How to end hypergamy



137 IQ 《◇》
Dec 30, 2019
How do you create a society where hypergamy is reduced?

You create a hypergamic system that benefits men, by increasing the supply of stacies.

Let's say that access to men, for instance, is the reason why woman are super hypergamic. Tinder, etc.

If you increased the supply of stacy females in the dating population, you could effectively weed out these mismatched couples.

So, on tinder, if the supply of attractive woman exceed the amount of unattractive woman, then you would have a beneficial environment for men.

This has been observed in eastern europe, where the attractive woman exceed the men, and there for the value of woman is decreased. Everyone gets a stacy, and those who are really good looking get better than their looks match.

On a global scale, this would destroy Beckys and ugly woman. They would go er.

This would be the optimal situation.

The question is, how the fuck do you do it?

You could:

Introduce an influx of attractive woman into a gender ratio population where it's 1:1 and tip the scale to like 1.5 :1

This could be done with internet propaganda, private organization funds, and FOMO to encourage woman to venture to these places.

Doing this correctly could really change the lives of many men, and spare the ERs of the world.

But idk maybe it's full of shit idk
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Kill 99% of female population.
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  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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Reactions: cyberjap, Deleted member 6401, NorwoodMilitant and 2 others
It's in their mind bro you can't.
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It's in their mind bro you can't.

It's statistically impossible for extreme hypergamy to exist in a higher female ratio society, so every male will breed
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you cant, its human nature and how our brains are hardwired. would be pointless anyway
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Hypergamy used to be kept in check with enforced monogamy but now it's pretty much gone
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It's in their mind bro you can't.
No if it’s happening in EE then it can happen globally. I’m sure the EE girls aren’t moral/trad though.
It's statistically impossible for extreme hypergamy to exist in a higher female ratio society, so every male will breed
Maybe. What’s preventing immoral chads from allowing multiple women to marry them though?
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No if it’s happening in EE then it can happen globally. I’m sure the EE girls aren’t moral/trad though.

Maybe. What’s preventing immoral chads from allowing multiple women to marry them though?

Fiance. You can't support multiple wives if you can't support one. So it actually brings finance to a higher elevation in hypergamy.

Plus the competition of females will make them very selfish and needy, and will cause increased social pressure for poly relationships.
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Hypergamy is a natural human behavior, not something created by society.

A society without hypergamy was unnatural.
Trying to change it is like a SJW thinking they will destroy white privilege
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Hypergamy is a natural human behavior, not something created by society.

A society without hypergamy was unnatural.
Trying to change it is like a SJW thinking they will destroy white privilege

You can't end it but you can make it benefit you, by altering the environment it exists in.

If society was stagnant in its ways, nothing would happen and there would be no change.
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Reactions: cyberjap, Deleted member 6401 and NorwoodMilitant
tbh if 90% of men weren't the beta males they are, women would start acting correctly, but nah, you got dudes praising females, that leads to the entitlement we see today.
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tbh if 90% of men weren't the beta males they are, women would start acting correctly, but nah, you got dudes praising females, that leads to the entitlement we see today.

Change the narrative. It all starts with you.
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Then the dominant male will just have more girls to fuck

Hypergamy is what got humans to where we are now. Evolution doesn’t care about anyones feelings. The strong survive and the weak die off

Brutal but true
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Reactions: cyberjap, Deleted member 6401, diggbicc and 1 other person
Rope and respawn as Stacy or Chad.

I'm lucky enough to belong to the latter category.
  • JFL
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If the gender ratio 5:1 females would stil take turns with chad while average man rots tbh
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Sexbots, slut shaming, cuck shaming, blackpilling non-chads, removing cucked laws, and removing pussy passes and foid privileges will almost eliminate hypergamy.
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Reactions: jj43, cyberjap, Deleted member 6401 and 1 other person
Kill 90% of men
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Tbh our best chance at this ever happening is if a big waz happens that takes out a good 30%-40% of men like we saw back in ww2.
Like in Russia ww2 where like half the males died so then the males that where still alive where in a massive advantage
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, NorwoodMilitant and Deleted member 4430
Jfl at these copes, the reason women don’t wanna fuck average men is because they are improperly developed. Almost all the Chads we speak of are just normal humans who have developed properly....

before any of these cope social experiments are tried you need to make sure majority of men are properly developed in terms of overall bones. In the current scenario evenif you made the f to m ratio 5:1 womenwould still ignore the rest and take turns at Chad.
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Reactions: PrisonMike, Deleted member 6401 and NorwoodMilitant
Bring Islam in to the mix jfl.
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Elliot Rodger max and kill all chads like hitler the Jews
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not everyone should breed tbh. the average person is looksminned to hell, i don't blame women only going for chads (although they should ideally be dating their looksmatch). if we kill all chads and chadlites, women would just choose stay celibate until new chads emerge, or buy a pet dog. hypergamy shouldn't end, it should get worse in my opinion. i've spent so much money and time on working on my looks, i want to have what the average person can't have.
Well a feminist suggested that men should be reduced to only 10% of population (bc she hated men). Apparently it would benefit men more since thier value in dating market would become very high.

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