How to easily get multiple wives(for muslimbros)



Sep 6, 2023
Happier Abroad definately applies here.for one,living in a environment conducive to spiritual practice,with a supportive community that also makes sinful behaviours which are destructive upon social well-being taboo is critical for being a good muslim.A country with alot of moral fitna is not good at all,for you,your wives or your children.

in fact the sharia actually prohibits muslims from living in a non-muslim country,except for da'wah or temporarily for trade and business.

the majority of lands,prohibit polygamy in marriage,while not punishing polygamy without marriage,of course some countries have child-support laws,which are good,if properly implemented to support the child,instead of the whimsical desires of the mother in spending etc but theoretically if you were wealthy,this would not stop a polygamist from having 20 babymommas if he can pay child support.

AlHamdulillah,most muslim countries have legal marital polygamy for those capable of means,while punishing it's opposite.

My guide goes as follows:

1.find a good job,and get a education so you can save up money.or find a fruitful passive income.

2.Go to a poor non-westernized or culturally christianized muslim area or country,these include all kinds of cultures and lands.Sudan,Egypt,Morocco,Yemen,Pakistan,Some parts of malaysia etc atleast third tier cities and rural areas.

3.go to your local Imam(muslim religious leader)and tell him you want a virgin can pay him to look for a pretty one,and look for poor girls from conservative areas.Tell the family you are looking to fulfill the sunnah of polygamy.You can also marry orphans,which is a great virtue in islam,and pay them a good dowry,your money will go along way here.

it is the duty of the imam to be a matchmaker in islam,and this is a common practice even in the west still.there are no incels in islam,as evidenced by the companion julaybeeb. islam,your first wife or wives cannot have a say on you having multiple wives,nor can she divorce you on this basis,she can only divorce you based on mistreatment or infidelity defined as adultery,and that would have to be mediated through a Qadi or local religious court,if you mistreat her.

5.You can give them each a house in a rural area,and it is your duty to treat them well,feed them,clothe them,spend money on them,and to give them their rights of a spouse.if you can't afford 4 wives,or 3 then do what is in your means,don't let lust make you mistreat your wives or not fulfill their rights,that is a sin which leads to hellfire in islam and is very serious.In islam we love and cherish women as sacred,and the shari'a is only in accordance with the best for male and female natures.

6.The best place for this is YEMEN.but african muslims are also very polygamous.

it is the duty of your wife to do as follows,i have already explained the duties of a man to his wives:

1.give you sex (no anal,however oral on you and on her AND KISSING is obligatory as foreplay,and sex is prohibited without foreplay in islam)whenever you want it,except if she is sick,although please don't be a dick with it.also you cannot have threesomes or foursomes or fivesomes in islam. not dishonour your name by having male friends or being uncovered around non-mahram men. obey your every word which doesn't contradict the shari'a.please again,don't misuse this,Allaah(aj)knows your intentions and takes mistreatment of wives very seriously. not make a lengthy distance of travel without the presence of a mahram,or against the permission of her husband. cook for you,AND TO MAINTAIN YOUR CHILDREN AND HOUSE.

Always take the sunnah of our prophet(SAWS)and treat your wives very well,be kind to them,be soft with them,listen to their needs,love them,and love her for being chaste.

some schools of fiqh allow masturbation,or don't consider it a sin if tempted to do fornication,so until you can do this get a sex robot.Allah will not punish you on a matter in which there is difference among the scholars.

also,if you are chaste,that is even if you did fornication,but repented you cannot marry a unchaste woman,until she truly keep that in mind.if you want to marry a christian or jewish woman,she must repent to God the father or El-shaddai,and then you can marry her.

but you cannot marry a christian or jewish woman without the permission of her male guardian and dowry to her family,unless they are discriminating you solely based on your religion,in which case the Qadi can be her waali or guardian.

so this is somewhat impracticle for most,and I highly discourage it.I think we shoudl respect our jewish and christian brothers,and let them have their own women,like we have our own amazing women.

not many christian or jewish women will do this anyway,and most would want you to sleep with them or touch them before marriage,which is a sin,and so they should be avoided.

don't try any reprehensible or immoral crap like marrying a young girl,this is not in accordance with the 4 schools of sunni sharia,contrary to the common accusations of disbelievers.This is a wahabi and twelver shia practice.I don't even think the deobandis allow this,and would be surprised if their fiqh allowed this.

I can explain this in detail if you're interested.

however,it is also your duty to protect your wife,and to be jealous over her(gheera),and the cuckold (we have a broader view of cuckoldry than just sex)or dayuth goes to hellfire in islam according to our beloved prophet,so even if she wanted to do these thingds,and you were liberal in your nature,to do allow her to do these things is a huge sin in islam on both you and her.

however,all muslims go to paradise eventually in sunnism
  • JFL
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Honestly i have doubts about the julaybeeb story
muslim women are still women. No difference other than the fact they are scared of being stoned to death

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