How to feel good while being on strict diet?



Feb 17, 2021
Have to lose a bit of fat, like 5kg maybe. Currently I don't have to work for a week (on work days I can follow my diet easily most of the time) and I just broke my diet, cause it felt as if I couldn't get fun out of any activities but eating. Gaming and watching series already got pretty boring after a just few days. Just need some ideas how to spend my time with the next few days without feeling overly depressed. Would have to be something that you can do alone though, cause atm I can't do anything involving social interaction

Also, is it maybe worth to try fasting for a few days? Maybe that experience will help me realize that my current diet is actually very easy to follow
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diet coke or something like that
Diet is cope, you will feel like shit and give up after a few days, you need to move at least 10k steps a day, get your metabolism up, and only eat whenever hungry, and eat slowly so you notice when youre satiated, Iisten to your body,

Movement is most important, you need to walk a lot.
Diet is cope, you will feel like shit and give up after a few days, you need to move at least 10k steps a day, get your metabolism up, and only eat whenever hungry, and eat slowly so you notice when youre satiated, Iisten to your body,

Movement is most important, you need to walk a lot.
Weight loss is 80% diet
You’re never gonna move enough to offset eating like a pig, not happening

That being said, being one of those “you can only eat boiled chicken and kale or you’ll never lose weight :soy:“ cucks is stupid
The most important thing, purely for weight loss, is calories in calories out.
Weight loss is 80% diet
You’re never gonna move enough to offset eating like a pig, not happening

That being said, being one of those “you can only eat boiled chicken and kale or you’ll never lose weight :soy:“ cucks is stupid
The most important thing, purely for weight loss, is calories in calories out.
who said “eating like a pig”

but most naturally thin people aren't autists counting their calories, that's not reality.

They just have healthy eating habits and don't use food to cope with their emotions, they only eat small meals when hungry
who said “eating like a pig”

but most naturally thin people aren't autists counting their calories, that's not reality.

They just have healthy eating habits and don't use food to cope with their emotions, they only eat small meals when hungry
Who said anything about naturally thin people? Fat asses need to count calories end of discussion

I lost over 100 pounds I know what I’m talking about

Your advice is great for people AFTER they lose the weight and want to stay thin, but fat asses in the middle of their fat assery need to get their shit under control in a calculated way first. Their “feeling hungry” is different to non-fat peoples’
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Who said anything about naturally thin people? Fat asses need to count calories end of discussion

I lost over 100 pounds I know what I’m talking about

Your advice is great for people AFTER they lose the weight and want to stay thin, but fat asses in the middle of their fat assery need to get their shit under control in a calculated way first. Their “feeling hungry” is different to non-fat peoples’
but they don’t

I lost weight without that autism, by moving my ass and not eating out of boredom or sadness
but they don’t

I lost weight without that autism, by moving my ass and not eating out of boredom or sadness
It’s retarded to call something so easy and effective “autism,” you’re coming across as a mouthbreather

You lucked out and managed to drool your way to weight loss, not everyone is an emotional eater, if you had been one of the other thousand types of fat ass out there you never would’ve lost weight, especially with your “only eat when hungry” method

The ONLY method that works for EVERY type of fat ass, instead of lucking your way into some niche type that happens to work for you, is getting an app on your phone and inputting what you eat to make sure you’re not going over your limit. No luck required, 100% guaranteed success.

AFTER you lose the weight you never have to count calories again, that’s when you get a feel for it, but if you’re a fat ass who just likes to eat and isn’t an emotional eater you’re not going to have a grasp on what the right portion sizes are yet.
It’s retarded to call something so easy and effective “autism,” you’re coming across as a mouthbreather

You lucked out and managed to drool your way to weight loss, not everyone is an emotional eater, if you had been one of the other thousand types of fat ass out there you never would’ve lost weight, especially with your “only eat when hungry” method

The ONLY method that works for EVERY type of fat ass, instead of lucking your way into some niche type that happens to work for you, is getting an app on your phone and inputting what you eat to make sure you’re not going over your limit. No luck required, 100% guaranteed success.

AFTER you lose the weight you never have to count calories again, that’s when you get a feel for it, but if you’re a fat ass who just likes to eat and isn’t an emotional eater you’re not going to have a grasp on what the right portion sizes are yet.
You are fat because your have emotional issues that make you eat like a pig, NO exceptions.

There are not different types of fatasses as you claim, unless they have thyroid issues.
You need to accept that the calorie counting dogma is just not the holy grail.

Exercise and not binging is far more effective
Have to lose a bit of fat, like 5kg maybe. Currently I don't have to work for a week (on work days I can follow my diet easily most of the time) and I just broke my diet, cause it felt as if I couldn't get fun out of any activities but eating. Gaming and watching series already got pretty boring after a just few days. Just need some ideas how to spend my time with the next few days without feeling overly depressed. Would have to be something that you can do alone though, cause atm I can't do anything involving social interaction

Also, is it maybe worth to try fasting for a few days? Maybe that experience will help me realize that my current diet is actually very easy to follow
How can you not feel good when you’re doing something that makes you better looking.

I will enjoy every moment i gotta puke my own blood after bimax.
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How can you not feel good when you’re doing something that makes you better looking.

I will enjoy every moment i gotta puke my own blood after bimax.
because he is a depressed wagecuck who wants to cope with food which he did all his life which is why he is fat to begin with?
You are fat because your have emotional issues that make you eat like a pig, NO exceptions.

There are not different types of fatasses as you claim, unless they have thyroid issues.
You need to accept that the calorie counting dogma is just not the holy grail.

