How to cope with the blackpill & make the best out of it.



Jan 11, 2025
Before we start, this is not some "just be yourself" type of thing. (Of course, looks are a super important thing in life.)

We will go over :
I) How to deal with problems induced by the blackpill.
II) How to use the information given by the blackpill and use it to improve healthily.

If you start to feel hate towards good looking guys/girls, if you feel bad towards your own appearance every time you see yourself in the mirror, if you feel bad when remembering the blackpill after exiting a flow state you entered by playing a basketball game for exemple, this might be for you.

I) Ways to cope with the BP & feel better.

First step : stop feeding yourself BP content.
Getting out of this website for a few weeks will make you think less about the BP. The best case scenario would be to completely delete your account, after all, you came here to have information about how to look better. Now that you know what you need to know, why would stay on this website any longer ?
Being addict to being on this website is a real thing, I would suggest to get out of it abruptly and replace your time spent here by a hobby, something that you are really passionate about.
Same thing for social media, such as TikTok. Stop watching BP edits, tap the "not interested" button. Replace the content by sports content, or chess content, something that you are really passionate about, or at least, watch anything else but BP content.
The most overlooked thing here is the music. Stop listening to music that makes you think about the BP, stop listening to music labelled as "BP music". If you do not follow this last advice, you will inevitably fall again into the rabbit hole.
The goal is to think less about BP by being less exposed to (online content about) it.

Second step : realize that it not that bad.
The majority of us here are "normies", perfectly average looking, (even though the users here are forcing you to think you are subhuman looking), meaning there is in most cases room for improvement, just by doing a few "softmaxxes". Yes, you have a genetic ceiling, a limit. Maybe you won't look like a chad, but at least you have the potential of looking better in some way or another.
Plus, the standards and the rating here are very harsh. Even though inflation of standards is real, most girls do not have such high standards (contrary to what this website and social media want you to believe). I have seen girls be friend with good looking guys but still choosing someone uglier as their boyfriend.
This leads me to my third point. Observe in real life around you couples. Even if it is rare, you will see ugly looking dudes with stunning women. You will see average looking people being in a relationship and happy. Of course, good looking dudes will have it easier, girls will laugh more, ect.... But when you see guys uglier than you with girlfriends, don't you think "If he can, I can." ?
The realization you need to have is beauty is objective but a small part of it will always be subjective. Girls might find you more attractive than an objectively better looking guy simply because you are more niche, and subjectively better looking to them than the other guy. (read Zukiteru's Being niche on paper is (almost) always better than being normal for appeal.)

Third step : be more social.
Talking to others, most importantly individuals (women) that you find good looking can be a way to easily enter a flow state and forget the blackpill for sometime. It will give you a feeling of being appreciated by others (whereas the BP isolates you, makes you hate others) , especially if you already know them. Even if that feeling is some way or another fake, you'll feel better. If you want to go further, you can even give compliments (it has to be honest, do not give compliments just for the sake of it) to other. You'll feel good and you might get a chance to be complimented back, even if the other person is not sincere, you'll feel better. You will build a network of people appreciating you, with whom you can talk with ease. (You might even find a girlfriend)
Most of us here are in some kind of school, where being social is facilitated, you are around people, so why not give it a go ?

Fourth step : brainwash yourself (probably the most effective one).
You got brainwashed by the BP. You saw hundreds of videos, edits, you read hundreds of threats about it. Slowly, you started to accept it as the truth even though you maybe were against it before. The antidote is to brainwash yourself with positivity. Instead of reading threads here, watch hundreds of positive videos (can be "hopecore" for example). Hyperfocus on finding exemples where personality, status, ect...other things than looks, matter, wether it is IRL or online (the observation part of the 2nd step). The goal isn't to believe that looks don't matter, rather firmly believe that other things matter too (while keeping in mind that looks are still important). Looks do play almost every time the most important role in the short term, but it is not the only thing mattering, especially long term.

We saw how to improve mental health while accepting big elements of truth of the BP, and not falling into ignorance (again) that could leave you in a incel state forever. However, it is almost certain that doing this, on its own, will not lead you into being with someone. We need to use those elements of truth to improve looks, without falling into the same poor mental health state we once had. What steps are to follow to achieve this ?

II) Ways to use BP knowledge & improve appearance healthily.

The goal here is to avoid ending up like Jordan Wood (see on TikTok).
The guy was bad looking but already with a girlfriend.
He decided to improve his looks regardless, which is very respectable, it shows a certain level of dedication. He made solid progress over the course of a year only, but he is saying it is not enough.
Now, he want to do surgeries and hop on steroids, even though he is good looking and already has a GF, which makes no sense, because the goal of improving looks should be to be with someone, and not to fall into the unhealthy trap of "it is never enough".

First step : apply all the steps in the previous paragraphs (as you are doing the steps below).
It is impossible to really improve on one thing if your mental health is bad, especially if it is negatively affected by that one thing in the long run. Think of an athlete, for exemple a sprinter. Do you really think he will improve if sprinting gives him sports depression all of a sudden ? No. Same with improving your looks. Fix your mental, otherwise you won't make progress.
Second step : identify the things you need to fix & establish a routine.
Already having all the information you need, it is pretty easy to identify the things that you need to fix. It could be you skin, your eyebrow, other lacking areas. You should be in an optic where you focus on what really works first, then try methods that might work. For example, thumbpulling and all of those suture pulling/pulling might work in long term, but do not forget to do the basics. Don't forget your health. If you do, others techniques will not work, or be sustainable. How do you expect forward growth if you don't chew properly and have a overbite ? How can you expect forward growth if you use your mentalis muscle to close your lips ?
Wider zygomatics than gonions ? Train your neck, it will give the illusion that the gonions are full. (Raise your shoulders as if you were shrugging to see what you could look like in a few months of training.)
Bad eye area ? Maybe try to grow your lashes, grow your eyebrow and trim it, and it will look better.
You get my point.

Adapt yourself to constrain. For example, if you want to do thumbpulling every two hours but you have school, maybe use breaks to go somewhere you are not seen (the toilets) and do it.

Third step : take action.
Knowing what you should do can be overwhelming and stressing, making you not want to do all of this, wether it be improving your appearance or giving compliments to strangers. Or maybe you are just too much distracted, you end up scrolling on your phone (all day) or doing a hobby instead of improving.
The two biggest things that can prevent you from taking action are your phone (your biggest distraction) and stress/overthinking (having to much to do to improve your looks, overthinking instead of talking to someone).
You don't need discipline, you don't need to rely on motivation. Just stop thinking and do it immediately, like a robot.
Put the phone away
, even throw it at the window. I've noticed that I was much more consistent with thumbpulling/suture pulling, pushing at school even thought all I can listen to is my pain when I'm pulling my zygos outwards from the inside of my cheeks, than I was at home, because I can't use my phone there. Something that really helped me with consistency at home is to suddenly put away my phone and do the thing that I have to do without thinking. You could use a time every two hour, when it rings, just put the phone down and do thumbpulling.
Same thing when wanting to talk to other people. I used to believe I could not give compliments to a girl I found beautiful and I barely knew. I used to overthink for longs periods of time and then I ended up not saying anything and being frustrated. Understand the best thing to do is the second you get the thought of talking to someone, do it immediately before doubt come in. Start to 3 and count down to zero, and then talk to them. Sometimes, the moment is really not favorable. Just forget that you want to talk to them and when the situation allows it, apply the tips I previously gave you.
Today I complimented a pretty girl (about her painted nails) I had barely talked before, and even if the delivery was a bit awkward, I did it and looking back at it I must say I'm proud.

