How to break out KHHV status if you're 20-25 as a LTN/MTN (whether you're in college or not)



Apr 4, 2024
As a nigger that broke out of KHHV at 23, I'm going to tell you ways you can do the same thing whether you're in college or not.

If you're in college:

1. Social CircleMaxxing:
Here are things you need to take into consideration if you're going down this path:
  • Ideally you want to find an 18-19yo LTB who has 0-3 bodies, is 1-3 points below your looks level and is in a friend group or environment that's separate and far away from the most "attractive/cool" group that you are in, because obviously if you try to lose ur v card to HTBs in ur "cool" friend group that's gonna backfire 9 times out of 10 and she's gonna tell everyone ab how you were a virgin and/or bad and bed and then your reputation is obliterated. So basically friendzone HTBs/Stacy Lites and keep them on the back burner while you're ascending and getting practice with a LTB thats in a "loser" friend group. This is the best strategy trust me. Normies will tell you that you should just be vulnerable about it and women in your friend group won't care about it and will still date you. However this only applies to "loser" friend groups like i said with sub5 and LTB tier women. No woman that's MTB or above is gonna wanna stick around to show a 21yo KHHV the ropes. Sorry guys.

2. Trying to get an LTB from dating apps to be an FWB
  • Basically the same steps from social circle, however this option is less ideal since the women you get from OLD are gonna be WAY lower caliber than what you could get IRL with social circle and the ghost rate on OLD is also extremely high and even chicks 2-3 points below ur SMV will still ghost you if ur not great in bed. It's cutthroat af. However it is still an option where you could find a dumb foid who's willing to be ur FWB for the next few months esp if you live on campus. Elite logistics. But if ur off campus than forget it lol.

3. Cold approaching
  • Good for building a social circle at the beginning of the year but actually cold approaching multiple women throughout the year is very low conversion in comparison to social circle or even OLD even with the slight familiarity and student halo and you also don't want to get a reputation for being the pickup nigger at your school. Which is why if ur gonna do this just stick to warm approach or cold approach but w indirect openers only and scanning for IOIs throughout the convo i.e her asking you questions back and actually engaging in the convo. If none of that is happening just walk away. That wont hurt ur reputation.

If you're not in college:

1. (THIS IS WHAT I DID) Spam Approaching 50-100 women a week at the malls, random events/festivals, college campuses, and basically look for the same 18-19yo LTB w low body count who's 1-3 points below ur SMV and to make this work you at least need to be average height and LTN-MTN facially and you need to be dressed to the nines. Specifically wearing suits. And before you niggers come in here and say "No suit for ur bones bruh", This is how i lost my v card as a MTN skinny fat cel. I approached an LTB in Barnes and Noble and It gave me a crazy halo and as dumb as it sounds the girl thought I was some mysterious wattpad millionaire and I ran with that larp and got cheeks because of it. Still ended up getting ghosted afterwards because I could barely maintain an erection and didnt nut and the girl threw up from untrained gag reflex. But all of this happened because of suitmaxxing. As a KHHV I got Chad treatment temporarily just because I decided to throw on a shitty Macy's suit, spam shitty versace cologne i got from Marshalls, shoe lifts, and 3 swigs of patron pre daygame to stay grounded. Ik this shit sounds try hard and corny but give it a try unless u are a truecel.

2. Social circle maxxing: Doing this outside of college to try to lose ur v card is laughable tbh. Maybe theres a slight chance that if you try to build a social circle within ur church (assuming u go to church), you can find a woman who's also a virgin or okay with you being a virgin but the chances are low tbqh. I remember joining my church young adults group for this reason and when we attended the 1st meeting, we had to do an activity where we had to tell everyone something that we think we need to work on spiritually and i remember 2 girls (who were both 19-20yos) saying that they need to work on avoiding toxic relationships and they proceeded to give the same alpha widowed thot spiel ab their toxic ex. Most Christian women are ran thru anyway and would respond the same way that most other women would to your KHHV status at 20-25. Not worth it mostly tbh.

3. Online dating: For the same reasons i mentioned in the college section, online dating could work but its mostly shit and even if you manage to find a girl that's willing to stick around to practice with, she's most likely gonna be sub5. (I speak from exp there)

4. Pay for it/Geomaxx

Also important reminder that the longer you wait the worse its gonna get. 20 is not a great age to lose ur v card but u could still kinda get away with dating JBs and inexperienced college freshman foids and they are more comfortable with doing that with a 20yo and you maybe could get teen love. But if ur 25yo you're pretty much fucked when it comes to experiencing any type of "teen love" tbh. 99% of 18-19yo foids that are willing to date 25yos are most likely sluts that want an super experienced dude. Not a 25yo KHHV that's mentally 16yo.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if ur a KHHV looking to break out and get enough sexual experience to break out of Late Bloomer Purgatory, then ur gonna need a girl who's extremely high interest. Don't even bother trying to learn "game" to convert medium interest chicks. Huge waste of time and energy esp if you dont have a lot going for yourself. Try to filter for high interest only and find IOIs if ur ugly ass can even get any lmfao (but honestly if u suitmaxx you will get more IOIs as long as ur not sub5).

