How to convince myself to put my best effort in improve the way I look and stop thinking I'm screwed for life?



Jul 12, 2019
Hi, new fag here. Sorry if its goes super long but it's the first time ever I'm dead serious about putting my best effort to lookmax. Unfortunately, it might also be the first and the last try before giving up. Could it be worth it or should I rope right now?

About me: 30, Caucasian guy, born in Argentina. Almost 100% of my genetic pool (back to my great-grandparents) comes from a Mediterranean background. I would say 5/8 Italian, 1/8 French Basque, 1/8 Spaniard, 1/8 can't tell with exactitude. I'm 5' 8.5'' (174 cm) barefoot so I can easily fake it to be 5' 9'' in shoes. Average height for Argentinian males and I think it’s almost average for Mediterranean males as well but I really can't stop hating not being at least 180 cm. Overall I know I'm not that short, just a 'no-tall' person slightly below average, but I always had feel pretty small. Average wrist size for medium frame ranges from 6.5’’ to 7.5’’ and I'm 6.75’’, so I’m in the short side of average in frame just as with my height. If at least I could somehow earn an inch in height I would be super happy, but I know the only option as of 2019 is LL surgery (no fucking way I'm going through that). A not so full beard and a 7’’ cock in its best days are the only two things that make me remotely feel like a man.

Let's talk about my face. Even I don't have any chad features like positive canthal tilt with hooded/hunter eyes, super high and defined cheekbones, or a perfect gonial angle, I think I like my oval face proportions (from a front perspective) and despite my jaw and chin being as shitty as they can be I also think I’ve a well rounded skull warrior type (the kind of bones on the top of your head that will make you to look good if you shave your hair). Some days I see some potential but others I feel super depressed thinking it’s just over. Main problem is, I have at least a major (but fixable, I guess) flaw in every single aspect.

From bad to worst:

--- Nose: I like it, not in its current state but it has its potential. If I get rid of that stupid hump I could have a normal, average looking straight nose.

--- Hair (dark brown color): controlled balding, NW2/2.5. Not thickening/losing any more hair but my temples are gone by now. Crown area is completely fine as it should be. I can easily fix that with a hair transplant but I lack the money right now so not being able to style your hair or to wear a modern and fresh haircut like a normal person feels super bad to be honest.

--- Eyes area (dark brown eyes): I was born with congenital ptosis in one of my eyelids, so I look like Thom Yorke. Bad enough to be noticeable and it completely ruins my eyes area. Easy to fix as well in the proper hands.

Neutral to slightly negative canthal tilts (can’t tell with exactitude which one I have) and the bags below my eyes due to aging/bad under-eye support doesn’t help either. So I always look tired, ill, old, and unhappy.

-– Chin/Jaw: Oh, boy. I think this is my worst part due to the importance of the lower third. I just... lost the genetic lottery right here (as if it wasn’t enough with all the stuff above). Having a recessed jaw with a weak chin that gives you that stupid convex profile alone ruins your whole face. I think my maxilla and overall forward growth is more than acceptable so maybe a BSSO + genioplasty (if required) can do a miracle in my case.

At the moment I’m working towards getting braces again so I can fix my sub-human lower third, fixing my eyelid, and losing as much body fat as I can (10-15 lb overweight) so I can have a leaner face and a better and update look of how fucked up my face bones are to begin with.

Is there any hope or I just had have enough and should rope right now? I have no problem in sharing a pic of a specific feature but I’m not so willing to upload a complete pic of myself.

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  • +1
Reactions: boss8055, spdxer and ChristianChad
just post a pic instead of writing so long explaining your feature
most user will just write dint read
  • +1
Reactions: National Rodgerism and Soulsmaxx
mushroom and cabermax

didnt read a single word except headline tbh
  • JFL
Reactions: DidntRead and dodt
doubt anyone reading that wall

maybe share some pics
Post a pic of your face
you're 30 and asking people younger than you for life advice
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: ChristianChad, Arcturus and kramer
30+ then you just try to find a desperate single mother or something bro
i would sugest you try this before getting braces because a 30 year old man is not attractive with braces lol
30+ then you just try to find a desperate single mother or something bro
i would sugest you try this before getting braces because a 30 year old man is not attractive with braces lol