I repeat: Autism.
Lol kid, you need to shut up.
I lost 100 pounds, I am 0% fat, I used to be fat
I was not an emotional eater, I liked to eat and grew up in a fat family where giant portions were the norm. Viewing the world in black and white, and being unable to empathize (read: understand that your own personal experiences are not universal and do not apply to everyone) are signs of legitimate autism, you’re projecting your autism onto everything else. I would bet money that you have an official diagnosis.

You got lucky, extremely lucky. You’re confusing that with skill or finding some works-for-everyone method. You tell the average fat ass “muh just go for a walk and only eat when you’re hungry! :)” is going to result in a guy who remains a fat ass forever (good for you trying to eliminate your competition, I personally haven’t ever had to stoop to that level, even when I was fat ;) )
It’s like winning the lottery and telling everybody to sell all their shit and enter the lottery because “it just works.”

I’m not going to talk to you anymore, you have nothing of value to add. @op, don’t listen to this guy, he wants you to stay fat forever.
  • JFL
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Lol kid, you need to shut up.
I lost 100 pounds, I am 0% fat, I used to be fat
I was not an emotional eater, I liked to eat and grew up in a fat family where giant portions were the norm. Viewing the world in black and white, and being unable to empathize (read: understand that your own personal experiences are not universal and do not apply to everyone) are signs of legitimate autism, you’re projecting your autism onto everything else. I would bet money that you have an official diagnosis.

You got lucky, extremely lucky. You’re confusing that with skill or finding some works-for-everyone method. You tell the average fat ass “muh just go for a walk and only eat when you’re hungry! :)” is going to result in a guy who remains a fat ass forever (good for you trying to eliminate your competition, I personally haven’t ever had to stoop to that level, even when I was fat ;) )
It’s like winning the lottery and telling everybody to sell all their shit and enter the lottery because “it just works.”

I’m not going to talk to you anymore, you have nothing of value to add. @op, don’t listen to this guy, he wants you to stay fat forever.
You're such a condescending faggot :lul:
You talk like a cultmember, thinking you know what works for everybody
Diet is cope, you will feel like shit and give up after a few days, you need to move at least 10k steps a day, get your metabolism up, and only eat whenever hungry, and eat slowly so you notice when youre satiated, Iisten to your body,

Movement is most important, you need to walk a lot.
Diet is ultimately more important, you can lose all that weight with minimum exercise so long you have a proper diet. After all, you can easily eat a thousand calories meanwhile burning 1000 calories isn´t near as easy.
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You're such a condescending faggot :lul:
You talk like a cultmember, thinking you know what works for everybody
I lied, I'm going to respond to you one more time, because I don't necessarily dislike you and you obviously need help:

here is an example of you admitting your own autism diagnosis
brutal that I called that even through the internet, can't even imagine what you're like irl ngl, typically autists are better online than in person. (Don't try to pretend it was a joke or anything, like I said I obviously called it well before I saw that post and no offense but it's obvious)

you have, unironically, one personality trait: projection
I looked through your posts, and it's basically ALL projection, even down to this very post (I'm not using projection in the meme sense or anything like that, you're literally projecting your own perspective onto everyone and every thing you encounter)
you suggest that I'm "behaving like a cult member, thinking I know what works for everybody" while YOU are the one suggesting a VERY niche, very specific type of method that involves you FEELING when you've had enough to eat (something that objectively can't work for everybody) is the one true universal method for weight loss, while also suggesting that everyone is fat specifically for the reasons YOU were fat, and that there are no other reasons that exist.

My advice to you: chill the fuck out with the projection. I understand that with autism it can be hard for you guys to put yourself into others' shoes, but I honestly think that if you really start TRYING, actively thinking about WHY you're thinking the way you do, and trying to separate your own experiences from the opinions you form on certain events, you could probably make real progress.
Obviously you'll always be non-nt, but surely you could at least fake it to some extent with a LOT of hyper awareness and focused, intentional practice.

I'm not insulting you anymore, I legitimately am trying to give you advice now, I'm being serious.
Wait a minute bitch. By me not agreeing with you you had to scour my profile for evidence against me and bring up shit having nothing to do with our argument?

I said what I said and there's lots of evidence how most people get and stay fat due to emotional problems.
I'm not making this up and CICO isn't the magical cure-all you claim it to be.

You bring this shit to a whole other level it doesn't belong. You don't win anything here.
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Move more and focus less on reducing calories too low (still reduce them ofcourse). Besides that Kratom, Benzodiazepines and a bunch of other potentially addictive drugs.
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Besides that Kratom, Benzodiazepines and a bunch of other potentially addictive drugs.
Just keep in mind they could increase appetite. Any "downer" does that to me
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who said “eating like a pig”

but most naturally thin people aren't autists counting their calories, that's not reality.

They just have healthy eating habits and don't use food to cope with their emotions, they only eat small meals when hungry
I am actually naturally pretty thin. I just want to lose a few lbs asap
diet coke or something like that
Move more and focus less on reducing calories too low (still reduce them ofcourse). Besides that Kratom, Benzodiazepines and a bunch of other potentially addictive drugs.
Or there actually some cheap drugs (needs to be cheap cause im saving up for surgery) that aren't too bad for your looks?
How can you not feel good when you’re doing something that makes you better looking.

I will enjoy every moment i gotta puke my own blood after bimax.
Probably just some kind of addiction to food. It's not too bad tbh, because it's not that much weight I need to lose and over time I would probably achieve that goal easily by just eating naturally, but I want to lose as fast as possible

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