Hope this helps.
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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: T50 Demon, EdgyFashionist, bloomercel and 9 others
Good guide I hope I can break the curse at this year like MoggerGaston did.
  • +1
Reactions: bloomercel and ferbite666
Am i supposed to believe you wrote this?
just wear a suit theorem
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getting with ugly women is my plan to ascend tbh
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Reactions: hopecel, NZb6Air and ferbite666
As a nigger that broke out of KHHV at 23, I'm going to tell you ways you can do the same thing whether you're in college or not.

If you're in college:

1. Social CircleMaxxing:
Here are things you need to take into consideration if you're going down this path:
  • Ideally you want to find an 18-19yo LTB who has 0-3 bodies, is 1-3 points below your looks level and is in a friend group or environment that's separate and far away from the most "attractive/cool" group that you are in, because obviously if you try to lose ur v card to HTBs in ur "cool" friend group that's gonna backfire 9 times out of 10 and she's gonna tell everyone ab how you were a virgin and/or bad and bed and then your reputation is obliterated. So basically friendzone HTBs/Stacy Lites and keep them on the back burner while you're ascending and getting practice with a LTB thats in a "loser" friend group. This is the best strategy trust me. Normies will tell you that you should just be vulnerable about it and women in your friend group won't care about it and will still date you. However this only applies to "loser" friend groups like i said with sub5 and LTB tier women. No woman that's MTB or above is gonna wanna stick around to show a 21yo KHHV the ropes. Sorry guys.

2. Trying to get an LTB from dating apps to be an FWB
  • Basically the same steps from social circle, however this option is less ideal since the women you get from OLD are gonna be WAY lower caliber than what you could get IRL with social circle and the ghost rate on OLD is also extremely high and even chicks 2-3 points below ur SMV will still ghost you if ur not great in bed. It's cutthroat af. However it is still an option where you could find a dumb foid who's willing to be ur FWB for the next few months esp if you live on campus. Elite logistics. But if ur off campus than forget it lol.

3. Cold approaching
  • Good for building a social circle at the beginning of the year but actually cold approaching multiple women throughout the year is very low conversion in comparison to social circle or even OLD even with the slight familiarity and student halo and you also don't want to get a reputation for being the pickup nigger at your school. Which is why if ur gonna do this just stick to warm approach or cold approach but w indirect openers only and scanning for IOIs throughout the convo i.e her asking you questions back and actually engaging in the convo. If none of that is happening just walk away. That wont hurt ur reputation.

If you're not in college:

1. (THIS IS WHAT I DID) Spam Approaching 50-100 women a week at the malls, random events/festivals, college campuses, and basically look for the same 18-19yo LTB w low body count who's 1-3 points below ur SMV and to make this work you at least need to be average height and LTN-MTN facially and you need to be dressed to the nines. Specifically wearing suits. And before you niggers come in here and say "No suit for ur bones bruh", This is how i lost my v card as a MTN skinny fat cel. I approached an LTB in Barnes and Noble and It gave me a crazy halo and as dumb as it sounds the girl thought I was some mysterious wattpad millionaire and I ran with that larp and got cheeks because of it. Still ended up getting ghosted afterwards because I could barely maintain an erection and didnt nut and the girl threw up from untrained gag reflex. But all of this happened because of suitmaxxing. As a KHHV I got Chad treatment temporarily just because I decided to throw on a shitty Macy's suit, spam shitty versace cologne i got from Marshalls, shoe lifts, and 3 swigs of patron pre daygame to stay grounded. Ik this shit sounds try hard and corny but give it a try unless u are a truecel.

2. Social circle maxxing: Doing this outside of college to try to lose ur v card is laughable tbh. Maybe theres a slight chance that if you try to build a social circle within ur church (assuming u go to church), you can find a woman who's also a virgin or okay with you being a virgin but the chances are low tbqh. I remember joining my church young adults group for this reason and when we attended the 1st meeting, we had to do an activity where we had to tell everyone something that we think we need to work on spiritually and i remember 2 girls (who were both 19-20yos) saying that they need to work on avoiding toxic relationships and they proceeded to give the same alpha widowed thot spiel ab their toxic ex. Most Christian women are ran thru anyway and would respond the same way that most other women would to your KHHV status at 20-25. Not worth it mostly tbh.