lol, I wouldn't care about women even if I was good looking.
I appreciate users who put their time and effort into this site by typing, but to display your features a picture would be the best option fellow fren.
  • +1
Reactions: National Rodgerism and The Dude Abides
EDIT: Will update later better pics with bright sunlight.
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  • So Sad
Reactions: SeiGun
holy shit your lower third is bad man
  • +1
Reactions: theorderoftheflesh
you just gotta practice mindfulness, know your goals,and brute force your way into achieving those goals. this isn't the same as having delusions, you should still know your limits but improve where you can.
  • +1
Reactions: MadMong
Wall of text from OP + photos
OK I'm going to take some time here and be straight with you.

You're going to get a ton of 16 year olds replying who think life ends at 25 and that the only reason to look good is to smash prime Stacies before rotting and having nothing left but memories of your glory days.

Ignore them.

Your goal here should be to become a man YOU can respect. You are the one who has to live with your face, your body, and the way other people will treat you based off their judgements of your physical appearance. None of this suddenly stops being important after 25.. or 30.. or 40.

The man in my avatar is 50+ and in excellent shape. You bet your ass he gets respect everywhere he goes. People even pay him to take his picture.

All that said..

You did a good job summarizing your flaws along with realistic approaches to solving them. Based on your photos I think it's worth going forward with your plan.

Height is more of a location issue. Just wear lifts and get an extra inch or two then it should be a non-issue where you are. Potentially relocate to a place with shorter average male heights if you want to feel tall. No way around this.. fake it with lifts or move.

Lower third is the most important flaw I see and also potentially the most expensive to fix.

How is your bite? Do you have an obvious overbite or underbite or is your smile OK?

If your bite is fine you can possibly make do with jawline augmentation via implants and perhaps sliding genio.

Otherwise you're in for a longer road involving braces and BSSO as you suspected. I don't know how insurance works where you are but try to get the surgery as a necessity. It could easily start causing you pain when you eat.. Affects your quality of life.

Good luck. Men should always strive for excellence and to find meaning in their lives, so the fact this is something you want is enough that you should just commit to it and get it done one way or another.

Life is 100x better when you are moving towards something.

PM me if you want further advice.
  • +1
Reactions: ChristianChad, Traxanas, National Rodgerism and 2 others
OK I'm going to take some time here and be straight with you.

You're going to get a ton of 16 year olds replying who think life ends at 25 and that the only reason to look good is to smash prime Stacies before rotting and having nothing left but memories of your glory days.

Ignore them.

Your goal here should be to become a man YOU can respect. You are the one who has to live with your face, your body, and the way other people will treat you based off their judgements of your physical appearance. None of this suddenly stops being important after 25.. or 30.. or 40.

The man in my avatar is 50+ and in excellent shape. You bet your ass he gets respect everywhere he goes. People even pay him to take his picture.

All that said..

You did a good job summarizing your flaws along with realistic approaches to solving them. Based on your photos I think it's worth going forward with your plan.

Height is more of a location issue. Just wear lifts and get an extra inch or two then it should be a non-issue where you are. Potentially relocate to a place with shorter average male heights if you want to feel tall. No way around this.. fake it with lifts or move.

Lower third is the most important flaw I see and also potentially the most expensive to fix.

How is your bite? Do you have an obvious overbite or underbite or is your smile OK?

If your bite is fine you can possibly make do with jawline augmentation via implants and perhaps sliding genio.

Otherwise you're in for a longer road involving braces and BSSO as you suspected. I don't know how insurance works where you are but try to get the surgery as a necessity. It could easily start causing you pain when you eat.. Affects your quality of life.

Good luck. Men should always strive for excellence and to find meaning in their lives, so the fact this is something you want is enough that you should just commit to it and get it done one way or another.

Life is 100x better when you are moving towards something.

PM me if you want further advice.

Legit best advice on this site
i actually read, and what a waste of time that was, pointless, just post pics wtf are u thinking
Saw the wall, didn't read.
sui is the only option man, at 30 its just over
you ONLY have 1 life

this reason should be enough to improve

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