How to create a societal shift where broads start making moves on us



Sep 11, 2024
Even though there are instances where the woman makes the move, 85+% of broads (according to my therapist) expect the man to make the move.

Why is it that a woman hardly ever makes a move? Because men in general allow it to be this way. Most men, from what I've seen, are glad to make the move.

Here's how we could create a societal shift where the woman starts making the move: If all available straight men unanimously stopped making moves on broads, we'd notice drastic changes in less than a year. Once it dawned on single broads that they'd never get a date or sex again unless they started making the move, they'd start making the move.

Logically, it makes more sense for the woman to make the move anyway. A woman making a move on a man will have a much higher success rate than a man making a move on a woman.

It's strange how the scenario with a  lower success rate is somehow the societal norm.
u just called foids "broads" unironically in 2024 bro please rope go suck dick and and get cummed on u fucking faggot
u just called foids "broads" unironically in 2024 bro please rope go suck dick and and get cummed on u fucking faggot
Interesting. When I shared my idea with a male coworker (stop making moves so that they'll then be forced to make moves), he said my idea sounded gay.

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