3. Online dating: For the same reasons i mentioned in the college section, online dating could work but its mostly shit and even if you manage to find a girl that's willing to stick around to practice with, she's most likely gonna be sub5. (I speak from exp there)

4. Pay for it/Geomaxx

Also important reminder that the longer you wait the worse its gonna get. 20 is not a great age to lose ur v card but u could still kinda get away with dating JBs and inexperienced college freshman foids and they are more comfortable with doing that with a 20yo and you maybe could get teen love. But if ur 25yo you're pretty much fucked when it comes to experiencing any type of "teen love" tbh. 99% of 18-19yo foids that are willing to date 25yos are most likely sluts that want an super experienced dude. Not a 25yo KHHV that's mentally 16yo.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if ur a KHHV looking to break out and get enough sexual experience to break out of Late Bloomer Purgatory, then ur gonna need a girl who's extremely high interest. Don't even bother trying to learn "game" to convert medium interest chicks. Huge waste of time and energy esp if you dont have a lot going for yourself. Try to filter for high interest only and find IOIs if ur ugly ass can even get any lmfao (but honestly if u suitmaxx you will get more IOIs as long as ur not sub5).

Hope this helps.
U should do a mix of everything. obviously got social phobia if not deformed to end up in this position. So get over that by being around people. Join any hobbys and try to get customer service job. Pay for it at the same time nothing wrong with just paying and tell them ur a virgin u need practice.

Once you start actually getting opportunity's fuck any girl even if not that attracted u need practise/experience if ur a man. Ideally just get on test like me so even fatties are attractive.
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Reactions: ferbite666
I've come to realize that all of this advice is useless for people here, because if they were capable of doing this, they already would have done it, because it's been written about many times before on this forum. All they'd have to do is search it up and apply it.

But that's the thing, only 2% applies this consistently. Most maybe try, and give up after a week. And the reason for that is MENTALCELDOM.

Ever since I've started improoooving my MENTALCELDOM, this shit becomes much more automatic. And not with natural copes like excercise and nofap. I started Wellbutrin (which I rejected for years, but it has been the single most infuental thing to turn my depressed ass around), will start SARMS, and overall use more substances to become more NT and motivated.

Drugmaxx or die trying.
  • +1
Reactions: EdgyFashionist and ferbite666
I've come to realize that all of this advice is useless for people here, because if they were capable of doing this, they already would have done it, because it's been written about many times before on this forum. All they'd have to do is search it up and apply it.

But that's the thing, only 2% applies this consistently. Most maybe try, and give up after a week. And the reason for that is MENTALCELDOM.

Ever since I've started improoooving my MENTALCELDOM, this shit becomes much more automatic. And not with natural copes like excercise and nofap. I started Wellbutrin (which I rejected for years, but it has been the single most infuental thing to turn my depressed ass around), will start SARMS, and overall use more substances to become more NT and motivated.

Drugmaxx or die trying.
Yeah you have a point, I remember when I started college i took phenibut and drank a few swigs of tequila to get the “mojo” necessary to really build social circles and give good amazing first impressions. I would’ve never been able to do that I if I was fully sober. Not because I can’t socialize when I’m sober. But because I’m too high inhib and I’m too stiff and boring when I’m sober.
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Yeah you have a point, I remember when I started college i took phenibut and drank a few swigs of tequila to get the “mojo” necessary to really build social circles and give good amazing first impressions. When I’m sober I could still socialize but I’m nowhere near as charming.
Yeah, but what I'm talking about is more about changing your overall default state. The autists here don't posses the normie drive for constant socialization. I realized I have to basically turn myself into a normie-machine. I'm not normie in that sense. I can socialize fine once I'm in a situation, but seeking out those opportunities and actively pursuing relationships with people? You better put a gun to my head.

I think that's a big point for guys here, where this part in their brain is missing. Normies inately have this drive to constantly stay in touch and conversate. After college it's nightmare mode even for normies, let alone looksmax autists.
  • +1
Reactions: EdgyFashionist
That's why I think NDRIs, or even SNRIs might be very beneficial in making you normie. I coped for years with natural ways to be healthy, but idk, maybe the jew pills have their use.
Yeah, but what I'm talking about is more about changing your overall default state. The autists here don't posses the normie drive for constant socialization. I realized I have to basically turn myself into a normie-machine. I'm not normie in that sense. I can socialize fine once I'm in a situation, but seeking out those opportunities and actively pursuing relationships with people? You better put a gun to my head.