Fourth step : prevent regressing/giving up.
-Stop comparing yourself to others. If you can't stop being jealous of a guy because he is better looking, stop looking at him, only focus on your transformation.
-Use the beauty of others as motivation. It will not make you take action reliably, but can be a nice way sometimes to take action. Observe others, tell yourself "I want that too" and just do improve to get that thing (could be clear skin). Try to be stay realistic. If you want to have something your genetics won't allow you to get, but you try regardless, you could end up falling in perpetual comparaison, or go bac to the blackpill, which we don't want.
-Don't over obsess over your looks or the results you are getting. Looksmaxxing should not be your whole life, it should at max be a a fifth of your day. Too much obsession will make you narcissistic, and could end up be a turn off for many people. You might become a social outcast because "the only thing he cares about are looks and that is weird.".
-Remember that results can take a long time before they are visible. Goes hand in hand with avoding obsessing over the results you are getting. Just because you see little to no results a few weeks in, even if people people all over the Internet told you should, does not mean you should give up. Doing the things without expecting results will lead you to have results. Do it without thinking, like a robot. You will have results sooner than you’ll realize.

-Remember to follow steps mentioned in the first part of the post. Remember that looks play almost every time the most important role in the short term, but it is not the only thing mattering, especially long term.

Keep living your normal life, just implement looksmaxxing and improving social skills.

Take care of your mental health, and get out of this space, it isn’t propice for bettering yourself (looks included)
At the same time, use the information you learned from this space to improve physically and better your socials skills as well. Stop the thinking and do it.

You already know what to do.

Good luck,


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fire brah
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Thank you for this brah mirin ❤️
Damm I needed this, Ty bhai❤️
Before we start, this is not some "just be yourself" type of thing. (Of course, looks are a super important thing in life.)

We will go over :
I) How to deal with problems induced by the blackpill.
II) How to use the information given by the blackpill and use it to improve healthily.

If you start to feel hate towards good looking guys/girls, if you feel bad towards your own appearance every time you see yourself in the mirror, if you feel bad when remembering the blackpill after exiting a flow state you entered by playing a basketball game for exemple, this might be for you.

I) Ways to cope with the BP & feel better.

First step : stop feeding yourself BP content.
Getting out of this website for a few weeks will make you think less about the BP. The best case scenario would be to completely delete your account, after all, you came here to have information about how to look better. Now that you know what you need to know, why would stay on this website any longer ?
Being addict to being on this website is a real thing, I would suggest to get out of it abruptly and replace your time spent here by a hobby, something that you are really passionate about.
Same thing for social media, such as TikTok. Stop watching BP edits, tap the "not interested" button. Replace the content by sports content, or chess content, something that you are really passionate about, or at least, watch anything else but BP content.
The most overlooked thing here is the music. Stop listening to music that makes you think about the BP, stop listening to music labelled as "BP music". If you do not follow this last advice, you will inevitably fall again into the rabbit hole.
The goal is to think less about BP by being less exposed to (online content about) it.

Second step : realize that it not that bad.
The majority of us here are "normies", perfectly average looking, (even though the users here are forcing you to think you are subhuman looking), meaning there is in most cases room for improvement, just by doing a few "softmaxxes". Yes, you have a genetic ceiling, a limit. Maybe you won't look like a chad, but at least you have the potential of looking better in some way or another.
Plus, the standards and the rating here are very harsh. Even though inflation of standards is real, most girls do not have such high standards (contrary to what this website and social media want you to believe). I have seen girls be friend with good looking guys but still choosing someone uglier as their boyfriend.
This leads me to my third point. Observe in real life around you couples. Even if it is rare, you will see ugly looking dudes with stunning women. You will see average looking people being in a relationship and happy. Of course, good looking dudes will have it easier, girls will laugh more, ect.... But when you see guys uglier than you with girlfriends, don't you think "If he can, I can." ?
The realization you need to have is beauty is objective but a small part of it will always be subjective. Girls might find you more attractive than an objectively better looking guy simply because you are more niche, and subjectively better looking to them than the other guy. (read Zukiteru's Being niche on paper is (almost) always better than being normal for appeal.)

Third step : be more social.
Talking to others, most importantly individuals (women) that you find good looking can be a way to easily enter a flow state and forget the blackpill for sometime. It will give you a feeling of being appreciated by others (whereas the BP isolates you, makes you hate others) , especially if you already know them. Even if that feeling is some way or another fake, you'll feel better. If you want to go further, you can even give compliments (it has to be honest, do not give compliments just for the sake of it) to other. You'll feel good and you might get a chance to be complimented back, even if the other person is not sincere, you'll feel better. You will build a network of people appreciating you, with whom you can talk with ease. (You might even find a girlfriend)
Most of us here are in some kind of school, where being social is facilitated, you are around people, so why not give it a go ?

Fourth step : brainwash yourself (probably the most effective one).
You got brainwashed by the BP. You saw hundreds of videos, edits, you read hundreds of threats about it. Slowly, you started to accept it as the truth even though you maybe were against it before. The antidote is to brainwash yourself with positivity. Instead of reading threads here, watch hundreds of positive videos (can be "hopecore" for example). Hyperfocus on finding exemples where personality, status, ect...other things than looks, matter, wether it is IRL or online (the observation part of the 2nd step). The goal isn't to believe that looks don't matter, rather firmly believe that other things matter too (while keeping in mind that looks are still important). Looks do play almost every time the most important role in the short term, but it is not the only thing mattering, especially long term.

We saw how to improve mental health while accepting big elements of truth of the BP, and not falling into ignorance (again) that could leave you in a incel state forever. However, it is almost certain that doing this, on its own, will not lead you into being with someone. We need to use those elements of truth to improve looks, without falling into the same poor mental health state we once had. What steps are to follow to achieve this ?

II) Ways to use BP knowledge & improve appearance healthily.

The goal here is to avoid ending up like Jordan Wood (see on TikTok).
The guy was bad looking but already with a girlfriend.
He decided to improve his looks regardless, which is very respectable, it shows a certain level of dedication. He made solid progress over the course of a year only, but he is saying it is not enough.
Now, he want to do surgeries and hop on steroids, even though he is good looking and already has a GF, which makes no sense, because the goal of improving looks should be to be with someone, and not to fall into the unhealthy trap of "it is never enough".

First step : apply all the steps in the previous paragraphs (as you are doing the steps below).
It is impossible to really improve on one thing if your mental health is bad, especially if it is negatively affected by that one thing in the long run. Think of an athlete, for exemple a sprinter. Do you really think he will improve if sprinting gives him sports depression all of a sudden ? No. Same with improving your looks. Fix your mental, otherwise you won't make progress.
Second step : identify the things you need to fix & establish a routine.
Already having all the information you need, it is pretty easy to identify the things that you need to fix. It could be you skin, your eyebrow, other lacking areas. You should be in an optic where you focus on what really works first, then try methods that might work. For example, thumbpulling and all of those suture pulling/pulling might work in long term, but do not forget to do the basics. Don't forget your health. If you do, others techniques will not work, or be sustainable. How do you expect forward growth if you don't chew properly and have a overbite ? How can you expect forward growth if you use your mentalis muscle to close your lips ?
Wider zygomatics than gonions ? Train your neck, it will give the illusion that the gonions are full. (Raise your shoulders as if you were shrugging to see what you could look like in a few months of training.)
Bad eye area ? Maybe try to grow your lashes, grow your eyebrow and trim it, and it will look better.
You get my point.

Adapt yourself to constrain. For example, if you want to do thumbpulling every two hours but you have school, maybe use breaks to go somewhere you are not seen (the toilets) and do it.

Third step : take action.
Knowing what you should do can be overwhelming and stressing, making you not want to do all of this, wether it be improving your appearance or giving compliments to strangers. Or maybe you are just too much distracted, you end up scrolling on your phone (all day) or doing a hobby instead of improving.
The two biggest things that can prevent you from taking action are your phone (your biggest distraction) and stress/overthinking (having to much to do to improve your looks, overthinking instead of talking to someone).
You don't need discipline, you don't need to rely on motivation. Just stop thinking and do it immediately, like a robot.
Put the phone away
, even throw it at the window. I've noticed that I was much more consistent with thumbpulling/suture pulling, pushing at school even thought all I can listen to is my pain when I'm pulling my zygos outwards from the inside of my cheeks, than I was at home, because I can't use my phone there. Something that really helped me with consistency at home is to suddenly put away my phone and do the thing that I have to do without thinking. You could use a time every two hour, when it rings, just put the phone down and do thumbpulling.
Same thing when wanting to talk to other people. I used to believe I could not give compliments to a girl I found beautiful and I barely knew. I used to overthink for longs periods of time and then I ended up not saying anything and being frustrated. Understand the best thing to do is the second you get the thought of talking to someone, do it immediately before doubt come in. Start to 3 and count down to zero, and then talk to them. Sometimes, the moment is really not favorable. Just forget that you want to talk to them and when the situation allows it, apply the tips I previously gave you.
Today I complimented a pretty girl (about her painted nails) I had barely talked before, and even if the delivery was a bit awkward, I did it and looking back at it I must say I'm proud.

