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How to increase Will Power
The chocolate and Radish study, demonstrated that some people have limited will power. Other follow up studies showed that many people have unlimited will power. This guide shows you how to develop unlimited will power.
It's Easy. These are simple thought loops, that become stronger the more you repeat them, and weaken the less you repeat them.
Embrace the Suck
Relish in the sensations that move you towards your goals. Enjoy the pump at the gym. Enjoy the hunger associated with loosing fat.
Enjoy wrestling your brain out of the boredom state, or wrestling it away from a distraction when you need to focus. Enjoy pushing yourself into a task you know you need to do. When wrestling your brain out of a boredom state or towards a task, try to feel the sensations and momentum of your cognitive focus.
Actively seek out these sensations. Visualize these sensations making you stronger, hardening you, making you more of a force to be reckoned with.
Be Disgusted by Pleasure
Make yourself repulsed and disgusted by the sensations that move you further away from your goal. The feeling of being full, the glee you feel when you read the news.
Watching movies or videos and so on. See people who do this as pitiful and pathetic.
You have to change your whole mindset:
Hard = Good
Pleasure = Weakness
Build Habits Starting Small
Start with small habits that will move you towards your goal when they are fully built out. If the goal is to go to the gym and work out, start by putting on your shoes at the same time everyday and opening your front door for one week, then gradually build up the habit.
Visualize the neural structure you are building in your brain. First you are building and strengthening the foundation, then more branches of it, connection by connection.
Group Habits into Stacks
Ensure your habits are grouped together, done in the exact same order, at the exact same time everyday. This will make all of them automatic. The end of one habit should be the automatic trigger for the next.
Ensure the trigger to start a habit is always the same. For example, after the gym I always do X. As soon as I wake up I always do X, and then Y, and then Z, and then W, and then A.
Support Your Brain Health
Quality Sleep, Moderate Daily Exercise (increases BNDF), Avoid processed foods, Avoid drinking anything that’s not water, eat a range of different whole foods, Supplement with creatine everyday.
Keep a Todo List
Keep a Todo list and prioritize it everyday. Your working memory gets overloaded so a todo list will keep you on task.
Todo List – Regular Pruning
Remove items from the list that are no longer required to get you to your goal.
Avoid distractions
Distractions don’t help you. Avoid distractions.
@inhibition_ @ey88 @alprazolam11mg
This was a guide on how to have will power, here's another guide, on what to do (assuming you know your goal or life values). The ROI Fractal Pattern Guide might be a harder to read for some people, because I didn't spend as much time on readability.
The chocolate and Radish study, demonstrated that some people have limited will power. Other follow up studies showed that many people have unlimited will power. This guide shows you how to develop unlimited will power.
It's Easy. These are simple thought loops, that become stronger the more you repeat them, and weaken the less you repeat them.
Embrace the Suck
Relish in the sensations that move you towards your goals. Enjoy the pump at the gym. Enjoy the hunger associated with loosing fat.
Enjoy wrestling your brain out of the boredom state, or wrestling it away from a distraction when you need to focus. Enjoy pushing yourself into a task you know you need to do. When wrestling your brain out of a boredom state or towards a task, try to feel the sensations and momentum of your cognitive focus.
Actively seek out these sensations. Visualize these sensations making you stronger, hardening you, making you more of a force to be reckoned with.
Be Disgusted by Pleasure
Make yourself repulsed and disgusted by the sensations that move you further away from your goal. The feeling of being full, the glee you feel when you read the news.
Watching movies or videos and so on. See people who do this as pitiful and pathetic.
You have to change your whole mindset:
Hard = Good
Pleasure = Weakness
Build Habits Starting Small
Start with small habits that will move you towards your goal when they are fully built out. If the goal is to go to the gym and work out, start by putting on your shoes at the same time everyday and opening your front door for one week, then gradually build up the habit.
Visualize the neural structure you are building in your brain. First you are building and strengthening the foundation, then more branches of it, connection by connection.
Group Habits into Stacks
Ensure your habits are grouped together, done in the exact same order, at the exact same time everyday. This will make all of them automatic. The end of one habit should be the automatic trigger for the next.
Ensure the trigger to start a habit is always the same. For example, after the gym I always do X. As soon as I wake up I always do X, and then Y, and then Z, and then W, and then A.
Support Your Brain Health
Quality Sleep, Moderate Daily Exercise (increases BNDF), Avoid processed foods, Avoid drinking anything that’s not water, eat a range of different whole foods, Supplement with creatine everyday.
Keep a Todo List
Keep a Todo list and prioritize it everyday. Your working memory gets overloaded so a todo list will keep you on task.
Todo List – Regular Pruning
Remove items from the list that are no longer required to get you to your goal.
Avoid distractions
Distractions don’t help you. Avoid distractions.
I’ve tried to keep things simple here. I’ve avoided going into the neuro-science, or different interpretations of the literature, but if you do everything here, including the visualizing parts under embrace the suck your will power will grow stronger.
Using your imagination, helps build will power thought loops in your Occipital Lobe (for visualization) and your Temporal Lobe (for auditory imagination), and your Parietal Lobe (for touch, movement, and spatial sensation imagination), which builds up will-power neural clusters that will strengthen your will power (frontal Lobe), especially when blood flow is restricted to the frontal lobe (involved in planning and will power) such as stress, low sleep, and fasting states.
If All of this seems simple, it's because it is. Will power is a collection of thought loops that you build through repetition.
Using your imagination, helps build will power thought loops in your Occipital Lobe (for visualization) and your Temporal Lobe (for auditory imagination), and your Parietal Lobe (for touch, movement, and spatial sensation imagination), which builds up will-power neural clusters that will strengthen your will power (frontal Lobe), especially when blood flow is restricted to the frontal lobe (involved in planning and will power) such as stress, low sleep, and fasting states.
If All of this seems simple, it's because it is. Will power is a collection of thought loops that you build through repetition.
@inhibition_ @ey88 @alprazolam11mg
This was a guide on how to have will power, here's another guide, on what to do (assuming you know your goal or life values). The ROI Fractal Pattern Guide might be a harder to read for some people, because I didn't spend as much time on readability.
ROI Fractal Pattern - Conceptual framework for your toolbox
This a high level conceptual frame work for thinking about your moment to moment activities. Leverage is the multiplicative factor on inputs in relation to outputs. Maximum Leverage * Maximum Inputs = Maximum Outputs. Most concepts exist in a fractal pattern. So, in the case of leverage, an...
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