I think that's a big point for guys here, where this part in their brain is missing. Normies inately have this drive to constantly stay in touch and conversate. After college it's nightmare mode even for normies, let alone looksmax autists.
Yeah that what I was saying. I need to drugs to have the drive to constantly socialize and meet new people. And yeah ur def right about that last part. I’m not in college and I’m struggling like shit to build a social circle. Dating post college is hell. Cold approach and OLD are high investment with low reward most of the time unless you get lucky.
  • +1
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Yeah that what I was saying. I need to drugs to have the drive to constantly socialize and meet new people. And yeah ur def right about that last part. I’m not in college and I’m struggling like shit to build a social circle. Dating post college is hell. Cold approach and OLD are high investment with low reward most of the time unless you get lucky.
Yea, I've never even went to college... Kinda regret it. As it's not my looks that are cucking me, but my lack of social ability. Finding a dude that shares the same objective as you (slaying) has been very benefical, I have found. Having a guy that you can be outside with provides giga social proof, for both of you.
ended up getting ghosted afterwards because I could barely maintain an erection and didnt nut and the girl threw up from untrained gag reflex. But all of this happened because of suitmaxxing. As a KHHV I got Chad treatment temporarily just because I decided to throw on a shitty Macy's suit, spam shitty versace cologne i got from Marshalls, shoe lifts, and 3 swigs of patron pre daygame to stay grounded
  • JFL
Reactions: hopecel
Yea, I've never even went to college... Kinda regret it. As it's not my looks that are cucking me, but my lack of social ability. Finding a dude that shares the same objective as you (slaying) has been very benefical, I have found. Having a guy that you can be outside with provides giga social proof, for both of you.
I had a friend like that and he had 20k IG followers and I was always inviting me to two man’s but one time me and him got hammered and tried to pull girls at the club and he claimed I was “scaring the hoes” away when really I was having a normal convo with them but I was ugly so the girls weren’t really interested. And then after that he stopped talking to me. Brutal.
  • So Sad
Reactions: EdgyFashionist
I had a friend like that and he had 20k IG followers and I was always inviting me to two man’s but one time me and him got hammered and tried to pull girls at the club and he claimed I was “scaring the hoes” away when really I was having a normal convo with them but I was ugly so the girls weren’t really interested. And then after that he stopped talking to me. Brutal.
Damn. Yeah that's really brutal. That's a very good point tho - You both guys need to be in roughly the same social "situation", so that you both benefit from eachother. Btw hows your current social life/outlets? How did this guy become your friend? Don't let him discourage you from finding other mates.
Honestly it is so sad that you even have to do this just to get some puss puss.

60% of men were born losers. So f’ing brutal!

Life does start at HTN…
  • +1
Reactions: EdgyFashionist and ferbite666
Damn. Yeah that's really brutal. That's a very good point tho - You both guys need to be in roughly the same social "situation", so that you both benefit from eachother. Btw hows your current social life/outlets? How did this guy become your friend? Don't let him discourage you from finding other mates.
I was in the city and I just met him at a gas station. It was spontaneous af and got lucky. Plus that dude was partying in the Hamptons with Stacy’s in the summer when I last saw his IG. He was way out of my league socially/status wise lol. He was a alcoholic real estate agent that had a nice apartment in the city his dad was paying for and he literally would just chase ass and party almost daily.
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Honestly it is so sad that you even have to do this just to get some puss puss.

60% of men were born losers. So f’ing brutal!

Life does start at HTN…
Yeah this is price we have to pay for not dating in Middle school/High school when it was socially acceptable to be inexperienced and suck in bed.
I feel like i would slay in cuckmeristan
As a nigger that broke out of KHHV at 23, I'm going to tell you ways you can do the same thing whether you're in college or not.

If you're in college:

1. Social CircleMaxxing:
Here are things you need to take into consideration if you're going down this path:
  • Ideally you want to find an 18-19yo LTB who has 0-3 bodies, is 1-3 points below your looks level and is in a friend group or environment that's separate and far away from the most "attractive/cool" group that you are in, because obviously if you try to lose ur v card to HTBs in ur "cool" friend group that's gonna backfire 9 times out of 10 and she's gonna tell everyone ab how you were a virgin and/or bad and bed and then your reputation is obliterated. So basically friendzone HTBs/Stacy Lites and keep them on the back burner while you're ascending and getting practice with a LTB thats in a "loser" friend group. This is the best strategy trust me. Normies will tell you that you should just be vulnerable about it and women in your friend group won't care about it and will still date you. However this only applies to "loser" friend groups like i said with sub5 and LTB tier women. No woman that's MTB or above is gonna wanna stick around to show a 21yo KHHV the ropes. Sorry guys.