Fourth step : prevent regressing/giving up.
-Stop comparing yourself to others. If you can't stop being jealous of a guy because he is better looking, stop looking at him, only focus on your transformation.
-Use the beauty of others as motivation. It will not make you take action reliably, but can be a nice way sometimes to take action. Observe others, tell yourself "I want that too" and just do improve to get that thing (could be clear skin). Try to be stay realistic. If you want to have something your genetics won't allow you to get, but you try regardless, you could end up falling in perpetual comparaison, or go bac to the blackpill, which we don't want.
-Don't over obsess over your looks or the results you are getting. Looksmaxxing should not be your whole life, it should at max be a a fifth of your day. Too much obsession will make you narcissistic, and could end up be a turn off for many people. You might become a social outcast because "the only thing he cares about are looks and that is weird.".
-Remember that results can take a long time before they are visible. Goes hand in hand with avoding obsessing over the results you are getting. Just because you see little to no results a few weeks in, even if people people all over the Internet told you should, does not mean you should give up. Doing the things without expecting results will lead you to have results. Do it without thinking, like a robot. You will have results sooner than you’ll realize.

-Remember to follow steps mentioned in the first part of the post. Remember that looks play almost every time the most important role in the short term, but it is not the only thing mattering, especially long term.

Keep living your normal life, just implement looksmaxxing and improving social skills.

Take care of your mental health, and get out of this space, it isn’t propice for bettering yourself (looks included)
At the same time, use the information you learned from this space to improve physically and better your socials skills as well. Stop the thinking and do it.

You already know what to do.

Good luck,


if you're able to cope with bp, you're not truly blackpilled.
  • +1
Reactions: Lonenely sigma and SexWhale
I cope with the fantasy that a CCW Trimax & Midface Implants & HT with lifelong intake of finasterid & dyeing my hair silver will ascend me to a beautiful man.
Before we start, this is not some "just be yourself" type of thing. (Of course, looks are a super important thing in life.)

We will go over :
I) How to deal with problems induced by the blackpill.
II) How to use the information given by the blackpill and use it to improve healthily.

If you start to feel hate towards good looking guys/girls, if you feel bad towards your own appearance every time you see yourself in the mirror, if you feel bad when remembering the blackpill after exiting a flow state you entered by playing a basketball game for exemple, this might be for you.

I) Ways to cope with the BP & feel better.

First step : stop feeding yourself BP content.
Getting out of this website for a few weeks will make you think less about the BP. The best case scenario would be to completely delete your account, after all, you came here to have information about how to look better. Now that you know what you need to know, why would stay on this website any longer ?
Being addict to being on this website is a real thing, I would suggest to get out of it abruptly and replace your time spent here by a hobby, something that you are really passionate about.
Same thing for social media, such as TikTok. Stop watching BP edits, tap the "not interested" button. Replace the content by sports content, or chess content, something that you are really passionate about, or at least, watch anything else but BP content.
The most overlooked thing here is the music. Stop listening to music that makes you think about the BP, stop listening to music labelled as "BP music". If you do not follow this last advice, you will inevitably fall again into the rabbit hole.
The goal is to think less about BP by being less exposed to (online content about) it.

Second step : realize that it not that bad.
The majority of us here are "normies", perfectly average looking, (even though the users here are forcing you to think you are subhuman looking), meaning there is in most cases room for improvement, just by doing a few "softmaxxes". Yes, you have a genetic ceiling, a limit. Maybe you won't look like a chad, but at least you have the potential of looking better in some way or another.
Plus, the standards and the rating here are very harsh. Even though inflation of standards is real, most girls do not have such high standards (contrary to what this website and social media want you to believe). I have seen girls be friend with good looking guys but still choosing someone uglier as their boyfriend.
This leads me to my third point. Observe in real life around you couples. Even if it is rare, you will see ugly looking dudes with stunning women. You will see average looking people being in a relationship and happy. Of course, good looking dudes will have it easier, girls will laugh more, ect.... But when you see guys uglier than you with girlfriends, don't you think "If he can, I can." ?
The realization you need to have is beauty is objective but a small part of it will always be subjective. Girls might find you more attractive than an objectively better looking guy simply because you are more niche, and subjectively better looking to them than the other guy. (read Zukiteru's Being niche on paper is (almost) always better than being normal for appeal.)

Third step : be more social.
Talking to others, most importantly individuals (women) that you find good looking can be a way to easily enter a flow state and forget the blackpill for sometime. It will give you a feeling of being appreciated by others (whereas the BP isolates you, makes you hate others) , especially if you already know them. Even if that feeling is some way or another fake, you'll feel better. If you want to go further, you can even give compliments (it has to be honest, do not give compliments just for the sake of it) to other. You'll feel good and you might get a chance to be complimented back, even if the other person is not sincere, you'll feel better. You will build a network of people appreciating you, with whom you can talk with ease. (You might even find a girlfriend)
Most of us here are in some kind of school, where being social is facilitated, you are around people, so why not give it a go ?

Fourth step : brainwash yourself (probably the most effective one).
You got brainwashed by the BP. You saw hundreds of videos, edits, you read hundreds of threats about it. Slowly, you started to accept it as the truth even though you maybe were against it before. The antidote is to brainwash yourself with positivity. Instead of reading threads here, watch hundreds of positive videos (can be "hopecore" for example). Hyperfocus on finding exemples where personality, status, ect...other things than looks, matter, wether it is IRL or online (the observation part of the 2nd step). The goal isn't to believe that looks don't matter, rather firmly believe that other things matter too (while keeping in mind that looks are still important). Looks do play almost every time the most important role in the short term, but it is not the only thing mattering, especially long term.

We saw how to improve mental health while accepting big elements of truth of the BP, and not falling into ignorance (again) that could leave you in a incel state forever. However, it is almost certain that doing this, on its own, will not lead you into being with someone. We need to use those elements of truth to improve looks, without falling into the same poor mental health state we once had. What steps are to follow to achieve this ?

II) Ways to use BP knowledge & improve appearance healthily.

The goal here is to avoid ending up like Jordan Wood (see on TikTok).
The guy was bad looking but already with a girlfriend.
He decided to improve his looks regardless, which is very respectable, it shows a certain level of dedication. He made solid progress over the course of a year only, but he is saying it is not enough.
Now, he want to do surgeries and hop on steroids, even though he is good looking and already has a GF, which makes no sense, because the goal of improving looks should be to be with someone, and not to fall into the unhealthy trap of "it is never enough".

First step : apply all the steps in the previous paragraphs (as you are doing the steps below).
It is impossible to really improve on one thing if your mental health is bad, especially if it is negatively affected by that one thing in the long run. Think of an athlete, for exemple a sprinter. Do you really think he will improve if sprinting gives him sports depression all of a sudden ? No. Same with improving your looks. Fix your mental, otherwise you won't make progress.
Second step : identify the things you need to fix & establish a routine.
Already having all the information you need, it is pretty easy to identify the things that you need to fix. It could be you skin, your eyebrow, other lacking areas. You should be in an optic where you focus on what really works first, then try methods that might work. For example, thumbpulling and all of those suture pulling/pulling might work in long term, but do not forget to do the basics. Don't forget your health. If you do, others techniques will not work, or be sustainable. How do you expect forward growth if you don't chew properly and have a overbite ? How can you expect forward growth if you use your mentalis muscle to close your lips ?
Wider zygomatics than gonions ? Train your neck, it will give the illusion that the gonions are full. (Raise your shoulders as if you were shrugging to see what you could look like in a few months of training.)
Bad eye area ? Maybe try to grow your lashes, grow your eyebrow and trim it, and it will look better.
You get my point.

