How to build muscle and lose weight as an obesecel

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Dec 9, 2018
Can someone help me out by telling me how to lose weight and build muscle as an obese guy.

If I lose fat would my skin become loose ? If so how to prevent that from happening.

What would happen to my stretch marks ?
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Forget muscles and focus on auschwitz maxing, u can worry about muscles when ur not a fatass
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Can someone help me out by telling me how to lose weight and build muscle as an obese guy.

If I lose fat would my skin become loose ? If so how to prevent that from happening.

What would happen to my stretch marks ?
I got fat cos of the meds i'm forced to take and i have strech marks i wonder if I will have lose skin if I lose weight
Research omad and fasting
Depends how fat you are. If you are far too gone with your weight then you will have loose skin.
The only way to lose weight is CICO (calories in calories out) but there are tools that help you like intermittent fasting or keto. Since you are fat you have tons of energy stored in your body which some of it will be converted into muscles if you lift, so calculate your TDEE, track calories, lift and do cardio if you want. Just to remind you that diet is 99% of weight loss.
Start by walking everyday. Aim to increase distance every week. Eventually, when you are not obese anymore but just "normal" fat, you can start running, since your bodyweight will be easier on your bones and joints. While you do walking/running as cardio, you can also lift some weight like dumbbells to get started, or even bodyweight exercises like push-ups and pull-ups. Most important though -----> eat healthier 6x a week. Have 1 cheat day (eat whatever you want) every week, make it sundays which could be your rest days when you are not exercising.
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Forget muscles and focus on auschwitz maxing, u can worry about muscles when ur not a fatass
This for sure. You'll hear a lot of meme shit, from "body building is the best way to lose weight bro" and "just water fast till you fucking die"

Both are dumb and cringe, here's how you properly lose weight, cardio on stationary equipment (because if you jog when you're fat you can damage your knees permanently), and calorie counting. Depending on how much you balance one or the other you can even focus on what you prefer as long as you don't overeat.

At the moment I primarily am doing calorie counting, but I actually lost over 200LB without calorie counting once by just doing extensive cardio and eating however I wanted, but the thing is both matter.

The reason why cardio matters more than any other form of exercise aswell is because if you're fat, you might have a fucked heart, even if you're young, the liklihood of you dying from heart related issues is quite high, cardio will not only help you lose weight, but strengthen the most important thing in your body, your cardiovascular system, that means even if you fall back and overeat again here and there, you will have a strengthened heart and cardiovascular system, you will feel more energetic, and you will even want to work out more and more.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't count calories tho or only rely on working out. As someone who used to be over 410lb i'd recommend first trying to get into the flow of stationary cardio, preferably on a stationary bike, don't worry about changing your diet just yet or counting calories or any of that nonsense, just try and get into a habit of working out. Maybe start off for 5 minutes on the lowest setting of the bike, then try and push it to 10 minutes, and then 15, and then so on and so on until you can do it for 30 minutes a day on the lowest setting. Give yourself 2 break days a week where you don't need to workout, and then once you are able to consistently do cardio for 30 minutes on the lowest resistance, start increasing the resistance on the stationary bike.

Perhaps after enough time you will be able to use an actual bike, maybe invest in one, they're relatively cheap, i'd recommend only getting an actual bike if you are under 240lb. I'd also recommend getting a bike with resistance settings (yes they exist) my current bike is always on the highest resistance setting when I go out to get food, to the bank, etc, it helps saving on gas aswell.

Now when should you start calorie counting? I'd recommend doing it maybe 3-6 months in of creating a habit of 30 minute cardio workouts, because that's when you should have built up a good healthy habit and willpower. Start small while still maintaining your cardio habit, maybe make sure you don't go above 1800 to 2000 calories, then if you can do that for a month or two, maybe try and stick to between 1500-1800 calories a day for awhile. If you continue this process for 1-2 years you will not only lose weight, you will become more energetic and healthy, and you can still enjoy and eat good food as long as you are within your calorie limit, also you don't have to stick to your calorie limit every day, just stick to the calorie limit on the days you workout, on your break days eat however much food you want, don't worry about any specific meme diets, just eat what you want, create a workout habit, calorie count, etc.

Losing weight and not being fat/chub is more important than gaining muscle, being skinny is the bare minimum to be accepted. Hopefully you wont be like me and have brutal loose skin and gyno even if you lose weight, sadly I still look chub despite losing over 200LB, the only proof I have of being healthy is my energy, and my flexibility, not my body, when I was 410LB I would get winded from merely moving around on my bed, now I can while standing put my leg onto my face.
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Stop eating like a cow For an extended period of time while lifting weights. Eat 1.5k-2 k calories daily devided into 3-4 meals while gymmcelling. Have the willpower to stop being fat. That's all
Watch greg doucette's video on this
Only eat 20% calories less and you can gain muscle and loose fat at the same time
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noobie gains just cut
Should I cut with cardio or lifting or both ?
Dont listen to this braincel, unless you realistically plan to spend hours on a treadmill. If you want to lose weight quickly (<3 months) then auswitzmaxx; water fast until you are like 13-16% bodyfat and then do SS with a lean bulk for 6 months. After that you can focus on doing cardio and cutting, you should also avoid sugar and junk food in the future. Its important that you gain muscle to minimize the amount of loose skin.
Dont listen to this braincel, unless you realistically plan to spend hours on a treadmill. If you want to lose weight quickly (<3 months) then auswitzmaxx; water fast until you are like 13-16% bodyfat and then do SS with a lean bulk for 6 months. After that you can focus on doing cardio and cutting, you should also avoid sugar and junk food in the future. Its important that you gain muscle to minimize the amount of loose skin.
What's SS ?
What's SS ?
The SS | The Holocaust Encyclopedia

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Should I cut with cardio or lifting or both ?
if you’re obese, calorie deficit and not eating sugar will shed off weight like mad on its own. if you don’t lift, you’re just going to end up skinny fat which is a whole different problem entirely, so do both cardio and weight lifting. but ease yourself into it.

look up other people’s obese to fit transformations on bodybuilding forums or reddit and follow the pattern you see
unironically just hit the gym
Start fasting. It’s the quickest way to lose lots of fat when obese.

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