because to meet more girls and hang out with more girls, you need atleast one girl friend who has girl friends. And if your like me, with no girls ever in his life / friend groups. Finding this girl is the hardest part.

So how do you do it? I have no idea, but heres what worked for me.
2 options :
#1 Easiest is find a friend who is social and has girls friends
#2 Meet a girl at a location​

1st one is self-explanatory, and so far I dont have much of an answer for #2, my solution is get into a female dominated hobby. Like tennis (which is legit and fun)
But i dont have a good answer and no dude actually wants to go to a yoga class. Most girls in this generation are on their phones all day or out with friends, so good luck and update me if you have any cool places to go or things to try that are fun but girl dominated. Seriously comment, im looking for some

Tips :

Atleast be 90% sure she likes you before you ask to date or do whatever
Get in a group where theres more girls than guys!
Be somewhat good looking bare minimum be hygienic, good style, smell good, etc.
Have some admirable traits & skills
Have a bright future (optional with this method lol but still a plus)
If youve joined somone elses friend group, make sure your better than her potential dating candidates. There are probably some guys in the group that she would never date. Make sure those men respect and admire you. Then the girl is yours.

If theres something you can take away from this thread, the warm environment is everything. (and can save your incel dating life)

View attachment 2270948
Blackpill still valid because she has to like you and you still need to be seen as good looking to her for that to happen.
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This doesn't work. Female friends will just ghost you if they realize that you have nothing to bring to the friendship.

The female friend wants to see you having lots of friends, having hobbies, going to parties, etc. If you are lonely and never inviter her anywhere (because you are not invited anywhere) the female friend will just ghost you. She might invite you once or twice to hang out with HER friends, but not much more.
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Nah once your in the friend group, you dont need to be NT
Not true. If you don't maintain the NT mask you become the laughingstock of the group, the guy that has to walk behind everyone else walking together on the sidewalk, the one that gets groupchats made without him etc
This doesn't work. Female friends will just ghost you if they realize that you have nothing to bring to the friendship.

The female friend wants to see you having lots of friends, having hobbies, going to parties, etc. If you are lonely and never inviter her anywhere (because you are not invited anywhere) the female friend will just ghost you. She might invite you once or twice to hang out with HER friends, but not much more.
You clearly have never been in a friend group with girls. If your friends with a girl. She will not just randomly ghost you for not taking her to extravagant places💀
Is it a real relationship?

She looks disgusted kissing him tbh... or maybe my imagination...
Same dude got sloppy toppy. I saw it a year or two ago
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You clearly have never been in a friend group with girls. If your friends with a girl. She will not just randomly ghost you for not taking her to extravagant places💀
Except that it happened
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worst thread ever
just go to your nearest library or book store, romcom reading girls are easy af
just go to your nearest library or book store, romcom reading girls are easy af
the library

Boy in my small Hometown there is an entire section in our sportsclub for it most are below 30.
+ only a couple dudes which are looksmined to the Mumbai sewers good for mogging them If I dont emberass myself in Badminton I guess lol.

Im gonna join them pretty surely this year :love:
thanks, good advice 🥰
maybe you were friends with a mami bimbo hoe. normal girls from normal places dont do that garbage
I don't know why, but I am telling you, it's real. I don't know why.
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