Adapt yourself to constrain. For example, if you want to do thumbpulling every two hours but you have school, maybe use breaks to go somewhere you are not seen (the toilets) and do it.

Third step : take action.
Knowing what you should do can be overwhelming and stressing, making you not want to do all of this, wether it be improving your appearance or giving compliments to strangers. Or maybe you are just too much distracted, you end up scrolling on your phone (all day) or doing a hobby instead of improving.
The two biggest things that can prevent you from taking action are your phone (your biggest distraction) and stress/overthinking (having to much to do to improve your looks, overthinking instead of talking to someone).
You don't need discipline, you don't need to rely on motivation. Just stop thinking and do it immediately, like a robot.
Put the phone away
, even throw it at the window. I've noticed that I was much more consistent with thumbpulling/suture pulling, pushing at school even thought all I can listen to is my pain when I'm pulling my zygos outwards from the inside of my cheeks, than I was at home, because I can't use my phone there. Something that really helped me with consistency at home is to suddenly put away my phone and do the thing that I have to do without thinking. You could use a time every two hour, when it rings, just put the phone down and do thumbpulling.
Same thing when wanting to talk to other people. I used to believe I could not give compliments to a girl I found beautiful and I barely knew. I used to overthink for longs periods of time and then I ended up not saying anything and being frustrated. Understand the best thing to do is the second you get the thought of talking to someone, do it immediately before doubt come in. Start to 3 and count down to zero, and then talk to them. Sometimes, the moment is really not favorable. Just forget that you want to talk to them and when the situation allows it, apply the tips I previously gave you.
Today I complimented a pretty girl (about her painted nails) I had barely talked before, and even if the delivery was a bit awkward, I did it and looking back at it I must say I'm proud.

Fourth step : prevent regressing/giving up.
-Stop comparing yourself to others. If you can't stop being jealous of a guy because he is better looking, stop looking at him, only focus on your transformation.
-Use the beauty of others as motivation. It will not make you take action reliably, but can be a nice way sometimes to take action. Observe others, tell yourself "I want that too" and just do improve to get that thing (could be clear skin). Try to be stay realistic. If you want to have something your genetics won't allow you to get, but you try regardless, you could end up falling in perpetual comparaison, or go bac to the blackpill, which we don't want.
-Don't over obsess over your looks or the results you are getting. Looksmaxxing should not be your whole life, it should at max be a a fifth of your day. Too much obsession will make you narcissistic, and could end up be a turn off for many people. You might become a social outcast because "the only thing he cares about are looks and that is weird.".
-Remember that results can take a long time before they are visible. Goes hand in hand with avoding obsessing over the results you are getting. Just because you see little to no results a few weeks in, even if people people all over the Internet told you should, does not mean you should give up. Doing the things without expecting results will lead you to have results. Do it without thinking, like a robot. You will have results sooner than you’ll realize.

-Remember to follow steps mentioned in the first part of the post. Remember that looks play almost every time the most important role in the short term, but it is not the only thing mattering, especially long term.

Keep living your normal life, just implement looksmaxxing and improving social skills.

Take care of your mental health, and get out of this space, it isn’t propice for bettering yourself (looks included)
At the same time, use the information you learned from this space to improve physically and better your socials skills as well. Stop the thinking and do it.

You already know what to do.

Good luck,


Good effort actually

Most of this is water tho
Before we start, this is not some "just be yourself" type of thing. (Of course, looks are a super important thing in life.)

We will go over :
I) How to deal with problems induced by the blackpill.
II) How to use the information given by the blackpill and use it to improve healthily.

If you start to feel hate towards good looking guys/girls, if you feel bad towards your own appearance every time you see yourself in the mirror, if you feel bad when remembering the blackpill after exiting a flow state you entered by playing a basketball game for exemple, this might be for you.

I) Ways to cope with the BP & feel better.

First step : stop feeding yourself BP content.
Getting out of this website for a few weeks will make you think less about the BP. The best case scenario would be to completely delete your account, after all, you came here to have information about how to look better. Now that you know what you need to know, why would stay on this website any longer ?
Being addict to being on this website is a real thing, I would suggest to get out of it abruptly and replace your time spent here by a hobby, something that you are really passionate about.
Same thing for social media, such as TikTok. Stop watching BP edits, tap the "not interested" button. Replace the content by sports content, or chess content, something that you are really passionate about, or at least, watch anything else but BP content.
The most overlooked thing here is the music. Stop listening to music that makes you think about the BP, stop listening to music labelled as "BP music". If you do not follow this last advice, you will inevitably fall again into the rabbit hole.
The goal is to think less about BP by being less exposed to (online content about) it.

Second step : realize that it not that bad.
The majority of us here are "normies", perfectly average looking, (even though the users here are forcing you to think you are subhuman looking), meaning there is in most cases room for improvement, just by doing a few "softmaxxes". Yes, you have a genetic ceiling, a limit. Maybe you won't look like a chad, but at least you have the potential of looking better in some way or another.
Plus, the standards and the rating here are very harsh. Even though inflation of standards is real, most girls do not have such high standards (contrary to what this website and social media want you to believe). I have seen girls be friend with good looking guys but still choosing someone uglier as their boyfriend.
This leads me to my third point. Observe in real life around you couples. Even if it is rare, you will see ugly looking dudes with stunning women. You will see average looking people being in a relationship and happy. Of course, good looking dudes will have it easier, girls will laugh more, ect.... But when you see guys uglier than you with girlfriends, don't you think "If he can, I can." ?
The realization you need to have is beauty is objective but a small part of it will always be subjective. Girls might find you more attractive than an objectively better looking guy simply because you are more niche, and subjectively better looking to them than the other guy. (read Zukiteru's Being niche on paper is (almost) always better than being normal for appeal.)

Third step : be more social.
Talking to others, most importantly individuals (women) that you find good looking can be a way to easily enter a flow state and forget the blackpill for sometime. It will give you a feeling of being appreciated by others (whereas the BP isolates you, makes you hate others) , especially if you already know them. Even if that feeling is some way or another fake, you'll feel better. If you want to go further, you can even give compliments (it has to be honest, do not give compliments just for the sake of it) to other. You'll feel good and you might get a chance to be complimented back, even if the other person is not sincere, you'll feel better. You will build a network of people appreciating you, with whom you can talk with ease. (You might even find a girlfriend)
Most of us here are in some kind of school, where being social is facilitated, you are around people, so why not give it a go ?

Fourth step : brainwash yourself (probably the most effective one).
You got brainwashed by the BP. You saw hundreds of videos, edits, you read hundreds of threats about it. Slowly, you started to accept it as the truth even though you maybe were against it before. The antidote is to brainwash yourself with positivity. Instead of reading threads here, watch hundreds of positive videos (can be "hopecore" for example). Hyperfocus on finding exemples where personality, status, ect...other things than looks, matter, wether it is IRL or online (the observation part of the 2nd step). The goal isn't to believe that looks don't matter, rather firmly believe that other things matter too (while keeping in mind that looks are still important). Looks do play almost every time the most important role in the short term, but it is not the only thing mattering, especially long term.

We saw how to improve mental health while accepting big elements of truth of the BP, and not falling into ignorance (again) that could leave you in a incel state forever. However, it is almost certain that doing this, on its own, will not lead you into being with someone. We need to use those elements of truth to improve looks, without falling into the same poor mental health state we once had. What steps are to follow to achieve this ?

II) Ways to use BP knowledge & improve appearance healthily.

The goal here is to avoid ending up like Jordan Wood (see on TikTok).
The guy was bad looking but already with a girlfriend.
He decided to improve his looks regardless, which is very respectable, it shows a certain level of dedication. He made solid progress over the course of a year only, but he is saying it is not enough.
Now, he want to do surgeries and hop on steroids, even though he is good looking and already has a GF, which makes no sense, because the goal of improving looks should be to be with someone, and not to fall into the unhealthy trap of "it is never enough".

