King Solomon
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BLACKS LAW 4th Edition
Definition of Nation or state or body politic or society (all the same term): An independent body politic, a society of men united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage, by the joint efforts of their combined Strength. Every combination of men who govern themselves idependently of all others will not be considered a Nation. A body of Pirates who govern themselves are not a Nation. To constitute a Nation another ingredient is required. The body that's formed must respect other Nations in general and each of their members in particular. Such a society has her affairs and her interests. She deliberates and takes resolutions in common, thus becoming a moral person who possesses and understanding and will peculiar to herself and is susceptible of obligations and rights. -Vattel, Prelim III 2,5 (US) 52 see 1 Idaho (N.S.) 612
PERSON: An individual, trust, state, partnership, association, company or corporation.
So the United States is a person, Mcdonalds is a person.
TITLE 28 USC 3002 Definitions 15(A):
UNITED STATES: Federal Corporation
CITIZEN: Employee of a Nation
The Conferring of nationality of a state Upon a person
UN has explicit UN declaration of human rights article 15
Anyone can change their nationality any time nobody can stop them.
the conferring of nationality of a state upon a person after birth by ANY MEANSWHATSOEVER.
During your citizen when you get your green card and go through all that, the last steps a certificate of naturalization. You could’ve done that right at the beginning. You didn’t need to go through all the green card all the other bull shit and the hoops and tests and all the other trash. That’s all pointless stupid and unnecessary. It’s not illegal but is borderline illegal.
Naturalization is as simple as conferring the nationality of a state upon a person afterbirth by any means whatsoever and ironically title 8 the definition of persons
PERSON: Individual or an organization. So any organization or individual
Whether it’s your own or someone elses BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER.
Nationality is made by simply saying it. If you say or confer that you are the nationality of Antartica Upon one of your trusts after birth by any means what soever, that trust is then legally located in Antartica instantly. In reality there is no limits as you can claim nationality to anywhere and anything at anytime. You can be a Heaven National.
Worst case scenario is you’d have to litigate against the department of state but if done properly and done with a certificate of naturalization
1.) Write Certificate of Naturalization type in some kind of a statement and notarize it.
A.) If you want to use Photoshop and make it look identical to the regular Certificate of Naturalization that's cool but it can be on any piece of paper as there is no major set standards or requirements that I could find.
B.) Add in as many things as you would like to making it appear more official even though that doesn't necessarily matter but it's good to seem professional.
In the line above your signature I would hand write without recourse or prejudice: This means there is no adverse action or repercussions for this document that you have submitted. Your current photo, date when signed in front of a notary, birthday, height, weight. Check out examples of Certificates of Naturalization. Don't attempt to make it appear identical or take current registration numbers as you don't want a forgery accusation. I'd just touch it up to make it appear similar without making it a replica or like you are attempting to forge it.
2.) Add in an additional document to pledge your allegiance to the United States:
3.) Add an addendum attachment and I suppose you could title it as an Addendum or better yet In Compliance With All Universal, International, and National Rules, Laws and Regulations in becoming an American National.
A.) You could potentially add a second page as another addendum basically stating that you've done everything you can to your knowledge by the Universal, International, and National Law. State that these documents are your own creation and not an attempt to forge any official documents. This is just covering your ass. Also, if there's anything that you need to add or remove or do to make it acceptable and receive your American National passport, please contact you immediately.
B.) Sign each page and date each page and add a Notarization to each page.
C.) You can File a UCC-1 for extra protection of any assets you have, but if you have little to nothing then this is irrelevant at this point in time.
4.) I'd say notarize everything and leave nothing up to chance.
5.) Make it public: If you want to you can share on Facebook, the local newspaper, etc. It's not absolutely necessary but these things are all adding up and building a case in your favor.
6.) Make a copy of these documents and keep the original copies safe in your own filing system. I'd also take pictures of everything and save them in your filing system.
7.) Send a copy via certified mail (take a picture of it also and keep receipts) First class to USCIS (add in an attachment just for them to let them know this document is already approved as per the laws in Addendum page 1. This is for them to keep on file. Let them know they have 30 days to refute this officially approved Certificate of Naturalization.
8.) Send a another copy of this packed to either the American Embassy or a company that creates American National Passports. You may have to contact them ahead of time to see if there are any other materials you require like a copy of a State ID, along with your Certificate of Naturalization, maybe a backround check, etc.
Or go to the nearest US Embassy.
Again call ahead of time before doing anything.
9.) If the department of state or whoever doesn’t provide you with a passport off that packet you submit, I would go litigation. A federal litigation.
A.) File a Complaint
B.) Petition: Going to the court to force a business or person to take some sort of action.
So on your I-9 you can claim you're a Non-Citizen National of The United States. Once this is processed it's done you're in. There's other forms of documentation you can do this with.
Therefore, those of you trying to land jobs in the US you can live in your current address but maintain status as a Non Citizen National of the US and work remotely in the US. You can acquire a PO Box in the state you wish to reside in.
I'm now a non citizen national of the Kingdom of Heaven. 7777 GOD Street, Jerusalem, HV. 77777. I'll place this in my trust.
Definition of Nation or state or body politic or society (all the same term): An independent body politic, a society of men united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage, by the joint efforts of their combined Strength. Every combination of men who govern themselves idependently of all others will not be considered a Nation. A body of Pirates who govern themselves are not a Nation. To constitute a Nation another ingredient is required. The body that's formed must respect other Nations in general and each of their members in particular. Such a society has her affairs and her interests. She deliberates and takes resolutions in common, thus becoming a moral person who possesses and understanding and will peculiar to herself and is susceptible of obligations and rights. -Vattel, Prelim III 2,5 (US) 52 see 1 Idaho (N.S.) 612
PERSON: An individual, trust, state, partnership, association, company or corporation.
So the United States is a person, Mcdonalds is a person.
TITLE 28 USC 3002 Definitions 15(A):
UNITED STATES: Federal Corporation
CITIZEN: Employee of a Nation
The Conferring of nationality of a state Upon a person
UN has explicit UN declaration of human rights article 15
Anyone can change their nationality any time nobody can stop them.