2. Trying to get an LTB from dating apps to be an FWB
  • Basically the same steps from social circle, however this option is less ideal since the women you get from OLD are gonna be WAY lower caliber than what you could get IRL with social circle and the ghost rate on OLD is also extremely high and even chicks 2-3 points below ur SMV will still ghost you if ur not great in bed. It's cutthroat af. However it is still an option where you could find a dumb foid who's willing to be ur FWB for the next few months esp if you live on campus. Elite logistics. But if ur off campus than forget it lol.

3. Cold approaching
  • Good for building a social circle at the beginning of the year but actually cold approaching multiple women throughout the year is very low conversion in comparison to social circle or even OLD even with the slight familiarity and student halo and you also don't want to get a reputation for being the pickup nigger at your school. Which is why if ur gonna do this just stick to warm approach or cold approach but w indirect openers only and scanning for IOIs throughout the convo i.e her asking you questions back and actually engaging in the convo. If none of that is happening just walk away. That wont hurt ur reputation.

If you're not in college:

1. (THIS IS WHAT I DID) Spam Approaching 50-100 women a week at the malls, random events/festivals, college campuses, and basically look for the same 18-19yo LTB w low body count who's 1-3 points below ur SMV and to make this work you at least need to be average height and LTN-MTN facially and you need to be dressed to the nines. Specifically wearing suits. And before you niggers come in here and say "No suit for ur bones bruh", This is how i lost my v card as a MTN skinny fat cel. I approached an LTB in Barnes and Noble and It gave me a crazy halo and as dumb as it sounds the girl thought I was some mysterious wattpad millionaire and I ran with that larp and got cheeks because of it. Still ended up getting ghosted afterwards because I could barely maintain an erection and didnt nut and the girl threw up from untrained gag reflex. But all of this happened because of suitmaxxing. As a KHHV I got Chad treatment temporarily just because I decided to throw on a shitty Macy's suit, spam shitty versace cologne i got from Marshalls, shoe lifts, and 3 swigs of patron pre daygame to stay grounded. Ik this shit sounds try hard and corny but give it a try unless u are a truecel.

2. Social circle maxxing: Doing this outside of college to try to lose ur v card is laughable tbh. Maybe theres a slight chance that if you try to build a social circle within ur church (assuming u go to church), you can find a woman who's also a virgin or okay with you being a virgin but the chances are low tbqh. I remember joining my church young adults group for this reason and when we attended the 1st meeting, we had to do an activity where we had to tell everyone something that we think we need to work on spiritually and i remember 2 girls (who were both 19-20yos) saying that they need to work on avoiding toxic relationships and they proceeded to give the same alpha widowed thot spiel ab their toxic ex. Most Christian women are ran thru anyway and would respond the same way that most other women would to your KHHV status at 20-25. Not worth it mostly tbh.

3. Online dating: For the same reasons i mentioned in the college section, online dating could work but its mostly shit and even if you manage to find a girl that's willing to stick around to practice with, she's most likely gonna be sub5. (I speak from exp there)

4. Pay for it/Geomaxx

Also important reminder that the longer you wait the worse its gonna get. 20 is not a great age to lose ur v card but u could still kinda get away with dating JBs and inexperienced college freshman foids and they are more comfortable with doing that with a 20yo and you maybe could get teen love. But if ur 25yo you're pretty much fucked when it comes to experiencing any type of "teen love" tbh. 99% of 18-19yo foids that are willing to date 25yos are most likely sluts that want an super experienced dude. Not a 25yo KHHV that's mentally 16yo.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if ur a KHHV looking to break out and get enough sexual experience to break out of Late Bloomer Purgatory, then ur gonna need a girl who's extremely high interest. Don't even bother trying to learn "game" to convert medium interest chicks. Huge waste of time and energy esp if you dont have a lot going for yourself. Try to filter for high interest only and find IOIs if ur ugly ass can even get any lmfao (but honestly if u suitmaxx you will get more IOIs as long as ur not sub5).

Hope this helps.
Finna try this if my high inhib doesnt stop me
just suitmaxx theory???

mirin tbh tho im still teencel but not for long i dont want to be a 20cel :feelswhy::feelswhy:
I lost my technical virginity to a hooker and only lost it at twenty one to a eighteen yr old Islamic secular Stacey lite because I legit rizzed her.
Suits are lingerie for men

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