First step : apply all the steps in the previous paragraphs (as you are doing the steps below).
It is impossible to really improve on one thing if your mental health is bad, especially if it is negatively affected by that one thing in the long run. Think of an athlete, for exemple a sprinter. Do you really think he will improve if sprinting gives him sports depression all of a sudden ? No. Same with improving your looks. Fix your mental, otherwise you won't make progress.
Second step : identify the things you need to fix & establish a routine.
Already having all the information you need, it is pretty easy to identify the things that you need to fix. It could be you skin, your eyebrow, other lacking areas. You should be in an optic where you focus on what really works first, then try methods that might work. For example, thumbpulling and all of those suture pulling/pulling might work in long term, but do not forget to do the basics. Don't forget your health. If you do, others techniques will not work, or be sustainable. How do you expect forward growth if you don't chew properly and have a overbite ? How can you expect forward growth if you use your mentalis muscle to close your lips ?
Wider zygomatics than gonions ? Train your neck, it will give the illusion that the gonions are full. (Raise your shoulders as if you were shrugging to see what you could look like in a few months of training.)
Bad eye area ? Maybe try to grow your lashes, grow your eyebrow and trim it, and it will look better.
You get my point.

Adapt yourself to constrain. For example, if you want to do thumbpulling every two hours but you have school, maybe use breaks to go somewhere you are not seen (the toilets) and do it.

Third step : take action.
Knowing what you should do can be overwhelming and stressing, making you not want to do all of this, wether it be improving your appearance or giving compliments to strangers. Or maybe you are just too much distracted, you end up scrolling on your phone (all day) or doing a hobby instead of improving.
The two biggest things that can prevent you from taking action are your phone (your biggest distraction) and stress/overthinking (having to much to do to improve your looks, overthinking instead of talking to someone).
You don't need discipline, you don't need to rely on motivation. Just stop thinking and do it immediately, like a robot.
Put the phone away
, even throw it at the window. I've noticed that I was much more consistent with thumbpulling/suture pulling, pushing at school even thought all I can listen to is my pain when I'm pulling my zygos outwards from the inside of my cheeks, than I was at home, because I can't use my phone there. Something that really helped me with consistency at home is to suddenly put away my phone and do the thing that I have to do without thinking. You could use a time every two hour, when it rings, just put the phone down and do thumbpulling.
Same thing when wanting to talk to other people. I used to believe I could not give compliments to a girl I found beautiful and I barely knew. I used to overthink for longs periods of time and then I ended up not saying anything and being frustrated. Understand the best thing to do is the second you get the thought of talking to someone, do it immediately before doubt come in. Start to 3 and count down to zero, and then talk to them. Sometimes, the moment is really not favorable. Just forget that you want to talk to them and when the situation allows it, apply the tips I previously gave you.
Today I complimented a pretty girl (about her painted nails) I had barely talked before, and even if the delivery was a bit awkward, I did it and looking back at it I must say I'm proud.

Fourth step : prevent regressing/giving up.
-Stop comparing yourself to others. If you can't stop being jealous of a guy because he is better looking, stop looking at him, only focus on your transformation.
-Use the beauty of others as motivation. It will not make you take action reliably, but can be a nice way sometimes to take action. Observe others, tell yourself "I want that too" and just do improve to get that thing (could be clear skin). Try to be stay realistic. If you want to have something your genetics won't allow you to get, but you try regardless, you could end up falling in perpetual comparaison, or go bac to the blackpill, which we don't want.
-Don't over obsess over your looks or the results you are getting. Looksmaxxing should not be your whole life, it should at max be a a fifth of your day. Too much obsession will make you narcissistic, and could end up be a turn off for many people. You might become a social outcast because "the only thing he cares about are looks and that is weird.".
-Remember that results can take a long time before they are visible. Goes hand in hand with avoding obsessing over the results you are getting. Just because you see little to no results a few weeks in, even if people people all over the Internet told you should, does not mean you should give up. Doing the things without expecting results will lead you to have results. Do it without thinking, like a robot. You will have results sooner than you’ll realize.

-Remember to follow steps mentioned in the first part of the post. Remember that looks play almost every time the most important role in the short term, but it is not the only thing mattering, especially long term.

Keep living your normal life, just implement looksmaxxing and improving social skills.

Take care of your mental health, and get out of this space, it isn’t propice for bettering yourself (looks included)
At the same time, use the information you learned from this space to improve physically and better your socials skills as well. Stop the thinking and do it.

You already know what to do.

Good luck,


Im not reading allat i got adhd fr fr
The goal here is to avoid ending up like Jordan Wood (see on TikTok).
The guy was bad looking but already with a girlfriend.
He decided to improve his looks regardless, which is very respectable, it shows a certain level of dedication. He made solid progress over the course of a year only, but he is saying it is not enough.
Now, he want to do surgeries and hop on steroids, even though he is good looking and already has a GF, which makes no sense, because
Bro doesn't want to take steroids and do surgery wtf are you talking about
Before we start, this is not some "just be yourself" type of thing. (Of course, looks are a super important thing in life.)

We will go over :
I) How to deal with problems induced by the blackpill.
II) How to use the information given by the blackpill and use it to improve healthily.

If you start to feel hate towards good looking guys/girls, if you feel bad towards your own appearance every time you see yourself in the mirror, if you feel bad when remembering the blackpill after exiting a flow state you entered by playing a basketball game for exemple, this might be for you.

I) Ways to cope with the BP & feel better.

First step : stop feeding yourself BP content.
Getting out of this website for a few weeks will make you think less about the BP. The best case scenario would be to completely delete your account, after all, you came here to have information about how to look better. Now that you know what you need to know, why would stay on this website any longer ?
Being addict to being on this website is a real thing, I would suggest to get out of it abruptly and replace your time spent here by a hobby, something that you are really passionate about.
Same thing for social media, such as TikTok. Stop watching BP edits, tap the "not interested" button. Replace the content by sports content, or chess content, something that you are really passionate about, or at least, watch anything else but BP content.
The most overlooked thing here is the music. Stop listening to music that makes you think about the BP, stop listening to music labelled as "BP music". If you do not follow this last advice, you will inevitably fall again into the rabbit hole.
The goal is to think less about BP by being less exposed to (online content about) it.

Second step : realize that it not that bad.
The majority of us here are "normies", perfectly average looking, (even though the users here are forcing you to think you are subhuman looking), meaning there is in most cases room for improvement, just by doing a few "softmaxxes". Yes, you have a genetic ceiling, a limit. Maybe you won't look like a chad, but at least you have the potential of looking better in some way or another.
Plus, the standards and the rating here are very harsh. Even though inflation of standards is real, most girls do not have such high standards (contrary to what this website and social media want you to believe). I have seen girls be friend with good looking guys but still choosing someone uglier as their boyfriend.
This leads me to my third point. Observe in real life around you couples. Even if it is rare, you will see ugly looking dudes with stunning women. You will see average looking people being in a relationship and happy. Of course, good looking dudes will have it easier, girls will laugh more, ect.... But when you see guys uglier than you with girlfriends, don't you think "If he can, I can." ?
The realization you need to have is beauty is objective but a small part of it will always be subjective. Girls might find you more attractive than an objectively better looking guy simply because you are more niche, and subjectively better looking to them than the other guy. (read Zukiteru's Being niche on paper is (almost) always better than being normal for appeal.)

Third step : be more social.
Talking to others, most importantly individuals (women) that you find good looking can be a way to easily enter a flow state and forget the blackpill for sometime. It will give you a feeling of being appreciated by others (whereas the BP isolates you, makes you hate others) , especially if you already know them. Even if that feeling is some way or another fake, you'll feel better. If you want to go further, you can even give compliments (it has to be honest, do not give compliments just for the sake of it) to other. You'll feel good and you might get a chance to be complimented back, even if the other person is not sincere, you'll feel better. You will build a network of people appreciating you, with whom you can talk with ease. (You might even find a girlfriend)
Most of us here are in some kind of school, where being social is facilitated, you are around people, so why not give it a go ?