the conferring of nationality of a state upon a person after birth by ANY MEANSWHATSOEVER.
During your citizen when you get your green card and go through all that, the last steps a certificate of naturalization. You could’ve done that right at the beginning. You didn’t need to go through all the green card all the other bull shit and the hoops and tests and all the other trash. That’s all pointless stupid and unnecessary. It’s not illegal but is borderline illegal.
Naturalization is as simple as conferring the nationality of a state upon a person afterbirth by any means whatsoever and ironically title 8 the definition of persons
PERSON: Individual or an organization. So any organization or individual
Whether it’s your own or someone elses BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER.
Nationality is made by simply saying it. If you say or confer that you are the nationality of Antartica Upon one of your trusts after birth by any means what soever, that trust is then legally located in Antartica instantly. In reality there is no limits as you can claim nationality to anywhere and anything at anytime. You can be a Heaven National.
Worst case scenario is you’d have to litigate against the department of state but if done properly and done with a certificate of naturalization
1.) Write Certificate of Naturalization type in some kind of a statement and notarize it.
A.) If you want to use Photoshop and make it look identical to the regular Certificate of Naturalization that's cool but it can be on any piece of paper as there is no major set standards or requirements that I could find.
B.) Add in as many things as you would like to making it appear more official even though that doesn't necessarily matter but it's good to seem professional.
In the line above your signature I would hand write without recourse or prejudice: This means there is no adverse action or repercussions for this document that you have submitted. Your current photo, date when signed in front of a notary, birthday, height, weight. Check out examples of Certificates of Naturalization. Don't attempt to make it appear identical or take current registration numbers as you don't want a forgery accusation. I'd just touch it up to make it appear similar without making it a replica or like you are attempting to forge it.
2.) Add in an additional document to pledge your allegiance to the United States:

3.) Add an addendum attachment and I suppose you could title it as an Addendum or better yet In Compliance With All Universal, International, and National Rules, Laws and Regulations in becoming an American National.
A.) You could potentially add a second page as another addendum basically stating that you've done everything you can to your knowledge by the Universal, International, and National Law. State that these documents are your own creation and not an attempt to forge any official documents. This is just covering your ass. Also, if there's anything that you need to add or remove or do to make it acceptable and receive your American National passport, please contact you immediately.
B.) Sign each page and date each page and add a Notarization to each page.
C.) You can File a UCC-1 for extra protection of any assets you have, but if you have little to nothing then this is irrelevant at this point in time.
4.) I'd say notarize everything and leave nothing up to chance.
5.) Make it public: If you want to you can share on Facebook, the local newspaper, etc. It's not absolutely necessary but these things are all adding up and building a case in your favor.
6.) Make a copy of these documents and keep the original copies safe in your own filing system. I'd also take pictures of everything and save them in your filing system.
7.) Send a copy via certified mail (take a picture of it also and keep receipts) First class to USCIS (add in an attachment just for them to let them know this document is already approved as per the laws in Addendum page 1. This is for them to keep on file. Let them know they have 30 days to refute this officially approved Certificate of Naturalization.
How to Apply for an American National Passport
We have developed a comprehensive step-by-step process to assist you in applying for an American National Passport as a State Citizen, distinct from the U.S. (Federal) citizen passport. This guide will walk you through each stage, ensuring a clear and straightforward application experience...www.zeropointuniversity.com
8.) Send a another copy of this packed to either the American Embassy or a company that creates American National Passports. You may have to contact them ahead of time to see if there are any other materials you require like a copy of a State ID, along with your Certificate of Naturalization, maybe a backround check, etc.
How to Apply for an American National Passport
We have developed a comprehensive step-by-step process to assist you in applying for an American National Passport as a State Citizen, distinct from the U.S. (Federal) citizen passport. This guide will walk you through each stage, ensuring a clear and straightforward application experience...www.zeropointuniversity.com
Or go to the nearest US Embassy.
Again call ahead of time before doing anything.
9.) If the department of state or whoever doesn’t provide you with a passport off that packet you submit, I would go litigation. A federal litigation.
A.) File a Complaint
B.) Petition: Going to the court to force a business or person to take some sort of action.
So on your I-9 you can claim you're a Non-Citizen National of The United States. Once this is processed it's done you're in. There's other forms of documentation you can do this with.

Therefore, those of you trying to land jobs in the US you can live in your current address but maintain status as a Non Citizen National of the US and work remotely in the US. You can acquire a PO Box in the state you wish to reside in.
I'm now a non citizen national of the Kingdom of Heaven. 7777 GOD Street, Jerusalem, HV. 77777. I'll place this in my trust.