Fourth step : brainwash yourself (probably the most effective one).
You got brainwashed by the BP. You saw hundreds of videos, edits, you read hundreds of threats about it. Slowly, you started to accept it as the truth even though you maybe were against it before. The antidote is to brainwash yourself with positivity. Instead of reading threads here, watch hundreds of positive videos (can be "hopecore" for example). Hyperfocus on finding exemples where personality, status, ect...other things than looks, matter, wether it is IRL or online (the observation part of the 2nd step). The goal isn't to believe that looks don't matter, rather firmly believe that other things matter too (while keeping in mind that looks are still important). Looks do play almost every time the most important role in the short term, but it is not the only thing mattering, especially long term.

We saw how to improve mental health while accepting big elements of truth of the BP, and not falling into ignorance (again) that could leave you in a incel state forever. However, it is almost certain that doing this, on its own, will not lead you into being with someone. We need to use those elements of truth to improve looks, without falling into the same poor mental health state we once had. What steps are to follow to achieve this ?

II) Ways to use BP knowledge & improve appearance healthily.

The goal here is to avoid ending up like Jordan Wood (see on TikTok).
The guy was bad looking but already with a girlfriend.
He decided to improve his looks regardless, which is very respectable, it shows a certain level of dedication. He made solid progress over the course of a year only, but he is saying it is not enough.
Now, he want to do surgeries and hop on steroids, even though he is good looking and already has a GF, which makes no sense, because the goal of improving looks should be to be with someone, and not to fall into the unhealthy trap of "it is never enough".

First step : apply all the steps in the previous paragraphs (as you are doing the steps below).
It is impossible to really improve on one thing if your mental health is bad, especially if it is negatively affected by that one thing in the long run. Think of an athlete, for exemple a sprinter. Do you really think he will improve if sprinting gives him sports depression all of a sudden ? No. Same with improving your looks. Fix your mental, otherwise you won't make progress.
Second step : identify the things you need to fix & establish a routine.
Already having all the information you need, it is pretty easy to identify the things that you need to fix. It could be you skin, your eyebrow, other lacking areas. You should be in an optic where you focus on what really works first, then try methods that might work. For example, thumbpulling and all of those suture pulling/pulling might work in long term, but do not forget to do the basics. Don't forget your health. If you do, others techniques will not work, or be sustainable. How do you expect forward growth if you don't chew properly and have a overbite ? How can you expect forward growth if you use your mentalis muscle to close your lips ?
Wider zygomatics than gonions ? Train your neck, it will give the illusion that the gonions are full. (Raise your shoulders as if you were shrugging to see what you could look like in a few months of training.)
Bad eye area ? Maybe try to grow your lashes, grow your eyebrow and trim it, and it will look better.
You get my point.

Adapt yourself to constrain. For example, if you want to do thumbpulling every two hours but you have school, maybe use breaks to go somewhere you are not seen (the toilets) and do it.

Third step : take action.
Knowing what you should do can be overwhelming and stressing, making you not want to do all of this, wether it be improving your appearance or giving compliments to strangers. Or maybe you are just too much distracted, you end up scrolling on your phone (all day) or doing a hobby instead of improving.
The two biggest things that can prevent you from taking action are your phone (your biggest distraction) and stress/overthinking (having to much to do to improve your looks, overthinking instead of talking to someone).
You don't need discipline, you don't need to rely on motivation. Just stop thinking and do it immediately, like a robot.
Put the phone away
, even throw it at the window. I've noticed that I was much more consistent with thumbpulling/suture pulling, pushing at school even thought all I can listen to is my pain when I'm pulling my zygos outwards from the inside of my cheeks, than I was at home, because I can't use my phone there. Something that really helped me with consistency at home is to suddenly put away my phone and do the thing that I have to do without thinking. You could use a time every two hour, when it rings, just put the phone down and do thumbpulling.
Same thing when wanting to talk to other people. I used to believe I could not give compliments to a girl I found beautiful and I barely knew. I used to overthink for longs periods of time and then I ended up not saying anything and being frustrated. Understand the best thing to do is the second you get the thought of talking to someone, do it immediately before doubt come in. Start to 3 and count down to zero, and then talk to them. Sometimes, the moment is really not favorable. Just forget that you want to talk to them and when the situation allows it, apply the tips I previously gave you.
Today I complimented a pretty girl (about her painted nails) I had barely talked before, and even if the delivery was a bit awkward, I did it and looking back at it I must say I'm proud.

Fourth step : prevent regressing/giving up.
-Stop comparing yourself to others. If you can't stop being jealous of a guy because he is better looking, stop looking at him, only focus on your transformation.
-Use the beauty of others as motivation. It will not make you take action reliably, but can be a nice way sometimes to take action. Observe others, tell yourself "I want that too" and just do improve to get that thing (could be clear skin). Try to be stay realistic. If you want to have something your genetics won't allow you to get, but you try regardless, you could end up falling in perpetual comparaison, or go bac to the blackpill, which we don't want.
-Don't over obsess over your looks or the results you are getting. Looksmaxxing should not be your whole life, it should at max be a a fifth of your day. Too much obsession will make you narcissistic, and could end up be a turn off for many people. You might become a social outcast because "the only thing he cares about are looks and that is weird.".
-Remember that results can take a long time before they are visible. Goes hand in hand with avoding obsessing over the results you are getting. Just because you see little to no results a few weeks in, even if people people all over the Internet told you should, does not mean you should give up. Doing the things without expecting results will lead you to have results. Do it without thinking, like a robot. You will have results sooner than you’ll realize.

-Remember to follow steps mentioned in the first part of the post. Remember that looks play almost every time the most important role in the short term, but it is not the only thing mattering, especially long term.

Keep living your normal life, just implement looksmaxxing and improving social skills.

Take care of your mental health, and get out of this space, it isn’t propice for bettering yourself (looks included)
At the same time, use the information you learned from this space to improve physically and better your socials skills as well. Stop the thinking and do it.

You already know what to do.

Good luck,


I didn’t read all but hopefuel 🥹 ur a good man probably I didn’t vet all the text
  • +1
Reactions: iblamementalhealth
Lying to myself YAY
Lying to myself YAY
The Blackpill is a sort of “lie” too, retard.

Sensible Beauty in itself will only provide lust, not “love”, so no woman will even love you, they just want to fuck you.
And if you don’t get a wife by 30, just know it hasn’t been willed for you and never will be.
  • +1
Reactions: diditeverbegin and Lefor3Laser
Before we start, this is not some "just be yourself" type of thing. (Of course, looks are a super important thing in life.)

We will go over :
I) How to deal with problems induced by the blackpill.
II) How to use the information given by the blackpill and use it to improve healthily.

If you start to feel hate towards good looking guys/girls, if you feel bad towards your own appearance every time you see yourself in the mirror, if you feel bad when remembering the blackpill after exiting a flow state you entered by playing a basketball game for exemple, this might be for you.

I) Ways to cope with the BP & feel better.

First step : stop feeding yourself BP content.
Getting out of this website for a few weeks will make you think less about the BP. The best case scenario would be to completely delete your account, after all, you came here to have information about how to look better. Now that you know what you need to know, why would stay on this website any longer ?
Being addict to being on this website is a real thing, I would suggest to get out of it abruptly and replace your time spent here by a hobby, something that you are really passionate about.
Same thing for social media, such as TikTok. Stop watching BP edits, tap the "not interested" button. Replace the content by sports content, or chess content, something that you are really passionate about, or at least, watch anything else but BP content.
The most overlooked thing here is the music. Stop listening to music that makes you think about the BP, stop listening to music labelled as "BP music". If you do not follow this last advice, you will inevitably fall again into the rabbit hole.
The goal is to think less about BP by being less exposed to (online content about) it.

Second step : realize that it not that bad.
The majority of us here are "normies", perfectly average looking, (even though the users here are forcing you to think you are subhuman looking), meaning there is in most cases room for improvement, just by doing a few "softmaxxes". Yes, you have a genetic ceiling, a limit. Maybe you won't look like a chad, but at least you have the potential of looking better in some way or another.
Plus, the standards and the rating here are very harsh. Even though inflation of standards is real, most girls do not have such high standards (contrary to what this website and social media want you to believe). I have seen girls be friend with good looking guys but still choosing someone uglier as their boyfriend.
This leads me to my third point. Observe in real life around you couples. Even if it is rare, you will see ugly looking dudes with stunning women. You will see average looking people being in a relationship and happy. Of course, good looking dudes will have it easier, girls will laugh more, ect.... But when you see guys uglier than you with girlfriends, don't you think "If he can, I can." ?
The realization you need to have is beauty is objective but a small part of it will always be subjective. Girls might find you more attractive than an objectively better looking guy simply because you are more niche, and subjectively better looking to them than the other guy. (read Zukiteru's Being niche on paper is (almost) always better than being normal for appeal.)

Third step : be more social.
Talking to others, most importantly individuals (women) that you find good looking can be a way to easily enter a flow state and forget the blackpill for sometime. It will give you a feeling of being appreciated by others (whereas the BP isolates you, makes you hate others) , especially if you already know them. Even if that feeling is some way or another fake, you'll feel better. If you want to go further, you can even give compliments (it has to be honest, do not give compliments just for the sake of it) to other. You'll feel good and you might get a chance to be complimented back, even if the other person is not sincere, you'll feel better. You will build a network of people appreciating you, with whom you can talk with ease. (You might even find a girlfriend)
Most of us here are in some kind of school, where being social is facilitated, you are around people, so why not give it a go ?

Fourth step : brainwash yourself (probably the most effective one).
You got brainwashed by the BP. You saw hundreds of videos, edits, you read hundreds of threats about it. Slowly, you started to accept it as the truth even though you maybe were against it before. The antidote is to brainwash yourself with positivity. Instead of reading threads here, watch hundreds of positive videos (can be "hopecore" for example). Hyperfocus on finding exemples where personality, status, ect...other things than looks, matter, wether it is IRL or online (the observation part of the 2nd step). The goal isn't to believe that looks don't matter, rather firmly believe that other things matter too (while keeping in mind that looks are still important). Looks do play almost every time the most important role in the short term, but it is not the only thing mattering, especially long term.

We saw how to improve mental health while accepting big elements of truth of the BP, and not falling into ignorance (again) that could leave you in a incel state forever. However, it is almost certain that doing this, on its own, will not lead you into being with someone. We need to use those elements of truth to improve looks, without falling into the same poor mental health state we once had. What steps are to follow to achieve this ?

II) Ways to use BP knowledge & improve appearance healthily.

The goal here is to avoid ending up like Jordan Wood (see on TikTok).
The guy was bad looking but already with a girlfriend.
He decided to improve his looks regardless, which is very respectable, it shows a certain level of dedication. He made solid progress over the course of a year only, but he is saying it is not enough.
Now, he want to do surgeries and hop on steroids, even though he is good looking and already has a GF, which makes no sense, because the goal of improving looks should be to be with someone, and not to fall into the unhealthy trap of "it is never enough".

First step : apply all the steps in the previous paragraphs (as you are doing the steps below).
It is impossible to really improve on one thing if your mental health is bad, especially if it is negatively affected by that one thing in the long run. Think of an athlete, for exemple a sprinter. Do you really think he will improve if sprinting gives him sports depression all of a sudden ? No. Same with improving your looks. Fix your mental, otherwise you won't make progress.
Second step : identify the things you need to fix & establish a routine.
Already having all the information you need, it is pretty easy to identify the things that you need to fix. It could be you skin, your eyebrow, other lacking areas. You should be in an optic where you focus on what really works first, then try methods that might work. For example, thumbpulling and all of those suture pulling/pulling might work in long term, but do not forget to do the basics. Don't forget your health. If you do, others techniques will not work, or be sustainable. How do you expect forward growth if you don't chew properly and have a overbite ? How can you expect forward growth if you use your mentalis muscle to close your lips ?
Wider zygomatics than gonions ? Train your neck, it will give the illusion that the gonions are full. (Raise your shoulders as if you were shrugging to see what you could look like in a few months of training.)
Bad eye area ? Maybe try to grow your lashes, grow your eyebrow and trim it, and it will look better.
You get my point.

Adapt yourself to constrain. For example, if you want to do thumbpulling every two hours but you have school, maybe use breaks to go somewhere you are not seen (the toilets) and do it.

Third step : take action.
Knowing what you should do can be overwhelming and stressing, making you not want to do all of this, wether it be improving your appearance or giving compliments to strangers. Or maybe you are just too much distracted, you end up scrolling on your phone (all day) or doing a hobby instead of improving.
The two biggest things that can prevent you from taking action are your phone (your biggest distraction) and stress/overthinking (having to much to do to improve your looks, overthinking instead of talking to someone).
You don't need discipline, you don't need to rely on motivation. Just stop thinking and do it immediately, like a robot.
Put the phone away
, even throw it at the window. I've noticed that I was much more consistent with thumbpulling/suture pulling, pushing at school even thought all I can listen to is my pain when I'm pulling my zygos outwards from the inside of my cheeks, than I was at home, because I can't use my phone there. Something that really helped me with consistency at home is to suddenly put away my phone and do the thing that I have to do without thinking. You could use a time every two hour, when it rings, just put the phone down and do thumbpulling.
Same thing when wanting to talk to other people. I used to believe I could not give compliments to a girl I found beautiful and I barely knew. I used to overthink for longs periods of time and then I ended up not saying anything and being frustrated. Understand the best thing to do is the second you get the thought of talking to someone, do it immediately before doubt come in. Start to 3 and count down to zero, and then talk to them. Sometimes, the moment is really not favorable. Just forget that you want to talk to them and when the situation allows it, apply the tips I previously gave you.
Today I complimented a pretty girl (about her painted nails) I had barely talked before, and even if the delivery was a bit awkward, I did it and looking back at it I must say I'm proud.

Fourth step : prevent regressing/giving up.
-Stop comparing yourself to others. If you can't stop being jealous of a guy because he is better looking, stop looking at him, only focus on your transformation.
-Use the beauty of others as motivation. It will not make you take action reliably, but can be a nice way sometimes to take action. Observe others, tell yourself "I want that too" and just do improve to get that thing (could be clear skin). Try to be stay realistic. If you want to have something your genetics won't allow you to get, but you try regardless, you could end up falling in perpetual comparaison, or go bac to the blackpill, which we don't want.
-Don't over obsess over your looks or the results you are getting. Looksmaxxing should not be your whole life, it should at max be a a fifth of your day. Too much obsession will make you narcissistic, and could end up be a turn off for many people. You might become a social outcast because "the only thing he cares about are looks and that is weird.".
-Remember that results can take a long time before they are visible. Goes hand in hand with avoding obsessing over the results you are getting. Just because you see little to no results a few weeks in, even if people people all over the Internet told you should, does not mean you should give up. Doing the things without expecting results will lead you to have results. Do it without thinking, like a robot. You will have results sooner than you’ll realize.

-Remember to follow steps mentioned in the first part of the post. Remember that looks play almost every time the most important role in the short term, but it is not the only thing mattering, especially long term.

Keep living your normal life, just implement looksmaxxing and improving social skills.

Take care of your mental health, and get out of this space, it isn’t propice for bettering yourself (looks included)
At the same time, use the information you learned from this space to improve physically and better your socials skills as well. Stop the thinking and do it.

You already know what to do.

Good luck,


Coping is useless when you can try and fix your life.
  • JFL
Reactions: diditeverbegin and shootleon
Before we start, this is not some "just be yourself" type of thing. (Of course, looks are a super important thing in life.)

We will go over :
I) How to deal with problems induced by the blackpill.
II) How to use the information given by the blackpill and use it to improve healthily.

If you start to feel hate towards good looking guys/girls, if you feel bad towards your own appearance every time you see yourself in the mirror, if you feel bad when remembering the blackpill after exiting a flow state you entered by playing a basketball game for exemple, this might be for you.

I) Ways to cope with the BP & feel better.

First step : stop feeding yourself BP content.
Getting out of this website for a few weeks will make you think less about the BP. The best case scenario would be to completely delete your account, after all, you came here to have information about how to look better. Now that you know what you need to know, why would stay on this website any longer ?
Being addict to being on this website is a real thing, I would suggest to get out of it abruptly and replace your time spent here by a hobby, something that you are really passionate about.
Same thing for social media, such as TikTok. Stop watching BP edits, tap the "not interested" button. Replace the content by sports content, or chess content, something that you are really passionate about, or at least, watch anything else but BP content.
The most overlooked thing here is the music. Stop listening to music that makes you think about the BP, stop listening to music labelled as "BP music". If you do not follow this last advice, you will inevitably fall again into the rabbit hole.
The goal is to think less about BP by being less exposed to (online content about) it.

Second step : realize that it not that bad.
The majority of us here are "normies", perfectly average looking, (even though the users here are forcing you to think you are subhuman looking), meaning there is in most cases room for improvement, just by doing a few "softmaxxes". Yes, you have a genetic ceiling, a limit. Maybe you won't look like a chad, but at least you have the potential of looking better in some way or another.
Plus, the standards and the rating here are very harsh. Even though inflation of standards is real, most girls do not have such high standards (contrary to what this website and social media want you to believe). I have seen girls be friend with good looking guys but still choosing someone uglier as their boyfriend.
This leads me to my third point. Observe in real life around you couples. Even if it is rare, you will see ugly looking dudes with stunning women. You will see average looking people being in a relationship and happy. Of course, good looking dudes will have it easier, girls will laugh more, ect.... But when you see guys uglier than you with girlfriends, don't you think "If he can, I can." ?
The realization you need to have is beauty is objective but a small part of it will always be subjective. Girls might find you more attractive than an objectively better looking guy simply because you are more niche, and subjectively better looking to them than the other guy. (read Zukiteru's Being niche on paper is (almost) always better than being normal for appeal.)

Third step : be more social.
Talking to others, most importantly individuals (women) that you find good looking can be a way to easily enter a flow state and forget the blackpill for sometime. It will give you a feeling of being appreciated by others (whereas the BP isolates you, makes you hate others) , especially if you already know them. Even if that feeling is some way or another fake, you'll feel better. If you want to go further, you can even give compliments (it has to be honest, do not give compliments just for the sake of it) to other. You'll feel good and you might get a chance to be complimented back, even if the other person is not sincere, you'll feel better. You will build a network of people appreciating you, with whom you can talk with ease. (You might even find a girlfriend)
Most of us here are in some kind of school, where being social is facilitated, you are around people, so why not give it a go ?

Fourth step : brainwash yourself (probably the most effective one).
You got brainwashed by the BP. You saw hundreds of videos, edits, you read hundreds of threats about it. Slowly, you started to accept it as the truth even though you maybe were against it before. The antidote is to brainwash yourself with positivity. Instead of reading threads here, watch hundreds of positive videos (can be "hopecore" for example). Hyperfocus on finding exemples where personality, status, ect...other things than looks, matter, wether it is IRL or online (the observation part of the 2nd step). The goal isn't to believe that looks don't matter, rather firmly believe that other things matter too (while keeping in mind that looks are still important). Looks do play almost every time the most important role in the short term, but it is not the only thing mattering, especially long term.

We saw how to improve mental health while accepting big elements of truth of the BP, and not falling into ignorance (again) that could leave you in a incel state forever. However, it is almost certain that doing this, on its own, will not lead you into being with someone. We need to use those elements of truth to improve looks, without falling into the same poor mental health state we once had. What steps are to follow to achieve this ?

II) Ways to use BP knowledge & improve appearance healthily.

The goal here is to avoid ending up like Jordan Wood (see on TikTok).
The guy was bad looking but already with a girlfriend.
He decided to improve his looks regardless, which is very respectable, it shows a certain level of dedication. He made solid progress over the course of a year only, but he is saying it is not enough.
Now, he want to do surgeries and hop on steroids, even though he is good looking and already has a GF, which makes no sense, because the goal of improving looks should be to be with someone, and not to fall into the unhealthy trap of "it is never enough".

First step : apply all the steps in the previous paragraphs (as you are doing the steps below).
It is impossible to really improve on one thing if your mental health is bad, especially if it is negatively affected by that one thing in the long run. Think of an athlete, for exemple a sprinter. Do you really think he will improve if sprinting gives him sports depression all of a sudden ? No. Same with improving your looks. Fix your mental, otherwise you won't make progress.
Second step : identify the things you need to fix & establish a routine.
Already having all the information you need, it is pretty easy to identify the things that you need to fix. It could be you skin, your eyebrow, other lacking areas. You should be in an optic where you focus on what really works first, then try methods that might work. For example, thumbpulling and all of those suture pulling/pulling might work in long term, but do not forget to do the basics. Don't forget your health. If you do, others techniques will not work, or be sustainable. How do you expect forward growth if you don't chew properly and have a overbite ? How can you expect forward growth if you use your mentalis muscle to close your lips ?
Wider zygomatics than gonions ? Train your neck, it will give the illusion that the gonions are full. (Raise your shoulders as if you were shrugging to see what you could look like in a few months of training.)
Bad eye area ? Maybe try to grow your lashes, grow your eyebrow and trim it, and it will look better.
You get my point.

Adapt yourself to constrain. For example, if you want to do thumbpulling every two hours but you have school, maybe use breaks to go somewhere you are not seen (the toilets) and do it.

Third step : take action.
Knowing what you should do can be overwhelming and stressing, making you not want to do all of this, wether it be improving your appearance or giving compliments to strangers. Or maybe you are just too much distracted, you end up scrolling on your phone (all day) or doing a hobby instead of improving.
The two biggest things that can prevent you from taking action are your phone (your biggest distraction) and stress/overthinking (having to much to do to improve your looks, overthinking instead of talking to someone).
You don't need discipline, you don't need to rely on motivation. Just stop thinking and do it immediately, like a robot.
Put the phone away
, even throw it at the window. I've noticed that I was much more consistent with thumbpulling/suture pulling, pushing at school even thought all I can listen to is my pain when I'm pulling my zygos outwards from the inside of my cheeks, than I was at home, because I can't use my phone there. Something that really helped me with consistency at home is to suddenly put away my phone and do the thing that I have to do without thinking. You could use a time every two hour, when it rings, just put the phone down and do thumbpulling.
Same thing when wanting to talk to other people. I used to believe I could not give compliments to a girl I found beautiful and I barely knew. I used to overthink for longs periods of time and then I ended up not saying anything and being frustrated. Understand the best thing to do is the second you get the thought of talking to someone, do it immediately before doubt come in. Start to 3 and count down to zero, and then talk to them. Sometimes, the moment is really not favorable. Just forget that you want to talk to them and when the situation allows it, apply the tips I previously gave you.
Today I complimented a pretty girl (about her painted nails) I had barely talked before, and even if the delivery was a bit awkward, I did it and looking back at it I must say I'm proud.

Fourth step : prevent regressing/giving up.
-Stop comparing yourself to others. If you can't stop being jealous of a guy because he is better looking, stop looking at him, only focus on your transformation.
-Use the beauty of others as motivation. It will not make you take action reliably, but can be a nice way sometimes to take action. Observe others, tell yourself "I want that too" and just do improve to get that thing (could be clear skin). Try to be stay realistic. If you want to have something your genetics won't allow you to get, but you try regardless, you could end up falling in perpetual comparaison, or go bac to the blackpill, which we don't want.
-Don't over obsess over your looks or the results you are getting. Looksmaxxing should not be your whole life, it should at max be a a fifth of your day. Too much obsession will make you narcissistic, and could end up be a turn off for many people. You might become a social outcast because "the only thing he cares about are looks and that is weird.".
-Remember that results can take a long time before they are visible. Goes hand in hand with avoding obsessing over the results you are getting. Just because you see little to no results a few weeks in, even if people people all over the Internet told you should, does not mean you should give up. Doing the things without expecting results will lead you to have results. Do it without thinking, like a robot. You will have results sooner than you’ll realize.

-Remember to follow steps mentioned in the first part of the post. Remember that looks play almost every time the most important role in the short term, but it is not the only thing mattering, especially long term.

Keep living your normal life, just implement looksmaxxing and improving social skills.

Take care of your mental health, and get out of this space, it isn’t propice for bettering yourself (looks included)
At the same time, use the information you learned from this space to improve physically and better your socials skills as well. Stop the thinking and do it.

You already know what to do.

Good luck,


ok thanks for hopefuel
i love you man hope you live a great life

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